iRules Reference

Summary: The definitive source for information on iRules


  • 20linesorless - Colin’s 20 Lines or Less Blog Series
  • ACCESS_ACL_ALLOWED - This event is triggered when a resource request passes the access control criteria and is allowed to go through the ACCESS filter. This event is only triggered for the resource requests and …
  • ACCESS_ACL_DENIED - This event is triggered when a resource request fails to meet the access control criteria and is denied access.
  • ACCESS_PER_REQUEST_AGENT_EVENT - allows admin to execute an iRule logic (inside TMM) at a desired point in the per-request access policy execution
  • ACCESS_POLICY_AGENT_EVENT - This event provides glue between iRule execution and access policy execution.
  • ACCESS_POLICY_COMPLETED - This event is triggered when the access policy execution completes for a user session.
  • ACCESS_SAML_ASSERTION - triggered when the SAML assertion payload is generated for a user session.
  • ACCESS_SAML_AUTHN - triggered when the SAML authentication request payload is generated for a user session.
  • ACCESS_SAML_SLO_REQ - triggered when the SAML single logout request payload is generated for a user session.
  • ACCESS_SAML_SLO_RESP - triggered when the SAML single logout response payload is generated for a user session
  • ACCESS_SESSION_CLOSED - This event is triggered when a user session is removed due to a user logging out explicitly. timeout or if terminated explicitly by admin.
  • ACCESS_SESSION_STARTED - This event is triggered when a new user session is created. This is triggered after creating the session context and initial session variables related to user’s source IP. browser capabiliti…
  • ACCESS2_POLICY_EXPRESSION_EVAL - triggered when per-request policy branch expressions are evaluated
  • ADAPT_REQUEST_HEADERS - raised as soon as any HTTP request headers have been returned from the IVS
  • ADAPT_REQUEST_RESULT - raised after the internal virtual server returns the result of the request modification but before the potentially modified request or the original request is passed on for other processing.
  • ADAPT_RESPONSE_HEADERS - raised as soon as any HTTP response headers have been returned from the IVS
  • ADAPT_RESPONSE_RESULT - raised after the internal virtual server returns the result of the response modification but before the potentially modified response or the original response is passed on for other processing.
  • ANTIFRAUD_ALERT - Raised when an alert is received or generated
  • ANTIFRAUD_LOGIN - login event
  • ASM_REQUEST_BLOCKING - Triggered when ASM is generating the reject-response and gives the iRule a chance to modify that reject-response before it is sent.
  • ASM_REQUEST_DONE - triggered after ASM finished processing the request and found all violations of the ASM policy
  • ASM_REQUEST_VIOLATION - Triggered when ASM detects that a request violates an ASM security policy.
  • ASM_RESPONSE_VIOLATION - Triggered when ASM detects that a response violates an ASM security policy.
  • AUTH_ERROR - Triggered when an error occurs during authorization (deprecated in 9.4).
  • AUTH_FAILURE - Triggered when an unsuccessful authorization operation is completed (deprecated in 9.4).
  • AUTH_SUCCESS - Triggered when a successful authorization has completed all required authentication services (deprecated in 9.4).
  • AUTH_WANTCREDENTIAL - Triggered when an authorization operation needs an additional credential (deprecated in 9.4).
  • AVR_CSPM_INJECTION - Triggered when the AVR profile is about to insert a CSPM javascript
  • BOTDEFENSE_ACTION - Triggered immediately prior to taking an action on a transaction
  • BOTDEFENSE_REQUEST - Triggered on an HTTP request (before the payload), after Bot Defense finished processing the request, but before a decision is made on a possible action
  • CACHE_REQUEST - Triggered when the system receives a request for a cached object.
  • CACHE_RESPONSE - Triggered immediately prior to sending a cache response.
  • CACHE_UPDATE - In Progress - Add Summary Here
  • CATEGORY_MATCHED - triggered when a custom category match (or prefix match) is found
  • CLASSIFICATION_DETECTED - triggered when a flow is classified
  • CLIENT_ACCEPTED - Triggered when a client has established a connection.
  • CLIENT_CLOSED - This event is fired at the end of any client connection. regardless of protocol.
  • CLIENT_DATA - Triggered each time new data is received from the client while the connection is in “collect” state.
  • CLIENTSSL_CLIENTCERT - Triggered when the system adds an SSL client certificate to the client certificate chain.
  • CLIENTSSL_CLIENTHELLO - Triggered when the system has received the client’s SSL ClientHello message
  • CLIENTSSL_DATA - Triggered each time new SSL data is received from the client while the connection is in “collect” state.
  • CLIENTSSL_HANDSHAKE - Triggered when a client-side SSL handshake is completed.
