Master list of iRule Commands¶
- AAA::acct_result - used to check whether the accounting information is sent successfully to IVS or not
- AAA::acct_send - used to send user accouting information to IVS virtual
- AAA::auth_result - used to check whether the authentication information is sent successfully to IVS or not
- AAA::auth_send - used to send user authentication information to IVS virtual
- ACCESS::acl - Poll or enforce ACLs in your connections
- ACCESS::disable - Control enforcement for a particular request URI
- ACCESS::enable - enables the access control enforcement for a particular request URI
- ACCESS::flowid - set/get the flow id for SSL Orchestrator using APM logging framework
- ACCESS::log - logs a message using APM logging framework
- ACCESS::oauth - returns a JSON Web Signature token
- ACCESS::perflow - String of perflow variable; empty if value isn’t set
- ACCESS::policy - Return information about access policies
- ACCESS::respond - This command generates new respond and automatically overrides the default respond.
- ACCESS::restrict_irule_events - Enable or disable HTTP and higher layer iRule events for the internal APM access control URIs
- ACCESS::saml - allows you to retrieve or manipulate SAML related messages
- ACCESS::session - Access or manipulate session information.
- ACCESS::user - Returns user ID information
- ACCESS::uuid - enumerates the session IDs that belongs to a specified uuid key by the order of its creation and provides them in a Tcl list
- ACCESS2::access2_proc - return the TCL procedure registered for currently executing per-request policy expression.
- ACL::action - allows you to determine the ACL action in the FLOW_INIT event
- ACL::eval - enforces ACLs in your connections
- ADAPT::allow - sets or returns the allow attribute
- ADAPT::context_create - creates a new dynamic context on the specified or current side
- ADAPT::context_current - returns a handle for the current context
- ADAPT::context_delete_all - deletes all dynamic contexts on both sides of the virtual server
- ADAPT::context_name - returns the name of a context
- ADAPT::context_static - returns a handle for the static context of the current or specified side
- ADAPT::enable - sets or returns the enable attribute
- ADAPT::preview_size - sets or returns the preview-size attribute.
- ADAPT::result - sets or returns the adaption result code.
- ADAPT::select - sets or returns the internal-virtual attribute
- ADAPT::service_down_action - sets or returns the service_down_action attribute.
- ADAPT::timeout - sets or returns the timeout attribute
- ADM::health - Return health value as integer. Lower values are good health
- ADM::is_ip_slowdown - Returns TRUE if source IP exists in greylist table
- ADM::is_mitigated - Returns TRUE if certain HTTP request was mitigated by ADM
- AES::decrypt - Decrypt the data using the previously-created AES key.
- AES::encrypt - Encrypt the data using the previously-created AES key.
- AES::key - Creates an AES key to encrypt/decrypt data.
- ANTIFRAUD::alert_additional_info - returns a list of keys and values that describes integrity parameters check failure or parameter values too long error
- ANTIFRAUD::alert_bait_signatures - returns the bait signatures in an escaped base64 format
- ANTIFRAUD::alert_component - returns the error type according to alert_type
- ANTIFRAUD::alert_defined_value - returns defined (configured) value.
- ANTIFRAUD::alert_details - returns or sets alert details
- ANTIFRAUD::alert_device_id - returns flash GUID
- ANTIFRAUD::alert_expected_value - returns expected (verified) value
- ANTIFRAUD::alert_fingerprint - returns fingerprint data collected on client side
- ANTIFRAUD::alert_forbidden_added_element - returns forbidden added HTML element and its content, in an escaped base64 format
- ANTIFRAUD::alert_guid - returns GUID that is used to identify which users have been infected with malware before the user logs in
- ANTIFRAUD::alert_html - returns the whole HTML in an escaped base64 format
- ANTIFRAUD::alert_http_referrer - returns HTTP referrer
- ANTIFRAUD::alert_id - returns an alert id
- ANTIFRAUD::alert_license_id - returns crc32 of the license id in hex
- ANTIFRAUD::alert_min - returns variable data from client side for the alert
- ANTIFRAUD::alert_origin - returns the origin of the alert, e.g. clientside, serverside or secure alert cookie.
- ANTIFRAUD::alert_resolved_value - returns resolved (actual) value.
- ANTIFRAUD::alert_score - returns the alert severity
- ANTIFRAUD::alert_transaction_data - returns key-value list of all parameters marked to be attached
- ANTIFRAUD::alert_transaction_id - returns HTTP transaction ID
- ANTIFRAUD::alert_type - returns the alert type
- ANTIFRAUD::alert_username - returns a username and for phishing also additional fields
- ANTIFRAUD::alert_view_id - returns the configured URL and view which triggered this alert
- ANTIFRAUD::client_id - returns client id collected on client side
- ANTIFRAUD::device_id - returns device id generated by bigip
- ANTIFRAUD::disable - disables the anti-fraud plugin
- ANTIFRAUD::disable_alert - disables the current alert
- ANTIFRAUD::disable_app_layer_encryption - disables application layer encryption for the current transaction
- ANTIFRAUD::disable_auto_transactions - disables automatic transactions for the current transaction
- ANTIFRAUD::disable_injection - disables Anti-Fraud injections for the current transaction.
