Document Revision History

This section tracks the changes to this documentation set. For information about releases, see the Release Notes.

Revision Description Dates
3.19.1 Documentation for the release of F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services versions 2.19.1.
- This release highlights bug fixes and known issues.
3.19.0 Documentation for the release of F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services versions 2.19.0.
- The local-cluster-name parameter is a new and mandatory parameter for Multi-Cluster mode.
- A new default mode has been introduced for Multi-Cluster topologies, supporting ServiceType LoadBalancer, VirtualServer CR, and Transport Server CR. See Default Mode.
- CIS now supports ServiceType LoadBalancer discovery in remote clusters when using default mode.
- The default mode now supports Multi-Cluster ServiceType LoadBalancer.
3.18.1 Documentation for the release of F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services versions 2.18.1.
- Added support for custom partition and pool settings for ServiceTypeLB service.
- Updated documentation for A/B or Alternate Backends, see alternate_backends.
- Added CRD status support for VS, TS, and IngressLink.
3.18.0 Documentation for the release of F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services versions 2.18.0.
- Support for loadBalancerClass for service type lb.
- Support for FTP Profile in Policy CR.
- Support to append route domain to the virtual addresses of the BIG-IP in VirtualServer, TransportServer, and F5 IngressLink.
- Support for Request and Response Adapt Profiles in VirtualServer CRD or Policy CRD.
- Support for multiple ltm monitors with multiple virtual servers referring to same backend.
- Support for CIS deployment parameters ipam-namespace to configure the namespace for IPAM CR.
- Support for Passthrough Virtual Server/route without default ssl profile (min as3 version required = 3.52).
3.17.1 Documentation for the release of F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services versions 2.17.1.
- Support to control ciphers groups and ssl options in TLSProfile CRD.
- Improved performance for Hub Mode using the isTenantNameServiceNamespace label in the AS3 configmap, see HubMode Support for AS3 ConfigMap.
- Pod Graceful Shutdown support for AS3 ConfigMap using CIS deployment parameter pod-graceful-shutdown, see Configuration Parameters.
3.17.0 Documentation for the release of F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services versions 2.17.0.
- Support for Alternate backend and cluster Ratio in Transport Server.
- Support for access profile and per request policy in policy CRD and VS CRD.
- Support for Calico CNI with Static Routing Mode, see StaticRouteSupport.
3.16.1 Documentation for the release of F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services versions 2.16.1. 22-04-23
3.16.0 Documentation for the release of F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services versions 2.16.0.
- Updated documentation for adminState, see OpenShift/Kubernetes Multi-Cluster.
- Updated documentation for hostAliases, see VirtualServer.
- Updated documentation for pool-member-type, see Configuration Parameters.
3.14.0 Documentation for the release of F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services versions 2.14.0.
- Improved next-gen-routes-examples
- Added default-server-ssl to Configuration Parameters.
- Added NextGen routes to Configuration Parameters.
- Static route updates to Configuration Parameters and Deployment Options.
- Added OpenShift/Kubernetes Multi-Cluster.
3.13.1 Documentation for the release of F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services versions 2.13.1.
- Added How to deploy CRDs using Non Default RouteDomains in ClusterMode
- Updated Prerequisites to CIS Installation, Kubernetes, and CIS Installation
- Added Rest Methods to CIS Configuration Parameters General
- Added CRD install command to Custom Resource Definitions, Kubernetes, Configuring NextGen Routes, Migrating to NextGen Routes, and OpenShift
3.13.0 Documentation for the release of F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services versions 2.13.0.
- Added OpenShift 4.15 and F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services (CIS) User-Guide for Standalone BIG-IP using OVN-Kubernetes iCNI with NO Tunnels standalone.
- Added OpenShift 4.15 and F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services (CIS) User-Guide for High Availability BIG-IP using OVN-Kubernetes iCNI with NO Tunnels cluster.
- Added cilium-name-parameter to Configuring Cilium CNI.
3.12.1 Documentation for the release of F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services versions 2.12.1.
- Added a new guide for Migrating to NextGen Routes in NextGenController.
- Updated Configuration Parameters.
- Included information on MultiPartition Support using the partition spec parameter to the following pages TransportServer, VirtualServer, Ingress, F5 IngressLink.
3.12.0 Documentation for the release of F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services versions 2.12.0.
- Updates to Configuration Parameters, including adding a section for Prometheus Metrics.
- Updates to all Custom Resource Definitions.
- Updates to Installing CIS Using Helm Charts.
3.11.1 Documentation for the release of F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services versions 2.11.1 and 1.14.2.
- Updates to Logging, Service Type LoadBalancer, VirtualServer, TransportServer, Installing CIS Manually, and Container Ingress Service compatibility.
3.11.0 Documentation for the release of F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services version 2.11.0
- Added new documentation for NextGenController.
- Added new documentation for AS3 Response code handling in CIS.
- Added new documentation for Using Policy CR with NextGen Routes
. - Updated config parameters for General.
- Updated IPAM Chart Parameters.
- Updated Limitations section for VMware Tanzu.
3.10.2 Documentation for F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services
- Added table for AS3 Response code handling in CIS to ConfigMap.
3.10.1 Documentation for F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services version 2.10.1
- Added sections for Configuring Cilium CNI and Using IP Addresses and F5 IPAM Controller with CIS Custom Resources.
