Controls (object)

Optional controls configuration

Properties (* = required):

name type(s) default allowed values description
archiveId number, string   -∞ - -Infinity Read-only property present when you GET a declaration from configuration system. Archived versions of declaration are identified by a combination of ‘id’ and ‘archiveId’
archiveTimestamp string   “date-time” formatted string Read-only property present when you GET a declaration from configuration system. Indicates when this version (see archiveId) of declaration was archived
class* string “Controls” “Controls”  
dryRun boolean false true, false Boolean that indicates if this declaration will be run as a dry-run. If true, the declaration will NOT make any changes to the system, but will respond with whether or not it would.
fortune boolean   true, false If true, BIG-IP AS3 will activate Zoltar mode and read you your fortune
logLevel string “error” “emergency”, “alert”, “critical”, “error”, “warning”, “notice”, “info”, “debug” Controls the amount of detail in logs produced while configuring this Tenant (default is whole-declaration Controls/logLevel value)
trace boolean false true, false If true, BIG-IP AS3 creates a detailed trace of the configuration process for this Tenant for subsequent analysis (default is whole-declaration Controls/trace value). Warning: trace files may contain sensitive configuration data
traceResponse boolean false true, false If true, the response will contain the trace files
userAgent string     User Agent information to include in TEEM report