- ANTIFRAUD::disable_malware - disables malware detection for the current transaction
- ANTIFRAUD::disable_phishing - disables phishing detection for the current transaction
- ANTIFRAUD::enable - enables the anti-fraud plugin
- ANTIFRAUD::enable_log - enables Anti-Fraud TMM logs for the current transaction
- ANTIFRAUD::fingerprint - returns fingerprint data collected on the client side
- ANTIFRAUD::geo - returns L3 geoIP and geolocation collected by client
- ANTIFRAUD::guid - returns GUID value, only in context of ANTIFRAUD_LOGIN event
- ANTIFRAUD::result - returns result of login validation
- ACCESS::acl - Poll or enforce ACLs in your connections
- ACCESS::disable - Control enforcement for a particular request URI
- ACCESS::enable - enables the access control enforcement for a particular request URI
- ACCESS::log - logs a message using APM logging framework
- ACCESS::oauth - returns a JSON Web Signature token
- ACCESS::policy - Return information about access policies
- ACCESS::respond - This command generates new respond and automatically overrides the default respond.
- ACCESS::restrict_irule_events - Enable or disable HTTP and higher layer iRule events for the internal APM access control URIs
- ACCESS::session - Access or manipulate session information.
- ACCESS::user - Returns user ID information
- ACCESS::uuid - enumerates the session IDs that belongs to a specified uuid key by the order of its creation and provides them in a Tcl list
- REWRITE::disable - Changes the REWRITE plugin from full patching mode to passthrough mode.
- REWRITE::enable - Changes the REWRITE plugin from passthrough to full patching mode.
- REWRITE::payload - Queries for or manipulates REWRITE payload.
- REWRITE::post_process - Toggle post processing functionality
- WEBSSO::disable - Forwards a request without doing SSO processing on it.
- WEBSSO::enable - Causes APM to do the SSO processing on a request.
- WEBSSO::select - Use specified SSO configuration object to do SSO for the HTTP request
- ASM::captcha - Responds with a CAPTCHA challenge
- ASM::captcha_age - Returns the age of the CAPTCHA challenge in seconds
- ASM::captcha_status - Returns the status of the user’s answer to the CAPTCHA challenge
- ASM::client_ip - Returns the IP address of the end client that sent the present request
- ASM::deception - Marks a request as deceptive for further enforcement by ASM.
- ASM::disable - Disables plugin processing on the connection.
- ASM::enable - Enables plugin processing on the connection.
- ASM::fingerprint - returns the FP id if available
- ASM::is_authenticated - Returns true if the user in the present request is logged in
- ASM::login_status - Request status of the login session tracked by one of the login pages defined in the policy.
- ASM::microservice - returns the microservice matched for the request
- ASM::payload - This command retrieves or replaces the payload collected by ASM.
- ASM::policy - Returns the ASM policy applied on the request
- ASM::raise - Issues a user-defined violation on the present request
- ASM::severity - Returns the overall severity of the violations found in the transaction (both request and response)
- ASM::signature - returns the list of signatures
- ASM::status - Returns the current status of the request or response
- ASM::support_id - Returns the support id of the present HTTP transaction
- ASM::threat_campaign - Returns the list of threat campaigns
- ASM::unblock - Overrides the blocking action for a request that had blocking violation
- ASM::uncaptcha - Overrides the CAPTCHA action
- ASM::username - request username from a login attempt throughout the login session.
- ASM::violation - Returns the list of violations found in the present request or response together with details on each one
- ASM::violation_data - This command exposes violation data using a multiple buffers instance
- DOSL7::disable - Disables blocking and detection of DoS attacks according to the ASM security policy configuration
- DOSL7::enable - Enables blocking and detection of DoS attacks according to the ASM security policy configuration
- DOSL7::profile - returns the DOS profile from which the L7-DoS policy is extracted
- ASN1::decode - used to decode ASN.1 records
- ASN1::element - returns ASN1.1 record elements
- ASN1::encode - used to encode ASN.1 records
- AUTH::abort - Cancels any outstanding auth operations in this authentication session.
- AUTH::authenticate - Performs a new authentication operation.
- AUTH::authenticate_continue - Continues an authentication operation.
- AUTH::cert_credential - Sets the peer certificate credential to the value of a peer certificate for a future AUTH::authenticate call.
- AUTH::cert_issuer_credential - Sets the peer certificate issuer credential to the value of for a future AUTH::authenticate call.
- AUTH::last_event_session_id - Returns the session ID of the last auth event
- AUTH::password_credential - Sets the password credential to the specified string for a future AUTH::authenticate call.
- AUTH::response_data - Returns pairwise auth query results
- AUTH::ssl_cc_ldap_status - Returns the status from the last successful client certificate-based LDAP query.
- AUTH::ssl_cc_ldap_username - Returns a user name that the system retrieved from the LDAP database.
- AUTH::start - Initializes an authentication session.
- AUTH::status - Returns authentication status.
- AUTH::subscribe - Registers interest in auth query results.
- AUTH::unsubscribe - Cancels interest in auth query results.
- AUTH::username_credential - Sets the username credential to a string. for a future AUTH::authenticate call.
- AUTH::wantcredential_prompt - Returns a string for an authorization session authid’s credential prompt.
- AUTH::wantcredential_prompt_style - Returns an authorization session authid’s credential prompt style.
- AUTH::wantcredential_type - Returns an authorization session authid’s credential type
- AVR::disable - Disables the AVR plugin for the current connection
- AVR::enable - Enables the AVR plugin for the current connection
- AVR::log - logs an event for stats.
