net timer-policy

net timer-policy(1)				  BIG-IP TMSH Manual				  net timer-policy(1)

       timer-policy - Configures the timer policy.


       Modify the timer policy component within the net module using the syntax shown in the following sections. A
       timer-policy is attached to a service-policy and applied either through an ACL rule or policy applied on a
       context. The list of supported contexts where a timer policy can be applied are: Virtual Server, SelfIP, Route
       Domain and Global. The precedence of the timer policy is as follows (highest precedence is 1):

       1. ACL rule configured on a Virtual Server or SelfIP
       2. Policy configured on a Virtual Server or SelfIP
       3. ACL rule configured on a Route Domain
       4. Policy configured on a Route Domain
       5. ACL rule configured through Global Rules
       6. Policy configured on Global Service Policy

       Note that within the same context, ACL rule based service policy takes first precedence. Among the different
       contexts, the order of precedence is as follows: Virtual Server, SelfIP, Route Domain, Global.

	create timer-policy [name]
	modify timer-policy [name]
	    description [string]
	    rules [add | delete | modify | replace-all-with] {
	      [ [rule name] ] {
		  description [string]
		  destination-ports [add | delete | replace-all-with] {
		     [ [port] | [port1-port2] ]
		  destination-ports none
		  ip-protocol [protocol name]
		  timers [add | delete | modify | replace-all-with] {
		     [ [flow timer type] ] {
			value [timeout]
		  timers none
	    rules none

	edit timer-policy [[name] | all]

	list timer-policy
	show running-config timer-policy

       You can use the timer-policy component to configure a shareable and reusable set of network timer policies
       which can be associated with a service policy object.

       create net timer-policy add idle-flow-policy { rules add { r1 { ip-protocol tcp destination-ports add { 80
       8080 } timers add { flow-idle-timeout { value 120 } } } r2 { ip-protocol udp destination-ports add { 7878 }
       timers add { flow-idle-timeout { value 300 } } } } }

	 list timer-policy
	 net timer-policy {
	     idle-flow-policy {
		 rules {
		     r1 {
			 ip-protocol tcp
			 destination-ports {
			     http { }
			     webcache { }
			 timers {
			     flow-idle-timeout {
				 value 120
		     r2 {
			 ip-protocol udp
			 destination-ports {
			     7878 { }
			 timers {
			     flow-idle-timeout {
				 value 300

       Creates timer policy rules to set specific timeout configuration for tcp ports 80 & 8080 traffic and another
       entry for protocol udp.

       Here is another example to illustrate the rule match behavior for policy with rules configured with
       'all-other' for destination-ports and ip-protocol. Consider a policy as listed below.

	 list timer-policy
	 net timer-policy {
	     flow-idle-policy {
		 rules {
		     r1 {
			 ip-protocol tcp
			 destination-ports {
			     all-other { }
			 timers {
			     flow-idle-timeout {
				 value 120
		     r2 {
			 ip-protocol udp
			 destination-ports {
			     9090 { }
			 timers {
			     flow-idle-timeout {
				 value 300
		     r3 {
			 ip-protocol all-other
			 destination-ports {
			     all-other { }
			 timers {
			     flow-idle-timeout {
				 value 40

       For an incoming flow:-
	   a) TCP, any port: Matches rule r1
	   b) UDP, port 1010: Matches no rule
	   c) ICMP: Matches rule r3

       For the above policy, since there is a specific UDP rule for port 9090, a UDP flow with port other than 9090
       will not match any rule. If the rule r2 were to be deleted, all UDP traffic will match against the 'all-other'
       ip-protocol rule r3.

       If the user would like to apply a specific timeout for UDP traffic with destination port being anything other
       than 9090, one can enter rule r4 to the above policy:

		    r4 {
			 ip-protocol udp
			 destination-ports {
			     all-other { }
			 timers {
			     flow-idle-timeout {
				 value 60

       modify timer-policy idle-flow-policy delete r1

       Removes the timer policy rule r1.

       list timer-policy

       Displays the current timer policy configuration list.

	    User defined description.

	    Adds, deletes, or replaces a named timer policy rule.

		 Specifies the IP protocol entry for which the timer policy rule is being configured. This could be a
		 layer-4 protocol (such as tcp, udp or sctp). Only flows matching the configured protocol will make
		 use of this rule. Press the  key for a full list of valid protocols. Keyword 'all-other' as an
		 ip-protocol entry means, if there are no specific ip-protocol rule that matches the flow, the flow
		 then matches the 'all-other' ip-protocol rule. Please see example above for rule match behavior.

		 Specifies the destination port or port range to match against the flow. Keyword 'all-other' as a
		 port entry means, if there are no specific port entry rules to match against the flow, the flow then
		 matches the 'all-other' port rule. For eg. if a policy consists of just two rules r1 and r2, with
		 the same protocol 'tcp' but destination port 80 for r1 and port 'all-other' for r2 configured, an
		 incoming flow with port 80 will match r1 and incoming flow with port 9090 will match r2. Without the
		 'all-other' port rule r2, incoming flow with port 9090 will not match any rule.

		 Specifies the flow timer configuration for the different timer types.

		      Specifies the timeout value in seconds.

       create, edit, list, modify, security firewall rule-list, security firewall policy, net service-policy, tmsh

       No part of this program may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
       mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems, for any purpose
       other than the purchaser's personal use, without the express written permission of F5 Networks, Inc.

       F5 Networks and BIG-IP (c) Copyright 2013-2016. All rights reserved.

BIG-IP						      2016-03-14				  net timer-policy(1)