Last updated on: 2023-07-24 10:18:39.

Appendix A: Schema Reference

This page is a reference for the objects you can use in your Declarations for AS3. For more information on BIG-IP objects and terminology, see the BIG-IP documentation at


Configures an Access Profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
enable (boolean) false true, false Apply the profile after updating it. If false (default), the system only updates the profile. Also note ‘ignoreChanges’.
ignoreChanges (boolean) false true, false If false (default), the system updates the profile in every AS3 declaration deployment. If true, AS3 creates the profile on first deployment, and leaves it untouched afterwards. However, if enable is set to true, the policy will be applied even if ignoreChanges is true
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
url (Resource_URL)
The URL to pull the Access Profile from


Configures a request or response Adapt profile or both


Name (Type) Default Values Description
allowHTTP10 (boolean) false true, false Specifies whether to forward HTTP 1.0 requests/responses
class (string)
enableHttpAdaptation (boolean) true true, false Enable or disable the adaptation of HTTP requests/responses. They will be forwarded to the internal service
internalService (Pointer_Service)
Specifies the name of the internal service to use for adapting the request/response
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
messageType (string)
“response”, “request”, “request-and-response” The type of Adapt profile. Use both to create a request and response profile with the same property values
previewSize (integer) 1024 [0, 4294967295] Specifies the maximum size of the preview buffer
serviceDownAction (string) “ignore” “ignore”, “reset”, “drop” Specifies the action to take if the internal service doesn’t exist or is down
timeout (integer) 0 [0, 4294967295] Specifies how long in miliseconds to wait for the internal service before a timeout error will occur


A declarative configuration for an ADC such as F5 BIG-IP


Name (Type) Default Values Description
$schema (string)
format: uri URL of schema against which to validate. Used by validation in your local environment only (via Visual Studio Code, for example)
class (string)
“ADC” Indicates this JSON document is an ADC declaration
Common (ADC_Common)
Special tenant Common holds objects other tenants can share
constants (ADC_constants)
Declaration metadata and/or named values for (re-)use by declaration objects
controls (ADC_controls)
Options to control configuration process
id (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x20x22’<>x5c^`|x7f]*$ Unique identifier for this declaration (max 255 printable chars with no spaces, quotation marks, angle brackets, nor backslashes)
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
schemaVersion (string)
“3.32.0”, “3.31.0”, “3.30.0”, “3.29.0”, “3.28.0”, “3.27.0”, “3.26.0”, “3.25.0”, “3.24.0”, “3.23.0”, “3.22.0”, “3.21.0”, “3.20.0”, “3.19.0”, “3.18.0”, “3.17.0”, “3.16.0”, “3.15.0”, “3.14.0”, “3.13.0”, “3.12.0”, “3.11.0”, “3.10.0”, “3.9.0”, “3.8.0”, “3.7.0”, “3.6.0”, “3.5.0”, “3.4.0”, “3.3.0”, “3.2.0”, “3.1.0”, “3.0.0” Version of ADC Declaration schema this declaration uses
scratch (string)
Holds some system data during declaration processing
target (ADC_target)
Trusted target for config when configuring with BIG-IQ
updateMode (string) “selective” “complete”, “selective” When set to ‘selective’ (default) AS3 does not modify Tenants not referenced in the declaration. Otherwise (‘complete’) AS3 removes unreferenced Tenants.


ADC Common possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string) “Tenant” “Tenant”
constants (Constants)
controls (Controls)
enable (boolean)
true, false If declared, you must enable the Common tenant
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
optimisticLockKey (string) “”
When you deploy a declaration with a non-empty ‘key’ value here, that activates an optimistic lock on changes to this Tenant. If the key in your declaration does not match the key AS3 computes for the most-recent previous declaration, then AS3 will NOT update this Tenant and will return an error code. To use optimistic locking, first retrieve a declaration using option ‘showHash=true’ to get the current per-Tenant keys. Make any changes you desire, then deploy your updated declaration. Deployment of each Tenant with a key will succeed only if that Tenant has not been modified since the time you retrieved the declaration. (To overwrite all previous changes to a Tenant simply do NOT include any opportunistic-lock key for that Tenant when you deploy a declaration. That is the default.) Note that only keys computed by AS3 may be used here– you cannot generate your own. If ‘showHash=true’ is used on a POST then the optimisticLockKey will be shown as a part of the output (This helps to avoid the need to do a GET request).
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
Shared (Application_Shared)
verifiers (object)
Data (in ‘key’:’value’ properties) used to verify automated tests. Ordinary declarations do not need this


ADC constants possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string) “Constants” “Constants”
timestamp (string)
format: date-time Date+time (this version of) declaration was created (optional but recommended)
version (number | string)
  Version number of declaration; update when you change contents but not ID (optional but recommended)


ADC controls possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
archiveId (number | string)
  Read-only property present when you GET a declaration from configuration system. Archived versions of declaration are identified by a combination of ‘id’ and ‘archiveId’
archiveTimestamp (string)
format: date-time Read-only property present when you GET a declaration from configuration system. Indicates when this version (see archiveId) of declaration was archived
class (string) “Controls” “Controls”
dryRun (boolean) false true, false Boolean that indicates if this declaration will be run as a dry-run. If true, the declaration will NOT make any changes to the system, but will respond with whether or not it would.
logLevel (string) “error” “emergency”, “alert”, “critical”, “error”, “warning”, “notice”, “info”, “debug” Controls the amount of detail in logs produced by the configuration process using RFC 5424 severity levels (default is ‘error’). May be overridden on a per-Tenant basis
trace (boolean) false true, false If true, AS3 creates a detailed trace of the configuration process for subsequent analysis (default false). May be overridden on a per-Tenant basis. Warning: trace files may contain sensitive configuration data
traceResponse (boolean) false true, false If true, the response will contain the trace files
userAgent (string)
User Agent information to include in TEEM report


ADC target possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
address (string)
format: f5ip IP address of managed device to be configured
hostname (string)
Host name of managed device to be configured


An array of declarations (ADC) to process

For item definition, see type (ADC)


Sharable Pool Member information


Name (Type) Default Values Description
accessKeyId (string)
Information for discovering AWS nodes that are not in the same region as your BIG-IP (also requires the secretAccessKey field
addressDiscovery (string)
“static”, “fqdn”, “event”, “aws”, “gce”, “azure”, “consul” Selects how server (node) addresses are discovered
addressFamily (string) “IPv4” “IPv4”, “IPv6” Selects IPv4/6 and DNS A/AAAA RR’s
addressRealm (string) “private” “public”, “private” Specifies whether to look for public or private IP addresses
apiAccessKey (string | Secret)
Azure registered application API access key (AKA service principal secret). Will be stored in the declaration in an encrypted format.
applicationId (string)
Azure registered application ID (AKA client ID)
autoPopulate (boolean) false true, false If true use multiple server (node) addresses when available, otherwise use only one
class (string)
credentialUpdate (boolean) false true, false Specifies whether you are updating your credentials
directoryId (string)
Azure Active Directory ID (AKA tenant ID)
downInterval (integer) 5 [0, infinity] DNS retry interval after resolution failure (seconds)
encodedCredentials (string | Secret)
Base 64 encoded service account credentials JSON
encodedToken (string | Secret)
Base 64 encoded bearer token to make requests to the Consul API. Will be stored in the declaration in an encrypted format.
environment (string) “Azure”
Azure environment name. Required if environment should not be determined by instance metadata.
externalId (string)
External Id
fqdnPrefix (string) “”
String to prepend onto the hostname to create the node name
hostname (string)
format: hostname
jmesPathQuery (string)
Custom JMESPath Query
minimumMonitors (reference) 1
projectId (string)
For Google Cloud Engine (GCE) only: The ID of the project in which the members are located
queryInterval (integer) 0 [0, infinity] Normal DNS query interval (seconds, default 0 means RR TTL)
region (string) “”
Empty string (default) means region in which ADC is running
rejectUnauthorized (boolean) true true, false If true, the server certificate is verified against the list of supplied/default CAs when making requests to the Consul API.
resourceGroup (string)
Azure Resource Group name
resourceId (string)
ID of resource to find nodes by.
resourceType (string)
“tag”, “scaleSet” Type of resource identified by resourceId. This can be used in place of tagKey/tagValue.
roleARN (string)
Assume a role (also requires the externalId field)
secretAccessKey (string | Secret)
Will be stored in the declaration as an encrypted string
serverAddresses (array<string>)
format: f5ip Static IP addresses of servers (nodes)
shareNodes (boolean) false true, false If enabled, nodes are created in /Common instead of the tenant’s partition
subscriptionId (string)
Azure subscription ID
tagKey (string)
The tag key associated with the node to add to this pool
tagValue (string)
The tag value associated with the node to add to this pool
trustCA (Pointer_CA_Bundle)
CA Bundle to validate server certificates
undetectableAction (string) “remove” “disable”, “remove” Action to take when node cannot be detected
updateInterval (integer) 60 [1, 3600] Server-discovery update interval (seconds)
uri (string)
The location of the node data
useManagedIdentity (boolean) false true, false Use Azure managed identity rather than directoryId, applicationId, and apiAccessKey


No description provided


Name (Type) Default Values Description
accessKeyId (string)
Information for discovering AWS nodes that are not in the same region as your BIG-IP (also requires the secretAccessKey field
addressDiscovery (reference)
addressFamily (string) “IPv4” “IPv4”, “IPv6” Selects IPv4/6 and DNS A/AAAA RR’s
addressRealm (string) “private” “public”, “private” Specifies whether to look for public or private IP addresses
apiAccessKey (string | Secret)
Azure registered application API access key (AKA service principal secret). Will be stored in the declaration in an encrypted format.
applicationId (string)
Azure registered application ID (AKA client ID)
autoPopulate (boolean) false true, false If true use multiple server (node) addresses when available, otherwise use only one
credentialUpdate (boolean) false true, false Specifies whether you are updating your credentials
directoryId (string)
Azure Active Directory ID (AKA tenant ID)
downInterval (integer) 5 [0, infinity] DNS retry interval after resolution failure (seconds)
encodedCredentials (string | Secret)
Base 64 encoded service account credentials JSON
encodedToken (string | Secret)
Base 64 encoded bearer token to make requests to the Consul API. Will be stored in the declaration in an encrypted format.
environment (string) “Azure”
Azure environment name. Required if environment should not be determined by instance metadata.
externalId (string)
External Id
fqdnPrefix (string) “”
String to prepend onto the hostname to create the node name
hostname (string)
format: hostname
jmesPathQuery (string)
Custom JMESPath Query
minimumMonitors (reference) 1
projectId (string)
For Google Cloud Engine (GCE) only: The ID of the project in which the members are located
queryInterval (integer) 0 [0, infinity] Normal DNS query interval (seconds, default 0 means RR TTL)
region (string) “”
Empty string (default) means region in which ADC is running
rejectUnauthorized (boolean) true true, false If true, the server certificate is verified against the list of supplied/default CAs when making requests to the Consul API.
resourceGroup (string)
Azure Resource Group name
resourceId (string)
ID of resource to find nodes by.
resourceType (string)
“tag”, “scaleSet” Type of resource identified by resourceId. This can be used in place of tagKey/tagValue.
roleARN (string)
Assume a role (also requires the externalId field)
secretAccessKey (string | Secret)
Will be stored in the declaration as an encrypted string
serverAddresses (array<string>)
format: f5ip Static IP addresses of servers (nodes)
subscriptionId (string)
Azure subscription ID
tagKey (string)
The tag key associated with the node to add to this pool
tagValue (string)
The tag value associated with the node to add to this pool
trustCA (Pointer_CA_Bundle)
CA Bundle to validate server certificates
undetectableAction (string) “remove” “disable”, “remove” Action to take when node cannot be detected
updateInterval (integer) 60 [1, 3600] Server-discovery update interval (seconds)
uri (string)
The location of the node data
useManagedIdentity (boolean) false true, false Use Azure managed identity rather than directoryId, applicationId, and apiAccessKey


HTTP analytics profile with configurable options


Name (Type) Default Values Description
capturedTrafficExternalLogging (boolean) false true, false Specifies that the system captures a portion of the application traffic which can then be viewed on the System >> Logs >> Captured Transactions screen
capturedTrafficInternalLogging (boolean) false true, false Specifies that the system captures a portion of the application traffic and sends it to a remote server
captureFilter (Capture_Filter) {}
class (string)
collectClientSideStatistics (boolean) false true, false Specifies that the system collects statistics regarding the HTTP request and response times
collectedStatsExternalLogging (boolean) false true, false Specifies that statistics logs are stored on a remote server
collectedStatsInternalLogging (boolean) true true, false Specifies that statistics logs are stored in the system
collectGeo (boolean) false true, false Specifies that the system collects statistics of the names of the countries from which that traffic was sent
collectIp (boolean) false true, false Specifies that the system collects statistics of the IP addresses of where the traffic came from
collectMaxTpsAndThroughput (boolean) false true, false Specifies that the system collects statistics for the maximum number of transactions per second, and the maximum amount of traffic moving through the system, both request and response throughput values
collectMethod (boolean) true true, false Specifies that the system collects statistics about the distribution of HTTP methods found in requests
collectOsAndBrowser (boolean) true true, false Specifies that the system collect statistics about the OSs and Browsers used to send requests
collectPageLoadTime (boolean) false true, false Specifies that the system collects statistics of the round-trip latency between client end-users and the servers
collectResponseCode (boolean) true true, false Specifies that the system collects statistics about the distribution of HTTP response codes returned by the servers
collectSubnet (boolean) false true, false Specifies that the system collects statistics of client subnets
collectUrl (boolean) false true, false Specifies that the system collects statistics of requested URLs
collectUserAgent (boolean) false true, false Specifies that the system collects statistics about browsers used to send traffic
collectUserSession (boolean) false true, false Specifies that the system collects statistics of the number of unique user sessions in the application traffic, as determined by the value of the configured HTTP cookies found in the requests
countriesForStatCollection (array<Enum_Country_Analytics>)
Specifies the countries for collecting statistics
externalLoggingPublisher (Pointer_Log_Publisher)
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
notificationByEmail (boolean) false true, false Specifies that the system sends notifications by e-mail
notificationBySnmp (boolean) false true, false Specifies that the system sends notifications as SNMP traps
notificationBySyslog (boolean) false true, false Specifies that the system sends notifications to the syslog
notificationEmailAddresses (array<string>)
format: email The e-mail addresses of a recipient to whom the system should send email notifications
publishIruleStatistics (boolean) false true, false Specifies that the system collects and displays statistics according to the expressions written in an iRule
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
sessionCookieSecurity (string) “ssl-only” “always-secure”, “never-secure”, “ssl-only” Specify whether to secure session cookies
sessionTimeoutMinutes (integer) 5 [5, 60] The number of minutes of user non-activity ot allow before the system considers the session to be over
subnetsForStatCollection (array<string>)
format: f5ip Specifies the requested subnets for collecting statistics
urlsForStatCollection (array<string>)
Specifies the requested URLs for collecting statistics


TCP Analytics profile with configurable options


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
collectCity (boolean) false true, false Specifies that the system saves the name of the city with which traffic was exchanged
collectContinent (boolean) true true, false Specifies that the system saves the name of the continent with which traffic was exchanged
collectCountry (boolean) true true, false Specifies that the system saves the name of the country with which traffic was exchanged
collectedByClientSide (boolean) true true, false Specifies that system collects statistics on the client side
collectedByServerSide (boolean) true true, false Specifies that system collects statistics on the server side
collectedStatsExternalLogging (boolean) false true, false Specifies that statistics logs are stored on a remote server
collectedStatsInternalLogging (boolean) true true, false Specifies that statistics logs are stored in the system
collectNexthop (boolean) false true, false Specifies that the system saves the address to which the traffic is being routed
collectPostCode (boolean) false true, false Specifies that the system saves the name of the postcode with which traffic was exchanged
collectRegion (boolean) true true, false Specifies that the system saves the name of the region with which traffic was exchanged
collectRemoteHostIp (boolean) false true, false Specifies that the system collects IP addresses with which traffic was exchanged
collectRemoteHostSubnet (boolean) true true, false Specifies that the system saves the address of the subnet with which traffic was exchanged
externalLoggingPublisher (Pointer_Log_Publisher)
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks


Application declaration main schema


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
constants (Constants)
enable (boolean) true true, false Application handles traffic only when enabled (default)
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
schemaOverlay (string)
BIG-IQ name for a supplemental validation schema is applied to the Application class definition before the main AS3 schema
serviceMain (reference)
Primary service of the application
template (string) “generic”
Each application type has certain required and default elements and selects appropriate setup of various ADC/Security features


Special application Shared holds objects other applications can share


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
constants (Constants)
enable (boolean) true true, false If declared, you must enable the Shared Application
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
schemaOverlay (string)
BIG-IQ name for a supplemental validation schema is applied to the Application class definition before the main AS3 schema
serviceMain (reference)
Primary service of the application
template (string)
“shared” Shared Application template is always generic


A body with AS3 Class


Name (Type) Default Values Description
$schema (string)
format: uri URL of schema against which to validate. Used by validation in your local environment only (via Visual Studio Code, for example)
action (string) “deploy” “deploy”, “dry-run”, “patch”, “redeploy”, “retrieve”, “remove” Indicates desired action: ‘deploy’ means deploy the included declaration to targetHost; ‘dry-run’ does NOT deploy the declaration but does do everything short of changing targetHost’s configuration; ‘patch’ modifies the declaration based on the provided set of commands and then deploys the updated declaration; ‘redeploy’ causes an old declaration from targetHost’s declaration history to be re-deployed (property redeployAge (default 0) selects the old declaration, and note redeployUpdateMode as well); ‘retrieve’ returns a copy of a previously-deployed declaration; ‘remove’ deletes the declaration or declaration component.
class (string)
“AS3” Indicates an AS3 request
declaration (ADC)
historyLimit (number) 4
This value (default 4) limits the number of previously-deployed declarations saved on targetHost for review using GET and for use with POST action=redeploy and redeployAge=N. The limit includes the current and immediately-previous declarations so may not be less than two
logLevel (string) “warning” “emergency”, “alert”, “critical”, “error”, “warning”, “notice”, “info”, “debug” Controls level of detail in logs using RFC 5424 severity levels (default is ‘warning’). Portions of declaration may use different logLevels
patchBody (AS3_Patch_Body)
persist (boolean) true true, false When true (default) make the whole working configuration persistent on targetHost after (and only if) this request deploys any changes. If false, leave the working configuration in memory only (if targetHost restart, you may lose the configuration from memory)
redeployAge (integer) 0 [0, 15] For action=redeploy (only), chooses which old declaration to deploy again. Value 0 (default) means re-deploy the most recent declaration (the one which set the current configuration of targetHost– useful to erase changes introduced by manual configuration). Value 1 means re-deploy the declaration prior to the most-recent one, etc. Note that whenever re-deploying an old declaration causes ADC configuration changes, that declaration becomes the current declaration (age 0) and the ages of all other declarations in the history increase (0 => 1, 1 => 2, u.s.w.)
redeployUpdateMode (string) “original” “original”, “complete”, “selective” Value ‘original’ (default) means re-deploy the chosen declaration using its original updateMode (which if not explicitly specified in that declaration will default to ‘selective’). Otherwise, forces the updateMode for re-deployment to ‘complete’ or ‘selective’ as specified. Remember, ‘selective’ updates do not affect Tenants not explicitly named. To simply roll-back the targetHost configuration to the state it had immediately after deploying some earlier declaration, put ‘complete’ here (that will remove Tenants created later than the redeployAge declaration). To use action=redeploy as a simple roll-back facility, always deploy (updateMode=)complete declarations.
resourceTimeout (integer) 5 [1, 900] Maximum delay allowed while communicating with URL resources (seconds, default 5)
retrieveAge (integer | string) 0
Use this property with action=retrieve. You can usually get a copy of the declaration most recently deployed to targetHost, and often copies of previously-deployed declarations are also available. Value 0 (default) means ‘the last-deployed declaration,’ value 1 means ‘the declaration previous to 0’ and so-forth. To get a list of available declarations, set value ‘list’
syncToGroup (string) “”
Name (like /Common/my_dg) of the config-sync group TO which the system should synchronize the targetHost configuration after (and only if) this request deploys any changes. When empty (default) this request will not affect config-sync at all. Leave undefined or empty whenever you use auto-sync or manage configuration synchronization separately
targetHost (string) “localhost”
Hostname or IP address of ADC to which request applies (default localhost)
targetPassphrase (string)
Passphrase for targetUsername account. This is generally not required to configure ‘localhost’ and is not required when you populate targetTokens
targetPort (integer) 0 [0, 65535] TCP port number of management service on targetHost; default 0 means auto-discover
targetTimeout (integer) 150 [1, 900] Maximum delay allowed while communicating with targetHost device (seconds, default 150)
targetTokens (AS3_targetTokens)
One or more HTTP headers (each a property, like ‘X-F5-Auth-Token’: ‘MF6APSRUYKTMSDBEOOEWLCNSO2’) you want to send with queries to the targetHost management service as authentication/authorization tokens
targetUsername (string)
regex: ^[^:]*$ Username of principal authorized to modify configuration of targetHost (may not include the character ‘:’). NOTE: this is generally not required to configure ‘localhost’ because client authentication and authorization precede invocation of AS3. It is also not required for any targetHost if you populate targetTokens
trace (boolean) false true, false If true, AS3 creates a detailed trace of the configuration process for subsequent analysis (default false). May be overridden on a per-Declaration and/or per-Tenant basis. Warning: trace files may contain sensitive configuration data


An array of AS3 requests to process

For item definition, see type (AS3)


An array containing the patch operations to apply on the declaration

For item definition, see type (AS3_Patch_Item)


Defines a PATCH operation to perform


Name (Type) Default Values Description
op (string)
Operation to perform
path (string)
Declaration Object Path relative to URI on which the operation is to be performed
target (AS3_Patch_Item_target)
Optional target device (only applies when configuring with certain hosts such as BIG-IQ)
value (string | number | boolean | object | array)
true, false Value to use for the operation


AS3_Patch_Item target possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
address (string)
format: f5ip IP address of managed device to be configured
hostname (string)
Host name of managed device to be configured


Create a listener to specify how to handle traffic for policy enforcement


Name (Type) Default Values Description
categories (Bandwidth_Control_Policy_Category)
This specifies the categories under policy. Note: policy need to be enabled as dynamic to configure categories. Up to a maximum of 32 categories can be configured. All the categories under the dynamic policy share the bandwidth as specified for the category, up to a maximum of maxUserBandwidth.
class (string)
dynamicControlEnabled (boolean) false true, false Specifies whether the policy is a static or dynamic policy. When enabled, the policy is dynamic, and additional settings are available. A dynamic policy enforces the specified maximum user rate and flow fairness for all traffic associated with the policy and for each session. The default is disabled, which indicates a static policy. A static policy enforces the maximum rate for combined traffic and does not guarantee fairness bandwidth for each session.
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
loggingEnabled (boolean) false true, false Specifies whether the system measures bandwidth on all future instances of this bandwidth control policy. When enabled, the system measures bandwidth and sends it to the log publisher specified by the logPublisher setting. You can override this setting using iRules. For example, if you want measurement on only some instances, keep this setting disabled, and use iRules to enable measurement on specific instances.
logPeriod (integer) 2048 [0, 18446744073709552000] Specifies the frequency, in milliseconds, with which the system generates bandwidth measurement logs
logPublisher (Pointer_Log_Publisher)
markIP (string | integer) “pass-through” “pass-through”, [0, 63] Specifies whether to mark traffic that exceeds the per-user limit by setting a Type of Service (ToS) bit in the IP headers of TCP packets associated with this bandwidth control policy. The default value is “pass-through”, which means there is no change to the ToS bit. To set a ToS bit use a value from 0 to 63. If this setting is specified, the bandwidth policy is not enforced, but rather the packets are marked for a downstream system to process.
markL2 (string | integer) “pass-through” “pass-through”, [0, 7] Specifies whether to mark traffic that exceeds the per-user limit by setting a Quality of Service (QoS) bit in the L2 headers of packets associated with this bandwidth control policy. The default value is “pass-through”, which means there is no change to the QoS bit. To set a QoS bit use a value from 0 to 7. If this setting is specified, the bandwidth policy is not enforced, but rather the packets are marked for a downstream system to process.
maxBandwidth (integer)
[0, 18446744073709552000] Specifies the maximum amount of bandwidth that traffic associated with the bandwidth control policy can use. The range is from 1 Mbps to 320 Gbps (between 1000000 bps and 320000000000 bps.
maxBandwidthUnit (string) “Mbps” “bps”, “Kbps”, “Mbps”, “Gbps” Specifies the units used by the maxBandwidth property
maxUserBandwidth (integer) 0 [0, 18446744073709552000] Specifies the maximum amount of bandwidth that each session associated with the bandwidth control policy can use. The range is from 5 Kbps to 2 Gbps. Note: For FTP traffic, the throughput is roughly half of this setting, because the FTP protocol creates two connections per user: a control connection and a data connection.
maxUserBandwidthUnit (string) “Mbps” “bps”, “Kbps”, “Mbps”, “Gbps” Specifies the units used by the maxUserBandwidth property
maxUserPPS (integer) 0 [0, 18446744073709552000] Specifies the limiter in packets per second that traffic is allowed per instance. It functions as a DoS limiter without fair share allocation. The system applies whichever value is lower, between this value and the specified Maximum Rate Per User. When both values are specified, both must pass for packets to go through. You can specify the rate in packets per second (PPS), kilo packets per second (KPPS), mega packets per second (MPPS), or giga packets per second (GPPS). The default value is 0 (not configured).
maxUserPPSUnit (string) “Mpps” “bpps”, “Kpps”, “Mpps”, “Gpps” Specifies the units used by the maxUserBandwidthPPS property
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks


Create a listener to specify how to handle traffic for policy enforcement


Name (Type) Default Values Description
markIP (string | integer) “pass-through” “pass-through”, [0, 63] Specifies whether to mark traffic that exceeds the per-user limit by setting a Type of Service (ToS) bit in the IP headers of TCP packets associated with this bandwidth control policy. The default value is “pass-through”, which means there is no change to the ToS bit. To set a ToS bit use a value from 0 to 63. If this setting is specified, the bandwidth policy is not enforced, but rather the packets are marked for a downstream system to process.
markL2 (string | integer) “pass-through” “pass-through”, [0, 7] Specifies whether to mark traffic that exceeds the per-user limit by setting a Quality of Service (QoS) bit in the L2 headers of packets associated with this bandwidth control policy. The default value is “pass-through”, which means there is no change to the QoS bit. To set a QoS bit use a value from 0 to 7. If this setting is specified, the bandwidth policy is not enforced, but rather the packets are marked for a downstream system to process.
maxBandwidth (integer)
[0, 18446744073709552000] Specifies the maximum bandwidth that this category of traffic can use when associated with this bandwidth control policy. The range is from 5 kbps to the value set for Maximum Rate Per User.
maxBandwidthUnit (string) “Mbps” “bps”, “Kbps”, “Mbps”, “Gbps”, “%” Specifies the units used by the maxBandwidth property
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks


Describes the basic authentication to access a resource


Name (Type) Default Values Description
method (string)
“basic” Specifies the authentication method
passphrase (Basic_Auth_passphrase)
Specifies the password for authentication
username (string)
Specifies the user name for authentication


Basic_Auth passphrase possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
allowReuse (boolean) false true, false If true, other declaration objects may reuse this value
ciphertext (string)
Put base64url(data_value) here
ignoreChanges (boolean) false true, false If false (default), the system updates the ciphertext in every AS3 declaration deployment. If true, AS3 creates the ciphertext on first deployment, and leaves it untouched afterwards
miniJWE (boolean) true true, false If true (default), object is an f5 mini-JWE
protected (string) “eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0”
JOSE header: alg=dir, enc=(none|f5sv); default enc=none (encoded default is ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0’, use with secret simply base64url-encoded into ‘ciphertext’). If you see ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJmNXN2In0’, ‘ciphertext’ contains base64url-encoded SecureVault cryptogram
reuseFrom (string)
AS3 pointer to another JWE cryptogram in this declaration to copy
url (Secret_Resource_URL)
URL from which secret should be fetched


Describes using a bearer token to access a resource


Name (Type) Default Values Description
method (string)
“bearer-token” Specifies the authentication method
token (string | Bearer_Token_token)
Specifies the bearer token


Bearer_Token token possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
allowReuse (boolean)
true, false If true, other declaration objects may reuse this value
ciphertext (string)
Put base64url(data_value) here
ignoreChanges (boolean) false true, false If false (default), the system updates the ciphertext in every AS3 declaration deployment. If true, AS3 creates the ciphertext on first deployment, and leaves it untouched afterwards
miniJWE (boolean) true true, false If true (default), object is an f5 mini-JWE
protected (string) “eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0”
JOSE header: alg=dir, enc=(none|f5sv); default enc=none (encoded default is ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0’, use with secret simply base64url-encoded into ‘ciphertext’). If you see ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJmNXN2In0’, ‘ciphertext’ contains base64url-encoded SecureVault cryptogram
reuseFrom (string)
AS3 pointer to another JWE cryptogram in this declaration to copy
url (Secret_Resource_URL)
URL from which secret should be fetched


Bundle of one or more PKI Certificate-Authority certificates


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bundle (F5string)
Reference to a CA bundle or string of PEM encoded certificates
class (string)
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks


Criteria determining when the system captures a portion of the application traffic


Name (Type) Default Values Description
capturedProtocols (string) “all” “all”, “http”, “https” Specifies whether the system captures traffic data that is sent using any protocol, or a specific type of protocol
capturedReadyForJsInjection (string) “disabled” “disabled”, “enabled” Specifies whether the system captures all traffic data from all transactions or only from transactions that qualify for JavaScript injection
clientIps (array<string>)   format: f5ip Specifies the client IP addresses to collect stats for. If none are specified, then all will be collected.
dosActivity (string) “any” “any”, “mitigated-by-dosl7” Specifies whether the system captures traffic data mitigated by the DoS Layer 7 Enforcer, or traffic regardless of DoS activity
methods (array<string>)  
Specifies whether the system captures traffic data based on the HTTP method that was requested. If none are specified then all will be collected.
nodeAddresses (array<string>)  
Specifies whether the system captures traffic data sent from/to all nodes, or only from/to specific nodes. If none are specified then all will be collected.
requestCapturedParts (string) “none” “all”, “body”, “headers”, “none” Specifies which parts of the request data the system captures
requestContentFilterSearchPart (string) “none” “all”, “headers”, “body”, “none”, “uri” Specifies the part of the request that should be filtered by the search string
requestContentFilterSearchString (string)
Specifies the string the request should be searched for
responseCapturedParts (string) “none” “all”, “body”, “headers”, “none” Specifies which parts of the response data the system captures
responseCodes (array<integer>)   [100, 999] Specifies whether the system captures traffic data based on the HTTP response status codes that the requests return. If none are specified then all will be collected.
responseContentFilterSearchPart (string) “none” “all”, “body”, “headers”, “none” Specifies the part of the response that should be filtered by the search string
responseContentFilterSearchString (string)
Specifies the string the response should be searched for
urlFilterType (string) “all” “all”, “black-list”, “white-list” Specifies how the URL path prefixes are interpreted
urlPathPrefixes (array<string>)  
Specifies URLs the filter type is to be applied to. If none are specified then all will be collected.
userAgentSubstrings (array<string>)  
Specifies whether the system captures traffic sent from all browsers, or only traffic sent from a specific browser
virtualServers (array<string>)  
Specifies whether the system captures traffic data sent from/to all virtual servers, or only from/to specific virtual servers. If none are specified then all will be collected.


PKI certificate with optional private-key and/or chain, optional OCSP stapler


Name (Type) Default Values Description
certificate (F5string)
X.509 public-key certificate
chainCA (Certificate_chainCA | string)
  Bundle of one or more CA certificates in trust-chain from root CA to certificate (optional)
class (string)
issuerCertificate (Certificate_issuerCertificate)
Specfies the name of the issuer certficate for this certificate
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
passphrase (Certificate_passphrase)
If supplied, used to decrypt privateKey at runtime (optional)
pkcs12 (F5string)
The pkcs12 value which may be a url to fetch the binary file from or base64 encoded string
pkcs12Options (Certificate_pkcs12Options)
Options for importing PKCS12 file
privateKey (F5string)
Private key matching certificate’s public key (optional)
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
staplerOCSP (Pointer_Certificate_Validator_OCSP)
AS3 pointer to OCSP Stapler declaration (optional)


Certificate chainCA possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
base64 (string)
Base64-encoded value (in JSON string)
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP component
copyFrom (string)
format: f5pointer AS3 pointer to declaration object/property from which to copy value
text (string)
UTF-8 text (in JSON string)
url (Resource_URL)
use (string)
AS3 pointer to Ca Bundle declaration


Certificate issuerCertificate possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP SSL certificate
use (string)
AS3 pointer to SSL certificate declaration


Certificate passphrase possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
allowReuse (boolean) false true, false If true, other declaration objects may reuse this value
ciphertext (string)
Put base64url(data_value) here
ignoreChanges (boolean) false true, false If false (default), the system updates the ciphertext in every AS3 declaration deployment. If true, AS3 creates the ciphertext on first deployment, and leaves it untouched afterwards
miniJWE (boolean) true true, false If true (default), object is an f5 mini-JWE
protected (string) “eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0”
JOSE header: alg=dir, enc=(none|f5sv); default enc=none (encoded default is ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0’, use with secret simply base64url-encoded into ‘ciphertext’). If you see ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJmNXN2In0’, ‘ciphertext’ contains base64url-encoded SecureVault cryptogram
reuseFrom (string)
AS3 pointer to another JWE cryptogram in this declaration to copy
url (Secret_Resource_URL)
URL from which secret should be fetched


Certificate pkcs12Options possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
ignoreChanges (boolean) false true, false Key has to be decrypted and re-encrypted as part of extraction, resulting in a diff. Set to true to exclude the pkcs12 object for subsequent deployments.
internalOnly (array<string | number | boolean | object | array>)
true, false AS3 uses this property internally. Any values supplied here will be ignored
keyImportFormat (string) “pkcs8” “pkcs8”, “openssl-legacy” Determines the format in which the private key is saved. Default is PKCS#8.


OCSP validator for certificates


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
dnsResolver (Pointer_DNS_Resolver)
AS3 pointer to DNS resolver used to resolve hostnames in client requests
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
responderUrl (string)
Specifies the absolute URL that overrides the OCSP responder URL obtained from the certificate’s AIA extension(s). This should be a HTTP based URL.
signingCertificate (Pointer_SSL_Certificate)
Specifies the certificate object to use for OCSP responders that require the request to be signed
signingHashAlgorithm (string) “sha256” “sha1”, “sha256” Specifies a hash algorithm used to sign an OCSP request
timeout (integer) 8 [1, 300] Specifies the time interval (in seconds) that the BIG-IP waits for before ending the connection to the OCSP responder. The default value is 8


Configures a Cipher Group. Note: This is available in TMOS versions 13.0 and later.


Name (Type) Default Values Description
allowCipherRules (array<Pointer_Cipher_Rule>) [object Object]
Allow the following Cipher Rules.
class (string)
excludeCipherRules (array<Pointer_Cipher_Rule>)
Exclude the following Cipher_Rules from the Allowed list.
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
order (string) “default” “default”, “speed”, “strength”, “fips”, “hardware” Configure the order of the specified Cipher Rules.
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
requireCipherRules (array<Pointer_Cipher_Rule>)
Restrict the Allowed list to the following Cipher_Rules.


