BIG-IP LTM v9.0.0

Commands Introduced in BIG-IP LTM 9.0.0

  • accumulate - Terminates iRule processing until more data is received.
  • active_members - Returns the number or list of active members in the specified pool.
  • active_nodes - Returns the alias for active members of the specified pool (for BIG-IP version 4.X compatibility).
  • AES::decrypt - Decrypt the data using the previously-created AES key.
  • AES::encrypt - Encrypt the data using the previously-created AES key.
  • AES::key - Creates an AES key to encrypt/decrypt data.
  • AUTH::abort - Cancels any outstanding auth operations in this authentication session.
  • AUTH::authenticate - Performs a new authentication operation.
  • AUTH::authenticate_continue - Continues an authentication operation.
  • AUTH::cert_credential - Sets the peer certificate credential to the value of a peer certificate for a future AUTH::authenticate call.
  • AUTH::cert_issuer_credential - Sets the peer certificate issuer credential to the value of for a future AUTH::authenticate call.
  • AUTH::last_event_session_id - Returns the session ID of the last auth event
  • AUTH::password_credential - Sets the password credential to the specified string for a future AUTH::authenticate call.
  • AUTH::ssl_cc_ldap_status - Returns the status from the last successful client certificate-based LDAP query.
  • AUTH::ssl_cc_ldap_username - Returns a user name that the system retrieved from the LDAP database.
  • AUTH::start - Initializes an authentication session.
  • AUTH::status - Returns authentication status.
  • AUTH::username_credential - Sets the username credential to a string. for a future AUTH::authenticate call.
  • AUTH::wantcredential_prompt - Returns a string for an authorization session authid’s credential prompt.
  • AUTH::wantcredential_prompt_style - Returns an authorization session authid’s credential prompt style.
  • AUTH::wantcredential_type - Returns an authorization session authid’s credential type
  • b64decode - Returns a string that is base-64 decoded
  • b64encode - Returns a string that is base-64 encoded. or if an error occurs. an empty string.
  • client_addr - Returns the client IP address of a connection.
  • client_port - Returns the TCP port number/service of the specified client.
  • clientside - Causes the specified iRule commands to be evaluated under the client-side context.
  • clone - Causes the system to clone traffic to the specified pool or pool member regardless of monitor status.
  • COMPRESS::buffer_size - Sets the compression buffer size.
  • COMPRESS::disable - Disables compression for the current HTTP response.
  • COMPRESS::enable - Enables compression for the current HTTP response.
  • COMPRESS::gzip - Sets HTTP data compression criteria.
  • COMPRESS::method - Specifies the preferred compression algorithm.
  • COMPRESS::nodelay - desc tbd
  • crc32 - Returns the crc32 checksum for the specified string.
  • decode_uri - Decodes the specified string using HTTP URI encoding.
  • discard - Causes the current packet or connection to be dropped/discarded. Same as the drop command.
  • domain - Parses the specified string as a dotted domain name and returns the last portions of the domain name.
  • drop - Causes the current packet or connection to be dropped/discarded. Same as the discard command.
  • event - Enables or disables evaluation of the specified iRule event. or all iRule events. on this connection.
  • findclass - Searches a data group list for a member that starts with a specified string and returns the data-group member string.
  • findstr - Finds a string within another string and returns the string starting at the offset specified from the match.
  • forward - Sets the connection to forward IP packets.
  • getfield - Splits a string on a character or string. and returns the string corresponding to the specific field.
  • HTTP::close - Closes the HTTP connection.
  • HTTP::collect - Collects an amount of HTTP body data that you specify.
  • HTTP::cookie - Queries for or manipulates cookies in HTTP requests and responses.
  • HTTP::fallback - Specifies or overrides a fallback host specified in the HTTP profile.
  • HTTP::header - Queries or modifies HTTP headers.
  • HTTP::host - Returns the value of the HTTP Host header
  • HTTP::is_keepalive - Returns a true value if this is a Keep-Alive connection.
  • HTTP::method - Returns the type of HTTP request method.
  • HTTP::password - Returns the password part of HTTP basic authentication.
  • HTTP::path - Returns or sets the path part of the HTTP request.
  • HTTP::payload - Queries for or manipulates HTTP payload information.
  • HTTP::query - Returns the query part of the HTTP request.
  • HTTP::redirect - Redirects an HTTP request or response to the specified URL.
  • HTTP::release - Releases the data collected via HTTP::collect.
  • HTTP::request_num - Returns the number of HTTP requests that a client made on the connection.
  • HTTP::respond - Generates a response to the client as if it came from the server.
  • HTTP::status - Returns the response status code.
