Deploy Consul Data Center BIG-IP and Backend application

cd terraform/

Generate a random password for your F5 BIG-IP instance.


Use the terraform.tfvars.example template file to create a terraform.tfvars file. The example file is in the terraform folder.

cp terraform.tfvars.example terraform.tfvars

Edit file terraform.tfvars to specify a prefix for the resources being created and an IP address to access the environment once deployed.

nano terraform.tfvars

prefix = “your-prefix” —> This can be your initials

Then Save file and come out of Nano editor by pressing Control O –> Save –> Control X

Once the configuration is complete, you can deploy the infrastructure with Terraform.

First, initialize Terraform.

terraform init

Note: If terraform init fails with Error: Failed to install provider issue the command again.

Then, use terraform plan to check the resources that are going to be created.

terraform plan

You will see below 30 resources plan to be configured:


Plan: 30 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.


Finally, apply the changes.

terraform apply -auto-approve

Now you can see below 30 resources were configured:


Apply complete! Resources: 30 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


Consul_UI =
F5_IP =
F5_Password = L5l81KPsxv
F5_UI =
F5_Username = admin
F5_ssh = ssh -i terraform-20210803123725302700000001.pem admin@

  • The final part of the Terraform output provides you with the information to access your infrastructure. You can access your Consul datacenter UI using the address specified by the Consul_UI value.
UDF Access