Configures a cipher rule. This is available in TMOS versions 13.0 and later


Name (Type) Default Values Description
cipherSuites (array<string>)
Specifies the cipher suites
class (string)
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
namedGroups (array<string>)
“DEFAULT”, “P256”, “P384”, “X25519” Specifies the Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman key agreement algorithms used to negotiate SSL/TLS connections. namedGroups are only supported on BIG-IP 14.0 and later.
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
signatureAlgorithms (array<string>)
“DEFAULT”, “DSA-SHA1”, “DSA-SHA256”, “DSA-SHA384”, “DSA-SHA512”, “ECDSA-SHA1”, “ECDSA-SHA256”, “ECDSA-SHA384”, “ECDSA-SHA512”, “RSA-PKCS1-SHA1”, “RSA-PKCS1-SHA256”, “RSA-PKCS1-SHA384”, “RSA-PKCS1-SHA512”, “RSA-PSS-SHA256”, “RSA-PSS-SHA384”, “RSA-PSS-SHA512” Specifies the digital signature algorithms used for authentication. signatureAlgorithms are only supported on BIG-IP 14.0 and later.


Configures a classification profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
appDetectionEnabled (boolean) true true, false Enables/disables Application Detection feature
class (string)
iRuleEventEnabled (boolean) false true, false Enables/disables CLASSIFICATION_DETECTED iRule event generation
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
logPublisher (Pointer_Log_Publisher)
logUnclassifiedDomain (boolean) false true, false Enables/disables unclassified domain logging
parentProfile (Pointer_Classification_Profile) {“bigip”:”/Common/classification”}
Specifies the name of the object to inherit the settings from
preset (Pointer_Classification_Preset) {“bigip”:”/Common/ce”}
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
statisticsCollectionEnabled (boolean) false true, false Enables/disables statistics collection
statisticsPublisher (Pointer_Log_Publisher)
urlCategorizationEnabled (boolean) false true, false Enables/disables URL Categorization feature


Specifies a pool that the virtual server uses to replicate either client or server traffic


Name (Type) Default Values Description
egress (Pointer_Pool)
Egress (server-side context) clone pool
ingress (Pointer_Pool)
Ingress (client-side context) clone pool


Options to control configuration process


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string) “Controls” “Controls”
fortune (boolean) false true, false If true, AS3 will activate Zoltar mode and read you your fortune
logLevel (string) “error” “emergency”, “alert”, “critical”, “error”, “warning”, “notice”, “info”, “debug” Controls the amount of detail in logs produced while configuring this Tenant (default is whole-declaration Controls/logLevel value)
trace (boolean) false true, false If true, AS3 creates a detailed trace of the configuration process for this Tenant for subsequent analysis (default is whole-declaration Controls/trace value). Warning: trace files may contain sensitive configuration data
traceResponse (boolean) false true, false If true, the response will contain the trace files


Configures a data group object which contains list of data


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
dataGroupFile (Pointer_Data_Group_File)
externalFilePath (string)
Specifies the location (URI) from where the records will be copied
ignoreChanges (boolean) false true, false If false (default), the system updates data group in every AS3 declaration deployment. If true, AS3 creates the data group on first deployment, and leaves it untouched afterwards
keyDataType (string)
“integer”, “ip”, “string” Specifies the type of record keys the data group contains. If string, the value will be escaped by default
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
records (array<Data_Group_records>)
List of records
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
separator (string) “:=”
Specifies the character(s) that separate the record key and value
storageType (string) “internal” “internal”, “external” Toggles whether the data group is internal or external


Data_Group records possible properties when object type


Name (Type) Default Values Description
value (string)
Value to store


Configures data group records to store


Name (Type) Default Values Description
records (array<Data_Group_Records_Base_records>)
List of records


Data_Group_Records_Base records possible properties when object type


Name (Type) Default Values Description
value (string)
Value to store


A specialization of Data_Group_Records_Base where all items in the records property must be integers.


Name (Type) Default Values Description
records (array<Data_Group_Records_Integer_records>)
List of records


Data_Group_Records_Integer records possible properties when object type


Name (Type) Default Values Description
value (string)
Value to store


A specialization of Data_Group_Records_Base where all items in the records property must be IP addresses.


Name (Type) Default Values Description
records (array<Data_Group_Records_IP_records>)
List of records


Data_Group_Records_IP records possible properties when object type


Name (Type) Default Values Description
value (string)
Value to store


A specialization of Data_Group_Records_Base where all items in the records property must be strings.


Name (Type) Default Values Description
records (array<Data_Group_Records_String_records>)
List of records


Data_Group_Records_String records possible properties when object type


Name (Type) Default Values Description
value (string)
Value to store


Reference to a data-group containing the values


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP Data-Group
use (string)
AS3 pointer to Data_Group


Configures a DNS cache


Name (Type) Default Values Description
answerDefaultZones (boolean) false true, false Specifies whether the system answers DNS queries for the default zones localhost, reverse and ::1, and AS112
class (string)
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
localZones (DNS_Cache_localZones | DNS_Zone_Local)
Configures resource records that a DNS cache uses to resolve matching DNS queries with authoritative DNS responses
messageCacheSize (integer) 1048576 [0, 4294967295] Specifies the maximum size of the message cache in bytes
recordCacheSize (integer) 10485760 [1, 4294967295] Specifies the maximum size of the resource record (RR) cache in bytes
recordRotationMethod (string) “none” “none”, “query-id” Specifies the resource record rotation method used within cached responses
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
type (string)
“transparent” Type of DNS cache


Properties for a DNS transparent cache


Name (Type) Default Values Description
answerDefaultZones (boolean) false true, false Specifies whether the system answers DNS queries for the default zones localhost, reverse and ::1, and AS112
localZones (DNS_Cache_Transparent_localZones | DNS_Zone_Local)
Configures resource records that a DNS cache uses to resolve matching DNS queries with authoritative DNS responses
messageCacheSize (integer) 1048576 [0, 4294967295] Specifies the maximum size of the message cache in bytes
recordCacheSize (integer) 10485760 [1, 4294967295] Specifies the maximum size of the resource record (RR) cache in bytes
recordRotationMethod (string) “none” “none”, “query-id” Specifies the resource record rotation method used within cached responses


Configures a DNS nameserver


Name (Type) Default Values Description
address (string) “” format: f5ip Specifies the IP address on which the DNS nameserver (client) or back-end DNS authoritative server (DNS Express server) listens for DNS messages
class (string)
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
port (integer) 53 [0, 65535] Specifies the service port on which the DNS nameserver (client) or back-end DNS authoritative server (DNS Express server) listens for DNS messages
routeDomain (Pointer_Route_Domain) {“bigip”:”/Common/0”}
tsigKey (Pointer_DNS_TSIG_Key)


Configures a Domain Name System (DNS) profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
cache (Pointer_DNS_Cache)
cacheEnabled (boolean) false true, false Specifies whether the system caches DNS responses
class (string)
dns64AdditionalSectionRewrite (string) “disabled” “disabled”, “v6-only”, “v4-only”, “any” Select an option to allow improved network efficiency for both Unicast and Multicast DNS-SD responses
dns64Mode (string) “disabled” “disabled”, “secondary”, “immediate”, “v4-only” Specifies handling of AAAA and A DNS queries and responses
dns64Prefix (string) “0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0”
Specifies the prefix to use for the IPv6-formatted IP addresses that the system converts to IPv4-formatted IP addresses
dnsExpressEnabled (boolean) true true, false Specifies whether the DNS Express engine is enabled. The DNS Express engine receives zone transfers from the authoritative DNS server for the zone. If the Zone Transfer setting is also enabled on this profile, the DNS Express engine also responds to zone transfer requests made by the nameservers configured as zone transfer clients for the DNS Express zone.
dnssecEnabled (boolean) true true, false Specifies whether the system signs responses with DNSSEC keys and replies to DNSSEC specific queries (e.g., DNSKEY query type)
globalServerLoadBalancingEnabled (boolean) true true, false Specifies whether the system uses Global Traffic Manager to manage the response
hardwareQueryValidationEnabled (boolean) false true, false On supported platforms, indicates whether the hardware will accelerate query validation
hardwareResponseCacheEnabled (boolean) false true, false On supported platforms, indicates whether the hardware will cache responses
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
localBindServerEnabled (boolean) true true, false Specifies whether the system forwards non-wide IP queries to the local BIND server on the BIG-IP system. For best performance, disable this setting when using a DNS cache.
loggingEnabled (boolean) true true, false Specifies whether to process client-side DNS packets with Recursion Desired set in the header. If set to Disabled, processing of the packet is subject to the unhandled-query-action option.
loggingProfile (Pointer_DNS_Logging_Profile)
parentProfile (Pointer_DNS_Profile) {“bigip”:”/Common/dns”}
Specifies the name of the object to inherit the settings from
rapidResponseEnabled (boolean) false true, false When enabled, if the query name matches a GTM wide IP name and GTM is enabled on this profile, the DNS query will bypass Rapid Response. Note: This setting is supported only on physical BIG-IP hardware because it needs a High-Speed Bridge (HSB) to work. When using BIG-IP Virtual Edition, however, the system does not prevent you from selecting an action, even though the setting is ignored.
rapidResponseLastAction (string) “drop” “allow”, “drop”, “noerror”, “nxdomain”, “refuse”, “truncate” Specifies what action the system takes when Rapid Response Mode is enabled and the incoming DNS query does not match a DNS Express Zone
recursionDesiredEnabled (boolean) true true, false Specifies whether to process client-side DNS packets with Recursion Desired set in the header. If set to Disabled, processing of the packet is subject to the unhandled-query-action option.
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
securityEnabled (boolean) true true, false Specifies whether DNS firewall capability is enabled.
securityProfile (Pointer_DNS_Security_Profile)
statisticsSampleRate (integer) 0 [0, 4294967295] Sets AVR DNS statistics sampling rate. A value of 0 (zero) means that no query will be sent to the analytics database. A value of 1 means that every query will be sent. A value of n means that every nth query will be sent, and that the analytics database will count that query n times. When sampling rate is greater than one, the statistics will be inaccurate if the traffic volume is low. However, when the traffic volume is high, the system performance will benefit from sampling and the inaccuracy will be negligible. DNS statistics contain query name, query type, virtual server IP and client IP.
unhandledQueryAction (string) “allow” “allow”, “drop”, “hint”, “noerror”, “reject” Specifies whether the system uses the local BIND server on the BIG-IP system
zoneTransferEnabled (boolean) false true, false Specifies whether the system answers zone transfer requests for a DNS zone created on the system. The DNS Express and Zone Transfer settings on a DNS profile affect how the system responds to zone transfer requests.


Configures a TSIG key


Name (Type) Default Values Description
algorithm (string) “hmacmd5” “hmacmd5”, “hmacsha1”, “hmacsha256” Specifies the algorithm the system uses to authenticate AXFR zone transfer requests as coming from an approved DNS nameserver, or to authenticate AXFR zone transfers as coming from an approved back-end DNS authoritative server. The algorithm involves a cryptographic hash function in combination with a secret, which is specified in the Secret field. The default is HMAC MD5 (the Hash-based Message Authentication Code MD5).
class (string)
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
secret (DNS_TSIG_Key_secret)
Specifies the secret used with the algorithm in the verification process. The secret must be generated by a third-party tool such as BIND’s keygen utility; the BIG-IP system does not generate the TSIG key secret.


DNS_TSIG_Key secret possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
allowReuse (boolean) false true, false If true, other declaration objects may reuse this value
ciphertext (string)
Put base64url(data_value) here
ignoreChanges (boolean) false true, false If false (default), the system updates the ciphertext in every AS3 declaration deployment. If true, AS3 creates the ciphertext on first deployment, and leaves it untouched afterwards
miniJWE (boolean) true true, false If true (default), object is an f5 mini-JWE
protected (string) “eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0”
JOSE header: alg=dir, enc=(none|f5sv); default enc=none (encoded default is ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0’, use with secret simply base64url-encoded into ‘ciphertext’). If you see ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJmNXN2In0’, ‘ciphertext’ contains base64url-encoded SecureVault cryptogram
reuseFrom (string)
AS3 pointer to another JWE cryptogram in this declaration to copy
url (Secret_Resource_URL)
URL from which secret should be fetched


Configures a DNS zone


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
dnsExpress (DNS_Zone_DNS_Express)
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
responsePolicyEnabled (boolean) false true, false Specifies if this is a response policy zone. If this is set to yes, this zone may be assigned as an RPZ to a DNS Cache
serverTsigKey (Pointer_DNS_TSIG_Key)
transferClients (array<Pointer_DNS_Nameserver>)
Specifies the DNS nameservers to which the system sends NOTIFY messages. The system allows only the DNS nameservers in the Active column to initiate AXFR zone transfers for this DNS zone.


Configure zone DNS Express settings


Name (Type) Default Values Description
allowNotifyFrom (array<string>)
format: f5ip Specifies the IP addresses from which the system accepts NOTIFY messages for this DNS Express zone
enabled (boolean) true true, false Specifies whether DNS Express is enabled to process queries for this zone
nameserver (Pointer_DNS_Nameserver)
Specifies the back-end authoritative DNS server from which the BIG-IP system receives AXFR zone transfers for the DNS Express zone. The options are None and user-defined nameservers.
notifyAction (string) “consume” “consume”, “bypass”, “repeat” Specifies the action the system takes when a NOTIFY message is received for this DNS Express zone. NOTIFY responses are assumed to be sent by the authoritative nameserver for the zone, except when the action is Consume, and then DNS Express generates the response. Note: If a TSIG key is configured for the zone, the signature is only validated for Consume and Repeat actions.
verifyNotifyTsig (boolean) true true, false Specifies whether the system verifies the identity of the authoritative nameserver that sends updated information for this DNS Express zone


Configures resource records that a DNS cache uses to resolve matching DNS queries with authoritative DNS responses


Name (Type) Default Values Description
records (array<string>)
A or AAAA record entry
type (string) “transparent” “deny”, “redirect”, “refuse”, “static”, “transparent”, “type-transparent” Describes how the cache handles a non-matching query for the local zone


Adds the source IP address to the denylist category assigned to the Denial-of-Service (DoS) vector


Name (Type) Default Values Description
attackDetectionTime (integer) 60 [1, 4294967295] Specifies the time in seconds before a vector is denylisted
category (Pointer_Denylist_Category) {“bigip”:”/Common/denial_of_service”}
Specifies the denylist category assigned to the DoS vector. The settings for this category determine IP Intelligence actions, logging settings, and denylist publisher settings.
categoryDuration (integer) 14400 [60, 4294967295] Specifies the time in seconds before the denylist entry is removed
enabled (boolean) false true, false Specifies if automatic denylist management should be used
externalAdvertisementEnabled (boolean) false true, false Specifies that addresses that are identified for denylisting are advertised to BGP routers, as configured per denylist category in Blacklist Publisher


Bad actor detection allows automatic detection, logging, and rate limiting of specific IP addresses that appear to be the source of an attack, based on criteria you configure.


Name (Type) Default Values Description
enabled (boolean) false true, false Specifies that Bad Actor detection is enabled
sourceDetectionThreshold (integer) 4294967295 [0, 4294967295] Specifies the number of packets per second to identify an IP address as a bad actor. BIG-IP versions below 13.1.0 clamp this value to a maximum of 2147483647
sourceMitigationThreshold (integer) 4294967295 [0, 4294967295] Specifies the rate limit applied to a source IP that is identified as a bad actor. BIG-IP versions below 13.1.0 clamp this value to a maximum of 2147483647


Protocol DNS Denial-of-Service (DoS) vector


Name (Type) Default Values Description
autoAttackCeiling (integer) 4294967295 [0, 4294967295] Specifies the absolute maximum allowable for packets of this type. This setting rate limits packets to the packets per second setting, when specified. To set no hard limit and allow automatic thresholds to manage all rate limiting, set this to 4294967295.
autoAttackFloor (integer) 100 [0, 4294967295] Specifies packets per second to identify an attack. These settings provide an absolute minimum of packets to allow before the attack is identified. As the automatic detection thresholds adjust to traffic and CPU usage on the system over time, this attack floor becomes less relevant. BIG-IP versions below 13.1.0 clamp this value to a maximum of 2147483647
autoBlacklistSettings (DOS_Auto_Denylist_Settings) {}
Deprecated. Replaced with functionally equivalent autoDenylistSettings.
autoDenylistSettings (DOS_Auto_Denylist_Settings)
badActorSettings (DOS_Bad_Actor_Detection_Settings) {}
rateIncreaseThreshold (integer) 500 [0, 4294967295] Specify percent of rate increase the system must discover in traffic in order to detect this attack. BIG-IP version 13.1.x clamps this value to a maximum of 2147483647
rateLimit (integer) 4294967295 [0, 4294967295] Specify the maximum number of this type of packet per second the system allows for a vector. The system drops packets once the traffic level exceeds the rate limit. BIG-IP versions below 13.1.0 clamp this value to a maximum of 2147483647
rateThreshold (integer) 4294967295 [0, 4294967295] Specify how many packets per second the system must discover in traffic in order to detect this attack. BIG-IP versions below 13.1.0 clamp this value to a maximum of 2147483647
simulateAutoThresholdEnabled (boolean) false true, false Specifies that results of the current automatic thresholds are logged, though manual thresholds are enforced, and no action is taken on automatic thresholds
state (string) “mitigate” “disabled”, “learn-only”, “detect-only”, “mitigate” Specifies how to enforce protection for that attack type: mitigate (watch, learn, alert, and mitigate), detect-only (watch, learn, and alert), learn-only (collect stats, no mitigation), or Disabled (no stat collection, no mitigation).
thresholdMode (string) “manual” “manual”, “stress-based-mitigation”, “fully-automatic” Specifies how thresholds are set for this vector
type (string)
“a”, “aaaa”, “any”, “axfr”, “cname”, “ixfr”, “mx”, “ns”, “nxdomain”, “other”, “ptr”, “qdcount”, “soa”, “srv”, “txt”, “malformed” Specifies the name of the DoS attack vector whose thresholds you are configuring


Network Denial-of-Service (DoS) vector


Name (Type) Default Values Description
autoAttackCeiling (integer) 4294967295 [0, 4294967295] Specifies the absolute maximum allowable for packets of this type. This setting rate limits packets to the packets per second setting, when specified. To set no hard limit and allow automatic thresholds to manage all rate limiting, set this to 4294967295.
autoAttackFloor (integer) 100 [0, 4294967295] Specifies packets per second to identify an attack. These settings provide an absolute minimum of packets to allow before the attack is identified. As the automatic detection thresholds adjust to traffic and CPU usage on the system over time, this attack floor becomes less relevant. BIG-IP versions below 13.1.0 clamp this value to a maximum of 2147483647
autoBlacklistSettings (DOS_Auto_Denylist_Settings) {}
Deprecated. Replaced with functionally equivalent autoDenylistSettings.
autoDenylistSettings (DOS_Auto_Denylist_Settings)
badActorSettings (DOS_Bad_Actor_Detection_Settings) {}
rateIncreaseThreshold (integer) 500 [0, 4294967295] Specify percent of rate increase the system must discover in traffic in order to detect this attack
rateLimit (integer) 4294967295 [0, 4294967295] Specify the maximum number of this type of packet per second the system allows for a vector. The system drops packets once the traffic level exceeds the rate limit. BIG-IP versions below 13.1.0 clamp this value to a maximum of 2147483647
rateThreshold (integer) 4294967295 [0, 4294967295] Specify how many packets per second the system must discover in traffic in order to detect this attack. BIG-IP versions below 13.1.0 clamp this value to a maximum of 2147483647
simulateAutoThresholdEnabled (boolean) false true, false Specifies that results of the current automatic thresholds are logged, though manual thresholds are enforced, and no action is taken on automatic thresholds
state (string) “mitigate” “disabled”, “learn-only”, “detect-only”, “mitigate” Specifies how to enforce protection for that attack type: mitigate (watch, learn, alert, and mitigate), detect-only (watch, learn, and alert), learn-only (collect stats, no mitigation), or Disabled (no stat collection, no mitigation).
thresholdMode (string) “manual” “manual”, “stress-based-mitigation”, “fully-automatic” Specifies how thresholds are set for this vector
type (string)
“ext-hdr-too-large”, “hop-cnt-low”, “host-unreachable”, “icmpv4-flood”, “icmpv6-flood”, “icmp-frag”, “ip-frag-flood”, “ip-low-ttl”, “ip-opt-frames”, “ipv6-ext-hdr-frames”, “ipv6-frag-flood”, “non-tcp-connection”, “opt-present-with-illegal-len”, “sweep”, “tcp-half-open”, “tcp-opt-overruns-tcp-hdr”, “tcp-psh-flood”, “tcp-rst-flood”, “tcp-syn-flood”, “tcp-synack-flood”, “tcp-syn-oversize”, “tcp-bad-urg”, “tcp-window-size”, “tidcmp”, “too-many-ext-hdrs”, “udp-flood”, “unk-tcp-opt-type” Specifies the name of the DoS attack vector whose thresholds you are configuring


Configures a Denial of Service (DOS) profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
allowlist (Pointer_Firewall_Address_List)
Specifies the default allowlist address list for the system to use to determine which IP addresses are legitimate. The system does not examine traffic from the IP addresses in the list when performing DoS prevention.
application (DOS_Profile_Application)
Application security sub-profile
applicationAllowlist (Pointer_Firewall_Address_List)
Specifies the IP addresses and subnets allowlist configuration for Application Security (Overrides the global allowlist)
applicationWhitelist (Pointer_Firewall_Address_List)
Deprecated. Replaced with functionally equivalent applicationAllowlist. Specifies the IP addresses and subnets allowlist configuration for Application Security (Overrides the global allowlist)
class (string)
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
network (DOS_Profile_Network)
Network security sub-profile
protocolDNS (DOS_Profile_Protocol_DNS)
DNS protocol security sub-profile
protocolSIP (DOS_Profile_Protocol_SIP)
SIP protocol security sub-profile
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
whitelist (Pointer_Firewall_Address_List)
Deprecated. Replaced with functionally equivalent allowlist. Specifies the default allowlist address list for the system to use to determine which IP addresses are legitimate. The system does not examine traffic from the IP addresses in the list when performing DoS prevention.


Specifies the conditions for determining that your application is under a DoS attack, and how the system reacts to a suspected attack.


Name (Type) Default Values Description
allowlistedGeolocations (array<string>)
Override the DoS profile’s geolocation rate based threshold settings by selecting countries from which to allow traffic during a DoS attack
blacklistedGeolocations (array<string>)
Deprecated. Replaced with functionally equivalent denylistedGeolocations. Override the DoS profile’s geolocation rate based threshold settings by selecting countries from which to block traffic during a DoS attack
botDefense (DOS_Profile_Application_Bot_Defense) {}
This feature proactively detects bots and scripts, and prevents them from accessing the site. It may be used to prevent DDoS, Web Scraping, and Brute Force attacks. Enabling this feature requires JavaScript support from the browsers.
botSignatures (DOS_Profile_Application_Bot_Signatures) {}
This feature automatically detects well known bots according to their HTTP characteristics. Malicious bots can be configured to be blocked, while benign bots can be configured to pass through the anti-bot defense mechanisms
captchaResponse (DOS_Profile_Application_Captcha) {}
denylistedGeolocations (array<string>)
Override the DoS profile’s geolocation rate based threshold settings by selecting countries from which to block traffic during a DoS attack
heavyURLProtection (DOS_Profile_Application_Heavy_URL) {}
Configure Heavy URL include list, automatic detection, and exclude list
mobileDefense (DOS_Profile_Application_Mobile_Defense) {}
This feature detects mobile applications built with the Anti-Bot Mobile SDK and defines how requests from these mobile application clients are handled
profileAcceleration (Pointer_L4_Profile)
Select a TCP fastL4 profile to be used as a fast-path for acceleration
rateBasedDetection (DOS_Profile_Application_Rate_Based_Detection) {}
Configures the detection of DoS attacks based on high volume of incoming traffic
recordTraffic (DOS_Profile_Application_TCP_Dump) {}
This feature allows automatic recording of traffic during DoS attacks, and storing the recordings as TCP Dump files. The files are placed in the system file path /shared/dosl7/tcpdumps.
remoteTriggeredBlackHoleDuration (integer)
[0, 4294967295] Specifies the BGP route advertisement duration in seconds for Remote Triggered Black Hole of attacking IPs. This requires configuration of the Blacklist Publisher, and will function even when the Operation Mode is set to Transparent. A value of 0 disables Remote Triggered Black Hole. Requires the AFM module and if this property is unspecified it will be disabled.
scrubbingDuration (integer)
[0, 4294967295] Specifies the BGP route advertisement duration in seconds for Traffic Scrubbing during attacks. This requires configuration of the Scrubber Profile, and will function even when the Operation Mode is set to Transparent. A value of 0 disables Traffic Scrubbing. Requires the AFM module and if this property is unspecified it will be disabled.
singlePageApplicationEnabled (boolean) false true, false Specifies that your website is a Single Page Application, meaning a web application that loads new content without triggering a full page-reload
stressBasedDetection (DOS_Profile_Application_Stress_Based_Detection) {}
Configures the detection of DoS attacks based on server stress. The system automatically detects an increase in server stress and mitigates DoS attacks causing it.
triggerIRule (boolean) false true, false Specifies that the system activates an Application DoS iRule event
whitelistedGeolocations (array<string>)
Deprecated. Replaced with functionally equivalent allowlistedGeolocations. Override the DoS profile’s geolocation rate based threshold settings by selecting countries from which to allow traffic during a DoS attack


AS3 provides defense against bot attacks by detecting and stopping them before the attacks start to grow, by performing the following:

  • The system sends a client-side JavaScript challenge to the browser.
  • If the challenge is met, the system adds a cookie to the second request. This cookie is active until the session ends, and the system does not add any more cookies to further requests during that session.
  • The system drops requests sent by browsers that do not answer the system’s initial JavaScript challenge, assuming they are bots that do not support JavaScript.

Note: This feature requires browsers to allow JavaScript.

Important: The proactive bot defense feature works also in Transparent mode. This means that the system will replace responses with client side JavaScript also in Transparent mode, and if the client cannot run JavaScript, it will not be able to receive the server responses.

Important: If you enable Proactive Bot Defense and your web site uses CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing), we recommend that you add the CORS URLs to the proactive bot URL allowlist.

This method is intended to complement, not replace, the other mitigation methods.


Name (Type) Default Values Description
blockSuspiscousBrowsers (boolean) true true, false Detect and block requests from highly suspicious browsers
crossDomainRequests (string) “allow-all” “allow-all”, “validate-bulk”, “validate-upon-request” Specifies how the system responds when receiving a request for non-HTML resources (images, CSS, XML, JavaScript, and Flash) without a valid cookie, and has a Referer header with a different domain than the host domain.
externalDomains (array<string>)
Specifies the external referring domains (that are not part of your website) that are allowed to link to resources in your website. These domains are not protected with proactive bot defense, but the system allows them if they pass the system’s redirect-cookie challenge.
gracePeriod (integer) 300 [0, 4294967295] The length of time (in seconds) before the system blocks suspected bots. The grace period allows web application pages with both HTML and non-HTML (like images, JS, and CSS) to load completely without being blocked. The grace period starts after client validation, a configuration change, or when proactive bot defense is activated as a result of a detected attack or high latency.
issueCaptchaChallenge (boolean) true true, false Issue CAPTCHA challenges to moderately suspicious browsers
mode (string) “off” “off”, “during-attacks”, “always” Specifies the conditions under which bots are detected and blocked
siteDomains (array<string>)
Specifies how the system responds when receiving a request for non-HTML resources (images, CSS, XML, JavaScript, and Flash) without a valid cookie, and has a Referer header with a different domain than the host domain
urlAllowlist (array<string>)
Specifies excluded URLs. Requests to these URLs will not be blocked by Proactive Bot Defense, although they may still be blocked by the TPS-based / Stress-based attack mitigation
urlWhitelist (array<string>)
Deprecated. Replaced with functionally equivalent urlAllowlist. Specifies excluded URLs. Requests to these URLs will not be blocked by Proactive Bot Defense, although they may still be blocked by the TPS-based / Stress-based attack mitigation


This feature automatically detects well known bots according to their HTTP characteristics. Malicious bots can be configured to be blocked, while benign bots can be configured to pass through the anti-bot defense mechanisms.


Name (Type) Default Values Description
blockedCategories (array<Pointer_Bot_Signature_Category>)
The system blocks and reports requests that match signatures in this list of categories
checkingEnabled (boolean) false true, false Specifies that the system uses signatures to check whether a bot is benign or malicious
disabledSignatures (array<Pointer_Bot_Signature>)
A list of signatures that the system ignores when it matches requests with configured bot signatures
reportedCategories (array<Pointer_Bot_Signature_Category>)
The system logs requests that match signatures in this list of categories and counts them in the DoS reports


Specifies the text the system sends, during a suspected DoS event, to users after it challenges users with the first CAPTCHA response, and the text the system sends to users after they fail a CAPTCHA response.


Name (Type) Default Values Description
failure (string)
Specifies the content that the system displays to a user after the user fails to correctly answer a CAPTCHA
first (string)
Specifies the content that the system displays to a user the first time the user is asked to respond to a CAPTCHA


Specifies the criteria that determines when the system treats a device as an attacker


Name (Type) Default Values Description
captchaChallengeEnabled (boolean) false true, false Specifies, when enabled, that if traffic meets the detection conditions, the system issues a CAPTCHA challenge to determine whether the client is a legal browser with a human user behind it, or an illegal script. (Legal browsers with human users behind them are able to respond, while illegal scripts cannot.)
clientSideDefenseEnabled (boolean) false true, false Specifies, when enabled, that if traffic meets the detection conditions, the system issues a client-side integrity challenge that will consume computation resources from the client and slow its attack rate. The system issues a client-side integrity challenge to determine whether the client is a legal browser or an illegal script by sending a JavaScript challenge and waiting for a response. (Legal browsers are able to respond, while illegal scripts cannot.)
maximumAutoTps (integer) 5000 [0, 4294967295] Maximum number of transactions per second of an auto-calculated threshold before a source is considered an attacking entity
maximumTps (integer) 200 [0, 4294967295] The maximum number of transactions per second before a source is always considered an attacking entity
minimumAutoTps (integer) 5 [0, 4294967295] Minimum number of transactions per second of an auto-calculated threshold before a source is considered an attacking entity
minimumTps (integer) 40 [0, 4294967295] The minimum number of transactions per second before a source can be considered an attacking entity. This condition and the increase rate condition must be met for a source to be considered an attacking entity.
rateLimitingEnabled (boolean) false true, false Specifies, when enabled, that if traffic meets the detection conditions, the system applies rate limiting to the traffic
rateLimitingMode (string) “rate-limit” “rate-limit”, “block-all” Specifies if rate limiting should block all traffic (‘block-all’) or apply normal rate limiting (‘rate-limit’).
tpsIncreaseRate (integer) 500 [0, 4294967295] The transactions per second increase (as a percentage) that must occur before a source can be considered an attacking entity. This condition and the minimum TPS condition must be met for a source to be considered an attacking entity.


Specifies the criteria that determines when the system treats a geolocation as an attacker


Name (Type) Default Values Description
captchaChallengeEnabled (boolean) false true, false Specifies, when enabled, that if traffic meets the detection conditions, the system issues a CAPTCHA challenge to determine whether the client is a legal browser with a human user behind it, or an illegal script. (Legal browsers with human users behind them are able to respond, while illegal scripts cannot.)
clientSideDefenseEnabled (boolean) false true, false Specifies, when enabled, that if traffic meets the detection conditions, the system issues a client-side integrity challenge that will consume computation resources from the client and slow its attack rate. The system issues a client-side integrity challenge to determine whether the client is a legal browser or an illegal script by sending a JavaScript challenge and waiting for a response. (Legal browsers are able to respond, while illegal scripts cannot.)
maximumAutoTps (integer) 20000 [0, 4294967295] Maximum number of transactions per second of an auto-calculated threshold before a source is considered an attacking entity
minimumAutoTps (integer) 50 [0, 4294967295] Minimum number of transactions per second of an auto-calculated threshold before a source is considered an attacking entity
minimumShare (integer) 10 [0, 4294967295] The minimum share of traffic (as a percentage) before a source can be considered an attacking entity. This condition and the share increase rate condition must be met for a source to be considered an attacking entity.
rateLimitingEnabled (boolean) false true, false Specifies, when enabled, that if traffic meets the detection conditions, the system applies rate limiting to the traffic
rateLimitingMode (string) “rate-limit” “rate-limit”, “block-all” Specifies if rate limiting should block all traffic (‘block-all’) or apply normal rate limiting (‘rate-limit’).
shareIncreaseRate (integer) 500 [0, 4294967295] The share increase (as a percentage) that must occur before a source can be considered an attacking entity. This condition and the minimum share condition must be met for a source to be considered an attacking entity.


Specifies the criteria that determines when the system treats a source IP address as an attacker


Name (Type) Default Values Description
captchaChallengeEnabled (boolean) false true, false Specifies, when enabled, that if traffic meets the detection conditions, the system issues a CAPTCHA challenge to determine whether the client is a legal browser with a human user behind it, or an illegal script. (Legal browsers with human users behind them are able to respond, while illegal scripts cannot.)
clientSideDefenseEnabled (boolean) false true, false Specifies, when enabled, that if traffic meets the detection conditions, the system issues a client-side integrity challenge that will consume computation resources from the client and slow its attack rate. The system issues a client-side integrity challenge to determine whether the client is a legal browser or an illegal script by sending a JavaScript challenge and waiting for a response. (Legal browsers are able to respond, while illegal scripts cannot.)
maximumAutoTps (integer) 5000 [0, 4294967295] Maximum number of transactions per second of an auto-calculated threshold before a source is considered an attacking entity
maximumTps (integer) 200 [0, 4294967295] The maximum number of transactions per second before a source is always considered an attacking entity
minimumAutoTps (integer) 5 [0, 4294967295] Minimum number of transactions per second of an auto-calculated threshold before a source is considered an attacking entity
minimumTps (integer) 40 [0, 4294967295] The minimum number of transactions per second before a source can be considered an attacking entity. This condition and the increase rate condition must be met for a source to be considered an attacking entity.
rateLimitingEnabled (boolean) true true, false Specifies, when enabled, that if traffic meets the detection conditions, the system applies rate limiting to the traffic
rateLimitingMode (string) “rate-limit” “rate-limit”, “block-all” Specifies if rate limiting should block all traffic (‘block-all’) or apply normal rate limiting (‘rate-limit’).
tpsIncreaseRate (integer) 500 [0, 4294967295] The transactions per second increase (as a percentage) that must occur before a source can be considered an attacking entity. This condition and the minimum TPS condition must be met for a source to be considered an attacking entity.


Specifies the criteria that determines when the system treats a site as an attacker


Name (Type) Default Values Description
captchaChallengeEnabled (boolean) false true, false Specifies, when enabled, that if traffic meets the detection conditions, the system issues a CAPTCHA challenge to determine whether the client is a legal browser with a human user behind it, or an illegal script. (Legal browsers with human users behind them are able to respond, while illegal scripts cannot.)
clientSideDefenseEnabled (boolean) false true, false Specifies, when enabled, that if traffic meets the detection conditions, the system issues a client-side integrity challenge that will consume computation resources from the client and slow its attack rate. The system issues a client-side integrity challenge to determine whether the client is a legal browser or an illegal script by sending a JavaScript challenge and waiting for a response. (Legal browsers are able to respond, while illegal scripts cannot.)
maximumAutoTps (integer) 20000 [0, 4294967295] Maximum number of transactions per second of an auto-calculated threshold before a source is considered an attacking entity
maximumTps (integer) 10000 [0, 4294967295] The maximum number of transactions per second before a source is always considered an attacking entity
minimumAutoTps (integer) 5 [0, 4294967295] Minimum number of transactions per second of an auto-calculated threshold before a source is considered an attacking entity
minimumTps (integer) 2000 [0, 4294967295] The minimum number of transactions per second before a source can be considered an attacking entity. This condition and the increase rate condition must be met for a source to be considered an attacking entity.
rateLimitingEnabled (boolean) false true, false Specifies, when enabled, that if traffic meets the detection conditions, the system applies rate limiting to the traffic
tpsIncreaseRate (integer) 500 [0, 4294967295] The transactions per second increase (as a percentage) that must occur before a source can be considered an attacking entity. This condition and the minimum TPS condition must be met for a source to be considered an attacking entity.