- Updated sections for F5 IngressLink, Routes, and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
3.10.0 Documentation for the release of F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services version 2.10.0
- Updated VirtualServer and TransportServer components sections.
- Added a section on SCTP Transport Server to TransportServer.
- Added Netmask for Virtual Server for Ingress section.
3.9.2 Documentation for Container Ingress Services
- Updated Configuration Parameters descriptions for node-poll-interval and verify-interval.
- Added information about allowSourceRange to Policy and VirtualServer.
3.9.1 Documentation for the release of F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services versions 2.9.1 and 1.14.1.
- Added a section for ExternalDNS Global Availability Mode.
- Updated the values.yaml for Installing CIS Using Helm Charts.
- Updated the Parameters section in Service Type LoadBalancer, VirtualServer, and Installing F5 IPAM Controller.
3.9.0 Documentation for the release of F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services version 2.9.0.
- Updated Releases and Versioning.
- Updated Policy, TransportServer, and VirtualServer to include new parameters and to update the YAML examples.
- Updated Kubernetes and OpenShift to change the defaultController parameter to isDefaultIngressController and to include a parameters chart.
- Added ServiceTypeLB with Policy to Policy.
3.8.1 Documentation for the release of F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services version 2.8.1.
- Updated Releases and Versioning.
- Added a link for the CIS and IPAM Release Upgrade Process
3.8.0 Documentation for the release of F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services version 2.8.0.
- Updates to CRD sections for ExternalDNS, Policy, VirtualServer, and TransportServer.
- Added more information to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
- Added a new section: VMware Tanzu.
- Updated Deployment Options.
3.7.2 Updated the documentation for F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services with the following changes:
- Added new sections: Installing F5 IPAM Controller and Filter Tenant support for AS3 ConfigMap.
3.7.1 Documentation for the release of F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services version 2.7.1.
- Updated Releases and Versioning.
- Added new sections for IPv6 to: VirtualServer and Transport Server with IPv6 Address.
- Added Chart parameters table to Overview of F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services.
- Updated sections: Custom Resource Definitions, Configuration Parameters, and FIC IPAM Frequently Asked Questions.
- Updated YAML examples on F5 IPAM Controller.
- Updated commands and added a troubleshooting section to Configuring Calico.
3.7.0 Documentation for the release of F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services version 2.7.0.
- Updated the compatability matrix.
- Updated the prerequisites for ExternalDNS.
- Added a section to VirtualServer CRD page: MultiHost support using hostGroup Parameter.
- Added Policy under Custom Resource Definitions.
- Added new sections: OpenShift 4.8 and F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services (CIS) User-Guide for Standalone BIG-IP using OVN-Kubernetes Advanced Networking and OpenShift 4.8 and F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services (CIS) User-Guide for Cluster BIG-IP using OVN-Kubernetes Advanced Networking.
3.6.2 Documentation for F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services.
- Updated Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) to add a recommendation for the auto config-sync feature when BIG-IP HA members are managed by CIS.
3.6.1 Documentation for F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services.
- Updated steps for CIS Installation.
3.6.0 Documentation for the release of F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services version 2.6.0.
- Updated F5 IPAM Controller to include volumeMount for IPAM DB, FAQ, and Troubleshooting information.
- Added F5 IPAM Controller and CIS using Infoblox IPAM Integration section.
- Updated Configuration Parameters.
3.5.0 Documentation for the release of F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services version 2.5.0.
- Added information on HubMode Support for AS3 ConfigMap.
3.4.1 Documentation for the release of F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services version 2.4.1.
- Added new section for Exposing Headless Service using Ingress.
- Added new section for Service Type LoadBalancer.
- Updated the compatibility matrix for F5 IngressLink.
- Updated notes and examples for ExternalDNS.
3.4.0 Documentation for the release of F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services version 2.4.0.
- Added new section for Upgrading CIS.
- Added new section for F5 IPAM Controller.
- Added new section for F5 IngressLink.
- Updated documentation for Kubernetes and OpenShift.
3.3.0 Documentation for the release of F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services version 2.3.0.
- Added new section for Upgrading CIS.
- Updated documentation for Ingress.
3.2.2 Documentation for the release of F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services version 2.2.2.
- Expanded the Custom Resource Definitions section and added separate pages for each of the CRDs.
3.2.1 Documentation for the release of F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services version 2.2.1.
- Added consistent serviceAccount name in the Kubernetes section.
- Updated the namespace parameter description in the Configuration Parameters section.
- Added Custom Virtual Server Name, Custom Virtual Port, and Virtual Server Custom Resource without Host Parameter to CRD section.
3.2.0 Documentation for the release of F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services version 2.2.0.
- Added the CIS Installation section.
- Updated Kubernetes and OpenShift sections.
- Added TransportServer to Custom Resource Definitions section.
3.1.3 Updated the documentation for F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services with the following changes:
- Added the Ingress Resources section.
3.1.2 Documentation for the release of F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services version 2.1.1.
- Added to the Custom Resource Definitions section.
- Added information about certificate passphrase to the Modify AS3 ConfigMap section.
3.1.1 Updated the documentation for F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services with the following changes:
- Added to the Configuration Parameters section.
3.1.0 Documentation for the release of F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services version 2.1.
- Edits to ConfigMap section.
3.0.0 Documentation for the release of F5 BIG-IP Container Ingress Services version 2.0.
- See the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for links to older versions of the documentation.