Lab 3.2: Generate Reports in CSV using the API


Estimated time to complete: 5 minutes

Lab environment access

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  1. From the lab environment, launch a remote desktop session to have access to the Ubuntu Desktop.

  2. Open a terminal and execute the following script to export the analytics of site16_boston into a CSV:

    cd f5-demo-bigiq-analytics-export-restapi
    ./ /security/site16_boston/serviceMain -1h now 60 -1h now 60

The script is getting the Analytics using BIG-IQ API and exports it to a JSON file. Then, the JSON output is converted to a CSV file using a json2csv tool.

  1. Navigate in the f5-demo-bigiq-analytics-export-restapi folder and open the output.csv file.

The data exported correspond to the HTTP Transactions for site16_boston application services.
