security firewall config-change-log

security firewall config-change-log(1)		  BIG-IP TMSH Manual	       security firewall config-change-log(1)

       config-change-log - Configures firewall configuration change log setting.

       security firewall

       Modify the config-change-log component within the security firewall module using the syntax shown in the
       following sections.

	modify config-change-log log-changes [automatic | on | off]

	modify config-change-log log-publisher [none | [name]]

	list config-change-log
	show running-config config-change-log

       You can use the config-change-log component to configure if changes to the firewall rules should be logged or
       not. The default is to automatically determine if log is needed based on the mode of the on-demand-
       compilation. If the mode of the on-demand-compilation is 'enabled', the changes will be logged. If change log
       is enabled, a publisher need to be configured too.

	modify config-change-log log-changes on log-publisher local-db-publisher

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       other than the purchaser's personal use, without the express written permission of F5 Networks, Inc.

       F5 Networks and BIG-IP (c) Copyright 2014. All rights reserved.

BIG-IP						      2014-09-16	       security firewall config-change-log(1)