Module 3 – Administering the System Configuration

Performance Statistics

Observing performance statistics

Q1. What is the longest time interval available for performance statistics?

30 Days

Self IP Port Lockdown

Q1. Was echo response received?

Ping reply successful

Q2. Was ssh successful? Why not?

No. Port lockdown set to Allow None by default

Q3. Did SSH work? Did browsing work?


Q4. What other ports are opened when you select Allow Defaults.
igmp:0 ospf:0 pim:0 tcp:161 tcp:22 tcp:4353 tcp:443 tcp:53 udp:1026 udp:161 udp:4353 udp:520 udp:53

Q5. Did SSH work? Did browsing work?

SSH worked, browsing (TMUI access) was blocked.

Q6. Does existing SSH window still work?


Q7. Was new ssh session established?


System Configuration

No questions in this section.

UCS (BIG-IP Archive) and Support

Create UCS Archive Files

Q1. What extension must Archive have?


Q2. What is the default location for ucs files?


Q3. What is command for loading ucs file?

load /sys ucs <path to UCS>

load /sys ucs <path to UCS> no-license - This will not restore the license file

Q4. What issues will occur by restoring ucs file on RMA device?

Licensing and device cert keys must be updated.

Support - Qkview and iHealth

Q1. Are logs associated with qkview?


Q2. Where is default filename and location of qkview output?


Q3. Where is the default filename and location of core dump?


Q4. What is Severity and Condition for unit failure in active/standby pair?

Severity 2, Site at Risk

Q5. If support case was opened online with Severity 4 and no call has been received in a week. What should you do?

Call support, reference open case and ask to escalate. This may require Duty Manager approval.

Q6. What is the procedure to escalate support case?

Call support, reference open case and ask to escalate. This may require Duty Manager approval.

Maintaining the Device Service Cluster (DSC)

No questions in this section.