


Distributed application configuration

REST Endpoints

Collection URI
Collection Methods
Resource URI
/mgmt/tm/gtm/distributed-app/~resource id
Resource Methods
Resource Natural Key
name, partition, subPath


Name Type Default Value Required Access Description
appService string   optional read/write The application service that the object belongs to.
dependencyLevel string none optional read/write Specifies the distributed application resources that must be in the available state before this distributed application is considered available.
description string   optional read/write User defined description.
tmPartition string Common optional read/write Specifies the partition within which this object resides.
persistCidrIpv4 integer 32 optional read/write Specifies a mask used to group IPv4 LDNS addresses. This feature allows one persistence record to be shared by LDNS addresses that match within this mask.
persistCidrIpv6 integer 128 optional read/write Specifies a mask used to group IPv6 LDNS addresses. This feature allows one persistence record to be shared by LDNS addresses that match within this mask.
persistence string disabled optional read/write When enabled, specifies that when a local DNS server makes repetitive requests on behalf of a client, the system reconnects the client to the same resource as previous requests.
ttlPersistence integer 3600 optional read/write Specifies, in seconds, the length of time for which the persistence entry is valid.

Array Structures

Name Type Default Value Required Access Description
/disabled-contexts array_structure   optional read/write Adds context-disabled to a specified physical component, or deletes context-disabled from the component. When you add this option to a component, the system does not send application traffic to that component. To re-enable application traffic to the physical component, you delete the context-disabled option from the configuration of the component.
/disabled-contexts/app-service string   optional read/write The application service that the object belongs to.
/wideips array_structure   optional read/write  
/wideips/app-service string   optional read/write The application service that the object belongs to.
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