Specifies the criteria that determines when the system treats a URL as an attacker


Name (Type) Default Values Description
captchaChallengeEnabled (boolean) false true, false Specifies, when enabled, that if traffic meets the detection conditions, the system issues a CAPTCHA challenge to determine whether the client is a legal browser with a human user behind it, or an illegal script. (Legal browsers with human users behind them are able to respond, while illegal scripts cannot.)
clientSideDefenseEnabled (boolean) false true, false Specifies, when enabled, that if traffic meets the detection conditions, the system issues a client-side integrity challenge that will consume computation resources from the client and slow its attack rate. The system issues a client-side integrity challenge to determine whether the client is a legal browser or an illegal script by sending a JavaScript challenge and waiting for a response. (Legal browsers are able to respond, while illegal scripts cannot.)
heavyURLProtectionEnabled (boolean) true true, false Specifies, when enabled, that heavy URL protection should be enabled
maximumAutoTps (integer) 5000 [0, 4294967295] Maximum number of transactions per second of an auto-calculated threshold before a source is considered an attacking entity
maximumTps (integer) 1000 [0, 4294967295] The maximum number of transactions per second before a source is always considered an attacking entity
minimumAutoTps (integer) 5 [0, 4294967295] Minimum number of transactions per second of an auto-calculated threshold before a source is considered an attacking entity
minimumTps (integer) 200 [0, 4294967295] The minimum number of transactions per second before a source can be considered an attacking entity. This condition and the increase rate condition must be met for a source to be considered an attacking entity.
rateLimitingEnabled (boolean) true true, false Specifies, when enabled, that if traffic meets the detection conditions, the system applies rate limiting to the traffic
tpsIncreaseRate (integer) 500 [0, 4294967295] The transactions per second increase (as a percentage) that must occur before a source can be considered an attacking entity. This condition and the minimum TPS condition must be met for a source to be considered an attacking entity.


Heavy URLs are a small number of site URLs that might consume considerable server resources per request. Heavy URLs respond with low latency most of the time, but may easily reach high latency under specific conditions. Heavy URLs are not necessarily heavy all the time, but are potentially heavy, especially during DoS attacks. It only takes a low rate of requests to heavy URLs in order to cause DoS attacks. When an attack is suspected, the system protects the heavy URLs using the by URL methods that you enabled in TPS-based Detection and Behavioral & Stress-based Detection. If no URL-based methods are enabled there, the system only reports attacks.


Name (Type) Default Values Description
automaticDetectionEnabled (boolean) true true, false Mark a URL as heavy if its portion of transactions with latency above the specified threshold is higher than usual for this site
detectionThreshold (integer) 1000 [16, 4294967295] Specifies the latency threshold for automatic heavy URL detection (in milliseconds)
excludeList (array<string>)
URLs that the system should not consider heavy even if the system automatically detects them as being heavy. This list may contain prefix wildcards.
protectList (array<DOS_Profile_Application_Heavy_URL_protectList>)
URLs that you expect to be heavy even if the system does not automatically detect them as being heavy


DOS_Profile_Application_Heavy_URL protectList possible properties when object type


Name (Type) Default Values Description
threshold (integer)
[0, 4294967295] Threshold for detection in requests per second
url (string)
URL to protect


When enabled, requests from mobile applications built with the Anti-Bot Mobile SDK will be detected and handled according to the setting configured here. When disabled, these requests will be handled like any other request, meaning that they may let attacks in or cause false positives. Mobile application traffic will be treated differently than other clients, e.g. browsers, in security policies. For this reason, even when DoS protection is not required in a security policy, you still must set a DoS profile with mobile application protection enabled.


Name (Type) Default Values Description
allowAndroidPublishers (array<Pointer_SSL_Certificate>)
Publisher certificates to allow. All others are blocked. An empty list allows all publishers.
allowAndroidRootedDevice (boolean) false true, false Select to allow traffic from rooted Android devices
allowEmulators (boolean) false true, false Select to allow traffic from applications run on emulators
allowIosPackageNames (array<string>)
Package names to allow. All others are blocked. An empty list allows all package names.
allowJailbrokenDevices (boolean) false true, false Select to allow traffic from jailbroken iOS devices
clientSideChallengeMode (string) “pass” “pass”, “challenge” Specifies the action to take when a CAPTCHA or Client Side Integrity challenge needs to be presented
enabled (boolean) false true, false When enabled, requests from mobile applications built with Anti-Bot Mobile SDK will be detected and handled according to the settings below. When disabled, these requests will be handled like any other request which may let attacks in, or cause false positives.


Configure the system to prevent DoS attacks based on the client side transactions per second (TPS-based detection mode). The system considers traffic to be a DoS attack based on the following calculations:

  • Transaction rate detection interval: The average number of requests per second sent. This is the TPS value that triggered the attack. This number is calculated by the system, by default, every ten seconds.
  • Transaction rate history interval: The average number of requests per second sent. This number is the average number of transactions for the past hour, and it is updated every 10 seconds.

In TPS-based detection mode, if the ratio of the transaction rate detection interval to the transaction rate history interval is greater than the specific percentage configured, the system detects the URL/site to be under attack, or the IP address/geolocation to be attacking. In order to stop the attack, the system blocks some, or all, requests from the detected IP address/geolocation and/to the attacked URL/site, depending on the configuration of the DoS profile.


Name (Type) Default Values Description
deEscalationPeriod (integer) 7200 [0, 86400] When preventing a DoS attack, specifies the time spent since the mitigation started until retrying the steps from the beginning of the enabled methods. If the value is 0, no de-escalation occurs.
deviceID (DOS_Profile_Application_Detection_Device) {}
escalationPeriod (integer) 120 [1, 3600] Specifies the minimum time spent in each mitigation step before the system moves to the next mitigation step when preventing a DoS attack. After the system detects a DoS attack, it performs attack prevention for the amount of time specified here for every method that is enabled. If after this period the attack has not been fully stopped, the system escalates to the next enabled prevention step.
geolocation (DOS_Profile_Application_Detection_Geolocation) {}
operationMode (string) “off” “off”, “transparent”, “blocking” Specifies how the system reacts when it detects an attack
site (DOS_Profile_Application_Detection_Site) {}
sourceIP (DOS_Profile_Application_Detection_IP) {}
thresholdsMode (string) “manual” “manual”, “automatic” Specifies what type of thresholds to use
url (DOS_Profile_Application_Detection_URL) {}


Configure the system to prevent DoS attacks based on the server’s health condition. An attack is detected if the system finds the server to be under stress and either of the TPS thresholds are crossed.


Name (Type) Default Values Description
badActor (DOS_Profile_Application_Stress_Based_Detection_Bad_Actor) {}
deEscalationPeriod (integer) 7200 [0, 86400] When preventing a DoS attack, specifies the time spent since the mitigation started until retrying the steps from the beginning of the enabled methods. If the value is 0, no de-escalation occurs.
deviceID (DOS_Profile_Application_Detection_Device) {}
escalationPeriod (integer) 120 [1, 3600] Specifies the minimum time spent in each mitigation step before the system moves to the next mitigation step when preventing a DoS attack. After the system detects a DoS attack, it performs attack prevention for the amount of time specified here for every method that is enabled. If after this period the attack has not been fully stopped, the system escalates to the next enabled prevention step.
geolocation (DOS_Profile_Application_Detection_Geolocation) {}
operationMode (string) “off” “off”, “transparent”, “blocking” Specifies how the system reacts when it detects an attack
site (DOS_Profile_Application_Detection_Site) {}
sourceIP (DOS_Profile_Application_Detection_IP) {}
thresholdsMode (string) “manual” “manual”, “automatic” Specifies what type of thresholds to use
url (DOS_Profile_Application_Detection_URL) {}


Specifies properties of Behavioral Detection in Stress-based anomaly.

The following mitigation options are available:

  • Conservative protection: If detectionEnabled is true, slows down and rate limits requests from anomalous IP addresses based on its anomaly detection confidence and the server’s health. If signatureDetectionEnabled is true, blocks requests that match the attack signatures.
  • Standard protection: If detectionEnabled is true, slows down requests from anomalous IP addresses based on its anomaly detection confidence and the server’s health. Rate limits requests from anomalous IP addresses and, if necessary, rate limits all requests based on the server’s health. Limits the number of concurrent connections from anomalous IP addresses and, if necessary, limits the number of all concurrent connections based on the server’s health. If signatureDetectionEnabled is true, blocks requests that match the attack signatures.
  • Aggressive protection: If detectionEnabled is true, slows down requests from anomalous IP addresses based on its anomaly detection confidence and the server’s health. Rate limits requests from anomalous IP addresses and, if necessary, rate limits all requests based on the server’s health. Limits the number of concurrent connections from anomalous IP addresses and, if necessary, limits the number of all concurrent connections based on the server’s health. Proactively performs all protection actions (even before an attack). Increases the impact of the protection techniques. If signatureDetectionEnabled is true, blocks requests that match the attack signatures. Increases the impact of blocked requests.


Name (Type) Default Values Description
acceleratedSignaturesEnabled (boolean) false true, false Enables signature detection before the connection establishment
detectionEnabled (boolean) false true, false Enables traffic behavior, server’s capacity learning, and anomaly detection
mitigationMode (string) “none” “none”, “conservative”, “standard”, “aggressive” Specifies mitigation impact on suspicious bad actors/requests
signatureDetectionEnabled (boolean) false true, false Enables request signature detection
tlsSignaturesEnabled (boolean) false true, false Enables tls signature detection before the connection establishment
useApprovedSignaturesOnly (boolean) false true, false Limits request signature detection to approved signatures only


Configure settings to record traffic (perform a TCP dump) when a DoS attack is underway, in order to diagnose the attack vectors and attackers, observe whether and how it was mitigated, and draw conclusions for changing the DoS profile configuration.


Name (Type) Default Values Description
maximumDuration (integer) 30 [0, 4294967295] Configures the maximum time for each TCP dump recording cycle
maximumSize (integer) 10 [0, 4294967295] Configures the maximum size (in MB) for each TCP dump recording cycle
recordTrafficEnabled (boolean) false true, false Enables the recording of traffic during attacks
repetitionInterval (string | integer) 120
Allow multiple TCP dumps to be recorded during a single DoS attack


No description provided


Name (Type) Default Values Description
dynamicSignatures (DOS_Profile_Network_Dynamic_Signatures) {}
vectors (array<DOS_Network_Vector>)
A list of configured network DoS vectors


No description provided


Name (Type) Default Values Description
detectionMode (string) “disabled” “disabled”, “learn-only”, “enabled” Select the enforcement state for dynamic signatures. To enable enforcement of dynamic DoS vectors, select enabled. When enforcement is enabled, all thresholds and threshold actions are applied. Select disabled to apply no action or thresholds to dynamic Vectors. Select learn-only to track dynamic vector statistics, without enforcing any thresholds or limits.
mitigationMode (string) “none” “none”, “low”, “medium”, “high” Specify the mitigation sensitivity for dynamic signatures
scrubbingCategory (Pointer_Denylist_Category)
Specifies the IP intelligence denylist category to which scrubbed IPs are sent
scrubbingDuration (integer) 500 [60, 4294967295] Specify the duration in seconds for which an IP address is added to the denylist category
scrubbingEnabled (boolean) false true, false Specify whether to enable redirection and scrubbing of IP addresses identified by dynamic vectors. This enables handling of the dynamic vector hits by an IP intelligence category.


No description provided


Name (Type) Default Values Description
vectors (array<DOS_DNS_Vector>)
A list of configured DNS DoS vectors


No description provided


Name (Type) Default Values Description
vectors (array<DOS_SIP_Vector>)
A list of configured SIP DoS vectors


Protocol SIP Denial-of-Service (DoS) vector


Name (Type) Default Values Description
autoAttackCeiling (integer) 4294967295 [0, 4294967295] Specifies the absolute maximum allowable for packets of this type. This setting rate limits packets to the packets per second setting, when specified. To set no hard limit and allow automatic thresholds to manage all rate limiting, set this to 4294967295.
autoAttackFloor (integer) 100 [0, 4294967295] Specifies packets per second to identify an attack. These settings provide an absolute minimum of packets to allow before the attack is identified. As the automatic detection thresholds adjust to traffic and CPU usage on the system over time, this attack floor becomes less relevant. BIG-IP versions below 13.1.0 clamp this value to a maximum of 2147483647
autoBlacklistSettings (DOS_Auto_Denylist_Settings) {}
Deprecated. Replaced with functionally equivalent autoDenylistSettings.
autoDenylistSettings (DOS_Auto_Denylist_Settings)
badActorSettings (DOS_Bad_Actor_Detection_Settings) {}
rateIncreaseThreshold (integer) 500 [0, 4294967295] Specify percent of rate increase the system must discover in traffic in order to detect this attack
rateLimit (integer) 4294967295 [0, 4294967295] Specify the maximum number of this type of packet per second the system allows for a vector. The system drops packets once the traffic level exceeds the rate limit. BIG-IP versions below 13.1.0 clamp this value to a maximum of 2147483647
rateThreshold (integer) 4294967295 [0, 4294967295] Specify how many packets per second the system must discover in traffic in order to detect this attack. BIG-IP versions below 13.1.0 clamp this value to a maximum of 2147483647
simulateAutoThresholdEnabled (boolean) false true, false Specifies that results of the current automatic thresholds are logged, though manual thresholds are enforced, and no action is taken on automatic thresholds
state (string) “mitigate” “disabled”, “learn-only”, “detect-only”, “mitigate” Specifies how to enforce protection for that attack type: mitigate (watch, learn, alert, and mitigate), detect-only (watch, learn, and alert), learn-only (collect stats, no mitigation), or Disabled (no stat collection, no mitigation).
thresholdMode (string) “manual” “manual”, “stress-based-mitigation”, “fully-automatic” Specifies how thresholds are set for this vector
type (string)
“ack”, “cancel”, “message”, “options”, “prack”, “register”, “bye”, “invite”, “notify”, “other”, “publish”, “subscribe”, “uri-limit”, “malformed” Specifies the name of the DoS attack vector whose thresholds you are configuring


Policy to manage connections based on metadata and content


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
customStrategy (string | Endpoint_Policy_customStrategy)
-, - AS3 pointer to custom strategy declaration
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
rules (array<Endpoint_Policy_Rule>)
List of policy rules, order is significant
strategy (string) “best-match” “all-match”, “best-match”, “first-match”, “custom” Rule-matching strategy; value ‘custom’ means AS3 requires a custom strategy (default is best-match)


Endpoint_Policy customStrategy possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP LTM strategy


A rule for an Endpoint policy that describes actions to perform on traffic matching given conditions


Name (Type) Default Values Description
actions (array<Policy_Action>)  
Specifies the actions for the rule to execute
conditions (array<Policy_Condition>)  
Specifies the conditions for the rule to apply
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
name (string)
regex: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-.:%]+$ Name of the endpoint policy rule
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks


Strategy for evaluation of an Endpoint policy


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
matchMethod (string)
“all-match”, “best-match”, “first-match” Specifies the match method
operands (array<string>)
Specifies the attribute for the rule to match. Sometimes this represents a specific value (for example, http-method or http-status), but frequently the operand needs a specific Selector to identify an instance (for example, http-header needs a Selectorname parameter).
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks


Create a listener to specify how to handle traffic for policy enforcement


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
destinationHost (string)
Specifies the destination host name of the PCRF or external policy server, for example,
destinationRealm (string)
Specifies the realm name or network of the PCRF, for example,
fatalGraceTime (integer) 500 [0, infinity] Specifies the time period in seconds that a diameter (PCRF) connection can be disconnected before the system clears all subscriber session information associated with that diameter endpoint. If the connection is re-established within the fatal grace time period, session information is not cleared. A value of 0 means if the PCRF is disconnected, session information is cleared immediately.
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
messageMaxRetransmits (integer) 2 [0, infinity] Specifies the maximum number of times that messages can be retransmitted from the BIG-IP system to the PCRF
messageRetransmitDelay (integer) 1500 [0, infinity] Specifies the number of milliseconds to wait before retransmitting unanswered messages in case of failure from the BIG-IP system to the PCRF over the Gx interface
originHost (string)
Specifies the host name of the PCRF or external policy server, for example,
originRealm (string)
Specifies the realm name or network in which the PCRF resides, for example,
parentProfile (Pointer_Enforcement_Diameter_Endpoint_Profile) {“bigip”:”/Common/diameter-endpoint”}
Specifies the name of the object to inherit the settings from
productName (string) “BIG-IP”
Specifies the value of the string used in the product name attribute value pair (AVP), in capabilities exchange message in the diameter when communicating with the PCRF
protocolProfileGx (Pointer_Enforcement_Profile_Gx)
Specifies the protocol profile to be used when you enable subscriber discovery. The PEM protocol profile defines mapping of Diameter Gx AVPs to subscriber ID and other PEM subscriber session attributes. Note: The default BIG-IP reference values vary between versions. BIG-IP versions before 14.1 begin with ‘sys_gx’ (e.g. _sys_gx_proto_default). Versions 14.1 and later begin with ‘sys_diam’ (e.g. _sys_diam_proto_default).
supportedApps (array<string>)
“Gx”, “Gy”, “Sd” Specifies the diameter endpoint you would like to provision. You can select Gx, Gy or SD. Gx and SD are mutually exclusive.


Specifies a script using TCL syntax that defines a custom format for HSL reporting applied in an enforcement policy rule. The format and fields available differ depending on whether you are using session-based or flow-based reporting in the rule.


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
definition (string)
TCL script text
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks


Configures an forwarding endpoint to specify PEM policy forwarding actions


Name (Type) Default Values Description
addressTranslationEnabled (boolean) false true, false Specifies, when enabled, that the system translates the original destination address of the virtual server. When disabled, specifies that the system uses the address without translation.
class (string)
defaultPersistenceType (string) “disabled” “destination-ip”, “disabled”, “hash”, “source-ip” Specifies a persistence method for the pool member selection. If you have multiple pool members and want specific traffic to go to the same pool member, select the appropriate IP address type.
fallbackPersistenceType (string) “disabled” “destination-ip”, “disabled”, “source-ip” Specifies the fallback persistence method that is applied when default persistence fails. If you have multiple pool members and want specific traffic to go to the same pool member, select the appropriate IP address type.
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
persistenceHashSettings (Enforcement_Forwarding_Endpoint_Hash_Settings) {}
pool (Pointer_Pool)
portTranslationEnabled (boolean) false true, false Specifies, when enabled, that the system translates the original destination port. When disabled, specifies that the system uses the original destination port without translation.
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
SNATPool (Pointer_SNAT_Pool)
sourcePortAction (string) “preserve” “change”, “preserve”, “preserve-strict” Specifies whether the system preserves the source port of the connection


Specifies the settings for the hash persistence method


Name (Type) Default Values Description
length (integer) 1024 [0, 4294967295] Specifies the length of the source string used to calculate the hash value
offset (integer) 0 [0, 4294967295] Specifies the offset, in bytes, from start of the source string to calculate the hash value
tclScript (string)
The results from this TCL script are used to calculate the hash value. If no script is specified, the URI is used instead.


Configures an interception endpoint to clone all traffic


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
persistence (string) “disabled” “destination-ip”, “source-ip”, “disabled” Specifies the persistence that is based on either the source or destination IP addresses only
pool (Pointer_Pool)


Specifies or configures an iRule for use in Enforcement Policies


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
expand (boolean) true true, false If true (default), expand backquoted variables in iRule
iRule (iRule_Core)
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks


Configures an enforcement data plane listener


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
enforcementProfile (Pointer_Enforcement_Profile)
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
services (array<Pointer_Service>)
A set of virtual servers
subscriberManagementProfile (Pointer_Enforcement_Subscriber_Management_Profile)


Configures policies for the Policy Enforcement Manager (PEM)


Name (Type) Default Values Description
allTransactions (boolean) false true, false Specifies, when set to true, that the system enables policy enforcement for each http transaction. When set to false, the system allows only policy enforcement of the first http transaction.
class (string)
enable (boolean) true true, false Specifies the current status of the policy
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
rules (array<Enforcement_Rule>)
Enforcement policy rules


Configures a subscriber policy manager profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
connectionOptimizationEnabled (boolean) true true, false Specifies whether connection optimization is enabled or not
connectionOptimizationService (Pointer_Service)
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
parentProfile (Pointer_Enforcement_Profile) {“bigip”:”/Common/spm”}
Specifies the name of the object to inherit the settings from
policiesGlobalHighPrecedence (array<Pointer_Enforcement_Policy>)
Adds, deletes, or replaces a set of the policies
policiesGlobalLowPrecedence (array<Pointer_Enforcement_Policy>)
Adds, deletes, or replaces a set of the policies
policiesUnknownSubscribers (array<Pointer_Enforcement_Policy>)
Adds, deletes, or replaces a set of the policies
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks


Configures a radius AAA profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
parentProfile (Pointer_Enforcement_Radius_AAA_Profile) {“bigip”:”/Common/radiusaaa”}
Specifies the name of the object to inherit the settings from
password (Enforcement_Radius_AAA_Profile_password)
The password of the RADIUS AAA profile for RADIUS server authentication
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
retransmissionTimeout (integer) 5 [0, 60] The number of seconds to wait before resending authentication or accounting transaction messages to the RADIUS server
sharedSecret (Enforcement_Radius_AAA_Profile_sharedSecret)
Specifies the shared secret of the RADIUS server used for authentication or accounting
transactionTimeout (integer) 30 [5, 300] The number of seconds to wait before resending authentication or accounting transaction messages to the RADIUS server


Enforcement_Radius_AAA_Profile password possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
allowReuse (boolean) false true, false If true, other declaration objects may reuse this value
ciphertext (string)
Put base64url(data_value) here
ignoreChanges (boolean) false true, false If false (default), the system updates the ciphertext in every AS3 declaration deployment. If true, AS3 creates the ciphertext on first deployment, and leaves it untouched afterwards
miniJWE (boolean) true true, false If true (default), object is an f5 mini-JWE
protected (string) “eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0”
JOSE header: alg=dir, enc=(none|f5sv); default enc=none (encoded default is ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0’, use with secret simply base64url-encoded into ‘ciphertext’). If you see ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJmNXN2In0’, ‘ciphertext’ contains base64url-encoded SecureVault cryptogram
reuseFrom (string)
AS3 pointer to another JWE cryptogram in this declaration to copy
url (Secret_Resource_URL)
URL from which secret should be fetched


Enforcement_Radius_AAA_Profile sharedSecret possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
allowReuse (boolean) false true, false If true, other declaration objects may reuse this value
ciphertext (string)
Put base64url(data_value) here
ignoreChanges (boolean) false true, false If false (default), the system updates the ciphertext in every AS3 declaration deployment. If true, AS3 creates the ciphertext on first deployment, and leaves it untouched afterwards
miniJWE (boolean) true true, false If true (default), object is an f5 mini-JWE
protected (string) “eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0”
JOSE header: alg=dir, enc=(none|f5sv); default enc=none (encoded default is ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0’, use with secret simply base64url-encoded into ‘ciphertext’). If you see ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJmNXN2In0’, ‘ciphertext’ contains base64url-encoded SecureVault cryptogram
reuseFrom (string)
AS3 pointer to another JWE cryptogram in this declaration to copy
url (Secret_Resource_URL)
URL from which secret should be fetched


A rule to match traffic flows and apply actions


Name (Type) Default Values Description
classificationFilters (array<Enforcement_Rule_Classification_Filter>)
Classification filters to apply to the traffic
dscpMarkingDownlink (string | integer) “pass-through” “pass-through”, [0, 63] Specifies whether to set DSCP bits in the IP header of outgoing traffic to the subscriber
dscpMarkingUplink (string | integer) “pass-through” “pass-through”, [0, 63] Specifies whether to set DSCP bits in the IP header of outgoing traffic to the network
DTOSTethering (Enforcement_Rule_DTOS_Tethering) {}
flowInfoFilters (array<Enforcement_Rule_Flow_Filter>)
Flow information filters to apply to the traffic
forwarding (Enforcement_Rule_Forwarding)
gateStatusEnabled (boolean) true true, false Specifies, when set to true, that the traffic can pass through the system without being changed. Select false to drop traffic that this rule applies to.
insertContent (Enforcement_Rule_Insert_Content)
interceptionEndpoint (Pointer_Enforcement_Interception_Endpoint)
iRule (Pointer_Enforcement_iRule)
l2MarkingDownlink (string | integer) “pass-through” “pass-through”, [0, 7] Set Layer-2 Quality of Service Marking in downlink traffic that matches a rule. Setting a L2 QoS Marking affects the packet delivery priority. The range is 0 to 7, or pass-through. The default value is pass-through, indicating the L2 QoS Marking of the packet will not be changed when the packet matches the rule.
l2MarkingUplink (string | integer) “pass-through” “pass-through”, [0, 7] Set Layer-2 Quality of Service Marking in uplink traffic that matches a rule. Setting a L2 QoS marking affects the packet delivery priority. The range is 0 to 7, or pass-through. The default value is pass-through, indicating the L2 QoS Marking of the packet will not be changed when the packet matches the rule.
modifyHttpHeader (Enforcement_Rule_Modify_HTTP_Header)
name (string)
The name of the policy rule.
precedence (integer)
[1, 4294967295] Specifies an integer that indicates the precedence for the rule in relation to the other rules. Number 1 has the highest precedence. Rules with higher precedence (lower numbers) are evaluated before other rules with lower precedence (higher numbers).
qoeReporting (Enforcement_Rule_Report_Destination_HSL)
qosBandwidthControllerDownlink (Enforcement_Rule_QOS)
qosBandwidthControllerUplink (Enforcement_Rule_QOS)
quota (Enforcement_Rule_Quota)
ranCongestion (Enforcement_Rule_Ran_Congestion)
serviceChain (Pointer_Enforcement_Service_Chain_Endpoint)
tclFilter (string)
Specifies the tcl expression which uses iRule commands to filter the packet. It is a match if tclFilter returns TRUE/1 or nomatch if FALSE/0.
tcpAnalyticsEnabled (boolean) false true, false Specifies the action to enable tcp analytics when the traffic flow matches the rule matching criteria
tcpOptimizationDownlink (Pointer_TCP_Profile)
tcpOptimizationUplink (Pointer_TCP_Profile)
urlCategorizationFilters (array<Enforcement_Rule_URL_Categorization_Filter>)
URL categorization filters to apply to the traffic
usageReporting (Enforcement_Rule_Usage_Reporting)


Defines the category or application (Layer 7) conditions that the traffic must meet (or not meet) for this enforcement policy rule to apply


Name (Type) Default Values Description
application (Pointer_Classification_Application)
category (Pointer_Classification_Category)
invertMatch (boolean) false true, false Specifies that a traffic flow should not match the condition
name (string)
The name of the classification filter.


Specifies options for device type, operating system, and tethering detection


Name (Type) Default Values Description
detectDtos (boolean) false true, false Specifies the detection of the subscriber’s device and the operating system
detectTethering (boolean) false true, false Specifies if you want to enable detection of tethering
reportDestinationHsl (Enforcement_Rule_Report_Destination_HSL)


Defines the flow conditions (Layer 4) that the traffic must meet (or not meet) for this enforcement policy rule to apply


Name (Type) Default Values Description
destinationAddress (string) “”
Matches traffic going to a destination address or network
destinationPort (integer) 0 [0, 65535] Matches traffic headed to a destination port
dscpMarking (integer | string) “disabled”
Matches incoming traffic based on a value in the DSCP field in the IP header
invertMatch (boolean) false true, false Specifies that a traffic flow should not match the condition
ipAddressType (string) “any” “any”, “ipv4”, “ipv6” Specifies the IP address type that this rule applies to
name (string)
The name of the flow filter.
protocol (string) “any” “any”, “tcp”, “udp” Specifies the protocol of the traffic to which the rule applies
sourceAddress (string) “”
Matches traffic coming from a source address or network
sourcePort (integer) 0 [0, 65535] Matches traffic coming from a source port
sourceVlan (Pointer_VLAN)
Matches incoming traffic from a VLAN


Manages the forwarding action and its attributes


Name (Type) Default Values Description
endpoint (Pointer_Enforcement_Forwarding_Endpoint)
fallbackAction (string) “drop” “continue”, “drop” Specifies if the connection can remain unchanged or should be dropped if the forwarding action fails for any reason
icapService (Pointer_Service)
ICAP service to route to
icapType (string)
“request”, “response”, “both” Specifies the ICAP adaptation type
redirectUrl (string)
Specifies that traffic affected by this rule should be redirected to the specified URL
type (string)
“icap”, “endpoint”, “route-to-network”, “http” Specifies the type of forwarding action


Specifies that the flow steers to a different destination


Name (Type) Default Values Description
endpoint (Pointer_Enforcement_Forwarding_Endpoint)


Specifies that traffic affected by this rule should be redirected to the specified URL


Name (Type) Default Values Description
redirectUrl (string)
Specifies that traffic affected by this rule should be redirected to the specified URL


Specifies that the flow forwards to the ICAP virtual server


Name (Type) Default Values Description
icapService (Pointer_Service)
ICAP service to route to
icapType (string)
“request”, “response”, “both” Specifies the ICAP adaptation type


Specifies that the system forwards the flow to the default destination

No properties


Specifies the action to insert content into the webpage


Name (Type) Default Values Description
duration (integer)
[1, 4294967295] Specifies the periodicity of the insert action in seconds
frequency (string) “always” “always”, “once”, “once-every” Specifies the number of content insertion actions per transaction
position (string) “append” “append”, “prepend” Specifies position with respect to the configured tagName
tagName (string)
Specifies the tag name to which the content is either appended or prepended
valueContent (string)
Specifies the value content to be inserted into the webpage
valueType (string) “string” “string”, “tcl-snippet” Specifies the type of content format used in the valueContent option


Specifies the action to modify the HTTP header when the traffic flow matches the rule matching criteria


Name (Type) Default Values Description
headerName (string)
Specifies the HTTP header name used by the operation option to modify the HTTP header
operation (string)
“insert”, “remove” Specifies the operation used to modify the HTTP header
valueContent (string)
Specifies the HTTP header value content used by the insert operation to modify the HTTP header
valueType (string) “string” “string”, “tcl-snippet” Specifies the type of content format used in the valueContent option


Specifies a previously configured bandwidth control policy to apply to traffic that matches this rule


Name (Type) Default Values Description
category (string)
Specifies a category of traffic within the bandwidth control policy to which to apply the rule. This option provides more specific rate control to a certain type of traffic. The category must be defined in the selected bandwidth control policy.
policy (Pointer_Bandwidth_Control_Policy)


Specify quota management options


Name (Type) Default Values Description
ratingGroup (Pointer_Enforcement_Rating_Group)
reportingLevel (string) “rating-group” “rating-group”, “service-id” Specifies the quota reporting level


Detect congestion in the Radio Access Network


Name (Type) Default Values Description
reportDestinationHsl (Enforcement_Rule_Report_Destination_HSL)
threshold (integer) 1000 [0, 2147483647] Specifies lower threshold bandwidth (in kbps) for a session to be marked as congested


Specifies report destination and format


Name (Type) Default Values Description
formatScript (Pointer_Enforcement_Format_Script)
highSpeedLogPublisher (Pointer_Log_Publisher)


Defines the category of URL, which provides information about the content type requested by the subscriber


Name (Type) Default Values Description
category (Pointer_Classification_Category)
Specifies which type of URL category you want the rule to affect
invertMatch (boolean) false true, false Specifies that a traffic flow should not match the condition
name (string)
The name of the URL categorization filter.


Sends usage monitoring data to a PCRF over a Gx interface


Name (Type) Default Values Description
applicationReportingEnabled (boolean) false true, false Report APPLICATION_START and APPLICATION_END Event-Triggers when the application start/stop is detected
monitoringKey (string)
Specifies a string to use for usage monitoring indicating the portion of traffic that is accounted for in this dynamic policy and charging control (PCC) rule


Sends reporting data to remote HSL servers


Name (Type) Default Values Description
flowReportingFields (array<string>)
“application-id”, “destination-ip”, “destination-transport-port”, “downlink-volume”, “flow-end-milli-seconds”, “flow-end-seconds”, “flow-start-milli-seconds”, “flow-start-seconds”, “observation-time-seconds”, “protocol-identifier”, “record-type”, “report-id”, “report-version”, “route-domain”, “source-ip”, “source-transport-port”, “subscriber-id”, “subscriber-id-type”, “timestamp-msec”, “total-transactions”, “uplink-volume”, “url-category-id”, “vlan-id” Specifies the flow fields and their order based on which messages should be published
formatScript (Pointer_Enforcement_Format_Script)
publisher (Pointer_Log_Publisher)
sessionReportingFields (array<string>)
“3gpp-parameters”, “application-id”, “called-station-id”, “calling-station-id”, “concurrent-flows”, “downlink-volume”, “duration-seconds”, “last-record-sent”, “new-flows”, “observation-time-seconds”, “record-reason”, “record-type”, “report-id”, “report-version”, “subscriber-id”, “subscriber-id-type”, “successful-transactions”, “terminated-flows”, “timestamp-msec”, “total-transactions”, “uplink-volume” Specifies the session fields and their order based on which messages should be published
transactionReportingFields (array<string>)
“application-id”, “destination-ip”, “destination-transport-port”, “downlink-volume”, “http-hostname”, “http-hostname-truncated”, “http-response-code”, “http-url”, “http-url-truncated”, “http-user-agent”, “http-user-agent-truncated”, “protocol-identifier”, “record-type”, “report-id”, “report-version”, “route-domain”, “skipped-transactions”, “source-ip”, “source-transport-port”, “subscriber-id”, “subscriber-id-type”, “transaction-classification-result”, “transaction-end-milli-seconds”, “transaction-end-seconds”, “transaction-number”, “transaction-start-milli-seconds”, “transaction-start-seconds”, “uplink-volume”, “url-category-id”, “vlan-id” Specifies the transaction fields and their order based on which messages should be published


Specifies a RADIUS internal virtual server as a reporting destination


Name (Type) Default Values Description
radiusAAAService (Pointer_Service)


Send reporting data concerning traffic affected by this rule to either an external analytics system or to a PCRF over a Gx interface


Name (Type) Default Values Description
applicationReportingEnabled (boolean) false true, false Report APPLICATION_START and APPLICATION_END Event-Triggers when the application start/stop is detected
destination (string)
“gx”, “sd”, “hsl”, “radius-accounting” Specifies where to send the usage monitoring data
flowReportingFields (array<string>)
“application-id”, “destination-ip”, “destination-transport-port”, “downlink-volume”, “flow-end-milli-seconds”, “flow-end-seconds”, “flow-start-milli-seconds”, “flow-start-seconds”, “observation-time-seconds”, “protocol-identifier”, “record-type”, “report-id”, “report-version”, “route-domain”, “source-ip”, “source-transport-port”, “subscriber-id”, “subscriber-id-type”, “timestamp-msec”, “total-transactions”, “uplink-volume”, “url-category-id”, “vlan-id” Specifies the flow fields and their order based on which messages should be published
formatScript (Pointer_Enforcement_Format_Script)
granularity (string) “session” “flow”, “session”, “transaction” Specifies the type of reporting will be generated when the policy applies
interval (integer) 0 [0, infinity] Specifies the time interval in seconds the report will be generated. A value of 0 indicates this feature is disabled.
monitoringKey (string)
Specifies a string to use for usage monitoring indicating the portion of traffic that is accounted for in this dynamic policy and charging control (PCC) rule
publisher (Pointer_Log_Publisher)
radiusAAAService (Pointer_Service)
sessionReportingFields (array<string>)
“3gpp-parameters”, “application-id”, “called-station-id”, “calling-station-id”, “concurrent-flows”, “downlink-volume”, “duration-seconds”, “last-record-sent”, “new-flows”, “observation-time-seconds”, “record-reason”, “record-type”, “report-id”, “report-version”, “subscriber-id”, “subscriber-id-type”, “successful-transactions”, “terminated-flows”, “timestamp-msec”, “total-transactions”, “uplink-volume” Specifies the session fields and their order based on which messages should be published
transaction (Enforcement_Rule_Usage_Reporting_Transaction)
transactionReportingFields (array<string>)
“application-id”, “destination-ip”, “destination-transport-port”, “downlink-volume”, “http-hostname”, “http-hostname-truncated”, “http-response-code”, “http-url”, “http-url-truncated”, “http-user-agent”, “http-user-agent-truncated”, “protocol-identifier”, “record-type”, “report-id”, “report-version”, “route-domain”, “skipped-transactions”, “source-ip”, “source-transport-port”, “subscriber-id”, “subscriber-id-type”, “transaction-classification-result”, “transaction-end-milli-seconds”, “transaction-end-seconds”, “transaction-number”, “transaction-start-milli-seconds”, “transaction-start-seconds”, “uplink-volume”, “url-category-id”, “vlan-id” Specifies the transaction fields and their order based on which messages should be published
volume (Enforcement_Rule_Usage_Reporting_Volume)


Specifies policy enforcement configuration on transaction report for each HTTP transaction


Name (Type) Default Values Description
hostname (integer) 0 [0, 65535] Specifies the maximum HTTP hostname string length option to include in the HTTP transaction report
uri (integer) 256 [0, 65535] Specifies the maximum HTTP URI string length option to include in the HTTP transaction report
userAgent (integer) 0 [0, 65535] Specifies the maximum HTTP user agent string length to include in the HTTP transaction report


Configures volume threshold settings


Name (Type) Default Values Description
downlink (integer) 0 [0, infinity] Send reporting data if the number of octets to the client exceeds the threshold. A value of 0 indicates this feature is disabled.
total (integer) 0 [0, infinity] Send reporting data if the total number of octets both to and from the client exceeds the threshold. A value of 0 indicates this feature is disabled.
uplink (integer) 0 [0, infinity] Send reporting data if the number of octets from the client exceeds the threshold. A value of 0 indicates this feature is disabled.


