F5 XC EMEA Workshop > Class 1 - F5 XC Services > RE + CE Source |
Lab 1 - RE + CE configuration¶
- First we need to create a new origin pool which will point directly to the private IP address of the servers.
Web App & API Protection -> Load Balancers -> Origin Pool -> Add Origin Pool -> Fill the bellow data
Object Value Name arcadia-onprem-private-endpoint Port 31970 In the same screen -> Origin Servers -> Add Item -> Fill the bellow data -> Apply -> Save and exit
Object Value Select Type of Origin Server IP address of Origin Server on given Sites IP Site system/$$ceOnPrem.clusterName$$ Select Network on the site Outside Network
- Our next step is to change the default pool of the arcadia-re-lb to point directly to the internal origin pool
Web App & API Protection -> Load Balancers -> HTTP Load Balancer -> Click the 3 dots under the arcadia-re-lb row -> Manage Configuration -> Edit Configuration -> Click the pen icon under the arcadia-public-endpoint origin pool -> Change the Origin Pool field from $$namespace$$/arcadia-public-endpoint to $$namespace$$/arcadia-onprem-private-endpoint -> Apply -> Save and Exit