auth remote-role

auth remote-role(1)				  BIG-IP TMSH Manual				  auth remote-role(1)

       remote-role - Creates remote role information in a file that an LDAP, Active Directory(r), RADIUS, or TACACS+
       server reads to determine the specific access rights to grant to groups of remotely-authenticated users.


       Configure the remote-role component within the auth module using the syntax shown in the following sections.

	modify remote-role
	  description [string]
	  role-info [add | delete | modify | replace-all-with] {
	   [group-name] {
	     attribute [string]
	     console [disabled | tmsh]
	     description [string]
	     deny [enabled | disabled]
	     line-order [integer]
	     role [acceleration-policy-editor | admin | fraud-protection-manager |
		   application-editor | auditor | certificate-manager |
		   firewall-manager | guest | irule-manager | manager |
		   no-access | operator | resource-admin | user-manager |
		   web-application-security-administrator |
		   web-application-security-editor | web-application-security-operations-administrator]
	     user-partition [all | Common | [name] ]
	     user-partition [%string]
	  role-info none

	list remote-role
	show running-config remote-role

       You cannot delete the remote-role defaults, you can only modify the values of the options.

       You can use the remote-role component to grant access to a specific group of remotely-authenticated users
       without creating a local user account on the BIG-IP(r) system for each user in the group.

       Users assigned the role of Administrator can modify remote roles. Users assigned all other roles can view
       remote roles.

       You can use the variable substitution feature to assign access rights for a group of remote users by
       specifying a text string variable that is preceded by a leading % character for the options attribute,
       console, role and user-partition. For example, if you define the remote role for the groups DC1 and DC2 as

	remote-role {
	 role info {
	   dc1 {
	     attribute "F5-LTM-User-Info-1=DC1"
	     console %F5-LTM-User-Console
	     line-order 1
	     role %F5-LTM-User-Role
	     user-partition %F5-LTM-User-Partition
	   dc2 {
	     attribute "F5-LTM-User-Info-1=DC2"
	     line-order 2

       The BIG-IP(r) system attempts to match the value of the attribute option, F5-LTM-User-Info-1=DC1, and then
       pulls the value of the console, role and user-partition options from the other variables.

       Note: If a variable includes an incorrect value, the system does not authorize the user. Additionally, if you
       have not defined the variables, as with the group DC2 above, the system authenticates the user with the
       following access rights:

       console = disabled
       role = none
       user-partition = none

       modify remote-role role-info add { my_managers { attribute
       "memberOF=cn=BigIPmanagerGroup,cn=users,dc=mydept,dc=mycompany,dc=com" console disabled line-order 1000 role
       100 user-partition all } }

       Configures a remote role, named my_managers, for LDAP authentication, by creating the 1000th line of the
       /config/bigip/auth/remoterole file, and granting the Manager role (100) in all partitions to the remote users
       assigned this role.

       modify remote-role role-info add { my_admins { attribute "NS-Admin-Privilege" console tmsh line-order 1000
       role 0 user-partition all } }

       Configures a remote role, named my_admins, for LDAP authentication, by creating the 2000th line of the
       /config/bigip/auth/remoterole file, and granting the Administrator role (0) in all partitions to the remote
       users assigned this role.

       modify remote-role role-info add { my_managers { attribute "manager_group=manager" console tmsh line-order
       3000 user-partition all } }

       Configures a remote role, named my_managers, for RADIUS or TACACS+ authentication, by creating the 3000th line
       of the /config/bigip/auth/remoterole file, and granting the Administrator role (0) in all partitions to the
       remote users assigned this role:

	    Specifies a user-defined description.

	    Configures the access rights for a specific group of remotely-authenticated users. You can configure the
	    following information for a role:

		 Specifies an attribute-value pair that an authentication server supplies to the BIG-IP system to
		 match against entries in /config/bigip/auth/remoterole. The specified pair typically identifies
		 users with access rights in common. This option is required.

		 Alternatively, you can use the variable substitution feature (described in the Description section
		 above), and specify a text string variable that is preceded by a leading % character.

		 Enables or disables console access for the specified group of remotely-authenticated users. The
		 default value is disabled.

		 When using variable substitution, as described in the Description section of this man page, the
		 variable for the console option must be: tmsh.

	    deny Enables or disables remote access for the specified group of remotely-authenticated users. The
		 default value is disabled.

		 Specifies a user-defined description.

		 Specifies the name of the remote role that you are configuring. This option is required.

		 Specifies the number of the first populated line in the file, /config/bigip/auth/remoterole. The
		 LDAP, Active Directory, RADIUS, and TACACS+ servers read this file line by line. The order of the
		 information is important; therefore, F5 Networks recommends that you set the first line at 1000.
		 This allows you, in the future, to insert lines before the first line. This option is required.

	    role Specifies the role that you want to grant to the specified group of remotely-authenticated users.
		 The default value is no-access. The available roles are:















		 When using variable substitution, as described in the Description section above, the variable for
		 the role option must evaluate to one of these values: 0 (admin), 20 (resource admin), 40 (user
		 manager), 80 (auditor), 100 (manager), 300 (application editor), 350 (advanced operator), 400
		 (operator), 450 (firewall manager), 500 (certificate manager), 510 (irule manager), 700 (guest), 800
		 (web application security administrator), 810 (web application security editor), 820 (web
		 application security operations administrator), 850 (acceleration policy editor), 900 (no-access).

		 Specifies the user partition to which you are assigning access to the specified group of remotely-
		 authenticated users. The default value is Common. This option is required.

		 Alternatively, you can use the variable substitution feature (described in the Description section
		 above) and specify a text string variable that is preceded by a leading % character.

       auth remote-user, auth user, list, modify, show, tmsh

       No part of this program may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
       mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems, for any purpose
       other than the purchaser's personal use, without the express written permission of F5 Networks, Inc.

       F5 Networks and BIG-IP (c) Copyright 2009-2011, 2013. All rights reserved.

BIG-IP						      2019-01-06				  auth remote-role(1)