Sends usage monitoring data to a PCRF over a Sd interface


Name (Type) Default Values Description
applicationReportingEnabled (boolean) false true, false Report APPLICATION_START and APPLICATION_END Event-Triggers when the application start/stop is detected
monitoringKey (string)
Specifies a string to use for usage monitoring indicating the portion of traffic that is accounted for in this dynamic policy and charging control (PCC) rule


Configures service chain endpoint definitions for the Policy Enforcement Manager (PEM)


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
serviceEndpoints (array<Enforcement_Service_Chain_Endpoint_Service_Endpoint>)
Specifies a list of forwarding endpoints that define where to send traffic on the way to its final destination. This way, the system can route traffic to other servers that can provide value-added services. Traffic goes to the endpoints in the order in which they are listed.


Configures an individual service chain endpoint


Name (Type) Default Values Description
forwardingEndpoint (Pointer_Enforcement_Forwarding_Endpoint)
internalService (Pointer_Service)
Specifies the internal ICAP virtual server
internalServiceICAPType (string)
“request”, “response”, “both”, “none” Specifies the ICAP adaptation type. Select “request” to send only HTTP requests to ICAP server. Select “response” to send only HTTP responses to ICAP server. Select “both” to have both requests and responses.
name (string)
Specify the name of the service endpoint where the traffic is going to
serviceOption (string) “mandatory” “mandatory”, “optional” Specifies the service option in case the service endpoint is not accessible through the network, for forwarding endpoint. For ICAP service endpoint, the service endpoint works as a fallback action for non-HTTP traffic. Select “optional” if you want to skip the service endpoint. Select “mandatory” if you want all traffic flows dropped.
sourceVLAN (Pointer_VLAN)
steeringPolicy (Pointer_Enforcement_Policy)


Configures a subscriber management profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
dhcpLeaseQuery (Enforcement_Subscriber_Management_Profile_DHCP)
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
parentProfile (Pointer_Enforcement_Subscriber_Management_Profile) {“bigip”:”/Common/subscriber-mgmt”}
Specifies the name of the object to inherit the settings from
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
serverSideSessionsEnabled (boolean) true true, false Specifies that the session is created based on server side IP when the server side traffic comes and is enabled


Configures DHCP lease query settings for a subscriber management profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
enabled (boolean) true true, false Specifies that the subscriber management settings use DHCP lease query to communicate with DHCP servers to obtain DHCP lease information for the unknown IP address and creates a new policy enforcement session using the lease information received
service (Pointer_Service)


Enum values for Alpha-2 continent codes based on ISO 3166. Use two dashes (–) if Unknown

Type string with possible values: “–”, “AF”, “AN”, “AS”, “EU”, “NA”, “OC”, “SA”


Enum values for Analytics_Profile

Type string with possible values: “Afghanistan”, “Aland Islands”, “Albania”, “Algeria”, “American Samoa”, “Andorra”, “Angola”, “Anguilla”, “Anonymous Proxy”, “Antarctica”, “Antigua and Barbuda”, “Argentina”, “Armenia”, “Aruba”, “Asia/Pacific Region”, “Australia”, “Austria”, “Azerbaijan”, “Bahamas”, “Bahrain”, “Bangladesh”, “Barbados”, “Belarus”, “Belgium”, “Belize”, “Benin”, “Bermuda”, “Bhutan”, “Bolivia”, “Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba”, “Bosnia and Herzegovina”, “Botswana”, “Bouvet Island”, “Brazil”, “British Indian Ocean Territory”, “Brunei Darussalam”, “Bulgaria”, “Burkina Faso”, “Burundi”, “Cambodia”, “Cameroon”, “Canada”, “Cape Verde”, “Cayman Islands”, “Central African Republic”, “Chad”, “Chile”, “China”, “Christmas Island”, “Cocos (Keeling) Islands”, “Colombia”, “Comoros”, “Congo”, “Congo, The Democratic Republic of the”, “Cook Islands”, “Costa Rica”, “Cote D’Ivoire”, “Croatia”, “Cuba”, “Cyprus”, “Czech Republic”, “Denmark”, “Djibouti”, “Dominica”, “Dominican Republic”, “Ecuador”, “Egypt”, “El Salvador”, “Equatorial Guinea”, “Eritrea”, “Estonia”, “Ethiopia”, “Europe”, “Falkland Islands (Malvinas)”, “Faroe Islands”, “Fiji”, “Finland”, “France”, “France, Metropolitan”, “French Guiana”, “French Polynesia”, “French Southern Territories”, “Gabon”, “Gambia”, “Georgia”, “Germany”, “Ghana”, “Gibraltar”, “Greece”, “Greenland”, “Grenada”, “Guadeloupe”, “Guam”, “Guatemala”, “Guernsey”, “Guinea”, “Guinea-Bissau”, “Guyana”, “Haiti”, “Heard Island and McDonald Islands”, “Holy See (Vatican City State)”, “Honduras”, “Hong Kong”, “Hungary”, “Iceland”, “India”, “Indonesia”, “Iran, Islamic Republic of”, “Iraq”, “Ireland”, “Isle of Man”, “Israel”, “Italy”, “Jamaica”, “Japan”, “Jersey”, “Jordan”, “Kazakhstan”, “Kenya”, “Kiribati”, “Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of”, “Korea, Republic of”, “Kuwait”, “Kyrgyzstan”, “Lao People’s Democratic Republic”, “Latvia”, “Lebanon”, “Lesotho”, “Liberia”, “Libyan Arab Jamahiriya”, “Liechtenstein”, “Lithuania”, “Luxembourg”, “Macau”, “Macedonia”, “Madagascar”, “Malawi”, “Malaysia”, “Maldives”, “Mali”, “Malta”, “Marshall Islands”, “Martinique”, “Mauritania”, “Mauritius”, “Mayotte”, “Mexico”, “Micronesia, Federated States of”, “Moldova, Republic of”, “Monaco”, “Mongolia”, “Montenegro”, “Montserrat”, “Morocco”, “Mozambique”, “Myanmar”, “Namibia”, “Nauru”, “Nepal”, “Netherlands”, “Netherlands Antilles”, “New Caledonia”, “New Zealand”, “Nicaragua”, “Niger”, “Nigeria”, “Niue”, “Norfolk Island”, “Northern Mariana Islands”, “Norway”, “Oman”, “Other”, “Pakistan”, “Palau”, “Palestinian Territory”, “Panama”, “Papua New Guinea”, “Paraguay”, “Peru”, “Philippines”, “Pitcairn Islands”, “Poland”, “Portugal”, “Puerto Rico”, “Qatar”, “Reunion”, “Romania”, “Russian Federation”, “Rwanda”, “Saint Barthelemy”, “Saint Helena”, “Saint Kitts and Nevis”, “Saint Lucia”, “Saint Martin”, “Saint Pierre and Miquelon”, “Saint Vincent and the Grenadines”, “Samoa”, “San Marino”, “Sao Tome and Principe”, “Satellite Provider”, “Saudi Arabia”, “Senegal”, “Serbia”, “Seychelles”, “Sierra Leone”, “Singapore”, “Slovakia”, “Slovenia”, “Solomon Islands”, “Somalia”, “South Africa”, “South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands”, “Spain”, “Sri Lanka”, “Sudan”, “Suriname”, “Svalbard and Jan Mayen”, “Swaziland”, “Sweden”, “Switzerland”, “Syrian Arab Republic”, “Taiwan”, “Tajikistan”, “Tanzania, United Republic of”, “Thailand”, “Timor-Leste”, “Togo”, “Tokelau”, “Tonga”, “Trinidad and Tobago”, “Tunisia”, “Turkey”, “Turkmenistan”, “Turks and Caicos Islands”, “Tuvalu”, “Uganda”, “Ukraine”, “United Arab Emirates”, “United Kingdom”, “United States”, “United States Minor Outlying Islands”, “Unknown”, “Uruguay”, “Uzbekistan”, “Vanuatu”, “Venezuela”, “Vietnam”, “Virgin Islands, British”, “Virgin Islands, U.S.”, “Wallis and Futuna”, “Western Sahara”, “Yemen”, “Zambia”, “Zimbabwe”


Enum values for Alpha-2 country codes based on ISO 3166. Use two dashes (–) if Unknown

Type string with possible values: “–”, “A1”, “A2”, “AD”, “AE”, “AF”, “AG”, “AI”, “AL”, “AM”, “AN”, “AO”, “AP”, “AQ”, “AR”, “AS”, “AT”, “AU”, “AW”, “AX”, “AZ”, “BA”, “BB”, “BD”, “BE”, “BF”, “BG”, “BH”, “BI”, “BJ”, “BL”, “BM”, “BN”, “BO”, “BQ”, “BR”, “BS”, “BT”, “BV”, “BW”, “BY”, “BZ”, “CA”, “CC”, “CD”, “CF”, “CG”, “CH”, “CI”, “CK”, “CL”, “CM”, “CN”, “CO”, “CR”, “CU”, “CV”, “CX”, “CY”, “CZ”, “DE”, “DJ”, “DK”, “DM”, “DO”, “DZ”, “EC”, “EE”, “EG”, “EH”, “ER”, “ES”, “ET”, “EU”, “FI”, “FJ”, “FK”, “FM”, “FO”, “FR”, “FX”, “GA”, “GB”, “GD”, “GE”, “GF”, “GG”, “GH”, “GI”, “GL”, “GM”, “GN”, “GP”, “GQ”, “GR”, “GS”, “GT”, “GU”, “GW”, “GY”, “HK”, “HM”, “HN”, “HR”, “HT”, “HU”, “ID”, “IE”, “IL”, “IM”, “IN”, “IO”, “IQ”, “IR”, “IS”, “IT”, “JE”, “JM”, “JO”, “JP”, “KE”, “KG”, “KH”, “KI”, “KM”, “KN”, “KP”, “KR”, “KW”, “KY”, “KZ”, “LA”, “LB”, “LC”, “LI”, “LK”, “LR”, “LS”, “LT”, “LU”, “LV”, “LY”, “MA”, “MC”, “MD”, “ME”, “MF”, “MG”, “MH”, “MK”, “ML”, “MM”, “MN”, “MO”, “MP”, “MQ”, “MR”, “MS”, “MT”, “MU”, “MV”, “MW”, “MX”, “MY”, “MZ”, “NA”, “NC”, “NE”, “NF”, “NG”, “NI”, “NL”, “NO”, “NP”, “NR”, “NU”, “NZ”, “O1”, “OM”, “PA”, “PE”, “PF”, “PG”, “PH”, “PK”, “PL”, “PM”, “PN”, “PR”, “PS”, “PT”, “PW”, “PY”, “QA”, “RE”, “RO”, “RS”, “RU”, “RW”, “SA”, “SB”, “SC”, “SD”, “SE”, “SG”, “SH”, “SI”, “SJ”, “SK”, “SL”, “SM”, “SN”, “SO”, “SR”, “ST”, “SV”, “SY”, “SZ”, “TC”, “TD”, “TF”, “TG”, “TH”, “TJ”, “TK”, “TL”, “TM”, “TN”, “TO”, “TR”, “TT”, “TV”, “TW”, “TZ”, “UA”, “UG”, “UM”, “US”, “UY”, “UZ”, “VA”, “VC”, “VE”, “VG”, “VI”, “VN”, “VU”, “WF”, “WS”, “YE”, “YT”, “ZA”, “ZM”, “ZW”


Enum values for Internet Service Providers (ISP)

Type string with possible values: “AOL”, “BeijingCNC”, “ChinaEducationNetwork”, “ChinaMobilNetwork”, “ChinaRailwayTelcom”, “ChinaTelecom”, “ChinaUnicom”, “CNC”, “Comcast”, “Earthlink”, “ShanghaiCNC”, “ShanghaiTelecom”


Enum values for Idle_Timeout_Policy protocols

Type string with possible values: “3pc”, “a/n”, “ah”, “all-other”, “argus”, “aris”, “ax.25”, “bbn-rcc”, “bna”, “br-sat-mon”, “cbt”, “cftp”, “chaos”, “compaq-peer”, “cphb”, “cpnx”, “crdup”, “crtp”, “dccp”, “dcn”, “ddp”, “ddx”, “dgp”, “dsr”, “egp”, “eigrp”, “emcon”, “encap”, “esp”, “etherip”, “fc”, “fire”, “ggp”, “gmtp”, “gre”, “hip”, “hmp”, “hopopt”, “i-nlsp”, “iatp”, “icmp”, “idpr”, “idpr-cmtp”, “idrp”, “ifmp”, “igmp”, “igp”, “il”, “ip”, “ipcomp”, “ipcv”, “ipencap”, “ipip”, “iplt”, “ippc”, “ipv4”, “ipv6”, “ipv6-auth”, “ipv6-crypt”, “ipv6-frag”, “ipv6-icmp”, “ipv6-nonxt”, “ipv6-opts”, “ipv6-route”, “ipx-in-ip”, “irtp”, “isis”, “iso-ip”, “iso-tp4”, “kryptolan”, “l2tp”, “larp”, “leaf-1”, “leaf-2”, “manet”, “merit-inp”, “mfe-nsp”, “micp”, “mobile”, “mobility-header”, “mpls-in-ip”, “mtp”, “mux”, “narp”, “netblt”, “nsfnet-igp”, “nvp”, “ospf”, “pgm”, “pim”, “pipe”, “pnni”, “prm”, “ptp”, “pup”, “pvp”, “qnx”, “rdp”, “rohc”, “rsvp”, “rspv-e2e-ignore”, “rvd”, “sat-expak”, “sat-mon”, “scc-sp”, “scps”, “sctp”, “sdrp”, “secure-vmtp”, “shim6”, “skip”, “sm”, “smp”, “snp”, “sprite-rpc”, “sps”, “srp”, “sscopmce”, “st”, “stp”, “sun-nd”, “swipe”, “tcf”, “tcp”, “tlsp”, “tp++”, “trunk-1”, “trunk-2”, “ttp”, “udp”, “udplite”, “uti”, “vines”, “visa”, “vmtp”, “vrrp”, “wb-expak”, “wb-mon”, “wesp”, “wsn”, “xnet”, “xns-idp”, “xtp”


Slightly over-matches both base64-orig and base64-url data

No properties


Declares an address-list for use by firewall rules. An address list is a list of IP-address prefixes to compare against the source-IP address and/or destination-IP address in an IP packet


Name (Type) Default Values Description
addresses (array<string | Firewall_Address_List_addresses>)
A list of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and address ranges. You can specify a network with CIDR slash notation.
addressLists (array<Pointer_Firewall_Address_List>)
A list of other address lists (each by AS3 pointer or BIG-IP pathname).
class (string)
fqdns (array<string>)
A list of fully qualified domain names.
geo (array<string>)
A list of geographic locations (for example, US:Washington).
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks


Firewall_Address_List addresses possible properties when object type


Name (Type) Default Values Description
accessKeyId (string)
Information for discovering AWS nodes that are not in the same region as your BIG-IP (also requires the secretAccessKey field
addressDiscovery (string)
“event”, “aws”, “gce”, “azure”, “consul” Selects how server (node) addresses are discovered
addressRealm (string) “private” “public”, “private” Specifies whether to look for public or private IP addresses
apiAccessKey (string | Secret)
Azure registered application API access key (AKA service principal secret). Will be stored in the declaration in an encrypted format.
applicationId (string)
Azure registered application ID (AKA client ID)
credentialUpdate (boolean) false true, false Specifies whether you are updating your credentials
directoryId (string)
Azure Active Directory ID (AKA tenant ID)
encodedCredentials (string | Secret)
Base 64 encoded service account credentials JSON
encodedToken (string | Secret)
Base 64 encoded bearer token to make requests to the Consul API. Will be stored in the declaration in an encrypted format.
environment (string) “Azure”
Azure environment name. Required if environment should not be determined by instance metadata.
externalId (string)
External Id
jmesPathQuery (string)
Custom JMESPath Query
minimumMonitors (integer) 1 [-infinity, infinity]
projectId (string)
For Google Cloud Engine (GCE) only: The ID of the project in which the members are located
region (string) “”
Empty string (default) means region in which ADC is running
rejectUnauthorized (boolean) true true, false If true, the server certificate is verified against the list of supplied/default CAs when making requests to the Consul API.
resourceGroup (string)
Azure Resource Group name
resourceId (string)
ID of resource to find nodes by.
resourceType (string)
“tag”, “scaleSet” Type of resource identified by resourceId. This can be used in place of tagKey/tagValue.
roleARN (string)
Assume a role (also requires the externalId field)
secretAccessKey (string | Secret)
Will be stored in the declaration as an encrypted string
subscriptionId (string)
Azure subscription ID
tagKey (string)
The tag key associated with the node to add to this pool
tagValue (string)
The tag value associated with the node to add to this pool
trustCA (Pointer_CA_Bundle)
CA Bundle to validate server certificates
undetectableAction (string) “remove” “disable”, “remove” Action to take when node cannot be detected
updateInterval (integer) 60 [1, 3600] Server-discovery update interval (seconds)
uri (string)
The location of the node data
useManagedIdentity (boolean) false true, false Use Azure managed identity rather than directoryId, applicationId, and apiAccessKey


Configures firewall policy


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
rules (array<Pointer_Firewall_Rule_List | Firewall_Rule>)
-, - A list of firewall policy rules


Declares a port-list for use by firewall rules. A firewall rule can match a packet’s source port or destination port against one of the ports in a port list, and can take some action (such as ACCEPT or DROP) for a matching packet.


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
portLists (array<Firewall_Port_List_portLists>)
A list of other port lists (each by AS3 pointer or BIG-IP pathname).
ports (array<integer | string>)
[-infinity, infinity] A list of ports and port ranges (for example, 80, “8080-8090”).
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks


Firewall_Port_List portLists possible properties when object type


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP firewall port list
use (string)
AS3 pointer to firewall port list declaration


Declares a network firewall rule.


Name (Type) Default Values Description
action (string)
“accept”, “drop”, “accept-decisively”, “reject” Specifies the action that the firewall rule will take on matching packets.
destination (Firewall_Rule_Destination)
iRule (Firewall_Rule_iRule)
Specifies the name of the iRule (by AS3 pointer or BIG-IP pathname) that the system will trigger when a packet matches the firewall rule.
iRuleSampleRate (integer)
[-infinity, infinity] Specifies the rate at which the system will trigger the specified iRule when a packet matches this firewall rule. The default value is 1 and causes the system to trigger the iRule for every packet that matches. A value of 0 disables iRule triggering.
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
loggingEnabled (boolean) false true, false Specifies whether the system enables or disables logging for the firewall rule.
name (string)
The name of the firewall rule.
protocol (string) “any” “3pc”, “a/n”, “ah”, “any”, “argus”, “aris”, “ax.25”, “bbn-rcc”, “bna”, “br-sat-mon”, “cbt”, “cftp”, “chaos”, “compaq-peer”, “cphb”, “cpnx”, “crdup”, “crtp”, “dccp”, “dcn”, “ddp”, “ddx”, “dgp”, “dsr”, “egp”, “eigrp”, “emcon”, “encap”, “esp”, “etherip”, “fc”, “fire”, “ggp”, “gmtp”, “gre”, “hip”, “hmp”, “hopopt”, “i-nlsp”, “iatp”, “icmp”, “idpr”, “idpr-cmtp”, “idrp”, “ifmp”, “igmp”, “igp”, “il”, “ip”, “ipcomp”, “ipcv”, “ipip”, “iplt”, “ippc”, “ipv4”, “ipv6”, “ipv6-auth”, “ipv6-crypt”, “ipv6-frag”, “ipv6-icmp”, “ipv6-nonxt”, “ipv6-opts”, “ipv6-route”, “ipx-in-ip”, “irtp”, “isis”, “iso-ip”, “iso-tp4”, “kryptolan”, “l2tp”, “larp”, “leaf-1”, “leaf-2”, “manet”, “merit-inp”, “mfe-nsp”, “micp”, “mobile”, “mobility-header”, “mpls-in-ip”, “mtp”, “mux”, “narp”, “netblt”, “nsfnet-igp”, “nvp”, “ospf”, “pgm”, “pim”, “pipe”, “pnni”, “prm”, “ptp”, “pup”, “pvp”, “qnx”, “rdp”, “rohc”, “rsvp”, “rsvp-e2e-ignore”, “rvd”, “sat-expak”, “sat-mon”, “scc-sp”, “scps”, “sctp”, “sdrp”, “secure-vmtp”, “shim6”, “skip”, “sm”, “smp”, “snp”, “sprite-rpc”, “sps”, “srp”, “sscopmce”, “st”, “stp”, “sun-nd”, “swipe”, “tcf”, “tcp”, “tlsp”, “tp++”, “trunk-1”, “trunk-2”, “ttp”, “udp”, “udplite”, “uti”, “vines”, “visa”, “vmtp”, “vrrp”, “wb-expak”, “wb-mon”, “wesp”, “wsn”, “xnet”, “xns-idp”, “xtp” Specifies the protocol to which the firewall rule applies
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
source (Firewall_Rule_Source)


Firewall_Rule iRule possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP iRule
use (string)
AS3 pointer to iRule declaration


Declares the packet destinations to which the network firewall rule applies.


Name (Type) Default Values Description
addressLists (array<Pointer_Firewall_Address_List>)
A list of address lists (each by AS3 pointer or BIG-IP pathname).
portLists (array<Firewall_Rule_Destination_portLists>)
A list of port lists (each by AS3 pointer or BIG-IP pathname).


Firewall_Rule_Destination portLists possible properties when object type


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP firewall port list
use (string)
AS3 pointer to firewall port list declaration


Declares a list of network firewall rules. You can reuse a rule list in multiple firewalls, such as the firewalls for self IPs, routing domains, and the global firewall.


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
rules (array<Firewall_Rule>)
A list of network firewall rules.


Declares the packet sources to which the network firewall rule applies.


Name (Type) Default Values Description
addressLists (array<Pointer_Firewall_Address_List>)
A list of address lists (each by AS3 pointer or BIG-IP pathname).
portLists (array<Firewall_Rule_Source_portLists>)
A list of port lists (each by AS3 pointer or BIG-IP pathname).
vlans (array<reference>)
A list of VLANs by BIG-IP pathname


Firewall_Rule_Source portLists possible properties when object type


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP firewall port list
use (string)
AS3 pointer to firewall port list declaration


Configures a Financial Information eXchange Protocol (FIX) profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
errorAction (string) “dont-forward” “dont-forward”, “drop-connection” Specifies the error handling method
fullLogonParsingEnabled (boolean) true true, false Enables or disables logon message as always fully parsed. Other messages are parsed according to the configuration of Quick Parsing
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
messageLogPublisher (Pointer_Log_Publisher)
Specifies the publisher for message logging
parentProfile (Pointer_FIX_Profile) {“bigip”:”/Common/fix”}
Specifies the name of the profile object to inherit the settings from
quickParsingEnabled (boolean) false true, false Enables or disables quick parsing which parses the basic standard fields and validates message length and checksum
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
reportLogPublisher (Pointer_Log_Publisher)
Specifies the publisher for error messages and status reports
responseParsingEnabled (boolean) false true, false Enables or disables response parsing which parses the messages from the FIX server. Applies the same parser configuration and error handling at server side as at client side. If not enabled, server side messages are directly passed through
senderTagMappingList (array<Sender_Tag_Mapping>)
Specifies the mappings between sender ID and tag substitution data group.
statisticsSampleInterval (integer) 20 [10, 4294967295] Specifies the sample interval of the message rate in seconds


File Transfer Protocol (FTP) profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
activeModeEnabled (boolean) true true, false Specifies if the profile should allow FTP active transfer mode
class (string)
enforceTlsSessionReuseEnabled (boolean) false true, false Enforce data connection to reuse TLS session
ftpsMode (string) “disallow” “disallow”, “allow”, “require” Specifies the policy for explicit FTPS negotiation on FTP command channel
inheritParentProfileEnabled (boolean) false true, false Specifies if the FTP data channel should inherit the TCP profile used by the control channel
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
port (integer) 20 [0, 65535] Specifies a service for the data channel port used for this profile
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
securityEnabled (boolean) false true, false Specifies whether to enable or disable secure FTP traffic for the BIG-IP Application Security Manager
translateExtendedEnabled (boolean) true true, false Specifies if the profile should automatically translate RFC2428 extended requests EPSV and EPRT to PASV and PORT when communicating with IPv4servers


Declares a GSLB Data Center configuration


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
contact (string)
Specifies the name of the administrator or the name of the department that manages the data center
enabled (boolean) true true, false Specifies whether the data center is enabled or disabled
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
location (string)
Specifies the location of the data center
proberFallback (string) “any-available” “any-available”, “inside-datacenter”, “none”, “outside-datacenter”, “pool” Specifies the type of prober to use to monitor servers defined in this data center when the preferred type is not available. The default value is any-available
proberPool (Pointer_GSLB_Prober_Pool)
proberPreferred (string) “inside-datacenter” “inside-datacenter”, “outside-datacenter”, “pool” Specifies the type of prober to use to monitor servers defined in this data center. The default value is inside-data-center. Note: Prober pools are not used by the bigip monitor
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks


Configures GSLB (Global Server Load Balancing) settings for a domain.


Name (Type) Default Values Description
aliases (array<string>)
List of alternate domain names. Each may include wildcard characters.
class (string)
domainName (string)
The name of the domain for the site content you are load balancing. If you have many domains, you can use two different wildcard characters, * and ?, to represent one or more characters in the domain alias, which reduces the number of aliases you have to add to the configuration
enabled (boolean) true true, false When true (default), the system can use the domain and its resources for load balancing requests
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
lastResortPool (Pointer_GSLB_Pool)
Specifies the pools that this domain uses for load balancing. The system evaluates the pools in the order in which they are listed, until it finds a matching pool
lastResortPoolType (string)
“A”, “AAAA”, “CNAME”, “MX” This is used to specify the type of pool being used for the lastResortPool
poolLbMode (string) “round-robin” “global-availability”, “ratio”, “round-robin”, “topology” Specifies the load balancing method used to select a pool in this domain
pools (array<Pointer_GSLB_Pool>)
Specifies the pools that this domain uses for load balancing. The system evaluates the pools in the order in which they are listed, until it finds a matching pool
poolsCname (array<Pointer_GSLB_Pool>)
Specifies the cname pools that this domain uses for load balancing. The system evaluates the pools in the order in which they are listed, until it finds a matching pool
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
resourceRecordType (string)
“A”, “AAAA”, “CNAME”, “MX” Specifies the type of resource records for this domain


Configures GSLB (Global Server Load Balancing) settings for A domain.


Name (Type) Default Values Description
aliases (array<string>)
List of alternate domain names. Each may include wildcard characters.
class (string)
domainName (string)
The name of the domain for the site content you are load balancing. If you have many domains, you can use two different wildcard characters, * and ?, to represent one or more characters in the domain alias, which reduces the number of aliases you have to add to the configuration
enabled (boolean) true true, false When true (default), the system can use the domain and its resources for load balancing requests
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
lastResortPool (Pointer_GSLB_Pool)
Specifies the pools that this domain uses for load balancing. The system evaluates the pools in the order in which they are listed, until it finds a matching pool
lastResortPoolType (string)
“A”, “AAAA”, “CNAME”, “MX” This is used to specify the type of pool being used for the lastResortPool
poolLbMode (string) “round-robin” “global-availability”, “ratio”, “round-robin”, “topology” Specifies the load balancing method used to select a pool in this domain
pools (array<Pointer_GSLB_Pool>)
Specifies the pools that this domain uses for load balancing. The system evaluates the pools in the order in which they are listed, until it finds a matching pool
poolsCname (array<Pointer_GSLB_Pool>)
Specifies the cname pools that this domain uses for load balancing. The system evaluates the pools in the order in which they are listed, until it finds a matching pool
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
resourceRecordType (string)
“A”, “AAAA”, “CNAME”, “MX” Specifies the type of resource records for this domain


Configures GSLB (Global Server Load Balancing) settings for AAAA domain.


Name (Type) Default Values Description
aliases (array<string>)
List of alternate domain names. Each may include wildcard characters.
class (string)
domainName (string)
The name of the domain for the site content you are load balancing. If you have many domains, you can use two different wildcard characters, * and ?, to represent one or more characters in the domain alias, which reduces the number of aliases you have to add to the configuration
enabled (boolean) true true, false When true (default), the system can use the domain and its resources for load balancing requests
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
lastResortPool (Pointer_GSLB_Pool)
Specifies the pools that this domain uses for load balancing. The system evaluates the pools in the order in which they are listed, until it finds a matching pool
lastResortPoolType (string)
“A”, “AAAA”, “CNAME”, “MX” This is used to specify the type of pool being used for the lastResortPool
poolLbMode (string) “round-robin” “global-availability”, “ratio”, “round-robin”, “topology” Specifies the load balancing method used to select a pool in this domain
pools (array<Pointer_GSLB_Pool>)
Specifies the pools that this domain uses for load balancing. The system evaluates the pools in the order in which they are listed, until it finds a matching pool
poolsCname (array<Pointer_GSLB_Pool>)
Specifies the cname pools that this domain uses for load balancing. The system evaluates the pools in the order in which they are listed, until it finds a matching pool
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
resourceRecordType (string)
“A”, “AAAA”, “CNAME”, “MX” Specifies the type of resource records for this domain


Configures GSLB (Global Server Load Balancing) settings for CNAME domain.


Name (Type) Default Values Description
aliases (array<string>)
List of alternate domain names. Each may include wildcard characters.
class (string)
domainName (string)
The name of the domain for the site content you are load balancing. If you have many domains, you can use two different wildcard characters, * and ?, to represent one or more characters in the domain alias, which reduces the number of aliases you have to add to the configuration
enabled (boolean) true true, false When true (default), the system can use the domain and its resources for load balancing requests
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
lastResortPool (Pointer_GSLB_Pool)
Specifies the pools that this domain uses for load balancing. The system evaluates the pools in the order in which they are listed, until it finds a matching pool
lastResortPoolType (string)
“A”, “AAAA”, “CNAME”, “MX” This is used to specify the type of pool being used for the lastResortPool
poolLbMode (string) “round-robin” “global-availability”, “ratio”, “round-robin”, “topology” Specifies the load balancing method used to select a pool in this domain
pools (array<Pointer_GSLB_Pool>)
Specifies the pools that this domain uses for load balancing. The system evaluates the pools in the order in which they are listed, until it finds a matching pool
poolsCname (array<Pointer_GSLB_Pool>)
Specifies the cname pools that this domain uses for load balancing. The system evaluates the pools in the order in which they are listed, until it finds a matching pool
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
resourceRecordType (string)
“A”, “AAAA”, “CNAME”, “MX” Specifies the type of resource records for this domain


Configures GSLB (Global Server Load Balancing) settings for MX domain.