  • CLIENTSSL_PASSTHROUGH - Triggered when the SSL receive the plaintext data and enter the passthrough mode
  • CLIENTSSL_SERVERHELLO_SEND - Triggered when the system is about to send its SSL ServerHello message on the clientside connection
  • iRules Codeshare - iRule Reference Library
  • Persistence Cookie Logging - Cookie Persistence Logging
  • DIAMETER_INGRESS - triggered when the system receives a DIAMETER message
  • DIAMETER_RETRANSMISSION - triggered when the generates a retransmitted DIAMETER request or a DIAMETER answer message
  • DIAMETER_EGRESS - triggered when the system is ready to send a DIAMETER message
  • DNS - iRules commands relating to the DNS protocol
  • DNS_REQUEST - Triggered when the system receives a DNS request.
  • DNS_RESPONSE - Triggered when the system responds to a DNS request.
  • ECA_REQUEST_ALLOWED - fired when ECA plugin successfully authenticates
  • ECA_REQUEST_DENIED - fired only when ECA plugin fails
  • EPI_NA_CHECK_HTTP_REQUEST - triggered when special http request comes
  • FIX_HEADER - Triggered when the system finishes parsing a new FIX header
  • FIX_MESSAGE - Triggered when the system finishes parsing a new FIX message.
  • FLOW_INIT - triggered (once for TCP and unique UDP/IP flows) after packet filters
  • GENERICMESSAGE_EGRESS - raised when a message is received from the proxy
  • GENERICMESSAGE_INGRESS - raised when a message is received by the generic message filter
  • GTP_GPDU_EGRESS - Triggered for a message that has GTP message-type = 255 on the connection that forwards/egresses the message.
  • GTP_GPDU_INGRESS - Triggered for a message that has GTP message-type = 255 on the connection that accepted the message.
  • GTP_PRIME_EGRESS - Triggered only for GTP prime messages for revision 1 on the connection that forwards/egresses the message.
  • GTP_PRIME_INGRESS - Triggered only for GTP prime messages for revision 1 on the connection that accepted the message.
  • GTP_SIGNALLING_EGRESS - Triggered for any GTP-message except G-PDU on the connection that forwards/egresses the message.
  • GTP_SIGNALLING_INGRESS - Triggered for any GTP-message except G-PDU on the connection that accepted the message
  • HA - iRules commands that are specifically designed to query for High Availability (HA) status.
  • HTML_COMMENT_MATCHED - is raised when an HTML comment is encountered.
  • HTML_TAG_MATCHED - is raised when an HTML tag is encountered.
  • HTTP_CLASS_FAILED - Triggered when an HTTP request is made to a virtual server with at least one HTTP class configured. and the request does not match the filters of any HTTP class.
  • HTTP_CLASS_SELECTED - Triggered when an HTTP request matches an HTTP class.
  • HTTP_DISABLED - triggered when HTTP is disabled
  • HTTP_PROXY_CONNECT - triggered when proxy chaining via use of the HTTP_PROXY_CONNECT profile
  • HTTP_PROXY_REQUEST - Triggered when a virtual server has proxy-mode explicit
  • HTTP_PROXY_RESPONSE - triggered when the response from the remote HTTP proxy is received
  • HTTP_REJECT - triggered when HTTP aborts the connection
  • HTTP_REQUEST - Triggered when the system fully parses the complete client HTTP request headers.
  • HTTP_REQUEST_DATA - Triggered when an HTTP::collect command has collected the specified amount of request data.
  • HTTP_REQUEST_SEND - Triggered immediately before an HTTP request is sent to the server-side TCP stack.
  • HTTP_RESPONSE - Triggered when the system parses all of the response status and header lines from the server response.
  • HTTP_RESPONSE_CONTINUE - Triggered whenever the system receives a 100 Continue response from the server.
  • HTTP_RESPONSE_DATA - Triggered when an HTTP::collect command has collected the specified amount of response data.
  • HTTP_REQUEST_RELEASE - Triggered when the system is about to release HTTP data on the serverside of the connection.
  • HTTP_RESPONSE_RELEASE - Triggered when the system is about to release HTTP data on the clientside of the connection.
  • ICAP_REQUEST - raised after an ICAP command has been created but before it has been sent to an ICAP server
  • ICAP_RESPONSE - raised after an ICAP response has been processed but before the result is sent back to the HTTP adaptation virtual server
  • IN_DOSL7_ATTACK - Triggered when ASM detects that a request violates an ASM security policy for Denial of Service attacks
  • IVS_ENTRY_REQUEST - The internal virtual server has received a request from the parent virtual server (client side).