- AVR::disable_cspm_injection - Disables the injection of CSPM javascript to the response payload
- BOTDEFENSE::action - Returns the action to be taken by Bot Defense
- BOTDEFENSE::bot_anomalies - returns the list of names of anomalies detected for the client that sent the current request
- BOTDEFENSE::bot_categories - returns the list of category names to which the current client belongs
- BOTDEFENSE::bot_name - returns the name assigned to the detected bot, browser or mobile application
- BOTDEFENSE::bot_signature - returns the name of the detected Bot Signature
- BOTDEFENSE::bot_signature_category - returns the name of the detected Bot Signature Category
- BOTDEFENSE::captcha_age - Returns the age of the CAPTCHA challenge in seconds
- BOTDEFENSE::captcha_status - Returns the status of the user’s answer to the CAPTCHA challenge
- BOTDEFENSE::client_class - returns the classification of the client based on the current request and its browsing history
- BOTDEFENSE::client_type - returns the type of the client that sent the request
- BOTDEFENSE::cookie_age - Returns the age of the Bot Defense cookie in seconds
- BOTDEFENSE::cookie_status - Returns the status of the Bot Defense cookie
- BOTDEFENSE::cs_allowed - Returns or sets if the client-side actions are allowed
- BOTDEFENSE::cs_attribute - Queries for or sets attributes for the client-side challenge
- BOTDEFENSE::cs_possible - Returns “true” or “false” based on whether it is possible to take one of the client-side actions
- BOTDEFENSE::device_id - Returns a number, representing the Device ID of the client, as retrieved from the request
- BOTDEFENSE::disable - Disables processing and blocking of the request by Bot Defense
- BOTDEFENSE::enable - Enables processing and blocking of the request by Bot Defense
- BOTDEFENSE::intent-
returns the intent found for the bot that sent the current request
returns the micro-service that matched the current request
- BOTDEFENSE::previous_action - returns the action taken by the previous request
- BOTDEFENSE::previous_request_age - returns the number of seconds that passed since the previous request was received
- BOTDEFENSE::previous_support_id - returns the Support ID of the previous request
- BOTDEFENSE::reason - Returns the reason that lead Bot Defense to decide on the action to be taken
- BOTDEFENSE::support_id - returns the support ID of the request
- BWC::color - allows a category assignment to dynamic policies
- BWC::debug - used for troubleshooting a bwc
policy instance
- BWC::mark - assign tos and qos values to a flow
- BWC::measure - start or stop measurement on a per policy or on a per flow basis
- BWC::policy - Attach/Detach a bandwidth policy to a flow
- BWC::pps - allows modification of the packets per second for the session
- BWC::priority - map a policy instance or category to a priority class of a priority group
- BWC::rate - allows for a different bandwidth be set on dynamic policies
- CACHE::accept_encoding - Overrides the accept_encoding value used by the cache to store the cached content.
- CACHE::age - Returns the age of the document in the cache.
- CACHE::disable - Disables the caching for this request.
- CACHE::enable - Forces the document to be cached.
- CACHE::expire - Forces the document to be revalidated from the server.
- CACHE::fresh - Returns state of freshness
flag for request
- CACHE::header - Get the content of an Header related to an object stored in the RamCache.
- CACHE::headers - Returns the HTTP headers of the cache response.
- CACHE::hits - Returns the document cache hits.
- CACHE::payload - Returns the HTTP payload of the cache response.
- CACHE::priority - Adds a priority to cached documents.
- CACHE::trace - Dump the list of cached objects for a HTTP profile where RAM cache is enabled.
- CACHE::uri - Overrides the URI value used by the cache to store the cached content.
- CACHE::useragent - Overrides the useragent value used by the cache to reference the cached content.
- CACHE::userkey - Allows users to add user-defined values to the key used by the cache to reference the cached content.
- CATEGORY::analytics - enables or disables the analytics server on a per request basis
- CATEGORY::filetype - checks for the mime type and mime subtype of an HTTP request payload
- CATEGORY::matchtype - stores the match result in the specified variable
- CATEGORY::result - Returns a list of categories or safe search parameters
- CATEGORY::safesearch - checks for safe search parameters for the given URL
- CATEGORY::lookup - returns the category of the supplied URL
- CLASSIFICATION::app - provides classification for the most explicit application name
- CLASSIFICATION::category - provides classification category name
- CLASSIFICATION::disable - disables classification for the current flow
- CLASSIFICATION::enable - enables classification for the current flow
- CLASSIFICATION::protocol - provides classification for the least explicit application name
- CLASSIFICATION::result - provides classification results.
- CLASSIFICATION::urlcat - provides classification url category name
- CLASSIFICATION::username - returns username associated with classification results
- CLASSIFY::application - allows you to set or add an app name to the classification.
- CLASSIFY::category - allows you to set or add a category name to the classification
- CLASSIFY::defer - defers the classification of the flow to response
- CLASSIFY::disable - disables the classification of the flow
- CLASSIFY::urlcat - allows you to set or add an url category to the classification.
- CLASSIFY::username - assigns the username to the flow
- COMPRESS::buffer_size - Sets the compression buffer size.
- COMPRESS::disable - Disables compression for the current HTTP response.
- COMPRESS::enable - Enables compression for the current HTTP response.
- COMPRESS::gzip - Sets HTTP data compression criteria.
- COMPRESS::method - Specifies the preferred compression algorithm.
