iRules commands and events for working with DNS queries on GTM.
- active_members - Returns the number or list of active members in the specified pool.
- AES::decrypt - Decrypt the data using the previously-created AES key.
- AES::encrypt - Encrypt the data using the previously-created AES key.
- AES::key - Creates an AES key to encrypt/decrypt data.
- b64decode - Returns a string that is base-64 decoded
- b64encode - Returns a string that is base-64 encoded. or if an error occurs. an empty string.
- class - Advanced access of classes
- cname - Causes the specified name to be sent as a CNAME response.
- cpu - The cpu usage command returns the average TMM cpu load for the given interval.
- crc32 - Returns the crc32 checksum for the specified string.
- discard - Causes the current packet or connection to be dropped/discarded. Same as the drop command.
- DNS::additional - returns, inserts, removes, or clears RRs from the additional section.
- DNS::answer - returns, inserts, removes, or clears all RRs from the answer section.
- DNS::authority - returns, inserts, removes, or clears RRs from the authority section.
- DNS::class - gets or sets the resource record class field
- DNS::disable - sets the service state to disabled for the current dns packet.
- DNS::drop - Drops the current DNS packet after the execution of the event.
- DNS::edns0 - gets (v11.0+) and sets (v11.1+) the values of the edns0 pseudo-RR
- DNS::enable - sets the service state to enabled for the current dns packet.
- DNS::header - gets (v11.0+) or sets (v11.1+) simple bits or byte fields.
- DNS::last_act - sets the action to perform if no DNS service handles this packet
- DNS::len - returns the dns packet message length.
- DNS::name - gets or sets the resource record name field
- DNS::origin - returns the originator of the DNS message
- DNS::ptype - returns the type of the DNS packet.
- DNS::query - returns or constructs and sends a query to the DNS-Express database for a name and type
- DNS::question - gets (v11.0+) or sets (v11.1+) the question field value
- DNS::rdata - gets or sets the resource record rdata field
- DNS::return - skips all further processing after TCL execution and sends the dns packet in the opposite direction.
- DNS::rr - creates a new resource record object with specified attributes or as a complete string.
- DNS::rrname - Returns the name requested by the client.
- DNS::rrtype - Returns the resource record type requested by the client.
- DNS::tsig - manipulates the current DNS message and its TSIG resource record.
- domain - Parses the specified string as a dotted domain name and returns the last portions of the domain name.
- drop - Causes the current packet or connection to be dropped/discarded. Same as the discard command.
- findstr - Finds a string within another string and returns the string starting at the offset specified from the match.
- GTM members - List all members of a given pool
- GTM persist - Returns the persistence state value. when enabled. If you specify arguments. returns the previous state value.
- host - Causes the specified server host to be used instead of load balancing.
- HSL::open - Open a handle for High Speed Logging communication
- HSL::send - Send data via High Speed Logging
- htonl - Convert the unsigned integer from host byte order to network byte order.
- htons - Convert the unsigned short integer from host byte order to network byte order.
- ifile - returns content and attributes from external files on the BIG-IP system
- log - Generates and logs a message to the syslog-ng utility.
- matchregion - Returns true/false if specified region is matched.
- md5 - Returns the RSA MD5 Message Digest Algorithm message digest of the specified string.
- member_priority - Returns the priority of the specified pool member.
- node - Sends the packet directly to the identified server node.
- nodes_up - Returns the number of up nodes behind a virtual server.
- ntohl - Convert the unsigned integer from network byte order to host byte order.
- ntohs - Convert the unsigned short integer from network byte order to host byte order.
- pool - Causes the system to load balance traffic to the specified pool or pool member regardless of monitor status.
- pools - Returns the number of pools or a list of pools in the wideIP
- qos_score - allows computation of qos_score for use in iRules
- qos_weight - allows examination and manipulation of QoS weights
- reject - Causes the connection to be rejected.
- return - Causes immediate exit from the currently executing event in the currently executing iRule.
- rmd160 - Returns the RIPEMD-160 message digest of the specified string.
