pem sessiondb

pem sessiondb(1)				  BIG-IP TMSH Manual				     pem sessiondb(1)

       sessiondb - Displays, deletes, modifies, and reset-stats a PEM subscriber session record on the BIG-IP(r)


       You can use the sessiondb component to display session record on the BIG-IP system. Additionally, you can
       delete, reset-stats and modify a specified session record. The subscriber-id or session-ip or all and/or the
       filtering arguments can be specified as the query key. session-state must be specified in modify command.

       When specifying an IP address in show/delete/modify/reset-stats sessiondb session-ip commands, the route
       domain ID may be optionally included. The route domain ID follows the IP address and is separated by '%'.  For
       example, is an IP address in route domain 5.

       Note: show and reset-stats commands apply to both static and dynamic subscribers. Delete and modify commands
       only apply to dynamic subscribers. The session of static subscribers cannot be deleted. The session-state of
       static subscribers cannot be changed. To delete a static subscriber session you have to delete the static
       subscriber configuration in pem subscriber.

   SHOW command

       show sessiondb subscriber-id  []

       show sessiondb session-ip /[] []

       show all



       Used to display the session information.

       subscriber-id can either be the complete subscriber-id or a wildcard.

       session-ip be either the complete IP address, or a subnet, by specifying the prefix.

       all is used to display all the sessions. Due to existing limitations, some of the arguments cannot be used
       with the 'all' option. In this case, 'subscriber-id *' can be used.

       all-properties options enables the per-IP traffic statistics in case of sessions with multiple IP addresses.

       field-fmt option provides a structured output. This option is used for REST API compatibility.

       args is an optional list of arguments, which can contain the following-

       - filtering arguments: These specify the criteria for selecting sessions to display. The filtering arguments
       can be one or more of the following
	    . imsi
	    . imeisv
	    . calling-station-id
	    . called-station-id
	    . user-name
	    . session-origin
	    . session-state
	    . device-name
	    . device-os
	    . user-location-info
		 This can either be the user location as a hex string, or the location info broken down into
		 individual fields as name value pairs. The values can be combined using '&' or '|' and can have only
		 one of the operators, not both. The key value pairs allowed are as follows ( 'D' stands for a
		 decimal value and 'H' for hex digit) -

		      - type=[CGI | SAI | RAI | TAI | TAI+ECGI] - mcc=DD[D] - mnc=DD[D] - lac=[0x]HHHH - ci=[0x]HHHH
		      - sac=[0x]HHHH - rac=[0x]HHHH - tac=[0x]HHHH - eci=[0x]HHHHHHH

		 For e.g.

		      user-location-info 0x1234567 user-location-info type=CGI&mcc=123 user-location-info

		 This is not allowed -

		      user-location-info type=CGI&mcc=123|mcc=456

	    . attr
		 This is the list of custom attribute key-value pairs. Multiple attributes can be combined with
		 either '&' or '|'. (cannot have a mix of '&' and '|' operators). There can be a maximum of 30 custom

	    . policy
		 List of policy names. This can again be combined using the '&' or '|' operators. There can be
		 maximum of 30 policies.

	    . blade
	    . tmm
       - include-deleted: This specifies whether to include sessions marked for deletion in the output.
       - view-mode: This specifies the format of the output and can be one of extended, table or count. The extended
       view mode is the default and gives a formatted output of all the session attributes and flow statistics. In
       the table mode, the user can select the information to be displayed by selecting the list of columns. In this
       mode, the 'columns' argument HAS to be specified containing the list of columns to display. Column names
       should be separated by ':' and should be from the following list -
		 . subscriber_id

		 . tmm_number

		 . blade_number

		 . session_state_str

		 . session_origin_str

		 . ppe_session_id

		 . qpe_session_id

		 . imsi

		 . imeisv

		 . called_station_id

		 . calling_station_id

		 . user_name

		 . device_name

		 . device_os

		 . tower_id

		 . ip_info.ip_address

		 . policy_info.policy_name

		 . any custom attribute e.g. _sys_attr_3gpp_rat_type.

	    Any unknown column name is considered to be a custom attribute name.

	    If the view-mode is set to count, then only a count of the number of sessions matching the specified
	    criteria is displayed.