  • IVS_ENTRY_RESPONSE - The internal virtual server has received a response from the parent virtual server
  • L7CHECK_CLIENT_DATA - triggered each time new ingress data is received from client
  • L7CHECK_SERVER_DATA - triggered each time new ingress data is received from server
  • LB::class - Provides the name of the traffic class that matched the connection
  • LB_FAILED - Triggered when the system fails to select a pool or a pool member. or when a selected resource is unreachable.
  • LB_SELECTED - Triggered when the system selects a pool member.
  • LB_QUEUED - serverside event triggered when a connection limit it hit at the pool or pool member level.
  • MQTT_CLIENT_DATA - triggers when an a prior MQTT::collect command finishes
  • MQTT_CLIENT_EGRESS - triggered when an MQTT message is sent to client-side
  • MQTT_CLIENT_INGRESS - triggers when an MQTT message is received from client-side
  • MQTT_CLIENT_SHUTDOWN - triggered when MQTT client closes TCP connection
  • MQTT_SERVER_DATA - triggers when server-side payload data collection invoked using MQTT::collect finishes
  • MQTT_SERVER_EGRESS - triggered when an MQTT message is sent to server-side
  • MQTT_SERVER_INGRESS - triggers when an MQTT message is received from server-side
  • MR_EGRESS - raised after the route has been selected and processed and the message is delivered to the mr_proxy
  • MR_INGRESS - raised when a message is received by the message proxy and before a route lookup occurs
  • MR_FAILED - raised when a message has been returned to the originating flow due to a routing failure
  • NAME_RESOLVED - Triggered after a NAME::lookup command has been issued and a response has been received.
  • PCP_REQUEST - triggered on receipt of a valid PCP request from a client
  • PCP_RESPONSE - Triggered when a PCP response, successful or not, is returned to the client.
  • PEM_POLICY - PEM_POLICY is an event which gets triggerd upon PEM policy attach and update to a flow
  • PEM_POLICY - This event only works with PEM iRule
  • PERSIST_DOWN - Triggered when persistence dictates that a connection would be sent to a pool or a pool member or node which has been marked down.
  • PING_REQUEST_READY - triggered when TMM has assembled an HTTP request to PingAccess policy server
  • PING_RESPONSE_READY - triggered when TMM has received an HTTP response from PingAccess policy server
  • Pinhole/Pinpoint DNS - Change DNS records requested from a resolver pool on the fly
  • Project BAIU - Basic to Advanced IP & UserID Rate Limiter - World first, most advanced IP & UserID rate limiter available
  • PROTOCOL_INSPECTION_MATCH - Triggered when protocol inspection is matched for this flow
  • QOE_PARSE_DONE - triggered when the system finishes parsing the static video parameters from video header part.
  • REWRITE_REQUEST_DONE - always triggered after the ACCESS_ACL_ALLOWED event when a Portal Access resource is accessed.
  • REWRITE_RESPONSE_DONE - only trigged when the REWRITE_REQUEST_DONE event calls REWRITE::post_process on.
  • RTSP_REQUEST - Triggered after a complete request has been received from either the client or the server.
  • RTSP_REQUEST_DATA - Triggered whenever an RTSP::collect command finishes processing.
  • RTSP_RESPONSE - Triggered after a complete response has been received from either the client or the server.
  • RTSP_RESPONSE_DATA - Triggered when collection of response data is finished.
  • RULE_INIT - Triggered when an iRule is added or is modified.
  • SA_PICKED - triggered after source translation is completed.
  • SERVER_CLOSED - This event is triggered when the server side connection closes.
  • SERVER_CONNECTED - Triggered when a connection has been established with the target node.
  • SERVER_DATA - Triggered when new data is received from the target node after TCP::collect command has been issued.
  • SERVER_INIT - triggered when BIG-IP has been configured to collect options and serverside TCP SYN is sent
  • SERVERSSL_CLIENTHELLO_SEND - Triggered when the system is about to send its SSL ClientHello message.
  • SERVERSSL_DATA - Triggered when new SSL data is received from the target node after SSL::collect command has been issued.
  • SERVERSSL_HANDSHAKE - Triggered when a server-side SSL handshake is completed.
  • SERVERSSL_SERVERCERT - triggered when the system finishes the server certificate verification
  • SERVERSSL_SERVERHELLO - Triggered when the system has received the server’s SSL ServerHello message.
  • SIP_CLIENT_MSG - In Progress - Add Summary Here
  • SIP_REQUEST - Triggered when the system fully parses a complete client SIP request header.
  • SIP_REQUEST_DONE - aised when a request message is received from the proxy after routing
  • SIP_REQUEST_SEND - Triggered immediately before a SIP request is sent to the server-side TCP stack.
