security ip-intelligence info

security ip-intelligence info(1)		  BIG-IP TMSH Manual		     security ip-intelligence info(1)

       info - Query IP Intelligence information about specified IP Address, GEO location or FQDN.

       security ip-intelligence

       Use the info component within the security ip-intelligence module to query IP Intelligence information about
       the IP address, GEO location or FQDN using the following syntax.

	show info address [IP address]
		  fqdn [FQDN name]
		  geo [GEO_country[:GEO_region]]
	    virtual-server [name]
	    route-domain [name]

       You can use the info component to query IP Intelligence information about an IP Address, a GEO location, or a
       FQDN using IP Intelligence policy attached to the selected context. Global context is the default when the
       command is used without options. To select the virtual server or the route domain context use virtual-server
       or route-domain option. Only one option can be used. If the specified parameter (IP Address, GEO location or
       FQDN) is listed in any of the DWBL (Dynamic White/Black List) feeds used by the selected IP Intelligence
       policy the query shows the list of categories and policy action (drop or allow) for the address. If the policy
       is configured to query legacy IP Reputation database, that information is also used in the query.

       show info address

       Query IP Intelligence information for IP address using global IP Intelligence policy.

       show info address virtual-server /Commmon/vs

       Query IP Intelligence information for IP address using IP Intelligence policy configured for
       virtual server /Commmon/vs.

       show info address fqdn { }

       Query IP Intelligence information for FQDN using global IP Intelligence policy.

       show info address geo { US }

       Query IP Intelligence information for United States using global IP Intelligence policy.

       show info address geo { US:California }

       Query IP Intelligence information for California, United States using global IP Intelligence policy.

	    Specifies the name of the virtual server configured with IP Intelligence policy to use in the query. This
	    option cannot be used with the route-domain option.

	    Specifies the name of the route domain configured with IP Intelligence policy to use in the query. This
	    option cannot be used with the virtual-server option.

       security ip-intelligence feed-list, security ip-intelligence policy, tmsh, ltm virtual, net route-domain

       No part of this program may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
       mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems, for any purpose
       other than the purchaser's personal use, without the express written permission of F5 Networks, Inc.

       F5 Networks and BIG-IP (c) Copyright 2008, 2012-2018. All rights reserved.

BIG-IP						      2018-09-20		     security ip-intelligence info(1)