net interface

net interface(1)				  BIG-IP TMSH Manual				     net interface(1)

       interface - Configures the parameters of interfaces.


       Configure the interface component within the net module using the syntax in the following sections.

	modify interface [name]
	    description [string]
	    [disabled | enabled]
	    flow-control (none |rx | tx | tx-rx)
	    force-gigabit-fiber [enabled | disabled]
	    forward-error-correction [enabled | disabled]
	    media [auto | 10baseT half | 10baseT full | 100baseTX half |
		  100baseTX full | 1000baseT half | 1000baseT full |
		  1000baseSX full | 1000baseLX full | 1000baseCX full |
		  10GbaseT full | 10GbaseSR full | 10GbaseLR full |
		  10GbaseER full | 10SFP+Cu full | 40GbaseSR4 full |
		  40GbaseLR4 full | no-phy]
	    media-fixed [auto | 10baseT half | 10baseT full |
			100baseTX half | 100baseTX full | 1000baseT half |
			1000baseT full | no-phy]
	    media-sfp [auto | 10baseT half | 10baseT full | 100baseTX half |
		      100baseTX full | 1000baseT half | 1000baseT full |
		      1000baseSX full | 1000baseLX full | 1000baseCX full |
		      10GbaseT full | 10GbaseSR full | 10GbaseLR full |
		      10GbaseER full  | 10SFP+Cu full | 40GbaseSR4 full |
		      40GbaseLR4 full | 100GbaseSR4 full | 100GbaseLR4 full |
		      none | no-phy]
	    port-fwd-mode [l3 | passive | virtual-wire]
	    prefer-port [fixed | sfp]
	    sflow {
		poll-interval [integer]
		poll-interval-global [no | yes]
	    stp [disabled | enabled]
	    stp-auto-edge-port [enabled | disabled]
	    stp-edge-port [false | true]
	    stp-link-type [auto | p2p | shared]
	    span-mode [false | true]
	    qinq-ethertype [string]
	    bundle [disabled | enabled | not-supported]
	    bundle-speed [100G | 40G | not-supported]

	edit interface [ [ [name] | [glob] | [regex] ] ... ]

	reset-stats interface
	reset-stats interface [ [ [name] | [glob] | [regex] ] ... ]

	list interface
	list interface [ [ [name] | [glob] | [regex] ] ... ]
	show running-config interface
	show running-config interface
	  [ [ [name] | [glob] | [regex] ] ... ]
	    (pending | not-pending)

	show interface
	show interface [ [ [name] | [glob] | [regex] ] ... ]
	    (default | exa | gig | kil | meg | peta | raw | tera | yotta | zetta)

       You can use the interface component to enable or disable an interface, and to display and set media options,
       duplex mode, and status for an interface. In addition, you can specify whether the interface participates in
       the spanning tree protocol (STP) configuration, and set per-interface STP parameters such as link type, edge
       port status, and automatic edge port detection.

       modify interface 1.1 enabled

       Enables the interface named 1.1.

       modify interface 1.2 disabled

       Disables the interface named 1.2.

       modify interface 1.1 1.2 1.3 stp disable

       Disables STP on the interfaces named 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3.

       modify interface 1.1 1.2 1.3 stp-auto-edge-port enabled

       Sets auto edge detection for STP on the interfaces named 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3.

       modify interface 1.1 1.2 1.3 stp-edge-port true

       Sets the edge port attribute for STP on the interfaces named 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3.

	    User defined description.

       [disabled | enabled]
	    Enables or disables the specified interface. The default value is enabled.

	    Specifies how the system controls the sending of PAUSE frames for flow control. The default value is tx-

	    none Disables flow control.

	    rx	 Specifies that the interface honors pause frames from its partner, but does not generate pause

	    tx	 Specifies that the interface ignores pause frames from its partner, and generates pause frames when

		 Specifies that the interface honors pause frames from its partner, and also generates pause frames
		 when necessary.

	    Enables or disables forcing of gigabit fiber media. If this is enabled for a gigabit fiber interface, the
	    media setting will be forced, and no auto-negotiation will be performed. If it is disabled, auto-
	    negotiation will be performed with just a single gigabit fiber option advertised.

	    Enables or disables IEEE 802.3bm Clause 91 Reed-Solomon Forward Error Correction (RS-FEC) on 100G
	    interfaces. This setting is not valid for LR4 media. This setting must be the same on both ends of the

       glob Displays the items that match the glob expression. See help glob for a description of glob expression

	    Displays the index assigned to this interface. It is a unique identifier assigned for all objects
	    displayed in the SNMP IF-MIB.

	    Displays the 6-byte ethernet address in not case-sensitive hexadecimal colon notation, for example,

	    Specifies the settings for the interface. The possible values are: 10baseT-full, 10baseT-half, 10GbaseER
	    full, 10GbaseLR-full, 10GbaseSR-full, 10GbaseT-full, 10SFP+Cu-full, 40GbaseSR4-full, 40GbaseLR4-full,
	    100baseTX-half, 100baseTX-full, 1000baseLX full, 1000baseCX-full, 1000baseT-full, 1000baseT-half,
	    1000baseSX-full, auto, and no-phy.

	    When you set the media option, the system automatically sets either the media-sfp or media-fixed option,
	    based on whether the interface supports small factor form pluggable (SFP) interfaces, or for combo ports
	    whether SFP is the preferred port.

	    Displays the current media setting for the interface.

	    Specifies the settings for a fixed (non-pluggable) interface. Use this option only with a combo port to
	    specify the media type for the fixed interface, when it is not the preferred port.

	    Displays the maximum media value for the interface.

	    Specifies the settings for an SFP (pluggable) interface. Note that you use this option only with a combo
	    port to specify the media type for the SFP interface, when it is not the preferred port.

