Task 01: Create API Service in Kubernetes

Change to the task_01 directory.

cd task_01

There are two K8s manifests in this directory.

  • The jobs.yaml manifest creates the eclectic-jobs service. This is our toy API to demonstrate NGINX Plus App Protect as an API Gateway. This service will be made accessible from outside the cluster as https://jobs.local/get-job and https://jobs.local/add-job.
  • The main.yaml manifest is for the myapp service. This application will call the https://jobs.local/get-job service from the client browser and render the results in the client browser. This service will be made accessible from outside the cluster as https://jobs.local

Let’s first create two NodePort services to test our services from outside the K8s cluster.

NodePort Service Inside K8s Cluster
http://jobs.local:30020 http://eclectic-jobs:3000/
http://jobs.local:30010 http://myapp:3000

View the service manifests.

bat jobs.yaml
bat main.yaml

Apply the manifests to create the NodePort services.

k apply -f jobs.yaml
k apply -f main.yaml

Confirm the NodePort services were created.

k get svc

From the URL bar of the web browser, connect to the eclectic-jobs NodePort service: http://jobs.local:30020. Press the [F5] key to make new requests to the eclectic-jobs API. The eclectic-jobs API returns a random job title in JSON format.


From the URL bar of the web browser, connect to the myapp NodePort service: http://jobs.local:30010. Press the [F5] key to make new requests of the myapp web application. The myapp web application is attempting to fetch a random job title from the (non-existant) https://jobs.local/get-job API endpoint.


To fix the broken HTTP route, we need to add TLS (changing the HTTP scheme from HTTP to HTTPS) and HTTP routes /get-job and /add-job to the eclectic-jobs API.