F5 XC EMEA Workshop > Class 5 - F5 XC K8s > Customer Edge on K8s Source |
Lab 2 - Expose the application to the world¶
Just like the previous parts of the lab we need again to publish the app to the world but this time through the Kubernetes Ingress CE.
Next we need to create the Origin Pools which will point to our new app services.
Go to Multi-Cloud App Connect -> Manage -> Load Balancers -> Origin Pools
We will need to create 5 Origin Pools each represeting the services that need to be accessed by users, create the Origin Pools based on the bellow data.
Click Add Origin Pool
Object Value Name arcadia-frontend-cek8s Port 80 Health Checks Click Add Item -> In the new dropdown choose $$namespace$$/arcadia-hc Under Origin Servers click Add Item -> Fill the bellow data -> Apply -> Save and Exit
Object Value Select Type of Origin Server K8s Service Name of Origin Server on given Sites Service Name arcadia-frontend.arcadiacrypto Site system/$$cek8s$$ Select Network on the site vK8s Networks on Site Repeat steps a and b for the other application services, the only thing that needs to be changed is the Name and Service Name.
The additional services are:
Name Service Name arcadia-login-cek8s arcadia-login.arcadiacrypto arcadia-stock-transaction-cek8s arcadia-stock-transaction.arcadiacrypto arcadia-stocks-cek8s arcadia-stocks.arcadiacrypto arcadia-users-cek8s arcadia-users.arcadiacrypto
The last step will be to configure the HTTP Load Balancer that will enable to expose through the F5 XC platform the Kubernetes internal application.
Go to Multi-Cloud App Connect -> Manage -> Load Balancers -> HTTP Load Balancers -> Add HTTP Load Balancer -> Fill the bellow data
Object Value Name arcadia-ce-cek8s-lb Domains arcadia-ce-cek8s-$$makeId$$.workshop.emea.f5se.com Load Balancer Type HTTP Automatically Manage DNS Records Enable Origin Pools Click Add Item, for the Origin Pool select $$namespace$$/arcadia-frontend-cek8s -> Apply On the same page go to Routes and click Configure -> Repeat this 4 times for each service ( Add Item -> Fill in the bellow -> Apply )
Prefix Origin Pools /v1/login $$namespace$$/arcadia-login-cek8s /v1/stockt $$namespace$$/arcadia-stock-transaction-cek8s /v1/stock/ $$namespace$$/arcadia-stocks-cek8s /v1/user $$namespace$$/arcadia-users-cek8s We are almost done, click Apply -> Save and Exit
- All is done our application is published. Let’s check that all is working well.
Browse to arcadia-ce-cek8s-$$makeId$$.workshop.emea.f5se.com and login to the app.
Object Value Username satoshi@bitcoin.com Password bitcoin Click on the Exchange tab on the left and go buy or sell some crypto currency.