- COMPRESS::nodelay - desc tbd
- CONNECTOR::disable - Disable all the connectors on chain.
- CONNECTOR::enable - Enable all the connectors on chain.
- CONNECTOR::profile - Get connector profile name.
- CONNECTOR::remap - Set client/server IP/Port from connector.
- CRYPTO::decrypt - decrypts data.
- CRYPTO::encrypt - encrypts data
- CRYPTO::hash - generates a hash on a piece of data
- CRYPTO::keygen - used to generate keys that can be used to encrypt and sign data
- CRYPTO::sign - used to provide a digital signature of a block of data.
- CRYPTO::verify - used to verify a signed block of data
- DATAGRAM::dns - returns DNS header information
- DATAGRAM::ip - returns ip header information
- DATAGRAM::ip6 - returns ipv6 header information
- DATAGRAM::l2 - returns Layer 2 destination address
- DATAGRAM::tcp - returns tcp header information.
- DATAGRAM::udp - returns UDP payload information
- DHCP::version - returns the DHCP version
- DHCPv4::hlen - Returns hlen (hardware len) field from DHCPv4 message
- DHCPv4::htype - Returns htype (hardware type) field from DHCPv4 message
- DHCPv4::chaddr - Returns chaddr (client hardware address) from DHCPv4 message
- DHCPv4::ciaddr - Returns ciaddr (client IP) field from DHCPv4 message
- DHCPv4::drop - Drops the packet silently
- DHCPv4::giaddr - Returns giaddr (gateway or relay IP) field from DHCPv4 message
- DHCPv4::hops - Returns hops (num. of hops) field from DHCPv4 message
- DHCPv4::len - Returns the length of the DHCP packet length
- DHCPv4::opcode - Returns opcode field from DHCPv4 message
- DHCPv4::option - Retrieves or sets the option by id number x
- DHCPv4::reject - Drops the packet while sending ICMP packet about the drop reason
- DHCPv4::secs - Returns xid (transaction ID) field from DHCPv4 message
- DHCPv4::siaddr - Returns siaddr (server IP) field from DHCPv4 message
- DHCPv4::type - Returns type of DHCPv4 message
- DHCPv4::xid - Returns xid (transaction ID) field from DHCPv4 message
- DHCPv4::yiaddr - Returns yiaddr (your IP) field from DHCPv4 message
- DHCPv6::drop - Drops the packet silently
- DHCPv6::hop_count - Returns hop-count field from DHCPv6 RELAY message
- DHCPv6::len - Returns the length of the DHCP packet length
- DHCPv6::link_address - Returns link address field from DHCPv6 RELAY message
- DHCPv6::msg_type - Returns msg-type field from DHCPv6 message
- DHCPv6::option - Retrieves, sets or deletes the option by id number x
- DHCPv6::peer_address - Returns peer address field from DHCPv6 RELAY message
- DHCPv6::reject - Drops the packet while sending ICMP packet about the drop reason
- DHCPv6::transaction_id - Returns transaction-id field from DHCPv6 message
- DIAMETER::avp - detailed access to diameter attribute-value pairs
- DIAMETER::command - gets or sets the command-code
- DIAMETER::disconnect - sends Disconnect-Peer-Request to client or server based on context.
- DIAMETER::drop - drops the current message quietly
- DIAMETER::header - gets or sets the DIAMETER header fields
- DIAMETER::host - gets or sets the value of the origin-host or destination-host attribute-value pair
- DIAMETER::is_request - returns true if it is a DIAMETER request, otherwise returns false
- DIAMETER::is_response - returns true if it is a DIAMETER response, otherwise, returns false.
- DIAMETER::is_retransmission - returns true if the current message is a retransmitted request
- DIAMETER::length - gets diameter message length
- DIAMETER::message - returns the whole Diameter message as a TCL string object.
- DIAMETER::payload - gets or sets DIAMETER message payload
- DIAMETER::persist - returns the persistence key being used for the current message
- DIAMETER::realm - gets or sets the value of the origin-realm or destination-realm attribute-value pair.
- DIAMETER::respond - send message to client or server (based on context)
- DIAMETER::result - gets or sets the value of the result-code attribute-value pair.
- DIAMETER::retransmission - allows the setting or getting of the current message’s retransmission settings
- DIAMETER::retransmission_default - gets or sets the current connection’s retransmission settings
- DIAMETER::retransmission_reason - returns the reason the current request was retransmitted
- DIAMETER::retransmit - triggers the request associated to the current answer message for retransmission
- DIAMETER::retry - tries to send the Diameter message contained in the binary array “binary_message”
- DIAMETER::route_status - returns the routing status of the current message
- DIAMETER::session - gets or sets the session-id attribute-value pair
- DIAMETER::skip_capabilities_exchange - skip capabilities exchange
when establishing a peering relationship
- DIAMETER::state - returns the current state of the Diameter peer’s connection
- DNS::additional - returns, inserts, removes, or clears RRs from the additional section.
- DNS::answer - returns, inserts, removes, or clears all RRs from the answer section.
- DNS::authority - returns, inserts, removes, or clears RRs from the authority section.
- DNS::class - gets or sets the resource record class field
- DNS::disable - sets the service state to disabled for the current dns packet.
- DNS::drop - Drops the current DNS packet after the execution of the event.
- DNS::edns0 - gets (v11.0+) and sets (v11.1+) the values of the edns0 pseudo-RR
- DNS::enable - sets the service state to enabled for the current dns packet.
