
reboot(1)					  BIG-IP TMSH Manual					    reboot(1)

       reboot command - Reboots the system or boots the system into a different volume.

       All tmsh modules.

	  slot [ [slot number] | all ]
	  volume [name]

       You can use the command reboot to reboot the system or cluster. If you do not specify an option, the local
       system reboots.

       You can use the volume option to reboot a system into a specific volume. For a cluster, you can use the volume
       option to reboot all slots into the specified volume.

       Additionally, for a cluster, you can use the slot option to reboot either a specific slot or all slots. Note
       that the slot option does not modify the active volume.


       Immediately reboots the running image.

       reboot volume HD1.2

       If the volume HD1.2 has a complete image on it, the system (or cluster) reboots into that image immediately.
       However, if a software installation is in progress on the volume the system reboots as soon as the
       installation is complete.

       If the volume contains software that is not a version permitted by the license a warning will be displayed
       requiring the user to input Y/N with the Y standing for 'Yes', proceed with the reboot, or N for 'No', stop
       the reboot and return to the tmsh command line.

       slot [ [slot number] | all ]
	    Reboots either a specific slot or all slots in a cluster, without changing the active volume of the

	    This option is only available in a clustered environment.

	    Note: The slot and volume options are mutually exclusive.

	    Specifies the volume that you want to boot. The volume you specify becomes the default boot volume. You
	    cannot specify the active volume. In a clustered environment all slots reboot into the same volume.

	    Note: The slot and volume options are mutually exclusive.

       install, sys software hotfix, sys software image, sys software status, sys software volume, tmsh

       No part of this program may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
       mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems, for any purpose
       other than the purchaser's personal use, without the express written permission of F5 Networks, Inc.

       F5 Networks and BIG-IP (c) Copyright 2009-2012. All rights reserved.

BIG-IP						      2019-05-02					    reboot(1)