- server_port - Returns the TCP port/service number of the specified server.
- sha1 - Returns the SHA version 1.0 message digest of the specified string.
- sha256 - Returns the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA2) 256-bit message digest of the specified string.
- sha384 - Returns the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA2) 384-bit message digest of the specified string.
- sha512 - Returns the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA2) 512-bit message digest of the specified string.
- substr - A custom iRule function which returns a substring from a string
- TMM::cmp_count - Provides the active number of TMM instances running.
- TMM::cmp_group - Returns the number (0-x) of the group of the CPU executing the rule. Typically a group refers to the blade number on a chassis system. and is always 0 on other platforms.
- TMM::cmp_unit - Returns the number (0-x) of the CPU executing the rule.
- ttl - Overrides the default time-to-live value for DNS responses
- uptime - Returns the number of seconds the local GTM has been up.
- URI::basename - Extracts the basename part of a given uri string.
- URI::compare - Compares two URI’s for equality.
- URI::decode - Returns a decoded version of a given URI.
- URI::encode - Returns an encoded version of a given URI.
- URI::host - Returns the host portion of a given URI.
- URI::path - Returns the path portion of the given URI.
- URI::port - Returns the host port from the given URI.
- URI::protocol - Returns the protocol of the given URI.
- URI::query - Returns the query string portion of the given URI or the value of a query string parameter.
- whereami - Returns the datacenter name for the local GTM.
- whereis - Returns geographical information on an IP address.
- whoami - Returns the server name for the local GTM.
- wideip - Returns information about the wideIP upon which the request arrived.
- X509::cert_fields - Returns a list of X509 certificate fields to be added to HTTP headers for ModSSL behavior.
- X509::extensions - Returns the X509 extensions set on an X509 certificate.
- X509::hash - Returns the MD5 hash (fingerprint) of an X509 certificate.
- X509::issuer - Returns the issuer of an X509 certificate.
- X509::not_valid_after - Returns the not-valid-after date of an X509 certificate.
- X509::not_valid_before - Returns the not-valid-before date of an X509 certificate.
- X509::serial_number - Returns the serial number of an X509 certificate.
- X509::signature_algorithm - Returns the signature algorithm of an X509 certificate.
- X509::subject - Returns the subject of an X509 certificate.
- X509::subject_public_key - Returns the subject’s public key of an X509 certificate.
- X509::subject_public_key_RSA_bits - Returns the size of the subject’s public RSA key of an X509 certificate.
- X509::subject_public_key_type - Returns the subject’s public key type of an X509 certificate.
- X509::version - Returns the version number of an X509 certificate.
- X509::whole - Returns an X509 certificate in PEM format.
- UDP::client_port - Returns the UDP port/service number of a client system.
- UDP::server_port - Returns the UDP port/service number of a server system.
- TCP::client_port - Returns the remote TCP port/service number of the clientside TCP connection.
- TCP::server_port - Returns the remote TCP port/service number of the serverside TCP connection.
- IP::addr - Performs comparison of IP address/subnet/supernet to IP address/subnet/supernet. or parses 4 binary bytes into an IPv4 dotted quad address.
- IP::client_addr - Returns the client IP address of a connection
- IP::local_addr - Returns the IP address of the virtual server the client is connected to or the self-ip LTM is connected from.
- IP::protocol - Returns the IP protocol value.
- IP::remote_addr - Returns the IP address of the host on the far end of the connection.
- IP::server_addr - Returns the server’s IP address.
- IP::reputation - Looks up the supplied IP address in the IP intelligence (reputation) database and returns a TCL list containing reputation categories
- LB::server - Returns information about the currently selected server
- LB::status - Returns the status of a node address or pool member.
- DNS_REQUEST - Triggered when the system receives a DNS request.
- DNS_RESPONSE - Triggered when the system responds to a DNS request.
- LB_FAILED - Triggered when the system fails to select a pool or a pool member. or when a selected resource is unreachable.
- LB_SELECTED - Triggered when the system selects a pool member.
- RULE_INIT - Triggered when an iRule is added or is modified.