apm resource remote-desktop vmware-view

apm resource remote-desktop vmware-view(1)	  BIG-IP TMSH Manual	   apm resource remote-desktop vmware-view(1)

       vmware-view - Configures a VMware View remote desktop resource configuration object.

       apm resource remote-desktop

       Configure the vmware-view component within the resource remote desktop module using the syntax shown in the
       following sections.

	create vmware-view [name]
	modify vmware-view [name]
	    app-service [[string] | none]
	    auto-logon [enabled | disabled]
	    customization-group [add | delete | modify | replace-all-with] {
	      [name] {
		  caption [[string] | none]
		  detailed-description [[string] | none]
	    description [[string] | none]
	    domain-source [session.logon.last.domain | none]
	    enable-serverside-ssl [enabled | disabled]
	    pool [pool name]
	    host [fqdn]
	    ip [ip address]
	    location-specific [true | false]
	    password-source [session.logon.last.password | none]
	    port [[string] | none]
	    username-source [session.logon.last.username | none]

	edit vmware-view [ [ [name] | [glob] | [regex] ] ... ]

	list vmware-view
	list vmware-view [ [ [name] | [glob] | [regex] ] ... ]
	show running-config vmware-view
	show running-config vmware-view [ [ [name] | [glob] | [regex] ] ... ]

	show vmware-view
	show vmware-view [name]

	delete vmware-view [name]

	You can use the B component to configure a VMware View remote desktop resource.

       create vmware-view myview { ip }
	    Creates a VMware View remote desktop resource named myview with the VMware View Connection server
	    specified as IP address

       create vmware-view myview { host myview.mycompany.com auto-logon enabled }
	    Creates a VMware View resource with the VMware View Connection server specified as hostname
	    myview.mycompany.com and auto-logon enabled with APM credentials (that user types on Logon Page).

       create vmware-view mview { pool /Common/myview-pool enable-serverside-ssl enabled }
	    Creates a VMware View resource with the VMware View Connection server(s) specified in pool named
	    /Common/myview-pool and SSL communication enabled to the server(s) (SSL should also be enabled on the
	    servers and APM virtual should have serverssl profile).

	    Specifies the name of the application service to which the object belongs. The default value is none.
	    Note: If the strict-updates option is enabled on the application service that owns the object, you cannot
	    modify or delete the object. Only the application service can modify or delete the object.

	    Enables or disables automatic log on to the VMware View Connection Server server. If you enable this
	    option, you must also provide values for the username-source, password-source, and domain-source options.
	    The default is disabled.

	    Specifies whether customization groups are applied to the VMware View resource. You can add, modify, or
	    delete customization groups. You can also replace all current customization groups with new customization
	    groups. The default is none.

	    Specifies a description for your VMware View remote desktop. The default is none.

	    Specifies the Session variable used as a source for the auto-logon user password. The default is

	    Enables or disables SSL capabilities between the BIG-IP system and the VMware View Connection server.
	    When enabled, the port number automatically changes to 443. The default is disabled.

       pool Specifies the pool name that contains your VMware View Connection server(s). You must use one of these
	    options to specify the server address: pool, host, or ip.

       host Specifies the hostname of your VMware View Connection server. You must use one of these options to
	    specify the server address: pool, host, or ip.

       ip   Specifies the IP address of your VMware View Connection server. You must use one of these options to
	    specify the server address: pool, host, or ip.

	    Specifies whether or not this object contains one or more attributes with values that are specific to the
	    location where the BIG-IP device resides. The location-specific attribute is either true or false. When
	    using policy sync, mark an object as location-specific to prevent errors that can occur when policies
	    reference objects, such as authentication servers, that are specific to a certain location.

	    Specifies an object name. This option is required; however, the parameter name is implicit and must not
	    be typed in the syntax.

	    Specifies the session variable that is used as a source for the auto-logon password. The default is

       port Specifies the port for your VMware View Connection server. The default is 80.

	    Specifies the session variable that is used as a source for the auto-logon user name. The default is

       citrix, rdp, quest

       No part of this program may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
       mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems, for any purpose
       other than the purchaser's personal use, without the express written permission of F5 Networks, Inc.

       F5 Networks and BIG-IP (c) Copyright 2011-2013. All rights reserved.

BIG-IP						      2013-06-11	   apm resource remote-desktop vmware-view(1)