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NGINX AppWorld Labs - Index¶
Welcome to the NGINX Modern Apps labs at AppWorld 2024
The content contained here leverages a full DevOps CI/CD pipeline and is sourced from the GitHub repository at https://github.com/f5devcentral/f5-agility-labs-nginx. Bugs and Requests for enhancements can be made by opening an Issue within the repository.
- Class 1 - Intro to NGINX Plus
- Class 2 - NGINX Plus CI/CD Lab
- Class 3 - NGINX Dataplane Scripting
- Getting Started
- Hello World [http/hello]
- Decode URI [http/decode_uri]
- Extract JWT Payload into NGINX Variable [http/authorization/jwt]
- Subrequests join [http/join_subrequests]
- Secure hash [http/authorization/secure_link_hash]
- File IO [misc/file_io]
- Complex redirects using njs file map. [http/complex_redirects]
- Injecting HTTP header using stream proxy [stream/inject_header]
- Generating JWT token [http/authorization/gen_hs_jwt]
- Choosing upstream in stream based on the underlying protocol [stream/detect_http]
- Authorizing requests using auth_request [http/authorization/auth_request]
- Authorizing requests based on request body content [http/authorization/request_body]
- Subrequests chaining [http/subrequests_chaining]
- Authorizing connections using ngx.fetch() as auth_request [stream/auth_request]
- Modifying or deleting cookies sent by the upstream server [http/response/modify_set_cookie]
- Converting response body characters to lower case [http/response/to_lower_case]
- Reading subject alternative from client certificate [http/certs/subject_alternative]
- Class 4 - Introduction to NGINX Instance Manager
- Class 5 - NGINX App Protect WAF & DoS
- NGINX App Protect WAF Overview
- Deployment Modes
- Deployment environments
- Lab Overview
- NGINX Acronyms
- NGINX App Protect WAF Terminology
- Official NGINX Documentation
- Lab Inventory
- Accessing the Lab
- Module 1 - Test Driving NGINX Plus with App Protect WAF and NGINX Instance Manager
- Module 2 - Protect the Arcadia Finance App with NGINX App Protect WAF
- Module 3 - Modern Apps NGINX App Protect WAF Deployment
- Module 4 - API Security
- Module 5 - Advanced Tools and Features
- NGINX App Protect DoS
- Topology
- Attack Scripts
- Module 6 - HTTP/2 and GRPC DoS Attack on an Unprotected Application
- Module 7 - Install and Enable NGINX App Protect DoS
- Module 8 - Establishing Application Traffic Baseline
- Module 9 - Protecting HTTP and gRPC Services from Application Layer DoS Attacks
- Module 10 - Live Activity Monitoring with NGINX App Protect DoS Dashboard
- Conclusion
- Class 6 - NGINX API Management
- Class 7 - NGINX Kubernetes Ingress Controller, the new Rancher Manager and Rancher Kubernetes Engine 2
- Class 8: Performance Tuning NGINX Plus
- Class 9: Access on NGINX Plus - Authentication for Web Access
- Class 10 - NMS API Connectivity Manager
- Module 1 - Deploying an API for a modern app
- Module 2 - Infrastructure team - Deploy Nginx instances
- Module 3 - API Team - Publish API v1.0
- Module 4 - Dev Team - Consume API v1.0
- Module 5 - API Team - Publish API v2.0
- Module 6 - Dev Team - Consume API v2.0
- Module 7 - Advanced Security Lab
- Module 8 - Observability and Monitoring
- Class 11 - F5 NGINX Plus Ingress Controller as an API Gateway for Kubernetes
- Task 00: Kubernetes Lab Environment
- Task 01: Create API Service in Kubernetes
- Task 02: Create https://jobs.local/get-job API endpoint
- Task 03: Complete the https://jobs.local Application
- Task 04: OpenAPI Spec Enforcement with NGINX App Protect
- Task 05: Authorization - Signed JSON Web Token (JWT) Validation
- Task 06: API Request Rate-Limiting
- Class 12 - The Path to Understanding Kubernetes and Containers
- Class 13 - Maximize ROI with F5 NGINX App Protect(NAP) using Observability