Name (Type) Default Values Description
aliases (array<string>)
List of alternate domain names. Each may include wildcard characters.
class (string)
domainName (string)
The name of the domain for the site content you are load balancing. If you have many domains, you can use two different wildcard characters, * and ?, to represent one or more characters in the domain alias, which reduces the number of aliases you have to add to the configuration
enabled (boolean) true true, false When true (default), the system can use the domain and its resources for load balancing requests
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
lastResortPool (Pointer_GSLB_Pool)
Specifies the pools that this domain uses for load balancing. The system evaluates the pools in the order in which they are listed, until it finds a matching pool
lastResortPoolType (string)
“A”, “AAAA”, “CNAME”, “MX” This is used to specify the type of pool being used for the lastResortPool
poolLbMode (string) “round-robin” “global-availability”, “ratio”, “round-robin”, “topology” Specifies the load balancing method used to select a pool in this domain
pools (array<Pointer_GSLB_Pool>)
Specifies the pools that this domain uses for load balancing. The system evaluates the pools in the order in which they are listed, until it finds a matching pool
poolsCname (array<Pointer_GSLB_Pool>)
Specifies the cname pools that this domain uses for load balancing. The system evaluates the pools in the order in which they are listed, until it finds a matching pool
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
resourceRecordType (string)
“A”, “AAAA”, “CNAME”, “MX” Specifies the type of resource records for this domain


Declares a monitor that verifies the availability and/or performance status of a particular protocol, service or application


Name (Type) Default Values Description
arguments (string) “”
Arguments to specified external monitor (will be backquote-expanded)
ciphers (string) “DEFAULT”
Ciphersuite selection string
class (string)
clientCertificate (string)
AS3 pointer to client Certificate declaration, for TLS authentication (optional)
debugEnabled (boolean) false true, false When enabled, the monitor sends error messages and additional information to a log file created and labeled specifically for this monitor. The default is false (disabled)
environmentVariables (GSLB_Monitor_environmentVariables) {}
Specifies user defined command line parameters that the external program requires.
expand (boolean) true true, false If true (default), expand backquoted variables in script
ignoreDownResponseEnabled (boolean) false true, false Specifies whether the monitor immediately marks an object down when it receives a down response. If enabled, the monitor ignores the down response for the duration of timeout. The default is false (disabled)
interval (integer) 30 [0, 86399] Specifies, in seconds, the frequency at which the system issues the monitor check when either the resource is down or the status of the resource is unknown
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
monitorType (string)
“http”, “https”, “gateway-icmp”, “tcp”, “udp”, “external” Specifies the type of monitor
pathname (string)
Tmsh object path name of an imported existing external monitor (e.g. /Common/arg_example)
probeAttempts (integer) 3 [0, infinity] Specifies the number of times the BIG-IP system attempts to probe the host server, after which the BIG-IP system considers the host server down or unavailable
probeInterval (integer) 1 [0, infinity] Specifies the frequency at which the BIG-IP system probes the host server
probeTimeout (integer) 5 [0, infinity] Specifies the number of seconds after which the system times out the probe request to the system
receive (string) “HTTP/1.”
Specifies the text string that the monitor looks for in the returned resource. If you do not specify a value for both the send and receive options, the monitor performs a simple service check and connect only
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
reverseEnabled (boolean) false true, false When enabled, a successful check marks the monitored object down instead of up. You can use the Reverse mode only if you configure both the send and receive options
script (F5string)
Bash(1) script which implements external monitor
send (string) “HEAD / HTTP/1.0rnrn”
Specifies the text string that the monitor sends to the target object. If you do not specify a value for both the send and receive options, the monitor performs a simple service check and connect only
target (string) :
Specifies the IP address and service port of the resource that is the destination of this monitor. Format is ip:port
timeout (integer) 120 [0, 86400] Specifies the number of seconds the target has in which to respond to the monitor request
transparent (boolean) false true, false Enables monitoring of pool members through firewalls. The default value is false (disabled)


Additional Monitor class properties available when monitorType = external


Name (Type) Default Values Description
arguments (string) “”
Arguments to specified external monitor (will be backquote-expanded)
environmentVariables (GSLB_Monitor_External_environmentVariables) {}
Specifies user defined command line parameters that the external program requires.
expand (boolean) true true, false If true (default), expand backquoted variables in script
pathname (string)
Tmsh object path name of an imported existing external monitor (e.g. /Common/arg_example)
script (F5string)
Bash(1) script which implements external monitor


Additional Monitor class properties available when monitorType = http


Name (Type) Default Values Description
receive (string) “HTTP/1.”
Specifies the text string that the monitor looks for in the returned resource. If you do not specify a value for both the send and receive options, the monitor performs a simple service check and connect only
reverseEnabled (boolean) false true, false When enabled, a successful check marks the monitored object down instead of up. You can use the Reverse mode only if you configure both the send and receive options
send (string) “HEAD / HTTP/1.0rnrn”
Specifies the text string that the monitor sends to the target object. If you do not specify a value for both the send and receive options, the monitor performs a simple service check and connect only
transparent (boolean) false true, false Enables monitoring of pool members through firewalls. The default value is false (disabled)


Additional Monitor class properties available when monitorType = https


Name (Type) Default Values Description
ciphers (string) “DEFAULT”
Ciphersuite selection string
clientCertificate (string)
AS3 pointer to client Certificate declaration, for TLS authentication (optional)
receive (string) “HTTP/1.”
Specifies the text string that the monitor looks for in the returned resource. If you do not specify a value for both the send and receive options, the monitor performs a simple service check and connect only
reverseEnabled (boolean) false true, false When enabled, a successful check marks the monitored object down instead of up. You can use the Reverse mode only if you configure both the send and receive options
send (string) “HEAD / HTTP/1.0rnrn”
Specifies the text string that the monitor sends to the target object. If you do not specify a value for both the send and receive options, the monitor performs a simple service check and connect only
transparent (boolean) false true, false Enables monitoring of pool members through firewalls. The default value is false (disabled)


Additional Monitor class properties available when monitorType = gateway-icmp


Name (Type) Default Values Description
probeAttempts (integer) 3 [0, infinity] Specifies the number of times the BIG-IP system attempts to probe the host server, after which the BIG-IP system considers the host server down or unavailable
probeInterval (integer) 1 [0, infinity] Specifies the frequency at which the BIG-IP system probes the host server
transparent (boolean) false true, false Enables monitoring of pool members through firewalls. The default value is false (disabled)


Additional Monitor class properties available when monitorType = tcp


Name (Type) Default Values Description
receive (string) “”
Specifies the text string that the monitor looks for in the returned resource. If you do not specify a value for both the send and receive options, the monitor performs a simple service check and connect only
reverseEnabled (boolean) false true, false When enabled, a successful check marks the monitored object down instead of up. You can use the Reverse mode only if you configure both the send and receive options
send (string) “”
Specifies the text string that the monitor sends to the target object. If you do not specify a value for both the send and receive options, the monitor performs a simple service check and connect only
transparent (boolean) false true, false Enables monitoring of pool members through firewalls. The default value is false (disabled)


Additional Monitor class properties available when monitorType = udp


Name (Type) Default Values Description
debugEnabled (boolean) false true, false When enabled, the monitor sends error messages and additional information to a log file created and labeled specifically for this monitor. The default is false (disabled)
probeAttempts (integer) 3 [0, infinity] Specifies the number of times the BIG-IP system attempts to probe the host server, after which the BIG-IP system considers the host server down or unavailable
probeInterval (integer) 1 [0, infinity] Specifies the frequency at which the BIG-IP system probes the host server
receive (string) “”
Specifies the text string that the monitor looks for in the returned resource. If you do not specify a value for both the send and receive options, the monitor performs a simple service check and connect only
reverseEnabled (boolean) false true, false When enabled, a successful check marks the monitored object down instead of up. You can use the Reverse mode only if you configure both the send and receive options
send (string) “default send string”
Specifies the text string that the monitor sends to the target object. If you do not specify a value for both the send and receive options, the monitor performs a simple service check and connect only
transparent (boolean) false true, false Enables monitoring of pool members through firewalls. The default value is false (disabled)


Declares a pool to use for load balancing


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bpsLimit (integer) 0 [0, infinity] The maximum allowable data throughput rate, in bits per second, for the virtual servers in the pool. If the network traffic volume exceeds this value, the system marks the pool as unavailable
bpsLimitEnabled (boolean) false true, false Enables or disables the maximum Bits Per Second (BPS) option for this pool. The default value is false (disabled)
class (string)
connectionsLimit (integer) 0 [0, infinity] The number of current connections allowed for the virtual servers in the pool. If the current connections exceed this value, the system marks the pool as unavailable
connectionsLimitEnabled (boolean) false true, false Enables or disables the maximum current connections option for this pool. The default value is false (disabled)
enabled (boolean) true true, false Specifies whether the pool and its resources are available for load balancing
fallbackIP (string)
format: f5ip Specifies the IP address of the server to which the system directs requests when it cannot use one of its pools to do so. Note that the system uses the fallback IP only if you select a Fallback load balancing method
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
lbModeAlternate (string) “round-robin” “drop-packet”, “fallback-ip”, “global-availability”, “packet-rate”, “ratio”, “return-to-dns”, “round-robin”, “static-persistence”, “topology”, “virtual-server-capacity”, “virtual-server-score”, “none” Alternate Load Balancing mode
lbModeFallback (string) “return-to-dns” “completion-rate”, “cpu”, “drop-packet”, “fallback-ip”, “fewest-hops”, “global-availability”, “kilobytes-per-second”, “least-connections”, “lowest-round-trip-time”, “packet-rate”, “quality-of-service”, “ratio”, “return-to-dns”, “round-robin”, “static-persistence”, “topology”, “virtual-server-capacity”, “virtual-server-score”, “none” Fallback Load Balancing mode
lbModePreferred (string) “round-robin” “completion-rate”, “cpu”, “drop-packet”, “fallback-ip”, “fewest-hops”, “global-availability”, “kilobytes-per-second”, “least-connections”, “lowest-round-trip-time”, “packet-rate”, “quality-of-service”, “ratio”, “return-to-dns”, “round-robin”, “static-persistence”, “topology”, “virtual-server-capacity”, “virtual-server-score” Preferred Load Balancing mode
manualResumeEnabled (boolean) false true, false Specifies, whether you must manually restart a pool member that goes down
maxAnswersReturned (integer) 1 [1, 500] Specifies the maximum number of available virtual servers that the system lists in a response
members (array<GSLB_Pool_Member_MX>)
Specifies the members of this pool
monitors (array<Pointer_GSLB_Monitor>)
Specifies the health monitors that the system uses to determine whether it can use this pool for load balancing
ppsLimit (integer) 0 [0, infinity] The maximum allowable data transfer rate, in packets per second, for the virtual servers in the pool. If the network traffic volume exceeds this value, the system marks the pool as unavailable
ppsLimitEnabled (boolean) false true, false Enables or disables the maximum Packets Per Second (PPS) option for this pool. The default value is false (disabled)
qosHitRatio (integer) 5 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Hit Ratio performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
qosHops (integer) 0 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Hops performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
qosKbps (integer) 3 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Kilobytes per Second performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
qosLinkCapacity (integer) 30 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Link Capacity performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
qosPacketRate (integer) 1 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Packet Rate performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
qosRoundTripTime (integer) 50 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Round Trip Time performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
qosTopology (integer) 0 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Topology performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
qosVirtualServerCapacity (integer) 0 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Virtual Server performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
qosVirtualServerScore (integer) 0 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Virtual Server Score performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
resourceRecordType (string)
“A”, “AAAA”, “CNAME”, “MX” Specifies the type of resource records for this domain
ttl (integer) 30 [0, 4294967295] Specifies the number of seconds that the IP address, once found, is valid. Once the time-to-live (TTL) expires, the client has to request the IP address resolution again
verifyMemberEnabled (boolean) true true, false Specifies that the system verifies the availability of the pool members before sending a connection to those resources


Pointer to a Pool A object


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bpsLimit (integer) 0 [0, infinity] The maximum allowable data throughput rate, in bits per second, for the virtual servers in the pool. If the network traffic volume exceeds this value, the system marks the pool as unavailable
bpsLimitEnabled (boolean) false true, false Enables or disables the maximum Bits Per Second (BPS) option for this pool. The default value is false (disabled)
class (string)
connectionsLimit (integer) 0 [0, infinity] The number of current connections allowed for the virtual servers in the pool. If the current connections exceed this value, the system marks the pool as unavailable
connectionsLimitEnabled (boolean) false true, false Enables or disables the maximum current connections option for this pool. The default value is false (disabled)
enabled (boolean) true true, false Specifies whether the pool and its resources are available for load balancing
fallbackIP (string)
format: f5ip Specifies the IP address of the server to which the system directs requests when it cannot use one of its pools to do so. Note that the system uses the fallback IP only if you select a Fallback load balancing method
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
lbModeAlternate (string) “round-robin” “drop-packet”, “fallback-ip”, “global-availability”, “packet-rate”, “ratio”, “return-to-dns”, “round-robin”, “static-persistence”, “topology”, “virtual-server-capacity”, “virtual-server-score”, “none” Alternate Load Balancing mode
lbModeFallback (string) “return-to-dns” “completion-rate”, “cpu”, “drop-packet”, “fallback-ip”, “fewest-hops”, “global-availability”, “kilobytes-per-second”, “least-connections”, “lowest-round-trip-time”, “packet-rate”, “quality-of-service”, “ratio”, “return-to-dns”, “round-robin”, “static-persistence”, “topology”, “virtual-server-capacity”, “virtual-server-score”, “none” Fallback Load Balancing mode
lbModePreferred (string) “round-robin” “completion-rate”, “cpu”, “drop-packet”, “fallback-ip”, “fewest-hops”, “global-availability”, “kilobytes-per-second”, “least-connections”, “lowest-round-trip-time”, “packet-rate”, “quality-of-service”, “ratio”, “return-to-dns”, “round-robin”, “static-persistence”, “topology”, “virtual-server-capacity”, “virtual-server-score” Preferred Load Balancing mode
manualResumeEnabled (boolean) false true, false Specifies, whether you must manually restart a pool member that goes down
maxAnswersReturned (integer) 1 [1, 500] Specifies the maximum number of available virtual servers that the system lists in a response
members (array<GSLB_Pool_Member_MX>)
Specifies the members of this pool
monitors (array<Pointer_GSLB_Monitor>)
Specifies the health monitors that the system uses to determine whether it can use this pool for load balancing
ppsLimit (integer) 0 [0, infinity] The maximum allowable data transfer rate, in packets per second, for the virtual servers in the pool. If the network traffic volume exceeds this value, the system marks the pool as unavailable
ppsLimitEnabled (boolean) false true, false Enables or disables the maximum Packets Per Second (PPS) option for this pool. The default value is false (disabled)
qosHitRatio (integer) 5 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Hit Ratio performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
qosHops (integer) 0 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Hops performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
qosKbps (integer) 3 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Kilobytes per Second performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
qosLinkCapacity (integer) 30 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Link Capacity performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
qosPacketRate (integer) 1 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Packet Rate performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
qosRoundTripTime (integer) 50 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Round Trip Time performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
qosTopology (integer) 0 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Topology performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
qosVirtualServerCapacity (integer) 0 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Virtual Server performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
qosVirtualServerScore (integer) 0 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Virtual Server Score performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
resourceRecordType (string)
“A”, “AAAA”, “CNAME”, “MX” Specifies the type of resource records for this domain
ttl (integer) 30 [0, 4294967295] Specifies the number of seconds that the IP address, once found, is valid. Once the time-to-live (TTL) expires, the client has to request the IP address resolution again
verifyMemberEnabled (boolean) true true, false Specifies that the system verifies the availability of the pool members before sending a connection to those resources


Pointer to a Pool AAAA object


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bpsLimit (integer) 0 [0, infinity] The maximum allowable data throughput rate, in bits per second, for the virtual servers in the pool. If the network traffic volume exceeds this value, the system marks the pool as unavailable
bpsLimitEnabled (boolean) false true, false Enables or disables the maximum Bits Per Second (BPS) option for this pool. The default value is false (disabled)
class (string)
connectionsLimit (integer) 0 [0, infinity] The number of current connections allowed for the virtual servers in the pool. If the current connections exceed this value, the system marks the pool as unavailable
connectionsLimitEnabled (boolean) false true, false Enables or disables the maximum current connections option for this pool. The default value is false (disabled)
enabled (boolean) true true, false Specifies whether the pool and its resources are available for load balancing
fallbackIP (string)
format: f5ip Specifies the IP address of the server to which the system directs requests when it cannot use one of its pools to do so. Note that the system uses the fallback IP only if you select a Fallback load balancing method
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
lbModeAlternate (string) “round-robin” “drop-packet”, “fallback-ip”, “global-availability”, “packet-rate”, “ratio”, “return-to-dns”, “round-robin”, “static-persistence”, “topology”, “virtual-server-capacity”, “virtual-server-score”, “none” Alternate Load Balancing mode
lbModeFallback (string) “return-to-dns” “completion-rate”, “cpu”, “drop-packet”, “fallback-ip”, “fewest-hops”, “global-availability”, “kilobytes-per-second”, “least-connections”, “lowest-round-trip-time”, “packet-rate”, “quality-of-service”, “ratio”, “return-to-dns”, “round-robin”, “static-persistence”, “topology”, “virtual-server-capacity”, “virtual-server-score”, “none” Fallback Load Balancing mode
lbModePreferred (string) “round-robin” “completion-rate”, “cpu”, “drop-packet”, “fallback-ip”, “fewest-hops”, “global-availability”, “kilobytes-per-second”, “least-connections”, “lowest-round-trip-time”, “packet-rate”, “quality-of-service”, “ratio”, “return-to-dns”, “round-robin”, “static-persistence”, “topology”, “virtual-server-capacity”, “virtual-server-score” Preferred Load Balancing mode
manualResumeEnabled (boolean) false true, false Specifies, whether you must manually restart a pool member that goes down
maxAnswersReturned (integer) 1 [1, 500] Specifies the maximum number of available virtual servers that the system lists in a response
members (array<GSLB_Pool_Member_MX>)
Specifies the members of this pool
monitors (array<Pointer_GSLB_Monitor>)
Specifies the health monitors that the system uses to determine whether it can use this pool for load balancing
ppsLimit (integer) 0 [0, infinity] The maximum allowable data transfer rate, in packets per second, for the virtual servers in the pool. If the network traffic volume exceeds this value, the system marks the pool as unavailable
ppsLimitEnabled (boolean) false true, false Enables or disables the maximum Packets Per Second (PPS) option for this pool. The default value is false (disabled)
qosHitRatio (integer) 5 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Hit Ratio performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
qosHops (integer) 0 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Hops performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
qosKbps (integer) 3 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Kilobytes per Second performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
qosLinkCapacity (integer) 30 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Link Capacity performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
qosPacketRate (integer) 1 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Packet Rate performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
qosRoundTripTime (integer) 50 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Round Trip Time performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
qosTopology (integer) 0 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Topology performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
qosVirtualServerCapacity (integer) 0 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Virtual Server performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
qosVirtualServerScore (integer) 0 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Virtual Server Score performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
resourceRecordType (string)
“A”, “AAAA”, “CNAME”, “MX” Specifies the type of resource records for this domain
ttl (integer) 30 [0, 4294967295] Specifies the number of seconds that the IP address, once found, is valid. Once the time-to-live (TTL) expires, the client has to request the IP address resolution again
verifyMemberEnabled (boolean) true true, false Specifies that the system verifies the availability of the pool members before sending a connection to those resources


Pointer to a Pool CNAME object


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bpsLimit (integer) 0 [0, infinity] The maximum allowable data throughput rate, in bits per second, for the virtual servers in the pool. If the network traffic volume exceeds this value, the system marks the pool as unavailable
bpsLimitEnabled (boolean) false true, false Enables or disables the maximum Bits Per Second (BPS) option for this pool. The default value is false (disabled)
class (string)
connectionsLimit (integer) 0 [0, infinity] The number of current connections allowed for the virtual servers in the pool. If the current connections exceed this value, the system marks the pool as unavailable
connectionsLimitEnabled (boolean) false true, false Enables or disables the maximum current connections option for this pool. The default value is false (disabled)
enabled (boolean) true true, false Specifies whether the pool and its resources are available for load balancing
fallbackIP (string)
format: f5ip Specifies the IP address of the server to which the system directs requests when it cannot use one of its pools to do so. Note that the system uses the fallback IP only if you select a Fallback load balancing method
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
lbModeAlternate (string) “round-robin” “drop-packet”, “fallback-ip”, “global-availability”, “packet-rate”, “ratio”, “return-to-dns”, “round-robin”, “static-persistence”, “topology”, “virtual-server-capacity”, “virtual-server-score”, “none” Alternate Load Balancing mode
lbModeFallback (string) “return-to-dns” “completion-rate”, “cpu”, “drop-packet”, “fallback-ip”, “fewest-hops”, “global-availability”, “kilobytes-per-second”, “least-connections”, “lowest-round-trip-time”, “packet-rate”, “quality-of-service”, “ratio”, “return-to-dns”, “round-robin”, “static-persistence”, “topology”, “virtual-server-capacity”, “virtual-server-score”, “none” Fallback Load Balancing mode
lbModePreferred (string) “round-robin” “completion-rate”, “cpu”, “drop-packet”, “fallback-ip”, “fewest-hops”, “global-availability”, “kilobytes-per-second”, “least-connections”, “lowest-round-trip-time”, “packet-rate”, “quality-of-service”, “ratio”, “return-to-dns”, “round-robin”, “static-persistence”, “topology”, “virtual-server-capacity”, “virtual-server-score” Preferred Load Balancing mode
manualResumeEnabled (boolean) false true, false Specifies, whether you must manually restart a pool member that goes down
maxAnswersReturned (integer) 1 [1, 500] Specifies the maximum number of available virtual servers that the system lists in a response
members (array<GSLB_Pool_Member_MX>)
Specifies the members of this pool
monitors (array<Pointer_GSLB_Monitor>)
Specifies the health monitors that the system uses to determine whether it can use this pool for load balancing
ppsLimit (integer) 0 [0, infinity] The maximum allowable data transfer rate, in packets per second, for the virtual servers in the pool. If the network traffic volume exceeds this value, the system marks the pool as unavailable
ppsLimitEnabled (boolean) false true, false Enables or disables the maximum Packets Per Second (PPS) option for this pool. The default value is false (disabled)
qosHitRatio (integer) 5 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Hit Ratio performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
qosHops (integer) 0 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Hops performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
qosKbps (integer) 3 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Kilobytes per Second performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
qosLinkCapacity (integer) 30 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Link Capacity performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
qosPacketRate (integer) 1 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Packet Rate performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
qosRoundTripTime (integer) 50 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Round Trip Time performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
qosTopology (integer) 0 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Topology performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
qosVirtualServerCapacity (integer) 0 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Virtual Server performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
qosVirtualServerScore (integer) 0 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Virtual Server Score performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
resourceRecordType (string)
“A”, “AAAA”, “CNAME”, “MX” Specifies the type of resource records for this domain
ttl (integer) 30 [0, 4294967295] Specifies the number of seconds that the IP address, once found, is valid. Once the time-to-live (TTL) expires, the client has to request the IP address resolution again
verifyMemberEnabled (boolean) true true, false Specifies that the system verifies the availability of the pool members before sending a connection to those resources


Declares member of the GSLB pool


Name (Type) Default Values Description
dependsOn (string | array)
  Specifies the name of the virtual server on which this pool member depends.
enabled (boolean) true true, false When true (default), the system can use the pool member and its resources for load balancing requests
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
ratio (integer) 1 [0, 65535] Specifies the ratio weight assigned to the pool member. This weight determines the frequency at which the pool member is selected for load balancing
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
server (Pointer_GSLB_Server)
virtualServer (string)
Specifies that the Global Traffic Manager assigns connection requests to virtual servers based on a user-defined ranking system.


Declares member of the GSLB pool


Name (Type) Default Values Description
dependsOn (string | array)
  Specifies the name of the virtual server on which this pool member depends.
enabled (boolean) true true, false When true (default), the system can use the pool member and its resources for load balancing requests
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
ratio (integer) 1 [0, 65535] Specifies the ratio weight assigned to the pool member. This weight determines the frequency at which the pool member is selected for load balancing
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
server (Pointer_GSLB_Server)
virtualServer (string)
Specifies that the Global Traffic Manager assigns connection requests to virtual servers based on a user-defined ranking system.


Declares member of the GSLB pool


Name (Type) Default Values Description
domainName (string | Pointer_GSLB_Domain_A | Pointer_GSLB_Domain_AAAA | Pointer_GSLB_Domain_CNAME | Pointer_GSLB_Domain_MX)
Specifies the domain name for this pool member
enabled (boolean) true true, false When true (default), the system can use the pool member and its resources for load balancing requests
isDomainNameStatic (boolean) false true, false Specifies that the member’s name specifies a static domain name rather than a name linked to a domain defined on the system. This might be required if the target domainName is not owned by the organization or configured on the BIG-IP. One side-effect of using a static target is that the member is always considered available for load balancing. The default is (false) disabled
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
ratio (integer) 1 [0, 65535] Specifies the ratio weight assigned to the pool member. This weight determines the frequency at which the pool member is selected for load balancing
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks


Declares member of the GSLB pool


Name (Type) Default Values Description
domainName (Pointer_GSLB_Domain_A | Pointer_GSLB_Domain_AAAA)
Specifies the domain name for this pool member
enabled (boolean) true true, false When true (default), the system can use the pool member and its resources for load balancing requests
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
priority (integer) 10 [0, 65535] Specifies the MX resource record priority
ratio (integer) 1 [0, 65535] Specifies the ratio weight assigned to the pool member. This weight determines the frequency at which the pool member is selected for load balancing
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks


Pointer to a Pool MX object


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bpsLimit (integer) 0 [0, infinity] The maximum allowable data throughput rate, in bits per second, for the virtual servers in the pool. If the network traffic volume exceeds this value, the system marks the pool as unavailable
bpsLimitEnabled (boolean) false true, false Enables or disables the maximum Bits Per Second (BPS) option for this pool. The default value is false (disabled)
class (string)
connectionsLimit (integer) 0 [0, infinity] The number of current connections allowed for the virtual servers in the pool. If the current connections exceed this value, the system marks the pool as unavailable
connectionsLimitEnabled (boolean) false true, false Enables or disables the maximum current connections option for this pool. The default value is false (disabled)
enabled (boolean) true true, false Specifies whether the pool and its resources are available for load balancing
fallbackIP (string)
format: f5ip Specifies the IP address of the server to which the system directs requests when it cannot use one of its pools to do so. Note that the system uses the fallback IP only if you select a Fallback load balancing method
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
lbModeAlternate (string) “round-robin” “drop-packet”, “fallback-ip”, “global-availability”, “packet-rate”, “ratio”, “return-to-dns”, “round-robin”, “static-persistence”, “topology”, “virtual-server-capacity”, “virtual-server-score”, “none” Alternate Load Balancing mode
lbModeFallback (string) “return-to-dns” “completion-rate”, “cpu”, “drop-packet”, “fallback-ip”, “fewest-hops”, “global-availability”, “kilobytes-per-second”, “least-connections”, “lowest-round-trip-time”, “packet-rate”, “quality-of-service”, “ratio”, “return-to-dns”, “round-robin”, “static-persistence”, “topology”, “virtual-server-capacity”, “virtual-server-score”, “none” Fallback Load Balancing mode
lbModePreferred (string) “round-robin” “completion-rate”, “cpu”, “drop-packet”, “fallback-ip”, “fewest-hops”, “global-availability”, “kilobytes-per-second”, “least-connections”, “lowest-round-trip-time”, “packet-rate”, “quality-of-service”, “ratio”, “return-to-dns”, “round-robin”, “static-persistence”, “topology”, “virtual-server-capacity”, “virtual-server-score” Preferred Load Balancing mode
manualResumeEnabled (boolean) false true, false Specifies, whether you must manually restart a pool member that goes down
maxAnswersReturned (integer) 1 [1, 500] Specifies the maximum number of available virtual servers that the system lists in a response
members (array<GSLB_Pool_Member_MX>)
Specifies the members of this pool
monitors (array<Pointer_GSLB_Monitor>)
Specifies the health monitors that the system uses to determine whether it can use this pool for load balancing
ppsLimit (integer) 0 [0, infinity] The maximum allowable data transfer rate, in packets per second, for the virtual servers in the pool. If the network traffic volume exceeds this value, the system marks the pool as unavailable
ppsLimitEnabled (boolean) false true, false Enables or disables the maximum Packets Per Second (PPS) option for this pool. The default value is false (disabled)
qosHitRatio (integer) 5 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Hit Ratio performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
qosHops (integer) 0 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Hops performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
qosKbps (integer) 3 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Kilobytes per Second performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
qosLinkCapacity (integer) 30 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Link Capacity performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
qosPacketRate (integer) 1 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Packet Rate performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
qosRoundTripTime (integer) 50 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Round Trip Time performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
qosTopology (integer) 0 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Topology performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
qosVirtualServerCapacity (integer) 0 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Virtual Server performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
qosVirtualServerScore (integer) 0 [0, infinity] Assigns a weight to the Virtual Server Score performance factor for the Quality of Service dynamic load balancing mode
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
resourceRecordType (string)
“A”, “AAAA”, “CNAME”, “MX” Specifies the type of resource records for this domain
ttl (integer) 30 [0, 4294967295] Specifies the number of seconds that the IP address, once found, is valid. Once the time-to-live (TTL) expires, the client has to request the IP address resolution again
verifyMemberEnabled (boolean) true true, false Specifies that the system verifies the availability of the pool members before sending a connection to those resources


Declares a pool of BIG-IP devices that will monitor server resources for health and performance. Note: Prober pools are not used by the bigip monitor


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
enabled (boolean) true true, false Specifies whether this pool is available for conducting probes
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
lbMode (string)
“global-availability”, “round-robin” Specifies the load balancing mode that the system uses to select the members of this pool
members (array<GSLB_Prober_Pool_Member>)
Specifies the members of the prober pool


Declares member of the GSLB prober pool


Name (Type) Default Values Description
enabled (boolean) true true, false Specifies whether the server can be used as a member of a prober pool
memberOrder (integer) 0 [0, 65535] Specifies the order in which this server appears in the prober pool


Declares a GSLB server object which contains configuration for a load balancer or a host server


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bpsLimit (integer) 0 [0, infinity] Specifies the maximum allowable data throughput rate, in bits per second, for the virtual servers on the server. If the network traffic volume exceeds this limit, the system marks the server as unavailable
bpsLimitEnabled (boolean) false true, false Enables or disables the maximum Bits Per Second (BPS) option for the virtual servers on the server. The default value is false (disabled)
class (string)
connectionsLimit (integer) 0 [0, infinity] The number of current connections allowed for the virtual servers on the server. If the current connections exceed this value, the system marks the server as unavailable
connectionsLimitEnabled (boolean) false true, false Enables or disables the maximum current connections option for the virtual servers on the server. The default value is false (disabled)
cpuUsageLimit (integer)
[0, infinity] Specifies the percent of CPU usage. If percent of CPU usage goes above the limit, the system marks the server as unavailable
cpuUsageLimitEnabled (boolean)
true, false Enables or disables the CPU Usage limit option for this pool. The default value is false (disabled)
dataCenter (Pointer_GSLB_Data_Center)
devices (array<GSLB_Server_Device>)
Specifies the actual device(s) that are represented by this server object
enabled (boolean) true true, false Specifies whether the server is enabled or disabled
exposeRouteDomainsEnabled (boolean) false true, false Allows virtual servers from all route domains to be auto-discovered. The default setting is false
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
memoryLimit (integer)
[0, infinity] Specifies the available memory in kilobytes required by the virtual servers on the server. If available memory falls below this limit, the system marks the server as unavailable
memoryLimitEnabled (boolean)
true, false Enables or disables the maximum Bits Per Second (BPS) option for this pool. The default value is false (disabled)
monitors (array<Pointer_GSLB_Monitor>) [object Object]
Specifies the health monitors that the system uses to determine whether it can use this server for load balancing
pathProbeEnabled (boolean)
true, false Specifies whether this BIG-IP device will be used to conduct a path probe before traffic will be delegated to it. The default value is (true) enabled
ppsLimit (integer) 0 [0, infinity] The maximum allowable data transfer rate, in packets per second, for the virtual servers on the server. If the network traffic volume exceeds this value, the system marks the server as unavailable
ppsLimitEnabled (boolean) false true, false Enables or disables the maximum Packets Per Second (PPS) option for the virtual servers on the server. The default value is false (disabled)
proberFallback (string) “inherit” “inherit”, “any-available”, “inside-datacenter”, “none”, “outside-datacenter”, “pool” Specifies the type of prober to use to monitor servers defined in this data center when the preferred type is not available. The default value is any-available
proberPool (Pointer_GSLB_Prober_Pool)
proberPreferred (string) “inherit” “inherit”, “inside-datacenter”, “outside-datacenter”, “pool” Specifies the type of prober to use to monitor servers defined in this data center. The default value is inside-data-center. Note: Prober pools are not used by the bigip monitor
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
serverType (string) “bigip” “bigip”, “generic-host” Specifies the server type. The server type determines the metrics that the system can collect from the server
serviceCheckProbeEnabled (boolean)
true, false Specifies whether this BIG-IP device will be used to conduct a service check probe before traffic will be delegated to it. The default value is (true) enabled
snmpProbeEnabled (boolean)
true, false Specifies whether this BIG-IP device will be used to conduct a SNMP probe before traffic will be delegated to it. The default value is (true) enabled
virtualServerDiscoveryMode (string) “disabled” “disabled”, “enabled”, “enabled-no-delete” Specifies virtual server auto-discovery settings. Use ‘enabled’ (add, modify, delete), ‘enabled-no-delete’ (add, modify) or the default ‘disabled’ (manual configuration)
virtualServers (array<GSLB_Virtual_Server>)
Specifies the virtual server(s) that are resources on this server object


Configures a device for the GSLB Server


Name (Type) Default Values Description
address (string)
format: f5ip Specifies an external (public) address for the device. If BIG-IP DNS configuration synchronization is enabled and all existing addresses for a device are being replaced, new addresses should be added and synchronized before old addresses are removed, otherwise the changes may fail to synchronize. Alternatively, the address configuration changes can be performed on each BIG-IP DNS system
addressTranslation (string)
format: f5ip Specifies the internal (private) address that corresponds to the external address
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks


No description provided


Name (Type) Default Values Description
matchOperator (string) “equals” “equals”, “not-equals” Specifies the operation to perform a match. Default value is equals (matches)
matchType (string)
“continent”, “country”, “datacenter”, “geoip-isp”, “isp”, “pool”, “region”, “state”, “subnet” Specifies the type/category of match to perform
matchValue (string | GSLB_Topology_Condition_matchValue)
  Specifies the value to match


No description provided


Name (Type) Default Values Description
destination (GSLB_Topology_Condition)
Specifies where the system directs the incoming DNS request
source (GSLB_Topology_Condition)
Specifies the origination section of the topology record, the local DNS
weight (integer) 1 [0, 4294967295] Specifies the weight for the topology record. The system load balances to the server object and DNS that matches the record with the highest topology weight


Defines GSLB Topology records


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
longestMatchEnabled (boolean) true true, false Enables the algorithm that requires the system to evaluate all records in the topology statement and use the record that most completely matches the source IP address of the name resolution request. If true, the order of the records as they appear in the array will not be preserved
records (array<GSLB_Topology_Record>)
Specifies the actual device(s) that are represented by this server object


Defines a GSLB Topology region


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
members (array<GSLB_Topology_Condition>)
Configures the list of members for this region
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks


GSLB virtual server


Name (Type) Default Values Description
address (string)
format: f5ip Format of address for virtual server (such as IPv4)
addressTranslation (string)
format: f5ip Specifies the public address that this virtual server translates into when the GSLB provider communicates between the network and the Internet. The default value is disabled
addressTranslationPort (integer) 0 [0, 65535] L4 port for service (like 443 for HTTPS)
enabled (boolean) true true, false Specifies whether the virtual server is enabled or disabled
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
monitors (array<Pointer_GSLB_Monitor>)
Specifies the health monitors that the system uses to determine whether it can use this linked virtual server for load balancing
name (string)
Specifies the name of the Virtual Server
port (integer)
[0, 65535] L4 port for service (like 443 for HTTPS)
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks


HTML profile with configurable options


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
contentDetectionEnabled (boolean) false true, false Scans initial HTTP payload to look for HTML signatures and enables HTML profile if HTML-like patterns are detected
contentSelection (array<string>) text/html, text/xhtml
Matches content-type from response header against a list of the content-types and enables HTML profile if a match is found
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
rules (array<Pointer_HTML_Rule>)
HTML Rules followed by the profile


HTML Rule with configurable options


Name (Type) Default Values Description
attributeName (string)
Name of the attribute to be removed
class (string)
content (string)
HTML content to append to tag delimiter
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
match (HTML_Rule_match)
Properties the rule is to match
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
ruleType (string)
“comment-raise-event”, “comment-remove”, “tag-append-html”, “tag-prepend-html”, “tag-raise-event”, “tag-remove”, “tag-remove-attribute” Type of rule


HTML_Rule match possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
attributeName (string)
Name of attribute
attributeValue (string)
Value of attribute
tagName (string)
Name of tag


Matches on the specified tag name, attribute name, and attribute value. Attribute name and value are optional.


Name (Type) Default Values Description
match (HTML_Rule_Match_Attribute_Optional_match)
Properties the rule is to match


HTML_Rule_Match_Attribute_Optional match possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
attributeName (string)
Name of attribute
attributeValue (string)
Value of attribute
tagName (string)
Name of tag


Matches on the specified tag name, attribute name, and attribute value. Attribute name and value are required.


Name (Type) Default Values Description
match (HTML_Rule_Match_Attribute_Required_match)
Properties the rule is to match


HTML_Rule_Match_Attribute_Required match possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
attributeName (string)
Name of attribute
attributeValue (string)
Value of attribute
tagName (string)
Name of tag


Matches on the specified tag name and optional attribute name and attribute value, and then appends the specified HTML content to the tag delimiter.