       - max-count: This is used to specify an upper limit on the number of matching sessions to be considered for
       the command.
       - resume-from: This argument is used to get a page-by-page listing of the sessions, and can be used only with
       the field-fmt option.

   DELETE command

       delete sessiondb subscriber-id  []

       delete session-ip [ip address>/[] []

       delete all


       Used to delete sessions.

       The optional arguments here can specify the filtering arguments, as explained in the show command above.

       All the sessions matching the criteria are deleted.

   MODIFY command

       modify sessiondb subscriber-id  [] session-state [marked-for-deletion | not-provisioned |
       provisioned | provisioning-pending ]

       modify session-ip [ip address>/[] [] session-state [marked-for-deletion | not-provisioned |
       provisioned | provisioning-pending ]


       Used to modify the session state.

       The optional arguments here can specify the filtering arguments, as explained in the show command above.

       The state of all the matching sessions are modified to the value specified.


       Specifies the new subscriber session state.

       The options are:

	    Specifies that the subscriber session should be scheduled for deletion.

	    Specifies that the subscriber session state should be marked as provisioned, regardless of whether the
	    policies have been assigned or not. The unknown subscriber policies are not applied to the subscriber
	    flows, even if no subscriber policies are provisioned.

	    Specifies that the subscriber session state should be marked as not-provisioned. No further attempts to
	    provision the session are made. The unknown subscriber policies are applied to the subscriber flows.

	    Specifies that the subscriber session state should be marked as being in the process of provisioning.
	    This will trigger a session provisioning request (e.g. Gy CCR request) immediately. If no response is
	    received, or the provisioning process fails for any reason, another request will be sent after the retry
	    timeout, until the session is provisioned successfully, or the number of retries is reached.

   RESET-STATS command

       reset-stats sessiondb subscriber-id  []

       reset-stats session-ip [ip address>/[] []

       reset-stats all


       Used to reset the session statistics.

       The optional arguments here can specify the filtering arguments, as explained in the show command above.

       The statistics for all the sessions matching the criteria are reset.

	    show sessiondb subscriber-id 4085551212

	    Displays the session record of subscriber id 4085551212.

	    show sessiondb subscriber-id 408*

	    Displays the session record of all subscribers with id beginning with '408'.

	    show sessiondb subscriber-id *

	    Displays the session records of all subscribers.

	    show sessiondb session-ip

	    Displays the session record of session ip address

	    show sessiondb session-ip

	    Displays the session record of session ip address in route domain 5.

	    show sessiondb session-ip

	    Displays the session records of session ip addresses in the subnet.

	    show sessiondb subscriber-id 4085551212 all-properties

	    Displays the session record of subscriber id 4085551212, and statistics for each IP.

	    show sessiondb session-ip all-properties

	    Displays the session record of session ip address, and statistics for each IP.

	    show sessiondb session-ip view-mode count

	    Displays the count of the number of session records with session ip address in the subnet.

	    show sessiondb subscriber-id 408* session-state provisioned

	    Displays the count of the number of sessions whose id begins with '408' and are in the provisioned state.

	    delete sessiondb subscriber-id 4085551212

	    Deletes the session record of subscriber id 4085551212.

	    delete sessiondb session-ip

	    Deletes the session record of IP address

	    delete sessiondb session-ip

	    Deletes the session record of IP address in route domain 5.

	    delete sessiondb session-ip session-state provisioning-pending

	    Deletes all sessions that are in the provision pending state.

	    reset-stats sessiondb subscriber-id 4085551212

	    Reset the session statistics of subscriber id 4085551212. Flows Current specifies the active flows and it
	    cannot be reset.

	    modify sessiondb subscriber-id 4085551212 session-state provisioned

	    Modifies the session state of subscriber id 4085551212 to provisioned.

	    modify sessiondb subscriber-id 408* session-state provisioned

	    Modifies the session state of sessions with subscriber id starting with 408 to state provisioned.

       delete, modify, reset-stats, show, tmsh

       No part of this program may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
       mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems, for any purpose
       other than the purchaser's personal use, without the express written permission of F5 Networks, Inc.

       F5 Networks and BIG-IP (c) Copyright 2009-2014, 2016. All rights reserved.

BIG-IP						      2016-03-14				     pem sessiondb(1)