Defines PEM service chain endpoint.
REST Endpoints
- Collection URI
- Collection Methods
- Resource URI
/mgmt/tm/pem/service-chain-endpoint/~resource id
- Resource Methods
- Resource Natural Key
name, partition, subPath
Name | Type | Default Value | Required | Access | Description |
appService |
string | optional | read/write | The application service that the object belongs to. | |
tmPartition |
string | Common | optional | read/write | Displays the administrative partition within which this service chain endpoint resides. |
Array Structures
Name | Type | Default Value | Required | Access | Description |
/service-endpoints |
array_structure | optional | read/write | Defines PEM service point. | |
/service-endpoints/app-service |
string | optional | read/write | The application service that the object belongs to. | |
/service-endpoints/from-vlan |
string | required | read/write | Specifies the VLAN name that is associated with the service-endpoint. The VLAN must be pre-configured before it can be referenced. | |
/service-endpoints/order |
integer | 0 | required | read/write | Specifies the order of the service-endpoint that the traffic will pass through. Note that the actual configuration has to match the order. |
/service-endpoints/service-option |
string | optional | optional | read/write | Specifies the behavior of traffic when a service-endpoint is not available. If a service-endpoint is marked mandatory and the service-endpoint is down, the traffic flow will be dropped. |
/service-endpoints/steering-policy |
string | optional | read/write | Specifies the pem policy that need to be evaluated on the flow |
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