apm policy agent http-header-modify¶
apm policy agent http-header-modify(1) BIG-IP TMSH Manual apm policy agent http-header-modify(1) NAME http-header-modify - HTTP header and cookie manipulation agent for per-request access policy. MODULE apm policy agent SYNTAX Manipulate HTTP headers or cookies within the policy agent module using the syntax shown in the following sections. CREATE/MODIFY create http-header-modify [name] modify http-header-modify [name] options: app-service [[string] | none] cookie-entries [add | delete | modify | none | replace-all-with] { [name] { options: app-service [[string] | none] cookie-name [string] cookie-operation [cookie-delete | cookie-update] cookie-value [string] } } header-entries [add | delete | modify | none | replace-all-with] { [name] { options: app-service [[string] | none] header-delimiter [string] header-name [string] header-operation [header-append | header-insert | header-remove | header-replace] header-value [string] } } edit http-header-modify [ [ [name] | [glob] | [regex] ] ... ] options: all-properties non-default-properties DISPLAY list http-header-modify list http-header-modify [ [ [name] | [glob] | [regex] ] ... ] show running-config http-header-modify show running-config http-header-modify [ [ [name] | [glob] | [regex] ] ... ] options: all-properties app-service cookie-entries header-entries non-default-properties partition DELETE delete http-header-modify [name] DESCRIPTION You can use the http-header-modify component to create and manage a http-header-modify agent that manipulates the HTTP and Cookie headers. Operations supported for HTTP header include insert, append, replace and remove while for cookie only update and delete operations are available. Please note that this agent applies only to per-request access policy. EXAMPLES create http-header-modify MyProfile_act_http-header-modify_ag { cookie-entries { 0 { cookie-name PHPSESSID cookie-value 1234 } 1 { cookie-name mySession cookie-operation cookie-delete cookie-value 5678 } } header-entries { 0 { header-name Cache-Control header-value no-cache } 1 { header-delimiter ; header-name User-Agent header-operation header-append header-value "Mozilla/5.0" } 2 { header-name Pragma header-operation header-replace header-value no-store } 3 { header-name Pragma header-operation header-remove header-value no-cache } } } In above example, http-header-modify agent named MyProfile_act_http-header-modify_ag in partition Common and adds 2 cookie and 4 HTTP header entries. cookie entry 0 updates cookie value PHPSESSID to '1234' while entry 1 deletes when cookie value 'mySession=5678'. Header entries refer to various header operations. Entry 0 inserts header 'Cache-Control: 5678'. Entry 1 updates value of header User-Agent to include ';Mozilla/5.0'. Entry 2 replaces value of header Pragma by 'no-store'. Finally, 3 entry will remove header-value matching 'Pragma: no-cache' from HTTP headers. list http-header-modify Displays a list of http-header-modify agents. OPTIONS app-service Specifies the name of the application service to which the object belongs. The default value is none. Note: If the strict-updates option is enabled on the application service that owns the object, you cannot modify or delete the object. Only the application service can modify or delete the object. name Specifies the name of HTTP header modify agent. This setting is required. cookie-entries Specifies a list of entries specifying cookie header manipulations. cookie-name Specifies cookie name to match. This setting is required for cookie-entries. cookie-operation Specifies operation on the cookie name specified in cookie-name. Possible values include cookie- update and cookie-delete. cookie-update Update the cookie value in the cookie-name, cookie-value pair. This is the default cookie- operation. cookie-delete Delete the cookie that matches the cookie-name, cookie-value pair. cookie-value Specifies cookie value to be operated on. This is required for cookie-entries. header-entries Specifies a list of entries specifying HTTP header manipulations. header-delimiter Specifies delimiter character to use when header-operation is header-append. header-name Specifies HTTP header to match to be operated on. This setting is required for header-entries. header-operation Specifies operation on the HTTP header specified in header-name. Options include the following: header-append Append header-value to the value of HTTP header header-name delimited by header-delimiter. header-insert Insert HTTP header containing header-name, header-value pair. This is the default header- operation. header-remove Remove the HTTP header, value pair that matches the header-name, header-value pair. header-replace Replace value of HTTP header matching header-name by value header-value. header-value Specifies HTTP header value to be operated on. This is required for header-entries. partition Displays the partition within which the component resides. SEE ALSO tmsh COPYRIGHT No part of this program may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems, for any purpose other than the purchaser's personal use, without the express written permission of F5 Networks, Inc. F5 Networks and BIG-IP (c) Copyright 2013, 2015-2016. All rights reserved. BIG-IP 2016-03-14 apm policy agent http-header-modify(1)