sys ha-group

sys ha-group(1) 				  BIG-IP TMSH Manual				      sys ha-group(1)

       ha-group - Configures the high availability (HA) scoring mechanism for a unit in a traffic group of BIG-IP(r)


       Configure the ha-group component within the sys module using the following syntax.

	create ha-group [name]
	modify ha-group [name]
	   active-bonus [integer]
	   app-service [[string] | none]
	   clusters none
	   clusters [add | delete | modify | replace-all-with] {
	     [name] {
	       app-service [[string] | none]
	       attribute percent-up-members
	       threshold [integer]
	       minimum-threshold [integer]
	       sufficient threshold [integer | all]
	       weight [integer]
	   description [string]
	   [disabled | enabled]
	   pools none
	   pools [add | delete | modify | replace-all-with] {
	     [name] {
	       app-service [[string] | none]
	       attribute percent-up-members
	       threshold [integer]
	       minimum-threshold [integer]
	       sufficient threshold [integer]
	       weight [integer]
	   trunks none
	   trunks [add | delete | modify | replace-all-with] {
	     [name] {
	       app-service [[string] | none]
	       attribute percent-up-members
	       threshold [integer]
	       minimum-threshold [integer]
	       sufficient threshold [integer]
	       weight [integer]

	list ha-group
	list ha-group [name]

	delete ha-group [name]

       You can use the ha-group component to configure a high availability (HA) group that determines the HA scoring
       mechanism for a unit in a traffic group. This mechanism compares the relative health of the two or more units
       in the traffic group and the system with the highest score becomes the active unit. Note Use the attribute ha-
       group of the traffic group to make the association.

       create ha-group group1 pools add { ftp_pool { attribute percent-up-members weight 70 } }

       Creates a HA group, named group1, that includes the pool named ftp_pool, and uses the attribute percent-up-
       members and a weight of 70 to determine the HA score for a unit in a traffic group.

       list ha-group group1

       Displays the configuration of the HA group, group1.

	    Specifies a number to add to the unit's HA score when the unit is active. This option ensures that the
	    state of a unit is dependent upon the history of its state. The default value is 10 (ten). The range is 0
	    - 100.

	    Specifies the name of the application service to which the object belongs. The default value is none.
	    Note: If the strict-updates option is enabled on the application service that owns the object, you cannot
	    modify or delete the object. Only the application service can modify or delete the object.

	    Specifies an attribute of the component that you want to use for the HA scoring mechanism. Percent-up-
	    members is the only available attribute for HA scoring for the clusters, pools, and trunks options.

	    Specifies the clusters that you want to configure for the HA group. You can only configure a cluster on a

	    User defined description.

       [disabled | enabled]
	    Enables or disables the HA group in the HA table. The default value is enabled.

       name Specifies the name of the component that you want to configure. This option is required when you create,
	    modify, or delete a HA group. This option is also required when you configure clusters, pools, or trunks
	    for the HA group.

	    Specifies the pools that you want to configure for the HA group.

	    Deprecated. Use minimum-threshold instead.

	    Specifies the minimum number of up interfaces in a trunk, up pool members in a pool, or up cluster
	    members in a cluster below which the specified component does not contribute to the HA score for the
	    unit.  The default value is 0 (zero), which indicates this option is disabled. The value may not exceed
	    the number of members of the trunk, pool, or cluster.

	    Specifies the sufficient number of up interfaces in a trunk, up pool members in a pool, or up cluster
	    members in a cluster above which the specified component is considered at 100% for its contribution to
	    the HA score for the unit.	The default value is all (or 0). The value may not exceed the number of
	    members of the trunk, pool, or cluster.

	    Specifies the trunks that you want to configure for the HA group.

	    The value of this option is multiplied by the percent of up cluster, pool, or trunk members, and is added
	    to the HA score. The default value is 10. The range is 10 - 100.

       create, delete, list, modify, tmsh

       No part of this program may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
       mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems, for any purpose
       other than the purchaser's personal use, without the express written permission of F5 Networks, Inc.

       F5 Networks and BIG-IP (c) Copyright 2009-2010, 2012-2013, 2016. All rights reserved.

BIG-IP						      2016-04-08				      sys ha-group(1)