Last updated on: 2023-08-29 10:06:08.

External database reference guide


This feature is PREVIEW ONLY and is NOT complete.

The default operation of VNF Manager provides an internal PostgreSQL database, which it also manages and automatically deploys. However, for more control over your database and related processes, you can use your own external PostgreSQL hosted on a Centos VM. If you choose to use your own external database, then you have two options:

  • Option A: VNFM auto-deploys your external DB, enabling VNFM to also manage your external database lifecycle processes like security patching.
  • Option B: You deploy your external database and the Centos VM, as well as provide HA, security patching, and other basic lifecycle management processes.

Both options make patching and applying engineering hot fixes much easier, without breaking down your VNF Manager VMs. However, each option requires specific input configurations descibed in the following table. After the table, you will find YAML and JSON code samples that you can cut and paste anywhere in your inputs files.


The inputs defined in this reference guide do NOT appear in the published inputs files for the default VNF Manager found on the public GitHub repository. You must copy the following YAML/JSON code sample inputs from this topic, into an inputs file that you will use for deploying your blueprint solution that will access an external database.

Common external database inputs

This feature and all related inputs are PREVIEW ONLY and the default values are set to disable.

Parameter VNFM Version Required Blueprint VIM Description
db_host 4.0.0 Yes All All String input with the default value left empty. When using external database Option A where VNF Manager auto-deploys your external database enter the IP address of the Centos VM hosting your database. Otherwise, for Option B, leave empty “”.
db_name 4.0.0 No All All String value for the name of the external PostgreSQL database; for example, F5_db. Default value is empty “”. If using Option A enter [TBD] If using Option B enter [TBD]
db_user 4.0.0 No All All String value for the username used to access the Centos VM hosting your external database; for example, F5user. Default value is empty “”. If using Option A enter [TBD] If using Option B enter [TBD]
db_password 4.0.0 No All All String value for the password used to access the Centos VM hosting your external database; for example, F5password. Default value is empty “”. If using Option A enter [TBD] If using Option B enter [TBD] Input value is not used, if you set the CA certification.
db_port 4.0.0 No All All Port number used for the Centos VM hosting your external database. Default value is empty “”. If using Option A enter ??? If using Option B enter [TBD]
db_sslmode 4.0.0 No All All String value indicating whether SSL mode is disabled or enabled on the Centos VM hosting your external database. If using Option A enter [TBD] If using Option B enter [TBD]
db_ssh_key 4.0.0 No All OpenStack SSH key used to access shell on the Centos VM hosting your external database. Default value is empty “”. If using Option A enter [TBD] If using Option B enter [TBD]
sw_ref_external_db 4.0.0 No All All Dictionary used to define the following VIM parameters for the Centos VM hosting your external database: availability_zone: #nova, flavor: #f5.cloudify_small, image: #CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud. If using Option A enter [TBD] If using Option B enter [TBD]
db_sslkey 4.0.0 No Gi-LAN and CGNAT-O All This parameter specifies the secret key used for the client certificate. This parameter is ignored if an SSL connection is not made. If empty/undefined, the key is auto-generated.
db_sslcert 4.0.0 No All All String value for the client SSL certificate used for the Centos VM hosting your external database. If left empty, a certificate is generated. If using Option A enter [TBD] If using Option B enter [TBD]
db_sslrootcert 4.0.0 No All All String value for the SSL certificate used for the root account for the Centos VM hosting your external database. If using Option A enter [TBD] If using Option B enter [TBD]

Option A inputs code examples

For option A (relying on VNF Manager to auto-deploy and manage your external database), copy and paste the following inputs into your blueprint solution inputs, defining the external database inputs accordingly.

YAML code example


JSON code example


Option B inputs code examples

For option B (deploying and managing your external database), copy and paste the following inputs into your blueprint solution inputs, defining the external database inputs accordingly.

YAML code example


JSON code example