analytics network stale-rules

analytics network stale-rules(1)		  BIG-IP TMSH Manual		     analytics network stale-rules(1)

       stale-rules - Displays a network firewall stale rules report.

       analytics network

       Show an analytics network stale-rules report using the syntax shown in the following sections.

	show stale-rules type [ enforced | staged ]


	  drilldown {
		entity [ context | policy | rule-name ]
		  [value ...]
	    } ...

	  first-rule-number [ value ]
	  number-of-rules [ value ]
	  range [ date range ]

       Use this command to generate network firewall stale rules reports. A stale rule is one that has had not hits,
       or very few hits, over a specified time period.	The report is displayed in order from the least-hit rules
       (including rules with no hits) to the most hit rules.  You can generate a stale rules report for either
       enforced or staged rules.

       show analytics network stale-rules type enforced

	    Shows a stale rules report for enforced rules (either inline or not).

       show analytics network stale-rules type staged drilldown { { entity context values { /Common/virtual_server_1
       } } }

	    Shows a stale rules report for staged rules in the context of the virtual server /Common/virtual_server_1

       show analytics network stale-rules type enforced number-of-rules 100 range now-1w

	    Shows a stale rules report for enforced rules. 100 rules are shown in the report.  This report is shown
	    for the last week (including the last day).

       show analytics network stale-rules type enforced first-rule-number 10 number-of-rules 100 range now-1w

	    Shows a stale rules report for enforced rules. The first least hit 9 rules are skipped, and 100 rules are
	    shown in the report.  This report is shown for the last week (including the last day).

       show analytics network stale-rules type enforced first-rule-number 10 number-of-rules 100 range now-1d--now-1w

	    Shows a stale rules report for enforced rules. The first least hit 9 rules are skipped, and 100 rules are
	    shown in the report.  This report is shown for the last week, excluding the last day.

	    Specifies specific entities that are used as a filter.

	    Shows statistics in field format for the specified items.

	    Specifies the first rule number being displayed (rules are ordered by hit count in an ascending order).

	    Specifies the maximum number of firewall rules being displayed in the output result set. The default
	    value is 10.

	    Specifies the time/date range of the analytics information that you want to display. The given results
	    will reflect the time range chosen here. The default value is the last hour (now--now-1h).

       analytics, analytics report, security analytics settings, show, tmsh

       No part of this program may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
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       other than the purchaser's personal use, without the express written permission of F5 Networks, Inc.

       F5 Networks and BIG-IP (c) Copyright 2008-2013. All rights reserved.

BIG-IP						      2013-11-04		     analytics network stale-rules(1)