- DNS::header - gets (v11.0+) or sets (v11.1+) simple bits or byte fields.
- DNS::is_wideip - returns status (true/false) if a string is a configured wide IP.
- DNS::last_act - sets the action to perform if no DNS service handles this packet
- DNS::len - returns the dns packet message length.
- DNS::name - gets or sets the resource record name field
- DNS::origin - returns the originator of the DNS message
- DNS::ptype - returns the type of the DNS packet.
- DNS::query - returns or constructs and sends a query to the DNS-Express database for a name and type
- DNS::question - gets (v11.0+) or sets (v11.1+) the question field value
- DNS::rdata - gets or sets the resource record rdata field
- DNS::return - skips all further processing after TCL execution and sends the dns packet in the opposite direction.
- DNS::rpz_policy - returns the RPZ policy
associated with the DNS cache
- DNS::rr - creates a new resource record object with specified attributes or as a complete string.
- DNS::rrname - Returns the name requested by the client.
- DNS::rrtype - Returns the resource record type requested by the client.
- DNS::scrape - allows users to walk over a DNS message and parse out information from the packet based on user supplied arguments
- DNS::tsig - manipulates the current DNS message and its TSIG resource record.
- DNS::ttl - gets or sets the resource record ttl field
- DNS::type - gets or sets the resource record type field
- whereis - Returns geographical information on an IP address.
- DOSL7::disable - Disables blocking and detection of DoS attacks according to the ASM security policy configuration
- DOSL7::enable - Enables blocking and detection of DoS attacks according to the ASM security policy configuration
- DOSL7::health - returns the DOSL7 server health value for current virtual server
- DOSL7::is_ip_slowdown - returns TRUE if source IP exists in greylist table
- DOSL7::is_mitigated - returns TRUE if certain HTTP request was mitigated
- DOSL7::profile - returns the DOS profile from which the L7-DoS policy is extracted
- DOSL7::slowdown - Adds source IP extracted from current connection to greylist
- DSLITE::remote_addr - Returns the remote DS-Lite tunnel endpoint IP address.
- ECA::client_machine_name - returns NTLM
authenticating user’s machine name
- ECA::disable - disables the plugin in the flow.
- ECA::domainname - returns NTLM authenticating user’s domain name
- ECA::enable - enables the plugin in the flow
- ECA::select - replacement for NTLM::select
- ECA::status - returns NTLM authentication result
- ECA::username - returns NTLM authenticating username.
- BIGPROTO::enable_fix_reset - enables or disables reset of FIX protocol connections
- FIX::tag - defines/deletes the mapping between senderCompID and a tag map data group
- FLOW::create_related - creates a related connection between clientside and serverside
- FLOW::idle_duration - returns the time in seconds when the flow was last used.
- FLOW::idle_timeout - Sets/Gets the idle timeout on the flow
- FLOW::peer - returns the TCL flow handle for the peer flow
- FLOW::priority - used to overwrite the flow’s internal packet priority
- FLOW::refresh - updates the last used time on the flow to now
- FLOW::this - returns the TCL handle for the current flow
- FLOWTABLE::count - returns flow counts
- FLOWTABLE::limit - returns configured connection limits
- FTP::allow_active_mode - enables or disables the active transfer mode
- FTP::disable - disables FTP protocol handler for FTP message processing
- FTP::enable - enables FTP protocol handler for FTP message processing
- FTP::enforce_tls_session_reuse - enables or disables enforcing TLS session reuse
- FTP::ftps_mode - gets or sets the FTPS activation mode
- FTP::port - allows restriction of FTP ephemeral ports
- GENERICMESSAGE::message - returns or sets values in the message routing framework
- GENERICMESSAGE::peer - returns or sets the peer’s route name
- GENERICMESSAGE::route - add, delete, or lookup message routes
- accumulate - Terminates iRule processing until more data is received.
- ACL::eval - enforces ACLs in your connections
- active_members - Returns the number or list of active members in the specified pool.
- active_nodes - Returns the alias for active members of the specified pool (for BIG-IP version 4.X compatibility).
- after - Execute iRules code after a set period of delay.
- b64decode - Returns a string that is base-64 decoded
- b64encode - Returns a string that is base-64 encoded. or if an error occurs. an empty string.
- BIGTCP::release_flow - Transition layer 7 FIX message to layer 4
- call - Call an iRule procedure
- CATEGORY::lookup - returns the category of the supplied URL
- class - Advanced access of classes
- client_addr - Returns the client IP address of a connection.
- client_port - Returns the TCP port number/service of the specified client.
- clientside - Causes the specified iRule commands to be evaluated under the client-side context.
- clone - Causes the system to clone traffic to the specified pool or pool member regardless of monitor status.
- CONNECTOR::disable - disables all the connectors on chain
- CONNECTOR::enable - enables all the connectors on chain
- cpu - The cpu usage command returns the average TMM cpu load for the given interval.
- crc32 - Returns the crc32 checksum for the specified string.
- decode_uri - Decodes the specified string using HTTP URI encoding.
- DECOMPRESS::disable - Disable DECOMPRESS feature on current flow.
- DECOMPRESS::enable - Enable DECOMPRESS feature on current flow.
- DEMANGLE::disable -
- DEMANGLE::enable -
- discard - Causes the current packet or connection to be dropped/discarded. Same as the drop command.
