


Load-balancing configuration options

REST Endpoints

Collection URI
Collection Methods
Resource URI
/mgmt/tm/gtm/global-settings/load-balancing/~resource id
Resource Methods


Name Type Default Value Required Access Description
failureRcode string noerror optional read/write Specifies the DNS RCODE used when failure-rcode-response is enabled.
failureRcodeResponse string disabled optional read/write Specifies whether RCODE responses are enabled.
failureRcodeTtl integer 0 optional read/write Specifies the negative caching TTL of the SOA for the RCODE response. The default is 0, meaning no SOA is included (i.e. no caching).
ignorePathTtl string no optional read/write Specifies, when set to yes, that dynamic load balancing methods can use path data, even after the time-to-live (TTL) for the path data expires. The default value is no.
qosFactorBps integer 1000000 optional read/write Specifies the desired weight of the Bits Per Second QoS factor in determining QoS Load Balancing selections.
qosFactorHitRatio integer 10000 optional read/write Specifies the desired weight of the Hit Ratio QoS factor in determining QoS Load Balancing selections.
qosFactorHops integer 25 optional read/write Specifies the desired weight of the Hops QoS factor in determining QoS Load Balancing selections.
qosFactorLinkCapacity integer 1 optional read/write Specifies the desired weight of the Link Capacity QoS factor in determining QoS Load Balancing selections.
qosFactorPacketRate integer 10000 optional read/write Specifies the desired weight of the Packet Rate QoS factor in determining QoS Load Balancing selections.
qosFactorRtt integer 10000 optional read/write Specifies the desired weight of te RTT QoS factor in determining QoS Load Balancing selections.
qosFactorTopology integer 10 optional read/write Specifies the desired weight of the Topology factor in determining QoS Load Balancing selections.
qosFactorVsCapacity integer 1 optional read/write Specifies the desired weight of the Virtual Server Capacity factor in determining QoS Load Balancing selections.
qosFactorVsScore integer 1 optional read/write Specifies the desired weight of the Virtual Server Score factor in determining QoS Load Balancing selections.
respectFallbackDependency string no optional read/write Specifies, when set to yes, that the system accepts virtual server status when the load balancing mode changes to the mode specified by the fallback-mode option of the pool. The default value is no.
topologyAllowZeroScores string yes optional read/write Specifies, when set to yes, that the system may return pool members with zero topology scores during topology or qos load-balancing with topology enabled.
topologyLongestMatch string yes optional read/write Specifies, when set to yes, that the system evaluates all topology records in the topology statement, and then selects the topology record that most specifically matches the IP address in an LDNS request (in other words, has the longest match). When this option is set to no, the system selects the first record in the topology statement that matches the request.
verifyVsAvailability string yes optional read/write Specifies, when set to yes, that the system checks the availability of virtual servers before sending a connection to those virtual servers. The default value is no.
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