The F5BigHttpSetting
CR provides many options to fine-tune how Traffic Management Microkernel (TMM) handles Http connections. Once configured and installed, the F5BigHttpSetting
CR can be referenced by one of the CNF CRs listed in the Additional CRs section below.
This document guides you through understanding, configuring, and installing a F5BigHttpSetting
CR parameters¶
The following table describes the CR spec
Parameter | Description |
basicAuthRealm |
Specifies a quoted string for the basic authentication realm. The system sends this string to a client whenever authorization fails. |
oneConnect |
Specifies that the system performs HTTP header transformations for the purpose of keeping connections open when this parameter is checked/enabled. The default for this parameter is 'disabled'. Note: This setting is applicable only when an OneConnect pool is configured. |
oneConnectStatusReuse |
Specifies a quoted string for the status reuse for the one connect. |
headerInsert |
Specifies a quoted header string the user want to insert into an HTTP request. Value as 'None' can also be specified. |
headerErase |
Specifies the header string that you want to erase from an HTTP request. Value as 'None' can also be specified. |
fallbackHost |
Specifies an HTTP fallback host; HTTP redirection allows the user to redirect HTTP traffic to another protocol identifier such as host name, port number, or URI path. |
fallbackStatusCodes |
Specifies one or more three-digit status codes that can be returned by an HTTP server. |
responseHeadersPermitted |
Specifies headers that the BIG-IP system allows in an HTTP response. |
encryptCookies |
Encrypts specified cookies that the BIG-IP system sends to a client system. |
encryptCookieSecret |
Specifies a passphrase for the cookie encryption. |
responseChunking |
Specifies how to handle chunked and unchunked responses. |
requestChunking |
Specifies how to handle chunked and unchunked requests. |
lwsMaxColumn |
Specifies the maximum number of columns allowed for a header that is inserted into an HTTP request. |
lwsSeparator |
Specifies the linear white space separator that the system should use between HTTP headers when a header exceeds the maximum width specified by the lws width setting. |
redirectRewrite |
Specifies which of the application HTTP redirects the system rewrites to HTTPS. |
maxHeaderSize |
Specifies the maximum header size. |
maxRequests |
Specifies the number of requests that the system accepts on a per-condition basis. |
maxHeaderCount |
Specifies the maximum number of headers allowed in HTTP request/response. |
pipelining |
Specifies the pipelining in HTTP streams. |
truncatedRedirects |
Specifies what happens if a truncated redirect is seen from a server. If this parameter is enabled, the redirect will be forwarded to the client. Otherwise, the malformed HTTP will be silently ignored. |
insertXforwardedFor |
When using connection pooling, which allows clients to make use of other client requests and server-side connections. The user can insert the X-Forwarded-For header and specify a client IP address. |
adaptiveParsing |
Specifies parsing in an adaptive way of HTTP. |
proxyType |
Specifies the type of HTTP proxy. |
passthroughOversizeClientHeaders |
Specifies the behavior when too-large client headers are received. If enabled, will switch to Pass through mode instead of rejecting the connection. |
passthroughExcessClientHeaders |
Specifies the behavior when too many client headers are received. If enabled, will switch to Pass Through mode instead of rejecting the connection. |
passthroughOversizeServerHeaders |
Specifies the behavior when too-large server headers are received. If enabled, will switch to Pass Through mode instead of rejecting the connection. |
passthroughExcessServerHeaders |
Specifies the behavior when too many server headers are received. If enabled, will switch to `Pass Through mode instead of rejecting the connection. |
passthroughPipeline |
Enables or disables HTTP/1.1 pipelining. If Pass Through is selected, then the HTTP filter will switch to pass through mode and will be disabled if pipelined data is seen. The default value is Allow , which means that clients can make requests even when prior requests have not received a response. In order for this to succeed, however, destination servers must include support for pipelining. |
passthroughUnknownMethod |
Specifies whether to allow, reject or switch to Pass Through mode when an unknown HTTP method is parsed. |
knownMethods |
Specifies which HTTP methods count as being known. Removing RFC-defined methods from this list will cause the HTTP filter to not recognize them. |
sendProxyViaHeaderInRequest |
Specifies whether to append, remove, or preserve a Via header in an HTTP requests. |
