Virtual Server Status

Test Disabled Virtual Servers

In this task, you will disable and enable various virtual servers and note the behavior.

Disable www_vs from the Virtual Server List or from within the www_vs GUI interface.

Open Local Traffic > Virtual Servers and hover over status icons.

From window2 (TMSH) type:

show ltm virtual
show ltm virtual www_vs

Q1. What is the Availability of www_vs ? What is the state?

Q2. What symbol is used to represent www_vs status?

Q3. Would you expect browsing to to work?

Q4. Can you ping the virtual IP?

Clear virtual server stats and browse to

Observe the tcpdump (window1) and connection statistics in the Virtual Server statics GUI interface.

Q5. Did the site work? What did the tcpdump show?

Q6. Did statistics counters for any virtual increment?

Q7. Why do you think the wildcard_vs didn’t pick up the packets?

Disable wildcard_vs and note the State and Availability of the virtual servers.

Q8. What symbol is used to represent wildcard_vs? Why is the symbol a square?

Q9. What is the Reason given for current state?

Establish ftp connection to and ensure successful login:

Username: root
Password: default

Disable ftp_vs.

Q10. Does ftp session still work? Why?

Open another window and establish ftp connection to

Q11. Did new ftp session establish connection? Why not?


Make sure all virtual servers are Enabled before continuing.

Virtual Server Connection Limits and Status

In this task, you will set the connection limit for the FTP virtual server to 1 and note the status and behavior of different connection scenarios.


K8457: Connection limits for a CMP system are enforced per TMM instance states that connection limits should not be lower than the number of TMM instances on a BIG-IP or you may get unpredicitable results. The UDF BIG-IPs have 4 vCPU and therefore 4 TMMs. When we set the connection limit to 1 on the virtual server we may get up to 2 connections before the connection limit is reached.

Modify ftp_vs for connection limit of 1. The Connection Limit option can be found under the Advanced virtual server menus.

Establish ftp connection to and hold the logon open.

Q1. Does FTP session work?

Q2. What is the virtual server symbol and status of ftp_vs?

Open 2 more windows and establish a second and third ftp connection to

Q3. Did new ftp session establish connection? Why not?

Q4. Did tcpdump capture a connection reset?

Q5. Quit all FTP sessions and note ftp_vs status.