  • SIP_RESPONSE - Triggered when a SIP Response is received from the Server
  • SIP_RESPONSE_DONE - raised when a request message is received from the proxy after routing
  • SIP_RESPONSE_SEND - Triggered …
  • SIP_SERVER_MSG - In Progress - Add Summary Here
  • SOCKS_REQUEST - triggered upon receipt of a SOCKS command on a SOCKS connection, before authentication is done.
  • STREAM_MATCHED - Triggered when a stream expression matches.
  • TDS_REQUEST - triggered when a TDS request message is received.
  • TDS_RESPONSE - triggered when a TDS response message is received.
  • USER_REQUEST - triggered by command TCP::notify request.
  • USER_RESPONSE - Triggered by command TCP::notify response
  • WS_CLIENT_DATA - raised when the system collects the specified amount of data via the WS::collect command
  • WS_CLIENT_FRAME - raised to indicate the start of a Websocket frame received from the client
  • WS_CLIENT_FRAME_DONE - aised to indicate the end of a Websocket frame received from the client
  • WS_REQUEST - raised when certain headers are present in the client request
  • WS_RESPONSE - raised when certain headers are present in the server response
  • WS_SERVER_DATA - raised when the system collects the specified amount of data via the WS::collect command
  • WS_SERVER_FRAME - raised to indicate the start of a Websocket frame received from the server.
  • WS_SERVER_FRAME_DONE - raised to indicate the end of a Websocket frame received from the server
  • XML_BEGIN_DOCUMENT - Triggered before the XML document gets parsed.
  • XML_BEGIN_ELEMENT - Triggered when the parser has encountered the start of an element.
  • XML_CDATA - Triggered when the parser has encountered character data (CDATA).
  • XML_CONTENT_BASED_ROUTING - Triggered when a match is found in the XML profile.
  • XML_END_ELEMENT - Triggered when the parser has encountered the end of an element.
  • XML_EVENT - A generic “catch-all” event that is triggered for all XML events.



  • 20linesorless - Colin’s 20 Lines or Less Blog Series
  • b64decode - Returns a string that is base-64 decoded
  • b64encode - Returns a string that is base-64 encoded. or if an error occurs. an empty string.
  • class - Advanced access of classes
  • crc32 - Returns the crc32 checksum for the specified string.
  • decode_uri - Decodes the specified string using HTTP URI encoding.
  • DNS::rrname - Returns the name requested by the client.
  • DNS::rrtype - Returns the resource record type requested by the client.
  • domain - Parses the specified string as a dotted domain name and returns the last portions of the domain name.
  • findclass - Searches a data group list for a member that starts with a specified string and returns the data-group member string.
  • findstr - Finds a string within another string and returns the string starting at the offset specified from the match.
  • getfield - Splits a string on a character or string. and returns the string corresponding to the specific field.
  • matchclass - Performs comparison against the contents of data group.
  • md5 - Returns the RSA MD5 Message Digest Algorithm message digest of the specified string.
  • Project BAIU - Basic to Advanced IP & UserID Rate Limiter - World first, most advanced IP & UserID rate limiter available
  • sha1 - Returns the SHA version 1.0 message digest of the specified string.
  • sha256 - Returns the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA2) 256-bit message digest of the specified string.
  • sha384 - Returns the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA2) 384-bit message digest of the specified string.
  • sha512 - Returns the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA2) 512-bit message digest of the specified string.
  • substr - A custom iRule function which returns a substring from a string
  • whereis - Returns geographical information on an IP address.


  • == - Tests if one token matches another token.
  • and - Performs a logical “and” comparison between two values.
  • contains - Tests if one string contains another string.
  • ends_with - Tests if one string ends with another string.
  • equals - Tests if one string equals another string.
  • if - Examines the supplied conditional and executes the following code if the result is true.
  • matches_glob - Implement glob style matching within a comparison
  • matches_regex - Tests if one string matches a regular expression.
  • not - Performs a logical “not” on a value.
  • or - Performs a logical “or” comparison between two values.
  • Project BAIU - Basic to Advanced IP & UserID Rate Limiter - World first, most advanced IP & UserID rate limiter available
  • starts_with - Tests if one string starts_with another string
  • static - A namespace for creating global variables that hold constant values. in a CMP-compatible fashion
  • switch - Evaluates one of several scripts. depending on a given value.
  • “tcl operators” - Tests if one token matches another token.
  • 20linesorless - Colin’s 20 Lines or Less Blog Series
  • contains - Tests if one string contains another string.
  • DNS - iRules commands relating to the DNS protocol

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