sys failover

sys failover(1) 				  BIG-IP TMSH Manual				      sys failover(1)

       failover -  Configures failover for a BIG-IP(r) unit in a redundant system configuration.


       Change the failover state within the sys module using the syntax in the following section.

	run failover
	     device [string]
	     traffic-group [[string] | default | non-default | none]

	show failover

       Failover is the process where a standby unit in a redundant system configuration takes over when a software or
       hardware failure is detected on the active unit.

       run failover standby

       Causes the active unit or cluster to go into the standby state forcing the other unit or cluster in the
       redundant system configuration to become active.

       run failover offline

       Causes the active unit or cluster to go into the Forced Offline state.

       run failover online

       Changes the status of a unit or cluster from Forced Offline to either Active or Standby, depending upon the
       status of the other unit or cluster in a redundant system configuration.

       show failover

       Displays the failover state of the BIG-IP system (active, standby, offline, forced_offline) and how long it
       has been in that state.

       run failover standby device my_bigip

       Specifies that the my_bigip device should become the active device for all traffic groups currently active on
       this device.

       run failover standby traffic-group traffic_grp01

       Specifies that the traffic group named traffic_grp01 should fail over to the Standby state. The traffic group
       will then become Active on another device.

       run sys failover offline no-persist

       Changes the status of a unit to Forced Offline and indicates that the change will not be persisted after a
       system restart.

       run sys failover offline persist

       Changes the status of a unit to Forced Offline and indicates that the change will be persisted after a system

       Use these options to control failover of the system:

	    Specifies the device that should next become the active device for the specified traffic group or all
	    traffic groups (if a traffic group is not specified). This option may only be specified with the standby

	    Does not persist the change in status of a unit. The option is valid only with the offline state.

	    Changes the status of a unit or cluster to Forced Offline. If persist or no-persist options are not
	    specified, the default action is to persist the offline status of the unit between system restarts.

	    Changes the status of a unit or cluster from Forced Offline to either Active or Standby, depending upon
	    the status of the other unit or cluster in a redundant system configuration.

	    Persists the change in status of a unit. The option is valid only with the offline state.

	    Specifies that the active unit or cluster fails over to a Standby state, causing the standby unit or
	    cluster to become Active.

	    Specifies the traffic-group that should fail over to the Standby state, the traffic-group will become
	    Active on another device. This option may only be specified with the standby option.

       Use this option to display the failover cable status of the system:

	    Displays the status that the failover daemon detects on the serial cable from its failover peer. It also
	    shows what the failover peer detects on the serial cable. An active BIG-IP system will see a zero from
	    its failover peer. A standby BIG-IP system will see a one from its failover peer.

       run, tmsh

       No part of this program may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
       mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems, for any purpose
       other than the purchaser's personal use, without the express written permission of F5 Networks, Inc.

       F5 Networks and BIG-IP (c) Copyright 2009-2013, 2016. All rights reserved.

BIG-IP						      2017-03-13				      sys failover(1)