Name (Type) Default Values Description
content (string)
HTML content to append to tag delimiter
match (HTML_Rule_TagAppendHTML_match)
Properties the rule is to match


HTML_Rule_TagAppendHTML match possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
attributeName (string)
Name of attribute
attributeValue (string)
Value of attribute
tagName (string)
Name of tag


Matches on the specified tag name and optional attribute name and attribute value, and then prepends the specified HTML content to the tag delimiter.


Name (Type) Default Values Description
content (string)
HTML content to prepend to tag delimiter
match (HTML_Rule_TagPrependHTML_match)
Properties the rule is to match


HTML_Rule_TagPrependHTML match possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
attributeName (string)
Name of attribute
attributeValue (string)
Value of attribute
tagName (string)
Name of tag


Matches on the specified tag name and optional attribute name and attribute value, and then raises an event.


Name (Type) Default Values Description
match (HTML_Rule_TagRaiseEvent_match)
Properties the rule is to match


HTML_Rule_TagRaiseEvent match possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
attributeName (string)
Name of attribute
attributeValue (string)
Value of attribute
tagName (string)
Name of tag


Matches on the specified tag name and optional attribute name and attribute value, and then removes the tag.


Name (Type) Default Values Description
match (HTML_Rule_TagRemove_match)
Properties the rule is to match


HTML_Rule_TagRemove match possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
attributeName (string)
Name of attribute
attributeValue (string)
Value of attribute
tagName (string)
Name of tag


Matches on the specified tag name, attribute name, and attribute value, and then removes a specified attribute. Tag name, attribute name, and value are required.


Name (Type) Default Values Description
attributeName (string)
Name of the attribute to be removed
match (HTML_Rule_TagRemoveAttribute_match)
Properties the rule is to match


HTML_Rule_TagRemoveAttribute match possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
attributeName (string)
Name of attribute
attributeValue (string)
Value of attribute
tagName (string)
Name of tag


Configures a web-acceleration profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
agingRate (integer) 9 [0, 10] Rate at which a cache entry ages
cacheSize (integer) 100 [0, 4294967295] The maximum size (in megabytes) for the cache
class (string)
ignoreHeaders (string) “all” “all”, “max-age”, “none” Which cache disabling headers will be ignored by the system
insertAgeHeaderEnabled (boolean) true true, false Age and date headers are inserted into the response when enabled
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
maximumAge (integer) 3600 [0, 4294967295] How long the system will consider the cached content will be valid
maximumEntries (integer) 10000 [0, 4294967295] The maximum number of entries that can reside in the cache
maximumObjectSize (integer) 50000 [0, 4294967295] The largest object that the system will cache
metadataMaxSize (integer) 25 [0, 4294967295] The maximum size of the metadata cache
minimumObjectSize (integer) 500 [0, 4294967295] The smallest object that the system will cache
parentProfile (Pointer_HTTP_Acceleration_Profile) {“bigip”:”/Common/webacceleration”}
The profile that this profile inherits values from
uriExcludeList (array<string>)
A list of URIs that will be excluded from the cache
uriIncludeList (array<string>)
A list of URIs that will be cacheable
uriIncludeOverrideList (array<string>)
A list of URIs that should be cached even though they may normally not be due to existing constraints
uriPinnedList (array<string>)
A list of URIs that are kept in the cache regardless of maxAge or expiry settings


HTTP Compression profile with configurable options


Name (Type) Default Values Description
allowHTTP10 (boolean) false true, false If true, AS3 may compress HTTP/1.0 responses (default false)
bufferSize (integer) 4096 [256, 4294967295] Maximum number of response octets to buffer before deciding whether to apply compression (default 4096)
class (string)
contentTypeExcludes (array<string>)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x7f-xff]+$ List of response Content-Type values which AS3 should not compress. Values are regular expressions that match Content-Type strings
contentTypeIncludes (array<string>) text/, application/(xml|x-javascript) regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x7f-xff]+$ List of response Content-Type values which AS3 should compress. Values are regular expressions that match Content-Type strings
cpuSaver (boolean) true true, false If true (default), system will reduce compression rate when CPU utilization exceeds cpuSaverHigh threshold and increase it when CPU utilization falls below cpuSaverLow threshold
cpuSaverHigh (integer) 90 [15, 99] CPU utilization percentage (default 90) above which AS3 should moderate compression
cpuSaverLow (integer) 75 [10, 95] CPU utilization percentage (default 75) below which the system returns compression to normal
gzipLevel (integer) 1 [1, 9] Compression level (default 1); higher values produce greater compression but use more CPU cycles
gzipMemory (integer) 8 [1, 256] Compression memory allocation in kilobytes (default 8), should be a power of two
gzipWindowSize (integer) 16 [1, 128] Compression window size in kilobytes (default 16), should be a power of two
keepAcceptEncoding (boolean) false true, false If true, pool member may compress responses; if false (default) ADC will compress responses. Set to true when pool member stores/caches pre-compressed responses
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
minimumSize (integer) 1024 [128, 131072] AS3 will not compress responses of fewer octets than this (default 1024)
preferMethod (string) “gzip” “gzip”, “deflate” Select preferred compression method (default gzip, strongly recommended)
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
selective (boolean) false true, false If true, AS3 will only compress a response when an iRule attached to the virtual server requests it (default is false, meaning AS3 will compress responses which meet the criteria in this profile)
uriExcludes (array<string>)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx7f-xff]+$ List of request URI’s for which AS3 should not compress responses. Values are regular expressions that match request URI strings
uriIncludes (array<string>)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx7f-xff]+$ List of request URI’s for which AS3 should compress responses. Values are regular expressions that match URI strings
varyHeader (boolean) true true, false If true (default), a Vary header will appear in compressed responses


HTTP profile with configurable options


Name (Type) Default Values Description
allowedResponseHeaders (array<string>)
regex: ^[^x00-x20x22:x5cx7f-xff]+$ By default AS3 passes HTTP headers in responses from pool members to clients unaltered. You may list names of allowed response headers here and AS3 removes any you do not list from responses.
badRequestMessage (string) “<html><head><title>Bad Request</title></head><body><h2>Invalid proxy request</h2></body></html>”
Message returned to client when proxy request is erroneous. May include iRules TCL expressions
badResponseMessage (string) “<html><head><title>Bad Response</title></head><body><h2>Proxy request provoked invalid response</h2></body></html>”
Message returned to client when response to proxy request is erroneous. May include iRules TCL expressions
class (string)
connectErrorMessage (string) “<html><head><title>Connection Error</title></head><body><h2>Unable to connect to host in proxy request</h2></body></html>”
Message returned to client when the system cannot establish a proxy connection. May include iRules TCL expressions
cookiePassphrase (HTTP_Profile_cookiePassphrase)
Used to create secret key for cookie encryption (when missing, AS3 uses a system-generated key)
defaultConnectAction (string) “deny” “deny”, “allow” By default (value ‘deny’) the system refuses CONNECT requests from clients except when there is a virtual server listening to the tunnelName tunnel to accept and process them (typically to authorize and/or intercept outbound TLS connections). Value ‘allow’ will let clients CONNECT to arbitrary remote services
dnsErrorMessage (string) “<html><head><title>DNS Resolution Error</title></head><body><h2>Cannot resolve hostname in proxy request</h2></body></html>”
Message returned to the client when the system cannot resolve the hostname in the request. May include iRules TCL expressions
doNotProxyHosts (array<string>) none
When a client makes a (proxy-type) request to some host on this list, that request will simply be load-balanced to a pool member (without DNS resolution). This is ineffective for HTTPS requests
encryptCookies (array<string>)
regex: ^[^x00-x20x22=x5cx7f-xff]+$ List cookies to encrypt en-route to the client and decrypt en-route to a pool member
excessClientHeaders (string) “pass-through” “pass-through”, “reject” When a client request violates maxHeaderCount, either switch to pass-through mode (default) or reject the connection
excessServerHeaders (string) “pass-through” “pass-through”, “reject” When a pool member response violates maxHeaderCount, either switch to pass-through mode (default) or reject the connection
fallbackRedirect (string)
Domain name (or IP address) of service (if any) to which AS3 should redirect a request when no pool member is responsive or selected pool member returns a fallbackStatusCode
fallbackStatusCodes (array<integer>)
[100, 999] When a pool member responds to a request with one of these HTTP status codes (for example, 500), redirect the client to the fallbackRedirect
hstsIncludeSubdomains (boolean) true true, false If true then HSTS headers (see hstsInsert) will tell clients to apply HSTS settings to the hostnames of this service and all their possible subdomains. Warning: an incorrect value here can make multiple websites unreachable, not just this service
hstsInsert (boolean) false true, false If true, insert HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security) headers into responses sent to clients (default false). Warning: misconfiguration of HSTS can make a website unreachable
hstsPeriod (integer) 7862400 [0, 4294967295] If hstsInsert is true, this value tells each client how long (in seconds; default 7862400 equals 91 days) to wait before refreshing HSTS settings for this service. Warning: once a client receives erroneous HSTS settings it will ignore any attempt to correct them until this period has expired
hstsPreload (boolean) false true, false If true, include the domain for the web site associated with this HTTP profile in the browser’s preload list. This forces the client to send packets over SSL/TLS.
insertHeader (HTTP_Profile_insertHeader)
You may insert one header into each request before AS3 sends it to a pool member. The header value may be a simple string or the result of an iRules TCL expression (for example, [IP::client_addr]). This is the most efficient way to insert a single header; to insert multiple headers use an iRule or an Endpoint policy
ipv6 (boolean) false true, false Specifies the relative order of IPv4 and IPv6 DNS resolutions for URIs. If false (default), then the system performs IPv4 lookup before IPv6.
knownMethods (array<string>) CONNECT, DELETE, GET, HEAD, LOCK, OPTIONS, POST, PROPFIND, PUT, TRACE, UNLOCK regex: ^[A-Z0-9]+$ List of HTTP request methods AS3 should recognize as normal. Any method not in this list will provoke the ‘unknownMethodAction’ action
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
maxHeaderCount (integer) 64 [1, 1024] When the number of headers in an incoming HTTP request exceeds this value, discard the request and reset the client connection
maxHeaderSize (integer) 32768 [9, 262144] When the total size in octets of the headers of an incoming HTTP request exceeds this value, discard the request and reset the client connection
maxRequests (integer) 0 [0, 2147483647] When AS3 has processed more than this number of requests through a connection, the system closes it. Default 0 means permit unlimited requests
multiplexTransformations (boolean) true true, false If true (default), AS3 adjusts request headers to work properly when the virtual server uses a Multiplex profile
otherXFF (array<string>)
regex: ^[^x00-x20x22:x5cx7f-xff]+$ Names of request headers to treat as equivalent to X-Forwarded-For (see trustXFF)
oversizeClientHeaders (string) “pass-through” “pass-through”, “reject” When a client request violates maxHeaderSize, either switch to pass-through mode (default) or reject the connection
oversizeServerHeaders (string) “pass-through” “pass-through”, “reject” When a pool member response violates maxHeaderSize, either switch to pass-through mode (default) or reject the connection
pipelineAction (string) “allow” “allow”, “reject”, “pass-through” Default ‘allow’ means clients may pipeline HTTP/1.1 requests to pool members which support pipelining. Otherwise, ‘reject’ prevents pipelining, and ‘pass-through’ causes the connection to switch to pass-through mode when the system detects pipelining
proxyConnectEnabled (boolean) false true, false Determines if a proxy connection profile will be created
proxyType (string) “reverse” “reverse”, “transparent”, “explicit” Default value ‘reverse’ is usually appropriate. You may use ‘transparent’ when virtual server will handle a mix of HTTP and non-HTTP traffic. You may use ‘explicit’ when clients will ask ADC to proxy connections to arbitrary remote services
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
requestChunking (string) “preserve” “selective”, “preserve”, “rechunk” Controls handling of HTTP payload chunking in requests from clients (default is ‘preserve’). Note: ‘selective’ and ‘preserve’ will be translated to ‘sustain’ when TMOS version is 15.0 or newer
resolver (HTTP_Profile_resolver)
AS3 pointer to DNS resolver used to resolve hostnames in client requests
responseChunking (string) “selective” “selective”, “preserve”, “unchunk”, “rechunk” Controls handling of HTTP payload chunking in responses from pool members (default ‘selective’ adapts to most situations). Note: ‘selective’ and ‘preserve’ will be translated to ‘sustain’ when TMOS version is 15.0 or newer
rewriteRedirects (string) “none” “none”, “all”, “matching”, “addresses” In selected Location-header values (default none) of redirect responses from pool members, change protocol HTTP to HTTPS before passing redirects to clients
routeDomain (integer) 0 [0, 65535] Proxy requests will leave the ADC from a Self IP in this route domain (default 0)
serverHeaderValue (string) “BigIP”
Server header value to place in responses generated by the ADC itself (not obtained from a pool member)
truncatedRedirects (boolean) false true, false If false (default) elide malformed redirects from pool members, otherwise pass them to client
trustXFF (boolean) false true, false If true, WAF (ASM) and AVR may trust X-Forwarded-For headers found in incoming requests and report statistics using client IP addresses appearing in them (default false). Use this feature only when you control upstream gateway(s)
tunnelName (string) “http-tunnel”
Name of tunnel used for outbound CONNECT requests (default ‘http-tunnel’)
unknownMethodAction (string) “allow” “allow”, “reject”, “pass-through” Default ‘allow’ means clients may make HTTP requests using unknown methods. Otherwise, ‘reject’ means to discard any unknown-method request and reject the client connection, and ‘pass-through’ causes the connection to switch to pass-through mode upon the first unknown-method request
viaHost (string)
Hostname to place in Via header when viaRequest or viaResponse is ‘append’
viaRequest (string) “remove” “append”, “preserve”, “remove” Controls treatment of Via: headers in requests from clients. When set to ‘append’ AS3 requires viaHost
viaResponse (string) “remove” “append”, “preserve”, “remove” Controls treatment of Via: headers in responses from pool members. When set to ‘append’ AS3 requires viaHost
webSocketMasking (string) “unmask” “preserve”, “remask”, “selective”, “unmask” Web-socket stream data is always masked from client to ADC and from ADC to server. Default value ‘unmask’ makes stream data passing through visible to ADC security policy and/or iRules attached to the service. ‘selective’ unmasks stream data only when a security policy is attached. ‘preserve’ passes data through masked (unreadable by security policy). ‘remask’ causes different masking keys to be used on client and server sides
webSocketsEnabled (boolean) false true, false When true, allow clients to initiate Web Socket connections (default false)
whiteOutHeader (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x20x22:x5cx7f-xff]+$ You may name one request header you want whited-out of each request before AS3 sends it to a pool member. To remove more than a single named header, use an iRule or an Endpoint policy. (Whiting-out a header leaves its name but replaces its value in the request with space characters (ASCII 0x20) to avoid changing the length of the headers.)
xForwardedFor (boolean) true true, false If true, insert an X-Forwarded-For header carrying the client IP address into each HTTP request sent to a pool member (default false)


HTTP_Profile cookiePassphrase possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
allowReuse (boolean) false true, false If true, other declaration objects may reuse this value
ciphertext (string)
Put base64url(data_value) here
ignoreChanges (boolean) false true, false If false (default), the system updates the ciphertext in every AS3 declaration deployment. If true, AS3 creates the ciphertext on first deployment, and leaves it untouched afterwards
miniJWE (boolean) true true, false If true (default), object is an f5 mini-JWE
protected (string) “eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0”
JOSE header: alg=dir, enc=(none|f5sv); default enc=none (encoded default is ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0’, use with secret simply base64url-encoded into ‘ciphertext’). If you see ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJmNXN2In0’, ‘ciphertext’ contains base64url-encoded SecureVault cryptogram
reuseFrom (string)
AS3 pointer to another JWE cryptogram in this declaration to copy
url (Secret_Resource_URL)
URL from which secret should be fetched


HTTP_Profile insertHeader possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
name (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x20x22:x5cx7f-xff]+$ Name of the HTTP header to insert
value (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx7f-xff]*$ May contain iRules TCL expression


HTTP_Profile resolver possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP net DNS resolver


Extra HTTP profile configurable options when proxyType is ‘explicit’


Name (Type) Default Values Description
badRequestMessage (string) “<html><head><title>Bad Request</title></head><body><h2>Invalid proxy request</h2></body></html>”
Message returned to client when proxy request is erroneous. May include iRules TCL expressions
badResponseMessage (string) “<html><head><title>Bad Response</title></head><body><h2>Proxy request provoked invalid response</h2></body></html>”
Message returned to client when response to proxy request is erroneous. May include iRules TCL expressions
connectErrorMessage (string) “<html><head><title>Connection Error</title></head><body><h2>Unable to connect to host in proxy request</h2></body></html>”
Message returned to client when the system cannot establish a proxy connection. May include iRules TCL expressions
defaultConnectAction (string) “deny” “deny”, “allow” By default (value ‘deny’) the system refuses CONNECT requests from clients except when there is a virtual server listening to the tunnelName tunnel to accept and process them (typically to authorize and/or intercept outbound TLS connections). Value ‘allow’ will let clients CONNECT to arbitrary remote services
dnsErrorMessage (string) “<html><head><title>DNS Resolution Error</title></head><body><h2>Cannot resolve hostname in proxy request</h2></body></html>”
Message returned to the client when the system cannot resolve the hostname in the request. May include iRules TCL expressions
doNotProxyHosts (array<string>) none
When a client makes a (proxy-type) request to some host on this list, that request will simply be load-balanced to a pool member (without DNS resolution). This is ineffective for HTTPS requests
ipv6 (boolean) false true, false Specifies the relative order of IPv4 and IPv6 DNS resolutions for URIs. If false (default), then the system performs IPv4 lookup before IPv6.
maxHeaderCount (integer) 64 [1, 1024] When the number of headers in an incoming HTTP request exceeds this value, discard the request and reset the client connection
maxHeaderSize (integer) 32768 [9, 262144] When the total size in octets of the headers of an incoming HTTP request exceeds this value, discard the request and reset the client connection
resolver (HTTP_Profile_Explicit_resolver)
AS3 pointer to DNS resolver used to resolve hostnames in client requests
routeDomain (integer) 0 [0, 65535] Proxy requests will leave the ADC from a Self IP in this route domain (default 0)
truncatedRedirects (boolean) false true, false If false (default) elide malformed redirects from pool members, otherwise pass them to client
tunnelName (string) “http-tunnel”
Name of tunnel used for outbound CONNECT requests (default ‘http-tunnel’)


HTTP_Profile_Explicit resolver possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP net DNS resolver


Extra HTTP profile configurable options when proxyType is ‘reverse’


Name (Type) Default Values Description
maxHeaderCount (integer) 64 [1, 1024] When the number of headers in an incoming HTTP request exceeds this value, discard the request and reset the client connection
maxHeaderSize (integer) 32768 [9, 262144] When the total size in octets of the headers of an incoming HTTP request exceeds this value, discard the request and reset the client connection
truncatedRedirects (boolean) false true, false If false (default) elide malformed redirects from pool members, otherwise pass them to client


Extra HTTP profile configurable options when proxyType is ‘transparent’


Name (Type) Default Values Description
excessClientHeaders (string) “pass-through” “pass-through”, “reject” When a client request violates maxHeaderCount, either switch to pass-through mode (default) or reject the connection
excessServerHeaders (string) “pass-through” “pass-through”, “reject” When a pool member response violates maxHeaderCount, either switch to pass-through mode (default) or reject the connection
maxHeaderCount (integer) 32 [1, 1024] When the number of headers in a request or response exceeds this value (default 32), take the excessX…Headers action
maxHeaderSize (integer) 16384 [9, 262144] When the total size in octets of the headers of request or response exceeds this value (default 16384), take the oversizeX…Headers action
oversizeClientHeaders (string) “pass-through” “pass-through”, “reject” When a client request violates maxHeaderSize, either switch to pass-through mode (default) or reject the connection
oversizeServerHeaders (string) “pass-through” “pass-through”, “reject” When a pool member response violates maxHeaderSize, either switch to pass-through mode (default) or reject the connection
truncatedRedirects (boolean) true true, false If true (default) pass malformed redirects to client


HTTP2 profile with configurable options


Name (Type) Default Values Description
activationMode (string) “alpn” “alpn”, “always” This setting specifies the condition that will cause the BIG-IP system to handle an incoming connection as an HTTP/2 connection.
class (string)
concurrentStreamsPerConnection (integer) 10 [1, 256] The number of concurrent connections to allow on a single HTTP/2 connection.
connectionIdleTimeout (integer) 300 [1, 4294967295] The number of seconds that a HTTP/2 connection is left open idly before it is closed.
enforceTlsRequirements (boolean) true true, false Enable or disable enforcement of TLS requirements.
frameSize (integer) 2048 [1024, 16384] The size of the data frames, in bytes, that the HTTP/2 protocol sends to the client.
headerTableSize (integer) 4096 [0, 65535] The size of the header table, in KB, for the HTTP headers that the HTTP/2 protocol compresses to save bandwidth.
includeContentLength (boolean) false true, false Enable to include content-length in HTTP/2 headers.
insertHeader (boolean) false true, false This setting specifies whether the BIG-IP system should add an HTTP header to the HTTP request to show that the request was received over HTTP/2.
insertHeaderName (string) “X-HTTP2”
This setting specifies the name of the header that the BIG-IP system will add to the HTTP request when the Insert Header is enabled.
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
receiveWindow (integer) 32 [16, 128] The flow-control size for upload streams, in KB.
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
writeSize (integer) 16384 [2048, 32768] The total size of combined data frames, in bytes, that the HTTP/2 protocol sends in a single write function.


Configures an ICAP profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
fromHeader (string)
Specifies the ‘From’ attribute to use in the ICAP header
hostHeader (string)
Specifies the ‘Host’ attribute to use in the ICAP header
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
previewLength (integer) 0 [0, 4294967295] Specifies the length of the preview in the transaction
refererHeader (string)
Specifies the ‘Referer’ attribute to use in the ICAP header
uri (string)
Specifies the absolute URI that contains both the complete hostname and the path of the resource to use in the ICAP header. Macro expansion is supported for all attribute values in the ICAP header (e.g. icap://${SERVER_IP}:${SERVER_PORT}/videoOptimization)
userAgentHeader (string)
Specifies the ‘User-Agent’ attribute to use in the ICAP header


Destination port based idle timeout policy


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
rules (array<Idle_Timeout_Rule>)
List of idle timeout rules


Idle timeout rule


Name (Type) Default Values Description
destinationPorts (array<integer | string>)
[-infinity, infinity] List of ports, port ranges (for example, 80, “8080-8090”), or “all-other”.
idleTimeout (integer | string) “unspecified” [-infinity, infinity] Idle timeout in seconds
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
name (string)
regex: ^[A-Za-z_][0-9A-Za-z_/-]*$ Idle timeout rule name
protocol (string) “all-other”
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks


An iFile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
iFile (F5string)
Reference to an iFile
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks


Defines inclusion of one part of the schema into another


Name (Type) Default Values Description
include (string | array<string>)
Keyword to allow for inclusion of one part of the declaration into another


Configures a generic IP profile for non-TCP and non-UDP traffic


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
idleTimeout (integer | integer | string) 60 [0, 4294967295], “indefinite”, “immediate” Specifies the number of seconds a connection can be idle before the connection is eligible for deletion
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
parentProfile (Pointer_IP_Other_Profile) {“bigip”:”/Common/ipother”}
Specifies the name of the object to inherit the settings from
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks


An iRule


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
expand (boolean) true true, false If true (default), expand backquoted variables in iRule
iRule (iRule_Core)
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks


A value in a cryptogram which is a Flattened JWE JSON Serialization object. If ‘miniJWE’ is true then enc=(none|f5sv) only (in JOSE header)


Name (Type) Default Values Description
ciphertext (string)
Put base64url(data_value) here
ignoreChanges (boolean) false true, false If false (default), the system updates the ciphertext in every AS3 declaration deployment. If true, AS3 creates the ciphertext on first deployment, and leaves it untouched afterwards
miniJWE (boolean) true true, false If true (default), object is an f5 mini-JWE
protected (string) “eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0”
JOSE header: alg=dir, enc=(none|f5sv); default enc=none (encoded default is ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0’, use with secret simply base64url-encoded into ‘ciphertext’). If you see ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJmNXN2In0’, ‘ciphertext’ contains base64url-encoded SecureVault cryptogram


Configures a Fast Layer 4 profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
clientTimeout (integer) 30 [-1, 86400] Number of seconds allowed for a client to transmit enough data to select a server when you have late binding enabled. Value -1 means indefinite (not recommended)
idleTimeout (integer) 300 [-infinity, infinity] Number of seconds (default 300; may not be 0) connection may remain idle before it becomes eligible for deletion. Value -1 (not recommended) means infinite
keepAliveInterval (integer) 0 [0, 4294967295] Number of seconds between keep-alive probes. A value of 0 seconds disables the feature.
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
looseClose (boolean) false true, false When true, system closes a loosely-initiated connection when the system receives the first FIN packet from either the client or the server (default false).
looseInitialization (boolean) false true, false When true, system initializes a connection when it receives any TCP packet, rather than requiring a SYN packet for connection initiation (default false).
maxSegmentSize (integer) 0 [-infinity, infinity] Sets MSS advertised to peer. Value 0 (default) will set MSS automatically in proportion to interface MTU. Default 0 is usually the best choice
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
resetOnTimeout (boolean) true true, false If true (default), connections which time out will be reset (that is, the system sends an RST packet to the peer) before the system expunges them
synCookieAllowlist (boolean) false true, false Specifies whether or not to use a SYN Cookie Allowlist when doing software SYN Cookies. This means not doing a SYN Cookie for the same src IP address if it has been done already in the previous tm.flowstate.timeout (30) seconds. The default value is disabled.
synCookieEnable (boolean) true true, false Enables syn-cookies capability on this virtual server. If true (default), the system may use SYN cookies to avert connection-table overflow (for example, from DoS attacks)
tcpCloseTimeout (integer) 5 [-1, 86400] Specifies an TCP close timeout in seconds. Value -1 means indefinite (not recommended)
tcpHandshakeTimeout (integer) 5 [-1, 86400] Specifies a TCP handshake timeout in seconds. The default value is 5 seconds. Value -1 means indefinite (not recommended)


Configures a log destination


Name (Type) Default Values Description
address (string)
format: f5ip Specifies the IP address that will receive messages from the specified local Log Destination
class (string)
defaultFacility (string) “local0” “local0”, “local1”, “local2”, “local3”, “local4”, “local5”, “local6”, “local7” Specifies the facility given to log messages received that do not already have a facility listed
defaultSeverity (string) “info” “alert”, “crit”, “debug”, “emerg”, “err”, “info”, “notice”, “warn” Specifies the severity given to log messages received that do not already have a severity listed
distribution (string) “adaptive” “adaptive”, “balanced”, “replicated” Specifies the distribution method used to send messages to pool members
format (string) “rfc3164” “legacy-bigip”, “rfc3164”, “rfc5424” Specifies the method to use to format the logs
forwardTo (Pointer_Log_Destination)
Specifies the log destination to which logs are forwarded
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
pool (Pointer_Pool)
port (integer)
[0, 65535] Specifies the port of the IP address that will receive messages from the specified local Log Destination
protocol (string) “tcp” “tcp”, “udp” Specifies the protocol for the system to use to send logs to the specified location
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
remoteHighSpeedLog (Log_Destination_remoteHighSpeedLog)
Specifies a remote high-speed log destination, which the system uses to forward the logs to a pool of remote log servers
type (string)
“management-port”, “remote-high-speed-log”, “remote-syslog”, “splunk” The type of the log destination


Log_Destination remoteHighSpeedLog possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP remote high speed log
use (string)
AS3 pointer to remote high speed log declaration


Sends received messages to a specified IP address and port through the management interface


Name (Type) Default Values Description
address (string)
format: f5ip Specifies the IP address that will receive messages from the specified local Log Destination
port (integer)
[0, 65535] Specifies the port of the IP address that will receive messages from the specified local Log Destination
protocol (string) “tcp” “tcp”, “udp” Specifies the protocol for the system to use to send logs to the specified location


Sends received messages to a specified pool


Name (Type) Default Values Description
distribution (string) “adaptive” “adaptive”, “balanced”, “replicated” Specifies the distribution method used to send messages to pool members
pool (Pointer_Pool)
protocol (string) “tcp” “tcp”, “udp” Specifies the protocol for the system to use to send logs to the pool


Configures Remote Syslog destinations to format log messages into Syslog format and forward them to a Remote High-Speed Log destination


Name (Type) Default Values Description
defaultFacility (string) “local0” “local0”, “local1”, “local2”, “local3”, “local4”, “local5”, “local6”, “local7” Specifies the facility given to log messages received that do not already have a facility listed
defaultSeverity (string) “info” “alert”, “crit”, “debug”, “emerg”, “err”, “info”, “notice”, “warn” Specifies the severity given to log messages received that do not already have a severity listed
format (string) “rfc3164” “legacy-bigip”, “rfc3164”, “rfc5424” Specifies the method to use to format the logs
remoteHighSpeedLog (Log_Destination_Remote_Syslog_remoteHighSpeedLog)
Specifies a remote high-speed log destination, which the system uses to forward the logs to a pool of remote log servers


Log_Destination_Remote_Syslog remoteHighSpeedLog possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP remote high speed log
use (string)
AS3 pointer to remote high speed log declaration


Configures Splunk formatting destinations to format incoming log messages into Splunk format


Name (Type) Default Values Description
forwardTo (Pointer_Log_Destination)
Specifies the log destination to which logs are forwarded


Configures lists of destinations for the common logging interface


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
destinations (array<Pointer_Log_Destination>)
specify log destinations for this log publisher to use
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks


Useful datapoints for tracking, tagging, and organizing declarations.

No properties


Declares a (possibly complex) monitor


Name (Type) Default Values Description
acceptRCODE (string) “no-error” “anything”, “no-error” Specifies the RCODE required in the response for an up status
adaptive (boolean) false true, false If true, use adaptive probe timing
adaptiveDivergenceMilliseconds (integer) 500 [1, 10000] Probe fails if response latency exceeds mean by this number of milliseconds
adaptiveDivergencePercentage (integer) 100 [1, 500] Probe fails if response latency exceeds mean by this percentage
adaptiveDivergenceType (string) “relative” “absolute”, “relative” Adaptive divergence, ‘absolute’ selects milliseconds, ‘relative’ (default) selects percentage
adaptiveLimitMilliseconds (integer) 1000 [1, 10000] Probe fails if response latency exceeds this number of milliseconds
adaptiveWindow (integer) 180 [60, 1800] Time window over which the system samples latency (seconds)
answerContains (string) “query-type” “any-type”, “anything”, “query-type” Specifies the type of DNS query that the monitor sends
arguments (string) “”
Arguments to specified external monitor (will be backquote-expanded)
base (string)
Specifies the location in the LDAP tree from which the monitor starts the health check
chaseReferrals (boolean) true true, false Specifies, whether, upon receipt of an LDAP referral entry, the referral is followed
ciphers (string) “DEFAULT”
Ciphersuite selection string
class (string)
clientCertificate (string)
AS3 pointer to client Certificate declaration, for TLS authentication (optional)
clientTLS (Pointer_TLS_Client)
AS3 pointer to client TLS Profile
codesDown (array<integer>)
[0, infinity] List of status codes meaning service is down (0 matches any code)
codesUp (array<integer>)
[0, infinity] List of additional (to all 1/2/3xx) status codes meaning service is up (0 matches any code)
count (integer) 0 [0, 2147483647] Number of monitor probes after which the connection to the database will be terminated. Count value of zero indicates that the connection will never be terminated.
database (string)
The name of the database with which the monitor attempts to communicate.
domain (string) “” format: hostname Mail domain to check, if any (backquote-expanded)
dscp (integer) 0 [0, 63] Value for IP DSCP (ex-TOS) field (default 0)
environmentVariables (Monitor_environmentVariables) {}
Specifies user defined command line parameters that the external program requires.
expand (boolean) true true, false If true (default), expand backquoted variables in script
filename (string)
Specifies the full path and file name of the file that the system attempts to download. The health check is successful if the system can download the file.
filter (string)
Specifies an LDAP key which the monitor searches
headers (string) “”
SIP headers to send in probes (if any)–separate by newlines (backquote-expanded)
interval (integer) 5 [0, 3600] Poll interval (seconds)
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
mandatoryAttributes (boolean) false true, false Specifies whether the target must include attributes in its response to be considered up
mode (string) “passive” “passive”, “port” Specifies the data transfer process (DTP) mode. The default value is passive.
monitorType (string)
“dns”, “external”, “ftp”, “http”, “https”, “http2”, “icmp”, “ldap”, “mysql”, “postgresql”, “radius”, “sip”, “smtp”, “tcp”, “tcp-half-open”, “udp” You may customize each monitor type
nasIpAddress (string)
format: f5ip Specifies the networks access server’s IP address (NAS IP address) for a RADIUS monitor
passphrase (Monitor_passphrase)
Passphrase if any for query authentication
pathname (string)
Tmsh object path name of an imported existing external monitor (e.g. /Common/arg_example)
protocol (string) “udp” “sips”, “tcp”, “tls”, “udp” SIP transport protocol
queryName (string)
Specifies a query name for the monitor to use in a DNS query
queryType (string) “a” “a”, “aaaa” Specifies the type of DNS query that the monitor sends.
receive (string) “HTTP/1.”
Mark node up upon receipt of this (backquote-expanded) string
receiveColumn (integer)
[1, 4096] Specifies the column in the database where the system expects the specified Receive String to be located. Specify this property only if you configure the Send and Receive properties.
receiveDown (string) “”
Mark node down upon receipt of this (backquote-expanded) string (optional; must be empty when ‘reverse’ is true)
receiveRow (integer)
[1, 65535] Specifies the row in the database where the system expects the specified Receive String to be located. Specify this property only if you configure the Send and Recieve properties.
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
request (string) “”
SIP request to send in probes (default empty)
reverse (boolean) false true, false If true, mark node down upon receipt of ‘receive’ string
script (F5string)
Bash(1) script which implements external monitor
secret (Monitor_secret)
Specifies the secret the monitor needs to access the resource
security (string) “none” “none”, “ssl”, “tls” Specifies the secure protocol type for communications with the target
send (string) “HEAD / HTTP/1.0rnrn”
Send this (backquote-expanded) string to query node
targetAddress (string) “” format: f5ip IP address monitor should probe; if empty (default) then pool member address
targetPort (integer) 0 [0, 65535] L4 port (if any) monitor should probe; if 0 (default) then pool member port
timeout (integer) 16 [0, 900] Time limit for node to respond (seconds)
timeUntilUp (integer) 0 [0, 1800] Delay between successful probe and sending traffic to node (seconds)
transparent (boolean) false true, false If true, treat pool member address as gateway to server (node) (default false)
upInterval (integer) 0 [0, 3600] Poll interval when service is already up (seconds)
username (string)
Username if any for query authentication


Monitor passphrase possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
allowReuse (boolean) false true, false If true, other declaration objects may reuse this value
ciphertext (string)
Put base64url(data_value) here
ignoreChanges (boolean) false true, false If false (default), the system updates the ciphertext in every AS3 declaration deployment. If true, AS3 creates the ciphertext on first deployment, and leaves it untouched afterwards
miniJWE (boolean) true true, false If true (default), object is an f5 mini-JWE
protected (string) “eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0”
JOSE header: alg=dir, enc=(none|f5sv); default enc=none (encoded default is ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0’, use with secret simply base64url-encoded into ‘ciphertext’). If you see ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJmNXN2In0’, ‘ciphertext’ contains base64url-encoded SecureVault cryptogram
reuseFrom (string)
AS3 pointer to another JWE cryptogram in this declaration to copy
url (Secret_Resource_URL)
URL from which secret should be fetched


