


Configure dynamic discovery of servers that can be reached through the local endpoint

REST Endpoints

Collection URI
Collection Methods
Resource URI
/mgmt/tm/wom/server-discovery/~resource id
Resource Methods


Name Type Default Value Required Access Description
autoSave string enabled optional read/write Specifies whether the system automatically saves the subnets that it discovers that can be reached through the local endpoint.
description string   optional read/write User defined description.
filterMode string exclude optional read/write Specifies whether the specified subnets are excluded from or included in the discovery of advertised routes.
idleTimeLimit integer 0 optional read/write Specifies the maximum length of time a route can be idle without being removed from discovery.
ipTtlLimit integer 5 optional read/write Specifies the number of network segments on which a packet is allowed to travel before the route is removed from discovery.
maxServerCount integer 50 optional read/write Specifies the highest number of servers the system discovers before it stops looking.
minIdleTime integer 0 optional read/write Specifies the minimum length of time a route must be idle before being removed from discovery. The default value of 0 (zero) disables idle time tracking.
minPrefixLengthIpv4 integer 32 optional read/write Specifies the minimum prefix length for route aggregation in IPV4 networks.
minPrefixLengthIpv6 integer 128 optional read/write Specifies the minimum prefix length for route aggregation in IPV6 networks.
mode string enabled optional read/write Enables or disables the dynamic discovery of servers.
rttThreshold integer 10 optional read/write Specifies that the system does not add servers it discovers with a round trip time greater than this value, in milliseconds.
subnetFilter string   optional read/write Specifies the IP addresses of the subnets to include in or exclude from the discovery of advertised routes, depending on the setting selected for the filter-mode attribute.
timeUnit string days optional read/write Specifies the unit of measure (days, hours, or minutes) for the length of idle time specified using the attributes idle-time-limit and min-idle-time.
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