Module 3: Upgrade - Scaling up a SSG (VMWare)

In this module, we will see how we can scale up and upgrade our Service Scaling Groups called SSGClass2.

In the cloud today, it is fairly easy,cheap and fast to deploy a new server. We can deploy/delete whatever instance in a matter of minutes instead of days with physical servers.

Being able to deploy with ease new instances allowed administrator to shift from a mutable infrastructure to an immutable infrastructure. Instead of having to do config update, upgrade or add more ressources to an existing server, we simply deploy a new instance with all the changes. We don’t change anything on a already deployed server. This is called immutable infrastructure.

In a immutable infrastructure, we have servers that are never updated/changed. When you need to deploy a new version or change its configuration, you deploy a new server (or Virtual Machine/Container) that will include all the required changes.

If you want to learn more about mutable / immutable infrastructure, you may review some below link:

With Service Scaling Groups, we enforce an immutable infrastructure philosophy. For the following use cases, we will deploy new Virtual Editions to replace existing ones:

  • Scale Up instances
  • Upgrade the version used by the SSG

The process is pretty straightforward: we simply need to reference a new VMWare template for the Cloud Environment used by the SSG.


the concept and steps are the same for AWS SSG, update the AMI Image instead of the VM Image.