	    Displays an optics module description about the interface. It is only available on a
	    SFP/SFP+/XFP/QSFP+/QSFP28 unit.

	    Displays the transmitter technology of the pluggable unit on an interface. It is only available on a
	    QSFP+/QSFP28 unit.

       mtu  Displays the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) of the interface, which is the maximum number of bytes in a
	    frame without IP fragmentation.

       name Specifies an interface name, for example 3.1, where 3 is the physical slot number holding the network
	    interface hardware and 1 is the physical port number of that interface on that hardware. Another example
	    is mgmt, the name given to the management interface.

	    Ensures that no changes are made to the mgmt interfaces when all is specified. This is especially
	    convenient when disabling all traffic interfaces using the disabled command.

       [pending | not-pending]
	    Pending indicates that the slot with which the interface is associated does not contain a blade. Not-
	    pending indicates that the slot with which the interface is associated is not a cluster member. The
	    default value is pending.

	    Specifies the port forwarding mode. The default value is l3.

	    The options are:

	    l3	 Specifies to use the l3 mode. This is the traditional mode of operation of BIGIP, wherein BIGIP
		 forwards traffic between 2 VLANs.

		 Specifies to use the passive mode. Use this mode to enable the BIGIP to process out of band traffic.
		 In this mode, the BIGIP assumes the received traffic is a copy of real inline traffic, and while it
		 processes it like regular traffic, traffic received on such an interface is never forwarded out.

		 Specifies to use the virtual-wire mode. Use this mode to enable the BIGIP to operate like a L2
		 switch - transparent to the neighboring devices. Packets received on a virtual-wire interface can
		 only be forwarded to another virtual-wire-configured interface. Such traffic retains the L2 header
		 and is forwarded to the same VLAN.

	    Indicates which side of a combo port the interface uses, if both sides of the port have the potential for
	    external links. The default value is sfp. Do not use this option for non-combo ports.

	    Displays the items that match the regular expression. The regular expression must be preceded by an at
	    sign (@[regular expression]) to indicate that the identifier is a regular expression. See help regex for
	    a description of regular expression syntax.

	    Specifies sFlow settings for the interface:

		 Specifies the maximum interval in seconds between two pollings. The default value is 0. To enable
		 this setting, you must also set the poll-interval-global setting to no.

		 Specifies whether the global interface poll-interval setting, which is available under sys sflow
		 global-settings module, overrides the object-level poll-interval setting. The default value is yes.

		 The available values are:

		 no   Specifies to use the object-level poll-interval setting.

		 yes  Specifies to use the global interface poll-interval setting.

		 Displays the serial number of the pluggable unit on an interface. It is only available on a
		 SFP/SFP+/XFP/QSFP+/QSFP28 unit.

	    stp  Enables or disables STP. If you disable STP, no STP, RSTP, or MSTP packets are transmitted or
		 received on the interface or trunk, and spanning tree has no control over forwarding or learning on
		 the port or the trunk. The default value is enabled.

		 Sets the STP automatic edge port detection for the interface. The default value is enabled. When STP
		 automatic edge port detection is set to enabled on an interface, the system monitors the interface
		 for incoming STP, RSTP, or MSTP packets. If no such packets are received for a sufficient period of
		 time (about three seconds), the interface is automatically given edge port status. When automatic
		 edge port detection is set to disabled on an interface, the system does not automatically give the
		 interface the edge port status. Any STP setting set on a per-interface basis applies to all spanning
		 tree instances.

		 Sets STP edge port detection. The default value is true.

		 Specifies the STP link type for the interface. The default value is auto.

		 The spanning tree system includes important optimizations that can only be used on point-to-point
		 links. That is, on links that connect just two bridges. If these optimizations are used on shared
		 links, incorrect or unstable behavior may result. By default, the implementation assumes that full-
		 duplex links are point-to-point and that half-duplex links are shared.

		 The options are:

		 auto Specifies that the system determines the spanning tree link type, which is based on the duplex

		 p2p  Specifies that the system uses the optimizations for point-to-point spanning tree links. Point-
		      to-point links connect only two spanning tree bridges.

		      Specifies that the system uses the optimizations for shared spanning tree links. Shared links
		      connect two or more spanning tree bridges.

		 Resets STP, which forces a migration check.

		 Specifies the ether-type value used for the packets handled on this port when it is a member in a
		 QinQ vlan.  The ether-type can be set to any string containing a valid hexadecimal 16 bits number,
		 or any of the well known ether-types: 0x8100, 0x9100, 0x88a8. Default value is set to 0x8100.

		 Sets the bundle capability on the port.

		 Sets the bundle-speed on the port when bundle capability is enabled.

	    Displays the index assigned to this interface. It is a unique identifier assigned for all objects
	    displayed in the SNMP IF-MIB.

	    Displays the name of the vendor of the pluggable unit on an interface. It is only available on a
	    SFP/SFP+/XFP/QSFP+/QSFP28 unit.

	    Displays the part number programmed by the vendor of the pluggable unit on an interface. It is only
	    available on a SFP/SFP+/XFP/QSFP+/QSFP28 unit.

	    Displays the vendor OUI of the pluggable unit on an interface. It is only available on a
	    SFP/SFP+/XFP/QSFP+/QSFP28 unit.

	    Displays the vendor revision of the pluggable unit on an interface. It is only available on a
	    SFP/SFP+/XFP/QSFP+QSFP28 unit.

       edit, glob, list, modify, regex, reset-stats, show, tmsh

       No part of this program may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
       mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems, for any purpose
       other than the purchaser's personal use, without the express written permission of F5 Networks, Inc.

       F5 Networks and BIG-IP (c) Copyright 2008-2013, 2016. All rights reserved.

BIG-IP						      2018-05-08				     net interface(1)