  • HTTP::uri - Returns or sets the URI part of the HTTP request.
  • HTTP::username - Returns the username part of HTTP basic authentication.
  • HTTP::version - Returns or sets the HTTP version of the request or response.
  • http_cookie - Specifies the value in the Cookie: header.
  • http_header - Evaluates the string following an HTTP header tag that you specify.
  • http_host - Specifies the value in the Host: header of the HTTP request.
  • http_method - Specifies the action of the HTTP request.
  • http_uri - Specifies a URI.
  • http_version - Specifies the HTTP protocol version.
  • imid - Returns an i-mode identifier string.
  • IP::addr - Performs comparison of IP address/subnet/supernet to IP address/subnet/supernet. or parses 4 binary bytes into an IPv4 dotted quad address.
  • IP::client_addr - Returns the client IP address of a connection
  • IP::idle_timeout - Returns or sets the idle timeout value.
  • IP::local_addr - Returns the IP address of the virtual server the client is connected to or the self-ip LTM is connected from.
  • IP::protocol - Returns the IP protocol value.
  • IP::remote_addr - Returns the IP address of the host on the far end of the connection.
  • IP::server_addr - Returns the server’s IP address.
  • IP::stats - Supplies information about the number of packets or bytes being sent or received in a given connection.
  • IP::tos - Returns the ToS value encoded within a packet.
  • ip_protocol - Returns the IP protocol value.
  • ip_tos - Returns the ToS level of a packet.
  • LB::command - To be completed
  • LB::detach - Disconnects the server side connection
  • LB::mode - Sets the load balancing mode
  • LB::persist - Forces a persistence record lookup and returns the result
  • LB::reselect - Selects the next available member in the current pool, based on pool Load Balancing options
  • LB::server - Returns information about the currently selected server
  • LINK::qos - Returns the QoS level set on the packet.
  • LINK::vlan_id - Returns the VLAN tag of the packet.
  • link_qos - Returns the QoS level.
  • listen - Sets up a related ephemeral listener to allow an incoming related connection to be established.
  • local_addr - Deprecated: Use IP::local_addr instead
  • log - Generates and logs a message to the syslog-ng utility.
  • matchclass - Performs comparison against the contents of data group.
  • matchregion - Returns true/false if specified region is matched.
  • md5 - Returns the RSA MD5 Message Digest Algorithm message digest of the specified string.
  • NAME::lookup - Performs DNS query for A or PTR record corresponding to a hostname or IP address
  • NAME::response - Returns a list of records received in response to a DNS query
  • node - Sends the packet directly to the identified server node.
  • ONECONNECT::detach - Detaches server-side OneConnect connections.
  • ONECONNECT::reuse - Controls server-side connection reuse
  • peer - Causes the specified iRule commands to be evaluated under the peer’s (opposite) context.
  • persist - Causes the system to use the named persistence type to persist the connection.
  • pool - Causes the system to load balance traffic to the specified pool or pool member regardless of monitor status.
  • priority - The priority command is used to set the order that like iRule events are executed.
  • PROFILE::auth - Returns the value of an authentication profile setting.
  • PROFILE::fastL4 - Returns the value of a Fast L4 profile setting.
  • PROFILE::ftp - Returns the value of an FTP profile setting.
  • PROFILE::http - Returns the value of an HTTP profile setting.
  • PROFILE::list - Returns all the names of the profiles of the class asked for that are attached to this virtual server
  • PROFILE::oneconnect - Returns the value of a Oneconnect profile setting.
  • PROFILE::persist - Returns the value of a persistence profile setting.
  • PROFILE::stream - Returns the value of a Stream profile setting.
  • PROFILE::tcp - Returns the value of a TCP profile setting.
  • PROFILE::udp - Returns the value of a UDP profile setting.
  • rateclass - Causes the system to select the specified rate class to use when transmitting packets.
  • redirect - Redirects an HTTP request to a specific location.
  • reject - Causes the connection to be rejected.
  • relate_client - Sets up a related established connection.
  • relate_server - Sets up a related established connection.
  • remote_addr - Deprecated: Use IP::remote_addr instead
  • return - Causes immediate exit from the currently executing event in the currently executing iRule.
  • ROUTE::age - The age of the route metrics in seconds.
  • ROUTE::bandwidth - The average of the bandwidth estimates for TCP connections.
  • ROUTE::rtt - The average smoothed round-trip time for TCP connections.
  • ROUTE::rttvar - The average variance in smoothed round-trip times for TCP connections.
  • server_addr - Returns the IP address of the server.
  • server_port - Returns the TCP port/service number of the specified server.
  • serverside - Causes the specified iRule command to be evaluated under the server-side context.
