


Remote endpoint configuration

REST Endpoints

Collection URI
Collection Methods
Resource URI
/mgmt/tm/wom/remote-endpoint/~resource id
Resource Methods
Resource Natural Key
name, subPath


Name Type Default Value Required Access Description
address string   optional read/write Specifies the IP address of the remote endpoint.
allowRouting string enabled optional read/write Specifies whether there is a route from the local endpoint to this remote endpoint through which the local endpoint can establish connections.
appService string   optional read/write The application service that the object belongs to.
dedupAction string   optional read/write Clears the cache used for symmetric data deduplication on the specified remote endpoint.
dedupCodec string sdd-v2 optional read/write Symmetric data deduplication codec of the remote endpoint.
description string   optional read/write User defined description.
endpoint string enabled optional read/write Specifies whether traffic can be optimized between the local and remote endpoints.
internalForwarding string default optional read/write Specifies whether the remote endpoint is available for forwarding internal traffic.
ipEncapMtu integer   optional read/write Specifies the maximum transfer unit for IP encapsulated traffic.
ipEncapProfile string   optional read/write Specifies the name of a profile with encapsulation settings.
ipEncapType string default optional read/write Specifies the type of IP layer encapsulation performed on iSession traffic.
origin string configured optional read/write Specifies whether the remote endpoint was discovered automatically or configured manually.
serverSsl string   optional read/write Specifies the server SSL profile the system uses to connect to this remote endpoint.
snat string default optional read/write Specifies the IP address the system uses as the source IP address of the TCP connection between the WAN Optimization Manager and the server.
tunnelEncrypt string enabled optional read/write Specifies whether the system encrypts traffic passing between the two WAN Optimization Managers.
tunnelPort integer 443 optional read/write Specifies whether to use a specific port for traffic optimized to this endpoint or to use port transparency (0).
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