Monitor secret possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
allowReuse (boolean) false true, false If true, other declaration objects may reuse this value
ciphertext (string)
Put base64url(data_value) here
ignoreChanges (boolean) false true, false If false (default), the system updates the ciphertext in every AS3 declaration deployment. If true, AS3 creates the ciphertext on first deployment, and leaves it untouched afterwards
miniJWE (boolean) true true, false If true (default), object is an f5 mini-JWE
protected (string) “eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0”
JOSE header: alg=dir, enc=(none|f5sv); default enc=none (encoded default is ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0’, use with secret simply base64url-encoded into ‘ciphertext’). If you see ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJmNXN2In0’, ‘ciphertext’ contains base64url-encoded SecureVault cryptogram
reuseFrom (string)
AS3 pointer to another JWE cryptogram in this declaration to copy
url (Secret_Resource_URL)
URL from which secret should be fetched


Additional Monitor class properties available when monitorType = dns


Name (Type) Default Values Description
acceptRCODE (string) “no-error” “anything”, “no-error” Specifies the RCODE required in the response for an up status
adaptive (boolean) false true, false If true, use adaptive probe timing
adaptiveDivergenceMilliseconds (integer) 500 [1, 10000] Probe fails if response latency exceeds mean by this number of milliseconds
adaptiveDivergencePercentage (integer) 100 [1, 500] Probe fails if response latency exceeds mean by this percentage
adaptiveDivergenceType (string) “relative” “absolute”, “relative” Adaptive divergence, ‘absolute’ selects milliseconds, ‘relative’ (default) selects percentage
adaptiveLimitMilliseconds (integer) 1000 [1, 10000] Probe fails if response latency exceeds this number of milliseconds
adaptiveWindow (integer) 180 [60, 1800] Time window over which the system samples latency (seconds)
answerContains (string) “query-type” “any-type”, “anything”, “query-type” Specifies the type of DNS query that the monitor sends
queryName (string)
Specifies a query name for the monitor to use in a DNS query
queryType (string) “a” “a”, “aaaa” Specifies the type of DNS query that the monitor sends.
receive (string)
IP address that the monitor uses from the resource records sections of the DNS response
reverse (boolean) false true, false If true, mark node down upon receipt of ‘receive’ string
targetAddress (reference)
transparent (boolean) false true, false If true, treat pool member address as gateway to server (node) (default false)


Additional Monitor class properties available when monitorType = external


Name (Type) Default Values Description
arguments (string) “”
Arguments to specified external monitor (will be backquote-expanded)
environmentVariables (Monitor_External_environmentVariables) {}
Specifies user defined command line parameters that the external program requires.
expand (boolean) true true, false If true (default), expand backquoted variables in script
pathname (string)
Tmsh object path name of an imported existing external monitor (e.g. /Common/arg_example)
script (F5string)
Bash(1) script which implements external monitor


Additional Monitor class properties available when monitorType = ftp


Name (Type) Default Values Description
filename (string)
Specifies the full path and file name of the file that the system attempts to download. The health check is successful if the system can download the file.
mode (string) “passive” “passive”, “port” Specifies the data transfer process (DTP) mode. The default value is passive.
passphrase (Monitor_FTP_passphrase)
Passphrase if any for query authentication
username (string)
Username if any for query authentication


Monitor_FTP passphrase possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
allowReuse (boolean) false true, false If true, other declaration objects may reuse this value
ciphertext (string)
Put base64url(data_value) here
ignoreChanges (boolean) false true, false If false (default), the system updates the ciphertext in every AS3 declaration deployment. If true, AS3 creates the ciphertext on first deployment, and leaves it untouched afterwards
miniJWE (boolean) true true, false If true (default), object is an f5 mini-JWE
protected (string) “eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0”
JOSE header: alg=dir, enc=(none|f5sv); default enc=none (encoded default is ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0’, use with secret simply base64url-encoded into ‘ciphertext’). If you see ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJmNXN2In0’, ‘ciphertext’ contains base64url-encoded SecureVault cryptogram
reuseFrom (string)
AS3 pointer to another JWE cryptogram in this declaration to copy
url (Secret_Resource_URL)
URL from which secret should be fetched


Additional Monitor class properties available when monitorType = http or https or http2


Name (Type) Default Values Description
adaptive (boolean) false true, false If true, use adaptive probe timing
adaptiveDivergenceMilliseconds (integer) 500 [1, 10000] Probe fails if response latency exceeds mean by this number of milliseconds
adaptiveDivergencePercentage (integer) 100 [1, 500] Probe fails if response latency exceeds mean by this percentage
adaptiveDivergenceType (string) “relative” “absolute”, “relative” Adaptive divergence, ‘absolute’ selects milliseconds, ‘relative’ (default) selects percentage
adaptiveLimitMilliseconds (integer) 1000 [1, 10000] Probe fails if response latency exceeds this number of milliseconds
adaptiveWindow (integer) 180 [60, 1800] Time window over which the system samples latency (seconds)
dscp (integer) 0 [0, 63] Value for IP DSCP (ex-TOS) field (default 0)
passphrase (Monitor_HTTP_passphrase)
Passphrase if any for query authentication
receive (string) “HTTP/1.”
Mark node up upon receipt of this (backquote-expanded) string
receiveDown (string) “”
Mark node down upon receipt of this (backquote-expanded) string (optional; must be empty when ‘reverse’ is true)
reverse (boolean) false true, false If true, mark node down upon receipt of ‘receive’ string
send (string) “HEAD / HTTP/1.0rnrn”
Send this (backquote-expanded) string to query node
transparent (boolean) false true, false If true, treat pool member address as gateway to server (node) (default false)
username (string)
Username if any for query authentication


Monitor_HTTP passphrase possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
allowReuse (boolean) false true, false If true, other declaration objects may reuse this value
ciphertext (string)
Put base64url(data_value) here
ignoreChanges (boolean) false true, false If false (default), the system updates the ciphertext in every AS3 declaration deployment. If true, AS3 creates the ciphertext on first deployment, and leaves it untouched afterwards
miniJWE (boolean) true true, false If true (default), object is an f5 mini-JWE
protected (string) “eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0”
JOSE header: alg=dir, enc=(none|f5sv); default enc=none (encoded default is ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0’, use with secret simply base64url-encoded into ‘ciphertext’). If you see ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJmNXN2In0’, ‘ciphertext’ contains base64url-encoded SecureVault cryptogram
reuseFrom (string)
AS3 pointer to another JWE cryptogram in this declaration to copy
url (Secret_Resource_URL)
URL from which secret should be fetched


Additional Monitor class properties available when monitorType = http2. Requires TMOS version 15.1 or newer.


Name (Type) Default Values Description
adaptive (boolean) false true, false If true, use adaptive probe timing
adaptiveDivergenceMilliseconds (integer) 500 [1, 10000] Probe fails if response latency exceeds mean by this number of milliseconds
adaptiveDivergencePercentage (integer) 100 [1, 500] Probe fails if response latency exceeds mean by this percentage
adaptiveDivergenceType (string) “relative” “absolute”, “relative” Adaptive divergence, ‘absolute’ selects milliseconds, ‘relative’ (default) selects percentage
adaptiveLimitMilliseconds (integer) 1000 [1, 10000] Probe fails if response latency exceeds this number of milliseconds
adaptiveWindow (integer) 180 [60, 1800] Time window over which the system samples latency (seconds)
clientTLS (Pointer_TLS_Client)
AS3 pointer to client TLS Profile
dscp (integer) 0 [0, 63] Value for IP DSCP (ex-TOS) field (default 0)
passphrase (Monitor_HTTP2_passphrase)
Passphrase if any for query authentication
receive (string) “HTTP/2.”
Mark node up upon receipt of this (backquote-expanded) string
receiveDown (string) “”
Mark node down upon receipt of this (backquote-expanded) string (optional; must be empty when ‘reverse’ is true)
reverse (boolean) false true, false If true, mark node down upon receipt of ‘receive’ string
send (string) “GET /rnrn”
Send this (backquote-expanded) string to query node
transparent (boolean) false true, false If true, treat pool member address as gateway to server (node) (default false)
username (string)
Username if any for query authentication


Monitor_HTTP2 passphrase possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
allowReuse (boolean) false true, false If true, other declaration objects may reuse this value
ciphertext (string)
Put base64url(data_value) here
ignoreChanges (boolean) false true, false If false (default), the system updates the ciphertext in every AS3 declaration deployment. If true, AS3 creates the ciphertext on first deployment, and leaves it untouched afterwards
miniJWE (boolean) true true, false If true (default), object is an f5 mini-JWE
protected (string) “eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0”
JOSE header: alg=dir, enc=(none|f5sv); default enc=none (encoded default is ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0’, use with secret simply base64url-encoded into ‘ciphertext’). If you see ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJmNXN2In0’, ‘ciphertext’ contains base64url-encoded SecureVault cryptogram
reuseFrom (string)
AS3 pointer to another JWE cryptogram in this declaration to copy
url (Secret_Resource_URL)
URL from which secret should be fetched


Additional Monitor class properties available when monitorType = https


Name (Type) Default Values Description
adaptive (boolean) false true, false If true, use adaptive probe timing
adaptiveDivergenceMilliseconds (integer) 500 [1, 10000] Probe fails if response latency exceeds mean by this number of milliseconds
adaptiveDivergencePercentage (integer) 100 [1, 500] Probe fails if response latency exceeds mean by this percentage
adaptiveDivergenceType (string) “relative” “absolute”, “relative” Adaptive divergence, ‘absolute’ selects milliseconds, ‘relative’ (default) selects percentage
adaptiveLimitMilliseconds (integer) 1000 [1, 10000] Probe fails if response latency exceeds this number of milliseconds
adaptiveWindow (integer) 180 [60, 1800] Time window over which the system samples latency (seconds)
ciphers (string) “DEFAULT”
Ciphersuite selection string
clientCertificate (string)
AS3 pointer to client Certificate declaration, for TLS authentication (optional)
clientTLS (Pointer_TLS_Client)
AS3 pointer to client TLS Profile
dscp (integer) 0 [0, 63] Value for IP DSCP (ex-TOS) field (default 0)
passphrase (Monitor_HTTPS_passphrase)
Passphrase if any for query authentication
receive (string) “HTTP/1.”
Mark node up upon receipt of this (backquote-expanded) string
receiveDown (string) “”
Mark node down upon receipt of this (backquote-expanded) string (optional; must be empty when ‘reverse’ is true)
reverse (boolean) false true, false If true, mark node down upon receipt of ‘receive’ string
send (string) “HEAD / HTTP/1.0rnrn”
Send this (backquote-expanded) string to query node
transparent (boolean) false true, false If true, treat pool member address as gateway to server (node) (default false)
username (string)
Username if any for query authentication


Monitor_HTTPS passphrase possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
allowReuse (boolean) false true, false If true, other declaration objects may reuse this value
ciphertext (string)
Put base64url(data_value) here
ignoreChanges (boolean) false true, false If false (default), the system updates the ciphertext in every AS3 declaration deployment. If true, AS3 creates the ciphertext on first deployment, and leaves it untouched afterwards
miniJWE (boolean) true true, false If true (default), object is an f5 mini-JWE
protected (string) “eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0”
JOSE header: alg=dir, enc=(none|f5sv); default enc=none (encoded default is ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0’, use with secret simply base64url-encoded into ‘ciphertext’). If you see ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJmNXN2In0’, ‘ciphertext’ contains base64url-encoded SecureVault cryptogram
reuseFrom (string)
AS3 pointer to another JWE cryptogram in this declaration to copy
url (Secret_Resource_URL)
URL from which secret should be fetched


Additional Monitor class properties available when monitorType = icmp


Name (Type) Default Values Description
adaptive (boolean) false true, false If true, use adaptive probe timing
adaptiveDivergenceMilliseconds (integer) 500 [1, 10000] Probe fails if response latency exceeds mean by this number of milliseconds
adaptiveDivergencePercentage (integer) 100 [1, 500] Probe fails if response latency exceeds mean by this percentage
adaptiveDivergenceType (string) “relative” “absolute”, “relative” Adaptive divergence, ‘absolute’ selects milliseconds, ‘relative’ (default) selects percentage
adaptiveLimitMilliseconds (integer) 1000 [1, 10000] Probe fails if response latency exceeds this number of milliseconds
adaptiveWindow (integer) 180 [60, 1800] Time window over which the system samples latency (seconds)
transparent (boolean) false true, false If true, treat pool member address as gateway to server (node) (default false)


Additional Monitor class properties available when monitorType = smtp


Name (Type) Default Values Description
base (string)
Specifies the location in the LDAP tree from which the monitor starts the health check
chaseReferrals (boolean) true true, false Specifies, whether, upon receipt of an LDAP referral entry, the referral is followed
filter (string)
Specifies an LDAP key which the monitor searches
mandatoryAttributes (boolean) false true, false Specifies whether the target must include attributes in its response to be considered up
passphrase (Monitor_LDAP_passphrase)
Passphrase if any for query authentication
security (string) “none” “none”, “ssl”, “tls” Specifies the secure protocol type for communications with the target
username (string)
Username if any for query authentication


Monitor_LDAP passphrase possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
allowReuse (boolean) false true, false If true, other declaration objects may reuse this value
ciphertext (string)
Put base64url(data_value) here
ignoreChanges (boolean) false true, false If false (default), the system updates the ciphertext in every AS3 declaration deployment. If true, AS3 creates the ciphertext on first deployment, and leaves it untouched afterwards
miniJWE (boolean) true true, false If true (default), object is an f5 mini-JWE
protected (string) “eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0”
JOSE header: alg=dir, enc=(none|f5sv); default enc=none (encoded default is ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0’, use with secret simply base64url-encoded into ‘ciphertext’). If you see ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJmNXN2In0’, ‘ciphertext’ contains base64url-encoded SecureVault cryptogram
reuseFrom (string)
AS3 pointer to another JWE cryptogram in this declaration to copy
url (Secret_Resource_URL)
URL from which secret should be fetched


Additional Monitor class properties available when monitorType = mysql


Name (Type) Default Values Description
count (integer) 0 [0, 2147483647] Number of monitor probes after which the connection to the database will be terminated. Count value of zero indicates that the connection will never be terminated.
database (string)
The name of the database with which the monitor attempts to communicate.
passphrase (Monitor_MySQL_passphrase)
Passphrase if any for query authentication
receive (string)
Mark node up upon receipt of this (backquote-expanded) string
receiveColumn (integer)
[1, 4096] Specifies the column in the database where the system expects the specified Receive String to be located. Specify this property only if you configure the Send and Receive properties.
receiveRow (integer)
[1, 65535] Specifies the row in the database where the system expects the specified Receive String to be located. Specify this property only if you configure the Send and Recieve properties.
send (string)
Send this (backquote-expanded) string to query node
username (string)
Username if any for query authentication


Monitor_MySQL passphrase possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
allowReuse (boolean) false true, false If true, other declaration objects may reuse this value
ciphertext (string)
Put base64url(data_value) here
ignoreChanges (boolean) false true, false If false (default), the system updates the ciphertext in every AS3 declaration deployment. If true, AS3 creates the ciphertext on first deployment, and leaves it untouched afterwards
miniJWE (boolean) true true, false If true (default), object is an f5 mini-JWE
protected (string) “eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0”
JOSE header: alg=dir, enc=(none|f5sv); default enc=none (encoded default is ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0’, use with secret simply base64url-encoded into ‘ciphertext’). If you see ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJmNXN2In0’, ‘ciphertext’ contains base64url-encoded SecureVault cryptogram
reuseFrom (string)
AS3 pointer to another JWE cryptogram in this declaration to copy
url (Secret_Resource_URL)
URL from which secret should be fetched


Additional Monitor class properties available when monitorType = postgresql


Name (Type) Default Values Description
count (integer) 0 [0, 2147483647] Number of monitor probes after which the connection to the database will be terminated. Count value of zero indicates that the connection will never be terminated.
database (string)
The name of the database with which the monitor attempts to communicate.
passphrase (Monitor_PostgreSQL_passphrase)
Passphrase if any for query authentication
receive (string)
Mark node up upon receipt of this (backquote-expanded) string
receiveColumn (integer)
[1, 1600] Specifies the column in the database where the system expects the specified Receive String to be located. Specify this property only if you configure the Send and Receive properties.
receiveRow (integer)
[1, 4294967294] Specifies the row in the database where the system expects the specified Receive String to be located. Specify this property only if you configure the Send and Recieve properties.
send (string)
Send this (backquote-expanded) string to query node
username (string)
Username if any for query authentication


Monitor_PostgreSQL passphrase possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
allowReuse (boolean) false true, false If true, other declaration objects may reuse this value
ciphertext (string)
Put base64url(data_value) here
ignoreChanges (boolean) false true, false If false (default), the system updates the ciphertext in every AS3 declaration deployment. If true, AS3 creates the ciphertext on first deployment, and leaves it untouched afterwards
miniJWE (boolean) true true, false If true (default), object is an f5 mini-JWE
protected (string) “eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0”
JOSE header: alg=dir, enc=(none|f5sv); default enc=none (encoded default is ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0’, use with secret simply base64url-encoded into ‘ciphertext’). If you see ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJmNXN2In0’, ‘ciphertext’ contains base64url-encoded SecureVault cryptogram
reuseFrom (string)
AS3 pointer to another JWE cryptogram in this declaration to copy
url (Secret_Resource_URL)
URL from which secret should be fetched


Additional Monitor class properties available when monitorType = radius


Name (Type) Default Values Description
nasIpAddress (string)
format: f5ip Specifies the networks access server’s IP address (NAS IP address) for a RADIUS monitor
passphrase (Monitor_RADIUS_passphrase)
Specifies the password, if the monitored target requires authentication
secret (Monitor_RADIUS_secret)
Specifies the secret the monitor needs to access the resource
username (string)
Specifies the user name, if the monitor target requires authentication


Monitor_RADIUS passphrase possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
allowReuse (boolean) false true, false If true, other declaration objects may reuse this value
ciphertext (string)
Put base64url(data_value) here
ignoreChanges (boolean) false true, false If false (default), the system updates the ciphertext in every AS3 declaration deployment. If true, AS3 creates the ciphertext on first deployment, and leaves it untouched afterwards
miniJWE (boolean) true true, false If true (default), object is an f5 mini-JWE
protected (string) “eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0”
JOSE header: alg=dir, enc=(none|f5sv); default enc=none (encoded default is ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0’, use with secret simply base64url-encoded into ‘ciphertext’). If you see ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJmNXN2In0’, ‘ciphertext’ contains base64url-encoded SecureVault cryptogram
reuseFrom (string)
AS3 pointer to another JWE cryptogram in this declaration to copy
url (Secret_Resource_URL)
URL from which secret should be fetched


Monitor_RADIUS secret possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
allowReuse (boolean) false true, false If true, other declaration objects may reuse this value
ciphertext (string)
Put base64url(data_value) here
ignoreChanges (boolean) false true, false If false (default), the system updates the ciphertext in every AS3 declaration deployment. If true, AS3 creates the ciphertext on first deployment, and leaves it untouched afterwards
miniJWE (boolean) true true, false If true (default), object is an f5 mini-JWE
protected (string) “eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0”
JOSE header: alg=dir, enc=(none|f5sv); default enc=none (encoded default is ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0’, use with secret simply base64url-encoded into ‘ciphertext’). If you see ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJmNXN2In0’, ‘ciphertext’ contains base64url-encoded SecureVault cryptogram
reuseFrom (string)
AS3 pointer to another JWE cryptogram in this declaration to copy
url (Secret_Resource_URL)
URL from which secret should be fetched


Additional Monitor class properties available when monitorType = sip


Name (Type) Default Values Description
ciphers (string) “DEFAULT”
Ciphersuite selection string
clientCertificate (string)
AS3 pointer to client Certificate declaration, for TLS authentication (optional)
codesDown (array<integer>)
[0, infinity] List of status codes meaning service is down (0 matches any code)
codesUp (array<integer>)
[0, infinity] List of additional (to all 1/2/3xx) status codes meaning service is up (0 matches any code)
headers (string) “”
SIP headers to send in probes (if any)–separate by newlines (backquote-expanded)
protocol (string) “udp” “sips”, “tcp”, “tls”, “udp” SIP transport protocol
request (string) “”
SIP request to send in probes (default empty)


Additional Monitor class properties available when monitorType = smtp


Name (Type) Default Values Description
domain (string) “” format: hostname Mail domain to check, if any (backquote-expanded)


Additional Monitor class properties available when monitorType = tcp


Name (Type) Default Values Description
adaptive (boolean) false true, false If true, use adaptive probe timing
adaptiveDivergenceMilliseconds (integer) 500 [1, 10000] Probe fails if response latency exceeds mean by this number of milliseconds
adaptiveDivergencePercentage (integer) 100 [1, 500] Probe fails if response latency exceeds mean by this percentage
adaptiveDivergenceType (string) “relative” “absolute”, “relative” Adaptive divergence, ‘absolute’ selects milliseconds, ‘relative’ (default) selects percentage
adaptiveLimitMilliseconds (integer) 1000 [1, 10000] Probe fails if response latency exceeds this number of milliseconds
adaptiveWindow (integer) 180 [60, 1800] Time window over which the system samples latency (seconds)
receive (string) “none”
Mark node up upon receipt of this (backquote-expanded) string
receiveDown (string) “”
Mark node down upon receipt of this (backquote-expanded) string (optional; must be empty when ‘reverse’ is true)
reverse (boolean) false true, false If true, mark node down upon receipt of ‘receive’ string
send (string) “none”
Send this (backquote-expanded) string to node
transparent (boolean) false true, false If true, treat pool member address as gateway to server (node) (default false)


Additional Monitor class properties available when monitorType = tcp-half-open


Name (Type) Default Values Description
transparent (boolean) false true, false If true, treat pool member address as gateway to server (node) (default false)


Additional Monitor class properties available when monitorType = udp


Name (Type) Default Values Description
adaptive (boolean) false true, false If true, use adaptive probe timing
adaptiveDivergenceMilliseconds (integer) 500 [1, 10000] Probe fails if response latency exceeds mean by this number of milliseconds
adaptiveDivergencePercentage (integer) 100 [1, 500] Probe fails if response latency exceeds mean by this percentage
adaptiveDivergenceType (string) “relative” “absolute”, “relative” Adaptive divergence, ‘absolute’ selects milliseconds, ‘relative’ (default) selects percentage
adaptiveLimitMilliseconds (integer) 1000 [1, 10000] Probe fails if response latency exceeds this number of milliseconds
adaptiveWindow (integer) 180 [60, 1800] Time window over which the system samples latency (seconds)
receive (string) “none”
Mark node up upon receipt of this (backquote-expanded) string
receiveDown (string) “”
Mark node down upon receipt of this (backquote-expanded) string (optional; must be empty when ‘reverse’ is true)
reverse (boolean) false true, false If true, mark node down upon receipt of ‘receive’ string
send (string) “default send string”
Send this (backquote-expanded) string to node
transparent (boolean) false true, false If true, treat pool member address as gateway to server (node) (default false)


Multiplex (OneConnect) profile with configurable options


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
connectionLimitEnforcement (string) “none” “none”, “idle”, “strict” When the limit is ‘none’, simultaneous in-flight requests and responses over TCP connections to a pool member are counted toward the limit. When the limit is ‘idle’, idle connections will be dropped as the TCP connection limit is reached. When the limit is ‘strict’, idle connections will prevent new TCP connections from being made until they expire (not recommended).
idleTimeoutOverride (integer) 0 [0, infinity] Specifies the number of seconds that a connection is idle before the connection flow is eligible for deletion.
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
maxConnectionAge (integer) 86400 [0, infinity] Specifies the maximum age, in number of seconds, of a connection in the connection reuse pool.
maxConnectionReuse (integer) 1000 [0, infinity] Specifies the maximum number of times that a server connection can be reused.
maxConnections (integer) 10000 [0, infinity] Specifies the maximum number of connections that the system holds in the connection reuse pool.
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
sharePools (boolean) false true, false Indicates that TCP connections for the current pool may be shared among similar virtual servers using the same pool.
sourceMask (string)
format: f5ip Idle connection re-use applies to connections whose source address matches this mask


Configures network address translation policy


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
rules (array<NAT_Rule>)
A list of NAT rules


Network address translation rule


Name (Type) Default Values Description
destination (NAT_Rule_Destination)
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
name (string)
NAT rule name
protocol (string) “any” “any”, “tcp”, “udp” Specifies the IP protocol against which the packet will be compared
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
securityLogProfile (Pointer_Security_Log_Profile)
source (NAT_Rule_Source)
sourceTranslation (Pointer_NAT_Source_Translation)


Network address translation destination configuration


Name (Type) Default Values Description
addressLists (array<Pointer_Firewall_Address_List>)
A list of address lists (each by AS3 pointer or BIG-IP pathname)
portLists (array<NAT_Rule_Destination_portLists>)
A list of port lists (each by AS3 pointer or BIG-IP pathname)


NAT_Rule_Destination portLists possible properties when object type


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP firewall port list
use (string)
AS3 pointer to firewall port list declaration


Network address translation source configuration


Name (Type) Default Values Description
addressLists (array<Pointer_Firewall_Address_List>)
A list of address lists (each by AS3 pointer or BIG-IP pathname)
portLists (array<NAT_Rule_Source_portLists>)
A list of port lists (each by AS3 pointer or BIG-IP pathname)


NAT_Rule_Source portLists possible properties when object type


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP firewall port list
use (string)
AS3 pointer to firewall port list declaration


Configures a Security network address translation source translation object


Name (Type) Default Values Description
addresses (array<string>)
Specifies addresses on which source translation is performed
allowEgressInterfaces (array<Pointer_Tunnel>)
Specifies the egress interfaces (tunnels and VLANs) on which source translation is allowed
class (string)
clientConnectionLimit (integer)
[0, 2147483647] Maximum number of simultaneous translated connections a client or subscriber is allowed to have
disallowEgressInterfaces (array<Pointer_Tunnel>)
Specifies the egress interfaces (tunnels and VLANs) on which source translation is not allowed
excludeAddresses (array<string | Pointer_Firewall_Address_List>)
Specifies the set of addresses excluded from translation IP addresses available in the pool
hairpinModeEnabled (boolean)
true, false Enables or disables hairpinning for incoming connections to active translation end-points
inboundMode (string)
“endpoint-independent-filtering”, “explicit”, “none” Specifies the persistence settings for NAT translation entries
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
mapping (NAT_Source_Translation_Mapping)
patMode (string)
“napt”, “deterministic”, “pba” Specifies whether the translation address mapping is performed in Network Address Port Translation mode, Deterministic mode, or in Port Block Allocation mode
portBlockAllocation (NAT_Source_Translation_PortBlockAllocation)
ports (array<integer | string>)
[0, 65535] Specifies source ports and port ranges on which source translation is performed
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
routeAdvertisement (boolean) false true, false Specifies that the traffic is advertised to dynamic routing protocols configured in the route domain
type (string)
“dynamic-pat”, “static-nat”, “static-pat” Specifies the type of source translation item


Configure the mapping settings for translation entries. It is the preservation of a public-side IP address for a client from session to session. Only available if type is dynamic-pat.


Name (Type) Default Values Description
mode (string) “address-pooling-paired” “address-pooling-paired”, “endpoint-independent-mapping”, “none” Specifies the mapping mode for translation entries
timeout (integer) 300 [0, 2147483647] Specifies the timeout (in seconds) for address and port mapping


Configure the port block allocation


Name (Type) Default Values Description
blockIdleTimeout (integer) 3600 [0, 2147483647] Specifies the amount of time in seconds that an assigned block of ports remains available when idle before it times out
blockLifetime (integer) 0 [0, 2147483647] Specifies the lifetime in seconds of a block of ports
blockSize (integer) 64 [0, 2147483647] Specifies the number of ports per block. Each block is assigned to one client. A client can use all ports in a block multiplied by the number of blocks, up to the connection limit, if one is set
clientBlockLimit (integer) 1 [0, 2147483647] Specifies the number of blocks that can be assigned to a client
zombieTimeout (integer) 0 [0, 2147483647] Specifies the timeout duration for a zombie port block, which is a timed out port block with one or more active connections


Configures a Per Flow Request Access Policy


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
ignoreChanges (boolean) false true, false If false (default), the system updates the profile in every AS3 declaration deployment. If true, AS3 creates the profile on first deployment, and leaves it untouched afterwards
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
url (Resource_URL)
The URL to pull the policy from


Declares a persistence method


Name (Type) Default Values Description
addressMask (string)
format: f5ip Optional mask selects portion of address used by simple persistence (if omitted the system uses all address bits)
alwaysSet (boolean) false true, false If true, set cookie with every HTTP response (default false)
bufferLimit (integer) 0 [0, 65535] Number of octets to buffer while pattern-matching
class (string)
cookieMethod (string) “insert” “insert”, “hash”, “passive”, “rewrite” Selects cookie processing method (default is insert)
cookieName (string) “” regex: ^[0-9A-Za-z.~#$%^&*_-]*$ Cookie name (for method ‘insert’, default (empty-string) yields system-generated name)
count (integer) 0 [0, 65535] Number of octets in cookie value to hash; 0 (default) means all
duration (integer) 0 [0, 604800] Lifetime of persistence record (seconds, default 0 means indefinite)
encrypt (boolean) false true, false If true, prevent disclosure of (or tampering with) ADC info in cookie (default false, to reduce latency)
endPattern (string) “”
Regular expression which matches end of data to hash; default “” averts matching
hashAlgorithm (string) “default” “carp”, “default” Specifies the algorithm the system uses for hash persistence load balancing. The hash result is the input for the algorithm.
hashCount (integer) 0 [0, 4096] Number of octets in cookie value to hash; 0 (default) means all — Note: This property is available only when cookieMethod is NOT ‘insert’
header (string)
Suggested values include: Call-ID, To, From, SIP-ETag, and Subject
httpOnly (boolean) true true, false If true (default) the system sets the HTTPOnly flag
iRule (string | Persist_iRule)
-, - AS3 pointer to iRule if any (declared separately)
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
matchAcrossPools (boolean) false true, false Specifies that the system can use any pool that contains this persistence record
matchAcrossVirtualAddresses (boolean) false true, false Specifies that all persistent connections from the same client IP address go to the same node
matchAcrossVirtualPorts (boolean) false true, false Specifies that all persistent connections from a client IP address that go to the same virtual IP address also go to the same node
mirror (boolean) false true, false If true, try to maintain persistence even after HA failover of ADC (default false)
overrideConnectionLimit (boolean) false true, false If true, do not enforce pool member connection limit for persisted connections (default false)
passphrase (Persist_passphrase)
Used to create secret key for cookie encryption
persistenceMethod (string)
“cookie”, “destination-address”, “hash”, “msrdp”, “sip-info”, “source-address”, “tls-session-id”, “universal” You may customize each basic persistence method
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
secure (boolean) true true, false If true (default) the system sets the Secure (TLS) flag
sessionBroker (boolean) true true, false If true (default), the system will persist the client to the server chosen by session broker
startAt (integer) 0 [0, 4096] Index of first octet in cookie value to hash — Note: This property is available only when cookieMethod is NOT ‘insert’
startPattern (string) “”
Regular expression which matches start of data to hash; default “” averts matching
ttl (integer) 0 [0, 604800] Requested cookie lifetime (seconds, default 0 means session cookie)


Persist iRule possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP iRule
use (string)
AS3 pointer to iRule (declared separately)


Persist passphrase possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
allowReuse (boolean) false true, false If true, other declaration objects may reuse this value
ciphertext (string)
Put base64url(data_value) here
ignoreChanges (boolean) false true, false If false (default), the system updates the ciphertext in every AS3 declaration deployment. If true, AS3 creates the ciphertext on first deployment, and leaves it untouched afterwards
miniJWE (boolean) true true, false If true (default), object is an f5 mini-JWE
protected (string) “eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0”
JOSE header: alg=dir, enc=(none|f5sv); default enc=none (encoded default is ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0’, use with secret simply base64url-encoded into ‘ciphertext’). If you see ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJmNXN2In0’, ‘ciphertext’ contains base64url-encoded SecureVault cryptogram
reuseFrom (string)
AS3 pointer to another JWE cryptogram in this declaration to copy
url (Secret_Resource_URL)
URL from which secret should be fetched


Configures an address affinity persistence profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
addressMask (string)
format: f5ip Optional mask selects portion of address used by simple persistence (if omitted the system uses all address bits)
duration (integer) 180 [0, 604800] Lifetime of persistence record (seconds, default 180)
hashAlgorithm (string) “default” “carp”, “default” Specifies the algorithm the system uses for hash persistence load balancing. The hash result is the input for the algorithm.