  • session - Utilizes the persistence table to store arbitrary information based on the same keys as persistence.
  • sha1 - Returns the SHA version 1.0 message digest of the specified string.
  • snat - Causes the LTM system to assign the specified translation address to the current connection.
  • snatpool - Causes the specified pool of addresses to be used as translation addresses to create a SNAT.
  • SSL::authenticate - Overrides the current setting for authentication frequency or for the maximum depth of certificate chain traversal.
  • SSL::cert - Returns X509 SSL certificate data.
  • SSL::cipher - Returns SSL cipher information.
  • SSL::disable - Disables SSL processing.
  • SSL::enable - Re-enables SSL processing.
  • SSL::handshake - Halts or resumes SSL activity.
  • SSL::mode - Gets the enabled/disabled state of SSL
  • SSL::modssl_sessionid_headers - Returns a list of fields for HTTP headers
  • SSL::renegotiate - Controls renegotiation of an SSL connection.
  • SSL::sessionid - Gets the SSL session ID.
  • SSL::unclean_shutdown - Sets the value of the Unclean Shutdown setting.
  • SSL::verify_result - Gets or sets the result code for peer certificate verification.
  • STREAM::replace - Changes a replacement string in the Stream profile.
  • substr - A custom iRule function which returns a substring from a string
  • TCP::client_port - Returns the remote TCP port/service number of the clientside TCP connection.
  • TCP::close - Closes the TCP connection.
  • TCP::collect - Collects the specified amount of content data.
  • TCP::local_port - Returns the local TCP port/service number of a TCP connection.
  • TCP::mss - Returns the on-wire Maximum Segment Size (MSS) for a TCP connection.
  • TCP::notify - Causes the USER_REQUEST or USER_RESPONSE event to be raised.
  • TCP::offset - Returns the number of bytes currently held in memory via TCP::collect.
  • TCP::payload - Returns or replaces TCP data content.
  • TCP::release - Releases and flushes collected data. and resumes processing.
  • TCP::remote_port - Returns the remote TCP port/service number of a TCP connection.
  • TCP::respond - Sends the specified data directly to the peer.
  • TCP::rtt - Returns the smoothed round-trip time estimate for a TCP connection.
  • TCP::server_port - Returns the remote TCP port/service number of the serverside TCP connection.
  • TCP::unused_port - Returns an unused TCP port for the specified IP tuple.
  • UDP::client_port - Returns the UDP port/service number of a client system.
  • UDP::drop - Drops the current UDP packet without removing the flow from the connection table
  • UDP::local_port - Returns the local UDP port/service number.
  • UDP::mss - Returns the on-wire Maximum Segment Size (MSS) for a UDP connection.
  • UDP::payload - Returns the content or length of the current UDP payload.
  • UDP::remote_port - Returns the remote UDP port/service number.
  • UDP::server_port - Returns the UDP port/service number of a server system.
  • UDP::unused_port - Returns an unused UDP port for the specified IP tuple.
  • URI::basename - Extracts the basename part of a given uri string.
  • URI::compare - Compares two URI’s for equality.
  • URI::decode - Returns a decoded version of a given URI.
  • URI::encode - Returns an encoded version of a given URI.
  • URI::host - Returns the host portion of a given URI.
  • URI::port - Returns the host port from the given URI.
  • URI::protocol - Returns the protocol of the given URI.
  • URI::query - Returns the query string portion of the given URI or the value of a query string parameter.
  • use - A BIG-IP 4.X statement. provided for backward-compatibility.
  • virtual - Return the name of the associated virtual server or selects another virtual server.
  • vlan_id - Returns the VLAN tag of the packet.
  • when - Used to specify an event in an iRule.
  • X509::cert_fields - Returns a list of X509 certificate fields to be added to HTTP headers for ModSSL behavior.
  • X509::extensions - Returns the X509 extensions set on an X509 certificate.
  • X509::hash - Returns the MD5 hash (fingerprint) of an X509 certificate.
  • X509::issuer - Returns the issuer of an X509 certificate.
  • X509::not_valid_after - Returns the not-valid-after date of an X509 certificate.
  • X509::not_valid_before - Returns the not-valid-before date of an X509 certificate.
  • X509::serial_number - Returns the serial number of an X509 certificate.
  • X509::signature_algorithm - Returns the signature algorithm of an X509 certificate.
  • X509::subject - Returns the subject of an X509 certificate.
  • X509::subject_public_key - Returns the subject’s public key of an X509 certificate.
  • X509::subject_public_key_RSA_bits - Returns the size of the subject’s public RSA key of an X509 certificate.
  • X509::subject_public_key_type - Returns the subject’s public key type of an X509 certificate.
  • X509::verify_cert_error_string - Returns an X509 certificate error string.
  • X509::version - Returns the version number of an X509 certificate.
  • X509::whole - Returns an X509 certificate in PEM format.

