ltm rule-profiler

ltm rule-profiler(1)				  BIG-IP TMSH Manual				 ltm rule-profiler(1)


       Configure the rule-profiler component within the ltm module using the syntax shown in the following sections.

	create rule-profiler [name]
	modify rule-profiler [ [name] ... ]

	list rule-profiler
	list rule-profiler  [ [ [name] | [glob] | [regex] ] ... ]

	delete rule-profiler [name]

   HELP  help rule-profiler
       You can use the rule-profiler component to configure execution tracing of iRules attached to virtual servers.
       A rule-profiler comprises a set of matching filters that help limit the profiling information output, a log
       publisher that directs the output to the intended destination and properties for controlling the state of the
       profiler and the amount of time the profiler will be active for.

       list rule-profiler

       Displays all iRule Profiler objects.

       delete rule-profiler my_profiler

       Deletes the iRule Profiler named my_profiler.

       rule-profiler my_profiler {
	   vs-filter { vs_test }
	   rule-filter { rl_http }
	   event-filter { HTTP_REQUEST }

	   period 1000
	   publisher my_tracer_pub
	   occ-mask 30
	   state disabled

       Creates an iRule Profiler named my_profiler.

       modify rule-profiler my_profiler state enabled

       Enables the rule-profiler causing matching profiling occurrences to be published by the publisher associated
       with the rule-profiler.

	    User defined description.

	    Specifies the period (in milliseconds) that a rule-profiler can be active for.  When set to 0, the
	    profiler is disabled. Default value is 0.

	    Specifies the state of the rule-profiler. When set to enabled and the profiler consequently started,
	    matching occurrence records are emitted via the configured log publisher.  Default value is disabled.

	    Start profiling. After this command, at the point of the first filter match, profiling and timer counting

       stop Stop profiling. After this command, the profiling stops.

	    Specifies the name of virtual server(s) for which occurrence records can be emitted. If this property is
	    left empty, all virtual servers will be considered a match. Default is empty list.

	    Specifies the name of iRule(s) for which occurrence records can be emitted. If this property is left
	    empty, all executing iRules will be considered a match. Default is empty list.

	    Specifies the name of iRule Events for which occurrence records can be emitted. If this property is left
	    empty, all iRule Events will be considered a match. Default is empty list.

	    Specifies the types of occurrences of interest to the user. This is a value set comprised by adding the
	    desired occurrence type. The types are defined as follows:

	    ·	 event

		 Specifies that profiling information is emitted at the entry point to the TCL subsystem, as close as
		 possible to the occurrence of the external event, and at completion of the execution, just before
		 the TCL subsystem returns to the LTM profile/filter code.

	    ·	 rule

		 Specifies that profiling information is emitted at the entry point to the execution of a single
		 iRule handler for the event, and once the TCL VM completes execution of the single event handler.
		 This bit is useful when there are multiple rules handling the same event.

	    ·	 rule-vm

		 Specifies that profiling information is emitted once the TCL VM is about to execute the byte code
		 for an iRule script, and once it completed executing the byte code.

	    ·	 cmd-vm

		 Specifies that profiling information is emitted when the TCL VM is beginning the internal setup
		 preceding the invocation of a TCL command (eg. HTTP::uri) and once the internal setup is being torn

	    ·	 cmd

		 Specifies that profiling information is emitted once the TCL VM is about to invocate a TCL command
		 (eg. HTTP::uri) and once the command execution completes.

	    ·	 var-mod

		 Specifies that profiling information is emitted when the TCL VM is changing the value of an iRule

	    ·	 bytecode

		 Specifies that profiling information is emitted when the TCL VM is executing a byte code

       create, delete, list, modify, tmsh

       No part of this program may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
       mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems, for any purpose
       other than the purchaser's personal use, without the express written permission of F5 Networks, Inc.

       F5 Networks and BIG-IP (c) Copyright 2008-2017. All rights reserved.

BIG-IP						      2017-05-12				 ltm rule-profiler(1)