Configures a hash persistence profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bufferLimit (integer) 0 [0, 65535] Number of octets to buffer while pattern-matching
count (integer) 0 [0, 65535] Number of octets in cookie value to hash; 0 (default) means all
duration (integer) 180 [0, 604800] Lifetime of persistence record (seconds, default 180)
endPattern (string) “”
Regular expression which matches end of data to hash; default “” averts matching
hashAlgorithm (string) “default” “carp”, “default” Specifies the algorithm the system uses for hash persistence load balancing. The hash result is the input for the algorithm.
iRule (string | Persist_Hash_iRule)
-, - AS3 pointer to iRule if any (declared separately)
startAt (integer) 0 [0, 65535] Index of first octet in packet to hash
startPattern (string) “”
Regular expression which matches start of data to hash; default “” averts matching


Persist_Hash iRule possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP iRule
use (string)
AS3 pointer to iRule (declared separately)


Configures a Microsoft(r) Remote Display Protocol (MSRDP) persistence profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
duration (integer) 300 [0, 604800] Lifetime of persistence record (seconds, default 300)
sessionBroker (boolean) true true, false If true (default), the system will persist the client to the server chosen by session broker


Configures a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) persistence profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
duration (integer) 180 [0, 604800] Lifetime of persistence record (seconds, default 180)
header (string)
Suggested values include: Call-ID, To, From, SIP-ETag, and Subject


Configures a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) persistence profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
duration (integer) 300 [0, 604800] Lifetime of persistence record (seconds, default 300)


Configures a universal persistence profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
duration (integer) 180 [0, 604800] Lifetime of persistence record (seconds, default 180)
iRule (string | Persist_UIE_iRule)
-, - AS3 pointer to required iRule (declared separately)


Persist_UIE iRule possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP iRule


Reference to a Access Profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP Access Profile
use (string)
AS3 pointer to Access Profile declaration


Reference to a Address Discovery


Name (Type) Default Values Description
use (string)
AS3 pointer to Address Discovery declaration


Reference to a Analytics_Profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP Analytics_Profile
use (string)
AS3 pointer to Analytics_Profile declaration


Reference to a Analytics_TCP_Profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP Analytics_TCP_Profile
use (string)
AS3 pointer to Analytics_TCP_Profile declaration


Reference to a API_Protection_Profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP API_Protection_Profile


Reference to a bandwidth control policy


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP bandwidth control policy
use (string)
AS3 pointer to bandwidth control policy declaration


Reference to a bot defense profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP bot defense profile


Reference to a bot signature


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP bot signature


Reference to a bot signature category


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP bot signature category


Reference to a Ca Bundle


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP Ca Bundle
use (string)
AS3 pointer to Ca Bundle declaration


Reference to a OCSP Cert Validator


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP OCSP Cert Validator
use (string)
AS3 pointer to OCSP Cert Validator declaration


Reference to a cipher group


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP cipher group
use (string)
AS3 pointer to cipher group declaration


Reference to a cipher rule


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP cipher rule
use (string)
AS3 pointer to cipher rule declaration


Reference to a application classification


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP application classification


Reference to a category classification


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP category classification


Reference to a classification preset


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP classification preset


Reference to a classification profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP classification profile
use (string)
AS3 pointer to classification profile declaration


Reference to a Connectivity Profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP Connectivity Profile


Reference to a Data Group


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP Data Group
use (string)
AS3 pointer to Data Group declaration


Reference to a Data Group File


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP Data Group File


Reference to a denylist category


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP denylist category


Reference to a DNS cache


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP DNS cache
use (string)
AS3 pointer to DNS cache declaration


Reference to a DNS Listener


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP DNS Listener
use (string)
AS3 pointer to DNS Listener declaration


Reference to a DNS logging profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP DNS logging profile


Reference to a DNS nameserver


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP DNS nameserver
use (string)
AS3 pointer to DNS nameserver declaration


Reference to a DNS profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP DNS profile
use (string)
AS3 pointer to DNS profile declaration


Reference to a DNS resolver


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP DNS resolver


Reference to a DNS security profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP DNS security profile


Reference to a DNS TSIG key


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP DNS TSIG key
use (string)
AS3 pointer to DNS TSIG key declaration


Reference to a DNS zone


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP DNS zone
use (string)
AS3 pointer to DNS zone declaration


Reference to a DOS Profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP DOS Profile
use (string)
AS3 pointer to DOS Profile declaration


No description provided


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP endpoint policy
use (string)
AS3 pointer to endpoint policy declaration


Reference to a enforcement profile diameter endpoint


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP enforcement profile diameter endpoint
use (string)
AS3 pointer to enforcement profile diameter endpoint declaration


Reference to a format script


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP format script
use (string)
AS3 pointer to format script declaration


Reference to a forwarding endpoint


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP forwarding endpoint
use (string)
AS3 pointer to forwarding endpoint declaration


Reference to a interception endpoint


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP interception endpoint
use (string)
AS3 pointer to interception endpoint declaration


Reference to a enforcement iRule


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP PEM iRule
use (string)
AS3 pointer to enforcement iRule declaration


Reference to a enforcement policy


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP PEM policy
use (string)
AS3 pointer to enforcement policy declaration


Reference to a enforcement profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP PEM spm policy
use (string)
AS3 pointer to enforcement profile declaration


Reference to a enforcement profile gx


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP enforcement profile gx


Reference to a radius protocol profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP radius protocol profile


Reference to a enforcement profile radius aaa


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP enforcement profile radius aaa
use (string)
AS3 pointer to enforcement profile radius aaa declaration


Reference to a quota rating group


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP quota rating group


Reference to a service chain endpoint


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP service chain endpoint
use (string)
AS3 pointer to service chain endpoint declaration


Reference to a enforcement subscriber management profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP PEM subscriber-mgmt policy
use (string)
AS3 pointer to enforcement subscriber management profile declaration


Reference to a TLS Client profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP TLS Client profile


Reference to a TLS Server profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP TLS Server profile


Reference to a firewall address list


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP firewall address list
use (string)
AS3 pointer to firewall address list declaration


Reference to a firewall (AFM) policy


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP firewall (AFM) policy
use (string)
AS3 pointer to firewall (AFM) policy declaration


Reference to a firewall rule list


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP firewall rule list
use (string)
AS3 pointer to firewall rule list declaration


Reference to a FIX profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP FIX profile
use (string)
AS3 pointer to FIX profile declaration


Reference to a FPS Profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP FPS Profile


Reference to a FTP protocol profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP FTP protocol profile
use (string)
AS3 pointer to FTP protocol profile declaration


Reference to a GSLB data center


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP GSLB data center
use (string)
AS3 pointer to GSLB data center declaration


Reference to a GSLB domain


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP GSLB domain
use (string)
AS3 pointer to GSLB domain declaration


Reference to a GSLB domain


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP GSLB domain
use (string)
AS3 pointer to GSLB domain declaration


Reference to a GSLB domain


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP GSLB domain
use (string)
AS3 pointer to GSLB domain declaration


Reference to a GSLB domain


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP GSLB domain
use (string)
AS3 pointer to GSLB domain declaration


Reference to a GSLB monitor


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP GSLB monitor
use (string)
AS3 pointer to GSLB monitor declaration


Reference to a GSLB pool


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP GSLB pool
use (string)
AS3 pointer to GSLB pool declaration


Reference to a GSLB pool


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP GSLB pool
use (string)
AS3 pointer to GSLB pool declaration


Reference to a GSLB server


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP GSLB server
use (string)
AS3 pointer to GSLB server declaration


Reference to a GSLB server device


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP GSLB server device
use (string)
AS3 pointer to GSLB server device declaration


Reference to a GSLB Topology Region


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP GSLB Topology Region
use (string)
AS3 pointer to GSLB Topology Region declaration


Reference to a GSLB virtual server


Name (Type) Default Values Description
use (string)
AS3 pointer to GSLB virtual server declaration


Reference to a HTML_Profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP HTML_Profile
use (string)
AS3 pointer to HTML_Profile declaration


Reference to a HTML_Rule


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP HTML_Rule
use (string)
AS3 pointer to HTML_Rule declaration


Reference to a HTTP Acceleration Profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP HTTP Acceleration Profile
use (string)
AS3 pointer to HTTP Acceleration Profile declaration


Reference to a HTTP/2 Profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP HTTP/2 Profile
use (string)
AS3 pointer to HTTP/2 Profile declaration


Reference to a ICAP Profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP ICAP Profile
use (string)
AS3 pointer to ICAP Profile declaration


Reference to a idle timeout policy


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP idle timeout policy
use (string)
AS3 pointer to idle timeout policy declaration


Reference to a iRules LX Profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP iRules LX Profile


Reference to a ipother profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP ipother profile
use (string)
AS3 pointer to ipother profile declaration


Reference to a fast L4 profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP fast L4 profile
use (string)
AS3 pointer to fast L4 profile declaration


Reference to a log destination


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP log destination
use (string)
AS3 pointer to log destination declaration


Reference to a log publisher


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP log publisher
use (string)
AS3 pointer to log publisher declaration


Reference to a Multiplex profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP Multiplex profile
use (string)
AS3 pointer to Multiplex profile declaration


Reference to a NAT Source Translation


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP NAT Source Translation
use (string)
AS3 pointer to NAT Source Translation declaration


Reference to a NT LAN Manager profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP NT LAN Manager profile


Reference to a Per Request Access Policy


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP Per Request Access Policy
use (string)
AS3 pointer to Per Request Access Policy declaration


Reference to a persistence profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP persistence profile
use (string)
AS3 pointer to persistence profile declaration


Reference to a pool


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP pool
use (string)
AS3 pointer to pool declaration


Reference to a PPTP_Profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP PPTP_Profile


Reference to a Protocol Inspection Profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP Protocol Inspection Profile
use (string)
AS3 pointer to Protocol Inspection Profile declaration


Reference to a radius profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP radius profile
use (string)
AS3 pointer to radius profile declaration


Reference to a Request Adapt Profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP Request Adapt Profile
use (string)
AS3 pointer to Request Adapt Profile declaration


Reference to a Response Adapt Profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP Response Adapt Profile
use (string)
AS3 pointer to Response Adapt Profile declaration


Reference to a Rewrite Profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP Rewrite Profile
use (string)
AS3 pointer to Rewrite Profile declaration


Reference to a route domain


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP route domain


Reference to a Real Time Streaming Protocol Profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP Real Time Streaming Protocol Profile


Reference to a SCTP Profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP SCTP Profile


Reference to a Security Log Profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP Security Log Profile
use (string)
AS3 pointer to Security Log Profile declaration


Reference to a service


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP virtual server
use (string)
AS3 pointer to service declaration


Reference to a Service Address


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP Service Address
use (string)
AS3 pointer to Service Address declaration


Reference to a SIP profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP SIP profile


Reference to a snat pool


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP snat pool
use (string)
AS3 pointer to snat pool declaration


Reference to a SSH proxy profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP SSH proxy profile
use (string)
AS3 pointer to SSH proxy profile declaration


Reference to a SSL certificate


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP SSL certificate
use (string)
AS3 pointer to SSL certificate declaration


Reference to a SSL CRL file


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP SSL CRL file


Reference to a stream profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP stream profile
use (string)
AS3 pointer to stream profile declaration


Reference to a TCP profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP TCP profile
use (string)
AS3 pointer to TCP profile declaration


Reference to a TFTP profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP TFTP profile


Reference to a TLS Client


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP TLS Client
use (string)
AS3 pointer to TLS Client declaration


Reference to a traffic log profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP Request Logging Profile
use (string)
AS3 pointer to traffic log profile declaration


Reference to a network tunnel


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP network tunnel


Reference to a UDP profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP UDP profile
use (string)
AS3 pointer to UDP profile declaration


Reference to a VDI profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP VDI profile


Reference to a VLAN


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP VLAN


Reference to a WAF policy


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip Pathname of existing BIG-IP WAF policy
use (string)
AS3 pointer to WAF policy declaration


LTM policy action


Name (Type) Default Values Description
carp (Policy_Action_carp)
Persist the connection using Cache Array Routing Protocol (CARP) algorithm
code (integer)
[300, 399] HTTP status code for the redirect. Note: code is only supported in tmos version 14.0+.
cookieHash (Policy_Action_cookieHash)
Persist the connection using cookie hash
cookieInsert (Policy_Action_cookieInsert)
Persist the connection using cookie insertion
cookiePassive (Policy_Action_cookiePassive)
Persist the connection using cookie passive
cookieRewrite (Policy_Action_cookieRewrite)
Persist the connection using cookie rewrite
destinationAddress (Policy_Action_destinationAddress)
Persist the connection based on the destination IP address
disable (Policy_Action_disable)
Disable persistence. When specifying set this property to an empty object (disable: {}).
enabled (boolean) true true, false Enable BIG-IP’s HTTP filter processing
event (string) “request” “client-accepted”, “proxy-request”, “request”, “response”, “server-connected” When to run this event in the request-response cycle
hash (Policy_Action_hash)
Persist the connection using the hash of a key
insert (Policy_Action_insert)
Insert HTTP header into request or response
location (string)
The new URL for which the system will send a redirect response; you can use a Tcl command substitution for this field
policy (Pointer_WAF_Policy)
remove (Policy_Action_remove)
Remove HTTP header from request or response
replace (Policy_Action_replace)
Replace HTTP header in request or response
select (Policy_Action_Forward_Select)
Select appropriate location for forwarding the connection based on specified parameters
setVariable (Policy_Action_setVariable)
Set a Tcl variable in the runtime environment
sourceAddress (Policy_Action_sourceAddress)
Persist the connection based on the source IP address
type (string)
“http”, “httpCookie”, “httpHeader”, “httpRedirect”, “httpUri”, “waf”, “forward”, “drop”, “clientSsl”, “persist”, “tcl” Selects the LTM policy action this object describes
universal (Policy_Action_universal)
Persist the connection using a user-defined key


Policy_Action carp possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
key (string)
The key to use. Tcl command substitution is allowed
timeout (integer)
[0, 65535] Timeout value in seconds


Policy_Action cookieHash possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
length (integer)
[0, 65535] substring length
name (string)
Name of cookie
offset (integer)
[0, 65535] Offset into hash
timeout (integer)
[0, 65535] Timeout value in seconds


Policy_Action cookieInsert possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
expiry (string)
expiration duration expressed as [Nd][HH:MM[:SS]]
name (string)
Name of cookie


Policy_Action cookiePassive possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
name (string)
Name of cookie


Policy_Action cookieRewrite possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
expiry (string)
expiration duration expressed as [Nd][HH:MM[:SS]]
name (string)
Name of cookie


Policy_Action destinationAddress possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
netmask (string)
format: f5ip Network mask
timeout (integer)
[0, 65535] Timeout value in seconds


Policy_Action hash possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
key (string)
The key to use. Tcl command substitution is allowed
timeout (integer)
[0, 65535] Timeout value in seconds


Policy_Action insert possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
name (string)
Name of HTTP header
value (string)
New value for HTTP header; you can use a Tcl command substitution for this field


Policy_Action remove possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
name (string)
Name of HTTP header


Policy_Action replace possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
name (string)
Name of HTTP header
value (string)
New value for HTTP header; you can use a Tcl command substitution for this field


Policy_Action setVariable possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
expression (string)
Tcl expression to evaluate
name (string)
Name of variable


Policy_Action sourceAddress possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
netmask (string)
format: f5ip Network mask
timeout (integer)
[0, 65535] Timeout value in seconds


Policy_Action universal possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
key (string)
The key to use. Tcl command substitution is allowed
timeout (integer)
[0, 65535] Timeout value in seconds


Enable or disable encrypted connections to backend servers


Name (Type) Default Values Description
enabled (boolean) true true, false Enable encrypted connections to backend servers
event (string) “client-accepted” “client-accepted”, “proxy-request”, “request”, “proxy-connect”, “proxy-response”, “server-connected” When to run this event in the request-response cycle


Reset connection


Name (Type) Default Values Description
event (string) “ssl-client-hello” “ssl-client-hello”, “request” When to run this event in the request-response cycle


Controls where the system forwards a connection


Name (Type) Default Values Description
event (string) “ssl-client-hello” “ssl-client-hello”, “request” When to run this event in the request-response cycle
select (Policy_Action_Forward_Select)
Select appropriate location for forwarding the connection based on specified parameters


Select appropriate location for forwarding the connection based on specified parameters


Name (Type) Default Values Description
pool (Pointer_Pool)
service (Pointer_Service)


Provides the ability to enable or disable BIG-IP’s HTTP filter processing


Name (Type) Default Values Description
enabled (boolean) true true, false Enable BIG-IP’s HTTP filter processing
event (string) “request” “client-accepted”, “proxy-request”, “request”, “response”, “server-connected” When to run this event in the request-response cycle


Modify HTTP header in request or response


Name (Type) Default Values Description
event (string) “request” “request”, “response” When to run this event in the request-response cycle
insert (Policy_Action_HTTP_Header_insert)
Insert HTTP header into request or response
remove (Policy_Action_HTTP_Header_remove)
Remove HTTP header from request or response
replace (Policy_Action_HTTP_Header_replace)
Replace HTTP header in request or response


Policy_Action_HTTP_Header insert possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
name (string)
Name of HTTP header
value (string)
New value for HTTP header; you can use a Tcl command substitution for this field


Policy_Action_HTTP_Header remove possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
name (string)
Name of HTTP header


Policy_Action_HTTP_Header replace possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
name (string)
Name of HTTP header
value (string)
New value for HTTP header; you can use a Tcl command substitution for this field


Redirect an HTTP request to a different URL


Name (Type) Default Values Description
code (integer)
[300, 399] HTTP status code for the redirect. Note: code is only supported in tmos version 14.0+.
event (string) “proxy-request” “proxy-request”, “request”, “response” When to run this event in the request-response cycle
location (string)
The new URL for which the system will send a redirect response; you can use a Tcl command substitution for this field


Modify the request’s URI, path, or query string


Name (Type) Default Values Description
event (string) “request” “request” When to run this event in the request-response cycle
replace (Policy_Action_HTTP_URI_replace)
Replace URI, path, or query string in request


Policy_Action_HTTP_URI replace possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
path (string)
New value for path; you can use a Tcl command substitution for this field
queryString (string)
New value for query string; you can use a Tcl command substitution for this field
value (string)
New value for URI; you can use a Tcl command substitution for this field


Control over how a connection is persisted


Name (Type) Default Values Description
carp (Policy_Action_Persist_carp)
Persist the connection using Cache Array Routing Protocol (CARP) algorithm
cookieHash (Policy_Action_Persist_cookieHash)
Persist the connection using cookie hash
cookieInsert (Policy_Action_Persist_cookieInsert)
Persist the connection using cookie insertion
cookiePassive (Policy_Action_Persist_cookiePassive)
Persist the connection using cookie passive
cookieRewrite (Policy_Action_Persist_cookieRewrite)
Persist the connection using cookie rewrite
destinationAddress (Policy_Action_Persist_destinationAddress)
Persist the connection based on the destination IP address
disable (Policy_Action_Persist_disable)
Disable persistence. When specifying set this property to an empty object (disable: {}).
event (string) “client-accepted” “client-accepted”, “proxy-request”, “request” When to run this event in the request-response cycle
hash (Policy_Action_Persist_hash)
Persist the connection using the hash of a key
sourceAddress (Policy_Action_Persist_sourceAddress)
Persist the connection based on the source IP address
universal (Policy_Action_Persist_universal)
Persist the connection using a user-defined key


Policy_Action_Persist carp possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
key (string)
The key to use. Tcl command substitution is allowed
timeout (integer)
[0, 65535] Timeout value in seconds


Policy_Action_Persist cookieHash possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
length (integer)
[0, 65535] substring length
name (string)
Name of cookie
offset (integer)
[0, 65535] Offset into hash
timeout (integer)
[0, 65535] Timeout value in seconds


Policy_Action_Persist cookieInsert possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
expiry (string)
expiration duration expressed as [Nd][HH:MM[:SS]]
name (string)
Name of cookie


Policy_Action_Persist cookiePassive possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
name (string)
Name of cookie


Policy_Action_Persist cookieRewrite possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
expiry (string)
expiration duration expressed as [Nd][HH:MM[:SS]]
name (string)
Name of cookie


Policy_Action_Persist destinationAddress possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
netmask (string)
format: f5ip Network mask
timeout (integer)
[0, 65535] Timeout value in seconds


Policy_Action_Persist hash possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
key (string)
The key to use. Tcl command substitution is allowed
timeout (integer)
[0, 65535] Timeout value in seconds


Policy_Action_Persist sourceAddress possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
netmask (string)
format: f5ip Network mask
timeout (integer)
[0, 65535] Timeout value in seconds


Policy_Action_Persist universal possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
key (string)
The key to use. Tcl command substitution is allowed
timeout (integer)
[0, 65535] Timeout value in seconds


Set a Tcl variable in runtime environment


Name (Type) Default Values Description
event (string) “request” “request”, “response”, “ssl-client-hello”, “ssl-server-hello”, “ssl-server-handshake” When to run this event in the request-response cycle
setVariable (Policy_Action_TCL_setVariable)
Set a Tcl variable in the runtime environment


Policy_Action_TCL setVariable possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
expression (string)
Tcl expression to evaluate
name (string)
Name of variable


Control web security


Name (Type) Default Values Description
event (string) “request” “client-accepted”, “proxy-request”, “request” When to run this event in the request-response cycle
policy (Pointer_WAF_Policy)


Perform a comparison against number values


Name (Type) Default Values Description
operand (string) “equals” “equals”, “does-not-equal”, “less”, “greater”, “less-or-equal”, “greater-or-equal” Specifies the comparison that the system should perform with values
values (array<integer>)
[-infinity, infinity] A list of numbers to do comparisons against


Perform a comparison against string values


Name (Type) Default Values Description
caseSensitive (boolean) false true, false Specifies if the comparison the system should perform with case sensitivity
datagroup (Datagroup_Value)
Reference to a data-group containing the values
operand (string) “equals” “equals”, “does-not-equal”, “starts-with”, “does-not-start-with”, “ends-with”, “does-not-end-with”, “contains”, “does-not-contain”, “exists”, “does-not-exist” Specifies the comparison that the system should perform with values. exists/does-not-exist does not accept values is only supported on BIG-IP 15.0+
values (array<string>)
A list of strings to do comparisons against


LTM policy condition


Name (Type) Default Values Description
address (Policy_Match_String)
Specify the address to use
all (Policy_Compare_String)
Match on the full URI
alpn (Policy_Compare_String)
Server name indication
event (string) “request” “request” When to evaluate this condition in the request-response cycle
extension (Policy_Compare_String)
Match on the file extension in the URI (e.g. jpg, html, cgi)
host (Policy_Compare_String)
Match on the hostname in the URI
index (integer)
[1, infinity] The numeric order of the item whose value you want to use, start at 1; negative values indicate counting right to left
name (string)
Specify the name of the particular query parameter whose value you want to use
normalized (boolean) false true, false Normalizes the result to a canonical form to allow consistent comparisons
npn (Policy_Compare_String)
Server name indication
path (Policy_Compare_String)
Match on the URI path
pathSegment (Policy_Compare_String)
Match a part of the URI path by a numeric index
port (Policy_Compare_Number)
Match on the port number in the URI
queryParameter (Policy_Compare_String)
Match value of the named query parameter from the query string
queryString (Policy_Compare_String)
Match against text in the query string
scheme (Policy_Compare_String)
Match on the scheme (e.g. http, https, ftp, file)
serverName (Policy_Compare_String)
Server name indication
type (string)
“httpHeader”, “httpMethod”, “httpUri”, “httpCookie”, “sslExtension”, “tcp” Selects the LTM policy condition this object describes
unnamedQueryParameter (Policy_Compare_String)
Match the value of a query parameter by a numeric index instead of by name


Match against any HTTP header


Name (Type) Default Values Description
all (Policy_Compare_String)
Match on the full HTTP header
event (string) “proxy-request” “proxy-request”, “request”, “proxy-connect”, “proxy-response”, “response” When to evaluate this condition in the request-response cycle
name (string)
Specify the name of the particular HTTP header whose value you want to use


Match against any HTTP method


Name (Type) Default Values Description
all (Policy_Compare_String)
Match on the full HTTP method
event (string) “proxy-request” “proxy-request”, “request” When to evaluate this condition in the request-response cycle


Inspect the URI on a request and match on various parts or the entire URI


Name (Type) Default Values Description
all (Policy_Compare_String)
Match on the full URI
event (string) “request” “request” When to evaluate this condition in the request-response cycle
extension (Policy_Compare_String)
Match on the file extension in the URI (e.g. jpg, html, cgi)
host (Policy_Compare_String)
Match on the hostname in the URI
index (integer)
[1, infinity] The numeric order of the item whose value you want to use, start at 1; negative values indicate counting right to left
name (string)
Specify the name of the particular query parameter whose value you want to use
normalized (boolean) false true, false Normalizes the result to a canonical form to allow consistent comparisons
path (Policy_Compare_String)
Match on the URI path
pathSegment (Policy_Compare_String)
Match a part of the URI path by a numeric index
port (Policy_Compare_Number)
Match on the port number in the URI
queryParameter (Policy_Compare_String)
Match value of the named query parameter from the query string
queryString (Policy_Compare_String)
Match against text in the query string
scheme (Policy_Compare_String)
Match on the scheme (e.g. http, https, ftp, file)
unnamedQueryParameter (Policy_Compare_String)
Match the value of a query parameter by a numeric index instead of by name


Inspect SSL extensions being negotiated during HELLO phase


Name (Type) Default Values Description
alpn (Policy_Compare_String)
Server name indication
event (string) “ssl-client-hello” “ssl-client-hello”, “ssl-server-hello” When to evaluate this condition in the request-response cycle
index (integer) 0 [1, infinity] The numeric order of the item whose value you want to use, start at 1; negative values indicate counting right to left
npn (Policy_Compare_String)
Server name indication
serverName (Policy_Compare_String)
Server name indication


Match against specific TCP properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
address (Policy_Match_String)
Specify the address to use
event (string) “request” “request”, “response”, “classification-detected”, “client-accepted”, “proxy-connect”, “proxy-request”, “proxy-response”, “server-connected”, “ssl-client-hello”, “ssl-client-serverhello-send”, “ssl-server-handshake”, “ssl-server-hello”, “ws-request”, “ws-response” When to evaluate this condition in the request-response cycle. ‘client-accepted’, ‘server-connected’, ‘proxy-connect’, ‘proxy-request’, ‘proxy-response’, and ‘ssl-client-serverhello-send’ require TMOS v13.1+.
port (Policy_Compare_Number)
Specify the port to use


Perform a comparison that either matches or does-not-match


Name (Type) Default Values Description
datagroup (Datagroup_Value)
Reference to a data-group containing the values
operand (string) “matches” “matches”, “does-not-match” Specifies the comparison
values (array<string>)
A list of strings to compare against


Declares a service pool


Name (Type) Default Values Description
allowNATEnabled (boolean) true true, false If true (default), NATs are automatically enabled for any connections using this pool.
allowSNATEnabled (boolean) true true, false If true (default), SNATs are automatically enabled for any connections using this pool.
class (string)
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
loadBalancingMode (string) “round-robin” “dynamic-ratio-member”, “dynamic-ratio-node”, “fastest-app-response”, “fastest-node”, “least-connections-member”, “least-connections-node”, “least-sessions”, “observed-member”, “observed-node”, “predictive-member”, “predictive-node”, “ratio-least-connections-member”, “ratio-least-connections-node”, “ratio-member”, “ratio-node”, “ratio-session”, “round-robin”, “weighted-least-connections-member”, “weighted-least-connections-node” Load-balancing mode
members (array<Pool_Member>)
Set of Pool members
minimumMembersActive (integer) 1 [0, 65535] Pool is down when fewer than this number of members are up
minimumMonitors (string | integer)
Member is down when fewer than minimum monitors report it healthy. Specify ‘all’ to require all monitors to be up.
monitors (array<reference>)
List of health monitors (each by name or AS3 pointer)
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
reselectTries (integer) 0 [0, 65535] Maximum number of attempts to find a responsive member for a connection
serviceDownAction (string) “none” “drop”, “none”, “reselect”, “reset” Specifies connection handling when member is non-responsive
slowRampTime (integer) 10 [0, 900] AS3 slowly the connection rate to a newly-active member slowly during this interval (seconds)


Declares a service-pool member


Name (Type) Default Values Description
accessKeyId (string)
Information for discovering AWS nodes that are not in the same region as your BIG-IP (also requires the secretAccessKey field
addressDiscovery (string | Pool_Member_addressDiscovery | string | Pointer_Address_Discovery) “static” “static”, “fqdn”, “event”, “aws”, “gce”, “azure”, “consul”, -, “static”, “fqdn”, “event”, “aws”, “gce”, “azure”, “consul”, -, “static”, “fqdn”, “event”, “aws”, “gce”, “azure”, “consul”, -, “static”, “fqdn”, “event”, “aws”, “gce”, “azure”, “consul”, - Selects how server (node) addresses are discovered
addressFamily (string) “IPv4” “IPv4”, “IPv6” Selects IPv4/6 and DNS A/AAAA RR’s
addressRealm (string) “private” “public”, “private” Specifies whether to look for public or private IP addresses
adminState (string) “enable” “enable”, “disable”, “offline” Setting adminState to enable will create the node in an operational state. Set to disable to disallow new connections but allow existing connections to drain. Set to offline to force immediate termination of all connections.
apiAccessKey (string | Secret)
Azure registered application API access key (AKA service principal secret). Will be stored in the declaration in an encrypted format.
applicationId (string)
Azure registered application ID (AKA client ID)
autoPopulate (boolean) false true, false If true use multiple server (node) addresses when available, otherwise use only one
bigip (string)
format: f5bigip If defined, pathname of existing BIG-IP node
connectionLimit (integer) 0 [0, 2147483647] Maximum concurrent connections to member
credentialUpdate (boolean) false true, false Specifies whether you are updating your credentials
directoryId (string)
Azure Active Directory ID (AKA tenant ID)
downInterval (integer) 5 [0, infinity] DNS retry interval after resolution failure (seconds)
dynamicRatio (integer) 1 [0, 100] Specifies a range of numbers that you want the system to use in conjunction with the ratio load balancing method
enable (boolean) true true, false Maps to BIG-IP pool member state
encodedCredentials (string | Secret)
Base 64 encoded service account credentials JSON
encodedToken (string | Secret)
Base 64 encoded bearer token to make requests to the Consul API. Will be stored in the declaration in an encrypted format.
environment (string) “Azure”
Azure environment name. Required if environment should not be determined by instance metadata.
externalId (string)
External Id
fqdnPrefix (string) “”
String to prepend onto the hostname to create the node name
hostname (string)
format: hostname
jmesPathQuery (string)
Custom JMESPath Query
minimumMonitors (integer)
[0, 63] Member is down when fewer than minimum monitors report it healthy
monitors (array<reference>)
List of monitors (each by name or AS3 pointer)
priorityGroup (integer) 0 [0, 65535] Specifies the priority group within the pool for this pool member
projectId (string)
For Google Cloud Engine (GCE) only: The ID of the project in which the members are located
queryInterval (integer) 0 [0, infinity] Normal DNS query interval (seconds, default 0 means RR TTL)
rateLimit (integer) -1 [-1, 2147483647] Value zero prevents use of member
ratio (integer) 1 [0, 100] Specifies the weight of the pool member for load balancing purposes
region (string) “”
Empty string (default) means region in which ADC is running
rejectUnauthorized (boolean) true true, false If true, the server certificate is verified against the list of supplied/default CAs when making requests to the Consul API.
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
resourceGroup (string)
Azure Resource Group name
resourceId (string)
ID of resource to find nodes by.
resourceType (string)
“tag”, “scaleSet” Type of resource identified by resourceId. This can be used in place of tagKey/tagValue.
roleARN (string)
Assume a role (also requires the externalId field)
routeDomain (integer)
[0, 65534] The Route Domain to use for the pool member
secretAccessKey (string | Secret)
Will be stored in the declaration as an encrypted string
serverAddresses (array<string>)
format: f5ip Static IP addresses of servers (nodes)
servicePort (integer)
[0, 65535] Service L4 port (optional port-discovery may override)
shareNodes (boolean) false true, false If enabled, nodes are created in /Common instead of the tenant’s partition
subscriptionId (string)
Azure subscription ID
tagKey (string)
The tag key associated with the node to add to this pool
tagValue (string)
The tag value associated with the node to add to this pool
trustCA (Pointer_CA_Bundle)
CA Bundle to validate server certificates
undetectableAction (string) “remove” “disable”, “remove” Action to take when node cannot be detected
updateInterval (integer) 60 [1, 3600] Server-discovery update interval (seconds)
uri (string)
The location of the node data
useManagedIdentity (boolean) false true, false Use Azure managed identity rather than directoryId, applicationId, and apiAccessKey


Pool_Member addressDiscovery possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
use (string)
AS3 pointer to Address Discovery declaration


Protocol Inspection Profile used for configurable BIG-IP AFM intrusion prevention. Note: Protocol Inspection Profiles are only supported in tmos version 13.1+


Name (Type) Default Values Description
autoAddNewInspections (boolean) false true, false Specifies whether new inspections delivered via IPS IM package will be automatically added to this profile
autoPublish (boolean) false true, false Specifies whether the inspections will be automatically updated to the suggested action after the staging period
class (string)
collectAVRStats (boolean) true true, false If true, AVR will collect data from the intrusion prevention profile
defaultFromProfile (string)
Specifies the parent profile. If specified, the new profile will be cloned from the parent
enableComplianceChecks (boolean) true true, false Specifies whether the compliance checks will be enabled for this profile
enableSignatureChecks (boolean) true true, false Specifies whether the signature checks will be enabled for this profile
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
services (array<Protocol_Inspection_Profile_services>)
Specifies the services and service checks for this profile


Protocol_Inspection_Profile services possible properties when object type


Name (Type) Default Values Description
compliance (Protocol_Inspection_Profile_Service_Compliance_Checks)
ports (array<integer>)
[0, 65535] List of ports to attach to the service.
signature (Protocol_Inspection_Profile_Service_Signature_Checks)
type (string)
“dhcp”, “dns”, “gtp”, “imap”, “mqtt”, “netbios_ns”, “nntp”, “pop3”, “sip”, “snmp”, “ssl”, “telnet”, “wins”, “diameter”, “ftp”, “http”, “irc”, “mysql”, “netbios_ssn”, “other”, “radius”, “smtp”, “ssh”, “sunrpc”, “tftp”, “coap”, “oracle”, “pfcp” The name of the service type


A list of compliance checks to attach to the Protocol Inspection Profile

No properties


A list of signature checks to attach to the Protocol Inspection Profile

No properties


Configures a RADIUS profile for network traffic load balancing


Name (Type) Default Values Description
class (string)
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
parentProfile (Pointer_Radius_Profile) {“bigip”:”/Common/radiusLB”}
Specifies the name of the object to inherit the settings from
persistAttribute (integer | string) “none”
Specifies the name of the RADIUS attribute on which traffic persists. Acceptable values are ASCII strings from section 5 of RFC 2865 or numeric codes (1-255). A value of none indicates that persistence is disabled.
protocolProfile (Pointer_Enforcement_Protocol_Profile_Radius)
Specifies PEM protocol profile that defines mapping of RADIUS AVPs to subscriber ID and other PEM subscriber session attributes
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
subscriberDiscoveryEnabled (boolean)
true, false Specifies whether to enable PEM subscriber discovery based on the content of RADIUS packets


Describes the URL to remote resource and optional parameters


Name (Type) Default Values Description
authentication (Basic_Auth | Bearer_Token)
Authentication to the remote source
ignoreChanges (boolean) false true, false If false (default), the URL will be fetched in each AS3 declaration deployment. If true, the resource will be created on the first deployment, but not on additional deployments.
skipCertificateCheck (boolean) false true, false Skip verification of SSL certificates (default false)
url (string)
format: uri URL from which to retrieve value


Configures a rewrite profile


Name (Type) Default Values Description
bypassList (array<string>)
List of URIs that are bypassed in a web page when a rewrite mode of portal is used
certificate (string)
AS3 pointer to client Certificate declaration (optional)
class (string)
clientCachingType (string) “cache-css-js” “cache-all”, “cache-css-js”, “cache-img-css-js”, “no-cache” The type of client caching used
javaCaFile (Pointer_CA_Bundle) {“bigip”:”/Common/ca-bundle.crt”}
The CA Bundle used to verify Java applets signature certificates
javaSignKeyPassphrase (Rewrite_Profile_javaSignKeyPassphrase)
Passphrase if any for query authentication
label (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22#&*<>?x5b-x5d`x7f]*$ Optional friendly name for this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding a few likely to cause trouble with string searching, JS, TCL, or HTML
locationSpecificEnabled (boolean) false true, false Specifies if this contains an attribute with values specific to the location that the BIG-IP device resides
remark (string)
regex: ^[^x00-x1fx22x5cx7f]*$ Arbitrary (brief) text pertaining to this object. Allows 0-64 chars, excluding only control characters, double-quote, and backslash. This is permissive enough that you should worry about XSS attacks
requestSettings (Rewrite_Profile_Request_Settings) {}
The request settings used for uri-translation
responseSettings (Rewrite_Profile_Response_Settings) {}
The response settings used for uri-translation
rewriteList (array<string>)
List of URIs that are rewritten inside a web page when a rewrite mode of portal is used
rewriteMode (string) “portal” “portal”, “uri-translation” The mode of rewriting that is used.uri-translation is a rules-based rewrite mode. portal is for use with Portal Access
setCookieRules (array<Rewrite_Profile_Set_Cookie_Rule>)
The rules for rewriting HTTP Set-Cookie headers. Used with a rewrite mode of uri-translation
splitTunnelingEnabled (boolean) false true, false Determines if the profile provides for split tunneling
uriRules (array<Rewrite_Profile_Uri_Rule>)
The rules for rewriting request and response headers and response bodies. Used with a rewrite mode of uri-translation


Rewrite_Profile javaSignKeyPassphrase possible properties


Name (Type) Default Values Description
allowReuse (boolean) false true, false If true, other declaration objects may reuse this value
ciphertext (string)
Put base64url(data_value) here
ignoreChanges (boolean) false true, false If false (default), the system updates the ciphertext in every AS3 declaration deployment. If true, AS3 creates the ciphertext on first deployment, and leaves it untouched afterwards
miniJWE (boolean) true true, false If true (default), object is an f5 mini-JWE
protected (string) “eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0”
JOSE header: alg=dir, enc=(none|f5sv); default enc=none (encoded default is ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJub25lIn0’, use with secret simply base64url-encoded into ‘ciphertext’). If you see ‘protected’=’eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJmNXN2In0’, ‘ciphertext’ contains base64url-encoded SecureVault cryptogram
reuseFrom (string)
AS3 pointer to another JWE cryptogram in this declaration to copy
url (Secret_Resource_URL)
URL from which secret should be f