- DNSMSG::header -
- DNSMSG::record -
- DNSMSG::section -
- domain - Parses the specified string as a dotted domain name and returns the last portions of the domain name.
- drop - Causes the current packet or connection to be dropped/discarded. Same as the discard command.
- event - Enables or disables evaluation of the specified iRule event. or all iRule events. on this connection.
- fasthash - returns a numeric hash of string
- findclass - Searches a data group list for a member that starts with a specified string and returns the data-group member string.
- findstr - Finds a string within another string and returns the string starting at the offset specified from the match.
- forward - Sets the connection to forward IP packets.
- FTP::port - allows restriction of FTP ephemeral ports
- getfield - Splits a string on a character or string. and returns the string corresponding to the specific field.
- HA::status - Returns true or false based on whether the unit the command is executed on is active or standby
- htonl - Convert the unsigned integer from host byte order to network byte order.
- htons - Convert the unsigned short integer from host byte order to network byte order.
- http_cookie - Specifies the value in the Cookie: header.
- http_header - Evaluates the string following an HTTP header tag that you specify.
- http_host - Specifies the value in the Host: header of the HTTP request.
- http_method - Specifies the action of the HTTP request.
- http_uri - Specifies a URI.
- http_version - Specifies the HTTP protocol version.
- ifile - returns content and attributes from external files on the BIG-IP system
- imid - Returns an i-mode identifier string.
- ip_addr - Returns the IP address of a tmm, tmm interface, localhost, etc
- ip_protocol - Returns the IP protocol value.
- ip_tos - Returns the ToS level of a packet.
- ip_ttl - Returns the TTL of the latest IP packet received.
- lasthop - Sets the lasthop of an IP connection.
- link_qos - Returns the QoS level.
- listen - Sets up a related ephemeral listener to allow an incoming related connection to be established.
- llookup - returns a list of values corresponding to the given key
- local_addr - Deprecated: Use IP::local_addr instead
- log - Generates and logs a message to the syslog-ng utility.
- matchclass - Performs comparison against the contents of data group.
- matchregion - Returns true/false if specified region is matched.
- md5 - Returns the RSA MD5 Message Digest Algorithm message digest of the specified string.
- members - List all members of a given pool for v10.x.x
- nexthop - Sets the nexthop of an IP connection.
- node - Sends the packet directly to the identified server node.
- nodes - List all nodes within a given pool
- ntohl - Convert the unsigned integer from network byte order to host byte order.
- ntohs - Convert the unsigned short integer from network byte order to host byte order.
- Operators - iRules operators
- peer - Causes the specified iRule commands to be evaluated under the peer’s (opposite) context.
- pem_dtos - Query the TAC DB for IMEI value
- persist - Causes the system to use the named persistence type to persist the connection.
- pool - Causes the system to load balance traffic to the specified pool or pool member regardless of monitor status.
- priority - The priority command is used to set the order that like iRule events are executed.
- proc - defines a procedure which is called by the call command
- rateclass - Causes the system to select the specified rate class to use when transmitting packets.
- redirect - Redirects an HTTP request to a specific location.
- reject - Causes the connection to be rejected.
- relate_client - Sets up a related established connection.
- relate_server - Sets up a related established connection.
- remote_addr - Deprecated: Use IP::remote_addr instead
- RESOLV::lookup - Performs a DNS query for A or PTR records corresponding to a hostname or IP address.
- RESOLVER::summarize -
- RESOLVER::name_lookup -
- REST::send - Send a rest request locally to the Big-IP REST Framework
- return - Causes immediate exit from the currently executing event in the currently executing iRule.
- rmd160 - Returns the RIPEMD-160 message digest of the specified string.
- server_addr - Returns the IP address of the server.
- server_port - Returns the TCP port/service number of the specified server.
- serverside - Causes the specified iRule command to be evaluated under the server-side context.
- session - Utilizes the persistence table to store arbitrary information based on the same keys as persistence.
- sha1 - Returns the SHA version 1.0 message digest of the specified string.
- sha256 - Returns the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA2) 256-bit message digest of the specified string.
- sha384 - Returns the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA2) 384-bit message digest of the specified string.
- sha512 - Returns the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA2) 512-bit message digest of the specified string.
- sharedvar - Allows a variable to be accessed in both sides of a VIP-targetting-VIP
- snat - Causes the LTM system to assign the specified translation address to the current connection.
- snatpool - Causes the specified pool of addresses to be used as translation addresses to create a SNAT.
- substr - A custom iRule function which returns a substring from a string
- table - The table command provides enhanced access to the session table
- tcl_platform - A variable that contains platform specific information
- timing - Enable and disable iRule timing statistics.
- TMM::cmp_count - Provides the active number of TMM instances running.
- TMM::cmp_group - Returns the number (0-x) of the group of the CPU executing the rule. Typically a group refers to the blade number on a chassis system. and is always 0 on other platforms.
- TMM::cmp_unit - Returns the number (0-x) of the CPU executing the rule.
- traffic_group - returns the current traffic group
- translate - Enables, disables, or queries (as specified) destination address or port translation
- urlcatblindquery - Query the encrypted URL for URL categorization
- urlcatquery - Query the URL for URL categorization
- use - A BIG-IP 4.X statement. provided for backward-compatibility.
- VALIDATE::protocol - allows you to validate payload (traffic) to match given classification application
- virtual - Return the name of the associated virtual server or selects another virtual server.
