Lab 1 - Deploy the CE on K8s

  1. Go to the UDF deployment click Components on the MicroK8s component click Access. A drop down will open, click WEB SHELL, a new tab will shell access will open.

  2. Find K8s configuration for our application. In order to achive this run the bellow commands.

    su ubuntu
    cd /home/ubuntu/cek8s
    sed -i 's/<cluster name>/$$cek8s$$/' ce_k8s.yml
    kubectl apply -f ce_k8s.yml
  3. Since this is a new CE we will need to approve on the F5 XC console.

    Go to Multi-Cloud Network Connect -> Site Management -> Registrations .

    You will see in the Pending Registrations multiple CE entries that need to be approved.

    On the line respective to the Cluster Name $$cek8s$$ click the V and after that Save and Exit.

    This will approve and trigger the initialization of the CE.

  1. The initialization process takes around 10 minutes.

    We can observe the status by going to Multi-Cloud Network Connect -> Overview -> Sites.

    Once the health score of $$cek8s$$ will reach 100% the CE will be fully operational.