sendProxyViaHeaderInResponse |
Specifies whether to append, remove, or preserve a Via header in an HTTP response. |
sendProxyViaHeaderHostName |
Specifies the hostname to include into Via header. |
acceptXff |
Enables or disables trusting the client IP address and statistics from the client IP address, based on the requests XFF (X-forwarded-for) headers, if they exist. |
xffAlternativeNames |
Specifies alternative XFF headers instead of the default X-forwarded-for header. |
serverAgentName |
Specifies the value of the Server header in responses that the BIG-IP itself generates. |
fwdpDnsResolver |
Specifies the dns-resolver object that will be used to resolve hostnames in proxy requests. |
fwdpRouteDomain |
Specifies the route-domain that will be used for outbound proxy requests. |
fwdpTunnelName |
Specifies the tunnel that will be used for outbound proxy requests. This parameter enables other virtual servers to receive connections initiated by the proxy service. |
fwdpConnectAllowed |
Specifies the behavior of the proxy service for CONNECT requests. |
fwdpIpv6 |
Specifies that URIs will attempted to be resolved as IPv6 addresses before trying as IPv4. |
fwdpHostnames |
Specifies which host names are to be treated as local. Proxy requests made for those hosts will be treated as regular HTTP requests and will be sent to the configured default pool. |
hstsMode |
Specifies whether to include the HSTS response header. |
hstsMaximumAge |
Specifies the maximum age to assume the connection should remain secure. |
hstsIncludeSubdomains |
Specifies whether to include the includeSubdomains directive in the HSTS header. |
hstsPreload |
Specifies whether to include the preload directive in the HSTS header. |
fwdpConnectErrorMsg |
Specifies the error message that will be returned to the browser when a proxy request cannot be completed because of a failure to establish the outbound connection. |
fwdpDnsErrorMsg |
Specifies the error message that will be returned to the browser when a proxy request cannot be completed because of a failure to resolve the hostname in the request. |
fwdpBadRequestErrorMsg |
Specifies the error message that will be returned to the browser when a proxy request cannot be completed because the request was malformed. |
fwdpBadResponseErrorMsg |
Specifies the error message that will be returned to the browser when a proxy request cannot be completed because the response was malformed. |
CR Example¶
Following is an example F5BigHttpSetting
apiVersion: k8s.f5net.com/v1
kind: F5BigHttpSetting
name: "cnf-http-profile"
namespace: "cnf-gateway"
lwsMaxColumn: 80
maxHeaderSize: 32768
hstsMaximumAge: 16070400
CR shortName¶
CR shortNames provide an easy way to view installed CRs, and their configuration parameters. The CR shortName can also be used to delete the CR instance. The F5BigHttpSetting
CR shortName is httpset.
View CR instance:
oc get httpset -n <namespace>
View CR configuration:
oc get httpset -n <namespace> -o yaml
Default profile¶
After installing the BIG-IP Controller, a default F5BigHttpSetting
CR is created in each new namespace. In this example, a default F5BigHttpSetting
CR exists in the cnf-gateway namespace:
oc get f5-big-http-settings -n cnf-gateway
Following are the steps to install the F5BigHttpSetting
The example
CR modifies the lwsMaxColumn, maxHeaderSize and hstsMaximumAge parameters. Copy and paste the following example to a YAML file:apiVersion: k8s.f5net.com/v1 kind: F5BigHttpSetting metadata: name: "cnf-http-profile" namespace: "cnf-gateway" spec: lwsMaxColumn: 80 maxHeaderSize: 32768 hstsMaximumAge: 16070400
Install the
CR:oc apply -f cnf-http-cr.yaml
Following is example F5BigDnsApp CR with HTTP profile.
apiVersion: "k8s.f5net.com/v1" kind: F5BigDnsApp metadata: name: "cnf-dohapp" namespace: "cnf-gateway" spec: ipProtocol: "http2" dohProtocol: "udp" destination: ipv6Address: "2002::192:168:100:202" port: 443 dns: dnsCache: "cnf-dnscache" dns64Mode: "secondary" dns64Prefix: "64:ff9b::" dns64AdditionalSectionRewrite: "v4-only" httpSettings: "cnf-http-profile" pool: members: - address: "2002::10:10:10:100" - address: "2002::10:10:10:101"
Install F5BigDnsApp CR, run the following command:
oc apply -f f5-cnf-dohapp.yaml
In this example, the BIG-IP Controller logs indicate the F5BigDnsApp CR was added/updated:
I0202 12:00:00:12350 1 event.go:282] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"F5DnsApp", DnsApp cnf-gateway/cnf-dohapp was added/updated
The TMM Proxy Pod can now process application traffic using the F5BigHttpSetting CR.
Additional CRs¶
The F5BigHttpSetting
CR can be referenced by the F5BigDnsApp (High-performance DNS resolution, caching, and DNS64 translations) CR.
Provide feedback to improve this document by emailing cnfdocs@f5.com.