- vlan_id - Returns the VLAN tag of the packet.
- when - Used to specify an event in an iRule.
- whereis - Returns geographical information on an IP address.
- discard - Causes the current packet or connection to be dropped/discarded. Same as the drop command.
- DNS::additional - returns, inserts, removes, or clears RRs from the additional section.
- DNS::answer - returns, inserts, removes, or clears all RRs from the answer section.
- DNS::authority - returns, inserts, removes, or clears RRs from the authority section.
- DNS::class - gets or sets the resource record class field
- DNS::disable - sets the service state to disabled for the current dns packet.
- DNS::drop - Drops the current DNS packet after the execution of the event.
- DNS::edns0 - gets (v11.0+) and sets (v11.1+) the values of the edns0 pseudo-RR
- DNS::enable - sets the service state to enabled for the current dns packet.
- DNS::header - gets (v11.0+) or sets (v11.1+) simple bits or byte fields.
- DNS::last_act - sets the action to perform if no DNS service handles this packet
- DNS::len - returns the dns packet message length.
- DNS::name - gets or sets the resource record name field
- DNS::origin - returns the originator of the DNS message
- DNS::ptype - returns the type of the DNS packet.
- DNS::query - returns or constructs and sends a query to the DNS-Express database for a name and type
- DNS::question - gets (v11.0+) or sets (v11.1+) the question field value
- DNS::rdata - gets or sets the resource record rdata field
- DNS::return - skips all further processing after TCL execution and sends the dns packet in the opposite direction.
- DNS::rr - creates a new resource record object with specified attributes or as a complete string.
- IP::client_addr - Returns the client IP address of a connection
- GTP::discard - Discards the current message
- GTP::header - Allows for the parsing of GTP header information.
- GTP::header extension - The extension headers are identified by unique type values. The type can be appended with index, if multiple headers of same type are expected.
- GTP::ie - This set of commands allows for the parsing and interpretation of GTP IE elements.
- GTP::length - This value is returned as read from the message header.
- GTP::message - Returns the entire GTP message.
- GTP::payload - Returns the entire payload for G-PDU message. This command returns an empty value, in case of non-G-PDU messages.
- GTP::tunnel - These commands parse the payload of G-PDU as IP datagram and return the values from IP header and TCP/UDP header.
- HA::status - Returns true or false based on whether the unit the command is executed on is active or standby
High Speed Logging¶
- HTML::comment - Queries, removes HTML comment or appends/prepends it by a string.
- HTML::disable - Disables the processing of HTML for this transaction.
- HTML::enable - Enables the processing of HTML for this transaction.
- HTML::tag - Queries, removes HTML tag and appends/prepends string to it.
- HTML::tag attribute - Queries, removes and changes attribute/value pairs of this HTML tag.
- HTTP::class - Returns or sets the HTTP class selected by the HTTP selector.
- HTTP::close - Closes the HTTP connection.
- HTTP::collect - Collects an amount of HTTP body data that you specify.
- HTTP::cookie - Queries for or manipulates cookies in HTTP requests and responses.
- HTTP::disable - Changes the HTTP filter from full parsing to passthrough mode.
- HTTP::enable - Changes the HTTP filter from passthrough to full parsing mode.
- HTTP::fallback - Specifies or overrides a fallback host specified in the HTTP profile.
- HTTP::has_responded - returns true if this HTTP transaction has been prematurely completed by an iRule command or other filter logic
- HTTP::header - Queries or modifies HTTP headers.
- HTTP::host - Returns the value of the HTTP Host header
- HTTP::hsts - controls HTTP Strict Transport Security
- HTTP::is_keepalive - Returns a true value if this is a Keep-Alive connection.
- HTTP::is_redirect - Returns a true value if the response is a redirect.
- HTTP::method - Returns the type of HTTP request method.
- HTTP::passthrough_reason - returns the reason for the most recent switch to pass-through mode by the HTTP filter
- HTTP::password - Returns the password part of HTTP basic authentication.
- HTTP::path - Returns or sets the path part of the HTTP request.
- HTTP::payload - Queries for or manipulates HTTP payload information.
- HTTP::proxy - controls whether the BIG-IP will handle the proxy of the connection locally or send it to a downstream pool
- HTTP::query - Returns the query part of the HTTP request.
- HTTP::redirect - Redirects an HTTP request or response to the specified URL.
- HTTP::reject_reason - returns the reason HTTP is aborting
- HTTP::release - Releases the data collected via HTTP::collect.
- HTTP::request - Returns the raw HTTP request headers.
- HTTP::request_num - Returns the number of HTTP requests that a client made on the connection.
- HTTP::respond - Generates a response to the client as if it came from the server.
- HTTP::response - Returns the raw HTTP
response header block as a single string.
- HTTP::retry - Resends a request to a server.
- HTTP::status - Returns the response status code.
- HTTP::uri - Returns or sets the URI part of the HTTP request.
- HTTP::username - Returns the username part of HTTP basic authentication.
- HTTP::version - Returns or sets the HTTP version of the request or response.
