Device trust certificate file management
REST Endpoints
- Collection URI
- Collection Methods
- Resource URI
/mgmt/tm/cm/cert/~resource id
- Resource Methods
- Resource Natural Key
name, partition, subPath
Name | Type | Default Value | Required | Access | Description |
appService |
string | optional | read/write | The application service that the object belongs to. | |
cachePath |
string | optional | read/write | Path of the file in file-store. | |
certificateKeySize |
integer | optional | read/write | Specifies the key-size of the key associated with this certificate in bits. | |
certificateText |
string | optional | read/write | ||
checksum |
string | optional | read/write | A checksum of the file in question. | |
createTime |
string | optional | read/write | Specifies the time at which this file object was created. | |
createdBy |
string | optional | read/write | Specifies the user by which this file object was created. | |
email |
string | optional | read/write | Specifies the contact email address associated with the certificate. | |
expirationDate |
uint64 | optional | read/write | Specifies the expiration date of the certificate. | |
expirationString |
string | optional | read/write | Specifies a text expiration for the certificate. | |
fingerprint |
string | optional | read/write | Specifies the cryptographic fingerprint of the certificate. | |
isBundle |
string | false | optional | read/write | Specifies whether the file in question is a certificate bundle (contains more than 1 cert). |
isDynamic |
string | false | optional | read/write | |
issuer |
string | optional | read/write | Specifies X509 information of the certificate’s issuer. | |
keyType |
string | rsa-private | optional | read/write | The type of cryptographic key associated with this certificate. |
lastUpdateTime |
string | optional | read/write | Specifies the time at which this file object was last updated. | |
mode |
integer | 0 | optional | read/write | Specifies the UNIX file permissions associated with the file. |
tmPartition |
string | Common | optional | read/write | Device administrative partition |
revision |
integer | 0 | optional | read/write | Current revision of the file. The revision starts with 1 and gets incremented on each update. |
serialNumber |
string | optional | read/write | Specifies certificate’s serial number. | |
size |
uint64 | optional | read/write | Specifies the size of the file in bytes. | |
sourcePath |
string | optional | read/write | Specifies the location (URI) from where the file will be copied. | |
subject |
string | optional | read/write | Specifies X509 information of the certificate’s subject. | |
subjectAlternativeName |
string | optional | read/write | Specifies the standard X.509 extension as shown in RFC 2459. | |
systemPath |
string | optional | read/write | Path of the file in system outside file-store. | |
updatedBy |
string | optional | read/write | Specifies the user by which this file object was last updated. | |
version |
integer | optional | read/write | Specifies the certificate’s version. |
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