iApps and Analytics

iApps is barely mentioned in the 201 blueprint and analytics not at all, but they were in the previous 201 and I decided to put them under the challenge labs for your edification and enjoyment. And just in case there are a question or two on them.

Create an iApps and add Analytics

As you saw in the first lab, Application Visibility and Reporting has already been provisioned. You are going to create an analytics profile and attach it to an HTTP iApp application you will create.

Open Local Traffic > Profiles > Analytics page.

Create an analytics profile checking the following boxes to obtain the desired information, and then click Finished.

Profile Name custom_analytics
Collected Metrics



Page Load Time

Collected Entities



Client IP Addresses

Client Subnets

Response Codes

User Agents


Go to iApps > Application Services and select Create.

Select the f5.http template, name it iapp_lab and review the Basic selections.

In the Template Options section set the configuration mode to Advanced - Configure advanced options.

Build the iApp using the following information:

Virtual Server IP
Virtual Server Port 80
FQDN iapp.f5demo.com
Pool member 1
Pool member 2
Analytics Profile custom_analytics

Review the status and components built by the iApp.

From a couple of Chromium Incognito windows go to and refresh the page several times and the select the following links from the page on each browser.

Request and Response Headers Allowed (review the request and response headers)

Multiple Stream Example

Q1. Did both pool members respond? Why?

Go to Statistics > Analytics > HTTP and review the information.


It may take up to 10 minutes for Analytic statistics to be available.

Q2. Can you determine which page took the longest to load?

Go to Local Traffic > Pools and attempt to add to the iapp_lab_pool.

O3. Could you add the pool member? Why?