SPK Fixes and Known Issues

This list highlights fixes and known issues for this SPK release.

SPK Release Notes SPK Release Information

Version: 1.7.9
Build: 1.7.9

Note: This content is current as of the software release date
Updates to bug information occur periodically. For the most up-to-date bug data, see Bug Tracker.

Cumulative fixes from SPK v1.7.9 that are included in this release
Known Issues in SPK v1.7.9

Cumulative fixes from SPK v1.7.9 that are included in this release

ID Number Severity Links to More Info Description
1604729 1-Blocking Readiness Probe and Liveness Probe for the CWC Pod
1612037 2-Critical IPv6 routes are missing after the Snatpool CR update
1603469 2-Critical Erroneous publishing of the Redis master DB in SPK DSSM deployment
1602625 2-Critical The controller is not able to get license information when RabbitMQ connection is broken after the OCP upgrade
1599825 2-Critical The RabbitMQ connection was broken after the OCP upgrade, and the reconnection is only partial
1575297-2 2-Critical Snatpool config forgotten after TMM pod deletion
1518865-2 2-Critical The f5-toda-tmstats service fails to reconnect to the otel-collector service after certificate rotation.
1294425-2 2-Critical F5SPKIngressHTTP2 CR configuration fails with TLS or mTLS
1603461 3-Major Remove repetitive and redundant logging
1578581-1 3-Major Cannot update configured IPv4 SNAT pool with IPv6 SNAT pool members.
1327321-4 3-Major License deactivation occurs after the f5ingress container restarts as a result of CR object deletion.
1235861-1 3-Major Static routes created by the F5SPKIngressHTTP2 CR remain after the CR is deleted
1146241-6 3-Major BT1146241 FastL4 virtual server may egress packets with unexpected and erratic TTL values

Cumulative fix details for SPK v1.7.9 that are included in this release

1612037 : IPv6 routes are missing after the Snatpool CR update

Component: SPK

If an IPv4 SNAT pool is configured and it has to be updated to IPv4 and IPv6 SNAT pool by editing the CR, kernel routes for the IPv6 SNAT pool are not created.

Updating SNAT pool from IPv4 to IPv4 and IPv6 in F5SPKSnatpool CR.

IPv6 Snatpool kernel routes are not created.

Delete the SNAT CR with IPv4 pool and reapply the CR with IPv4 and IPv6 pool.

To update an already configured IPv4 SNAT pool to an IPv4 and IPv6 SNAT pool, delete the existing CR with the IPv4 pool and reapply the CR with both the IPv4 and IPv6 pools.

1604729 : Readiness Probe and Liveness Probe for CWC Pod

Component: SPK

Currently, in SPK, if the RabbitMQ pod is down, the CWC pod is in a "Ready" state, even though the connection between CWC and RabbitMQ is broken.

1. Random start up of RabbitMQ pod & multiple restarts of RabbitMQ can cause the issue.
2. Stop the RabbitMQ Pod

License status not getting updated in RabbitMQ.

Restart CWC pod.

The Readiness Probe/Liveness Probe will check the server running in the CWC pod. The server will be up only when the connection between CWC and RabbitMQ is established and the queue is generated. If any of these conditions fail, the server will stop running, resulting in a readiness/liveness probe failure. Restarting the CWC pod will allow the server to start once the connection is re-established, and the CWC pod will transition to the "Ready" state.