Events Introduced in BIG-IP LTM 9.0.0

  • AUTH_ERROR - Triggered when an error occurs during authorization (deprecated in 9.4).
  • AUTH_FAILURE - Triggered when an unsuccessful authorization operation is completed (deprecated in 9.4).
  • AUTH_SUCCESS - Triggered when a successful authorization has completed all required authentication services (deprecated in 9.4).
  • AUTH_WANTCREDENTIAL - Triggered when an authorization operation needs an additional credential (deprecated in 9.4).
  • CLIENT_ACCEPTED - Triggered when a client has established a connection.
  • CLIENT_CLOSED - This event is fired at the end of any client connection. regardless of protocol.
  • CLIENT_DATA - Triggered each time new data is received from the client while the connection is in “collect” state.
  • CLIENTSSL_CLIENTCERT - Triggered when the system adds an SSL client certificate to the client certificate chain.
  • CLIENTSSL_HANDSHAKE - Triggered when a client-side SSL handshake is completed.
  • HTTP_REQUEST - Triggered when the system fully parses the complete client HTTP request headers.
  • HTTP_REQUEST_DATA - Triggered when an HTTP::collect command has collected the specified amount of request data.
  • HTTP_RESPONSE - Triggered when the system parses all of the response status and header lines from the server response.
  • HTTP_RESPONSE_CONTINUE - Triggered whenever the system receives a 100 Continue response from the server.
  • HTTP_RESPONSE_DATA - Triggered when an HTTP::collect command has collected the specified amount of response data.
  • LB_FAILED - Triggered when the system fails to select a pool or a pool member. or when a selected resource is unreachable.
  • LB_SELECTED - Triggered when the system selects a pool member.
  • NAME_RESOLVED - Triggered after a NAME::lookup command has been issued and a response has been received.
  • RULE_INIT - Triggered when an iRule is added or is modified.
  • SERVER_CLOSED - This event is triggered when the server side connection closes.
  • SERVER_CONNECTED - Triggered when a connection has been established with the target node.
  • SERVER_DATA - Triggered when new data is received from the target node after TCP::collect command has been issued.
  • SERVERSSL_HANDSHAKE - Triggered when a server-side SSL handshake is completed.
  • USER_REQUEST - triggered by command TCP::notify request.
  • USER_RESPONSE - Triggered by command TCP::notify response

Operators Introduced in BIG-IP LTM 9.0.0

  • and - Performs a logical “and” comparison between two values.
  • contains - Tests if one string contains another string.
  • ends_with - Tests if one string ends with another string.
  • equals - Tests if one string equals another string.
  • matches_regex - Tests if one string matches a regular expression.
  • not - Performs a logical “not” on a value.
  • or - Performs a logical “or” comparison between two values.
  • starts_with - Tests if one string starts_with another string

Commands Deprecated or Removed in BIG-IP LTM 9.0.0

  • local_addr - Deprecated: Use IP::local_addr instead
  • remote_addr - Deprecated: Use IP::remote_addr instead

Events Deprecated or Removed in BIG-IP LTM 9.0.0

Operators Deprecated or Removed in BIG-IP LTM 9.0.0

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