- HTTP2::active - used to determine if a request is generated by HTTP/2
- HTTP2::disable - changes the HTTP2 filter from full parsing to passthrough mode
- HTTP2::disconnect - allows you to cleanly terminate the current HTTP/2 session
- HTTP2::enable - changes the HTTP2 filter from passthrough to full parsing mode
- HTTP2::header - queries or modifies HTTP/2 pseudo-headers
- HTTP2::push - accepts a resource as a parameter that can be pushed to the client using PUSH_PROMISE frames
- HTTP2::requests - used to determine the count of requests received in the current HTTP/2 session
- HTTP2::stream - Gets or sets the stream attributes including id and priority
- HTTP2::version - used to determine the HTTP/2 protocol version used
- HTTP2::concurrency - used to determine the number of active concurrent streams in the current HTTP/2 session
- ICAP::header - sets or returns ICAP attributes in the ICAP header
- ICAP::method - sets or returns the ICAP request method
- ICAP::status - gets the ICAP response status code
- ICAP::uri - sets or returns the ICAP request uri.
- ILX::call - Invokes the specified node method
- ILX::init - Establishes a communication path from an iRule to the node process.
- ILX::notify - Sends a message to the specified node method but does not wait for a response
- IMAP::activation_mode - gets or sets the activation mode for IMAP STARTTLS
- IMAP::disable - disables IMAP protocol handler for IMAP message processing
- IMAP::enable - enables IMAP protocol handler for IMAP message processing
- IP::addr - Performs comparison of IP address/subnet/supernet to IP address/subnet/supernet. or parses 4 binary bytes into an IPv4 dotted quad address.
- IP::client_addr - Returns the client IP address of a connection
- IP::hops - Gives you the estimated number of hops the peer takes to get to you.
- IP::idle_timeout - Returns or sets the idle timeout value.
- IP::ingress_drop_rate - adds ip
with specified drop rate to black list table
- IP::ingress_rate_limit - sets
ingress graylist and global rate limit thresholds for the virtual
- IP::intelligence - returns a Tcl list of IP intelligence category names for a given IP address
- IP::local_addr - Returns the IP address of the virtual server the client is connected to or the self-ip LTM is connected from.
- IP::protocol - Returns the IP protocol value.
- IP::remote_addr - Returns the IP address of the host on the far end of the connection.
- IP::server_addr - Returns the server’s IP address.
- IP::stats - Supplies information about the number of packets or bytes being sent or received in a given connection.
- IP::tos - Returns the ToS value encoded within a packet.
- IP::ttl - Returns the TTL of the latest IP packet received.
- IP::version - Returns the IP version of a connection
- IP::reputation - Looks up the supplied IP address in the IP intelligence (reputation) database and returns a TCL list containing reputation categories
- IPFIX::destination - open and close IPFIX logging destinations
- IPFIX::msg - create, delete and set data values in an IPFIX message based on the provided IPFIX_TEMPLATE.
- IPFIX::template - create and delete user defined IPFIX message templates
- ISESSION::deduplication - Allows selection of deduplication based on L7 content inspection
- ISTATS::remove - Removes the given Stat entirely.
- ISTATS::get - Reads in the value associated with the given key
- ISTATS::incr - Increments the specified key by the given value.
- ISTATS::set - Set the given key’s value within ISTATS
- IVS_ENTRY::result - sends a result code to the IVS client
- L7CHECK::protocol - allows you to set or retrieve L7 protocol value
- LB::bias -
- LB::class - Provides the name of the traffic class that matched the connection
- LB::command - To be completed
- LB::connect -
- LB::connlimit - set the connection limit for virtual/node/poolmember
- LB::context_id - Assigns the current connection to named context.
- LB::detach - Disconnects the server side connection
- LB::down - Sets the status of a node or pool member as being down.
- LB::dst_tag - Sets the destination tag for the current request
- LB::enable_decisionlog - enables LTM decision logging
- LB::mode - Sets the load balancing mode
- LB::persist - Forces a persistence record lookup and returns the result
- LB::prime - Sets up serverside connections before client traffic comes
- LB::reselect - Selects the next available member in the current pool, based on pool Load Balancing options
- LB::select - Forces a load balancing selection and returns the result
- LB::server - Returns information about the currently selected server
- LB::snat - Returns information on the SNAT configuration of the virtual server.
- LB::src_tag - Sets the source tag for the current request
- LB::status - Returns the status of a node address or pool member.
- LB::up - Sets the status of a node or pool member as being up.
- LB::queue - Returns queue information
- LINK::lasthop - Returns the MAC address of the last hop.
- LINK::nexthop - Returns the MAC address of the next hop.
- LINK::qos - Returns the QoS level set on the packet.
- LINK::vlan_id - Returns the VLAN tag of the packet.
- LSN::inbound-entry - creates and gets the inbound mapping for a translation address, translation port and protocol
- LSN::address - Set or override translation address.
- LSN::disable - Disable LSN translation.
- LSN::inbound - Disable inbound connections to translation address/port.
- LSN::persistence - Set translation selection mode and persistence timeout.
- LSN::persistence-entry - Create or lookup translation address.
- LSN::pool - Specify LSN pool for current connection.
- LSN::port - Set or override translation port.
- MESSAGE::field - used for operations for a message’s field
- MESSAGE::proto - returns protocol of the message
- MESSAGE::type - returns the type of the current message
- MQTT::clean_session - gets or sets the clean_session flag of MQTT CONNECT messages
- MQTT::client_id - gets or sets the client identifier of MQTT CONNECT message
- MQTT::collect - collects the specified amount of MQTT message payload data
- MQTT::disable - disables MQTT parsing on a connection
- MQTT::disconnect - disconnects the MQTT connection
- MQTT::drop - drops the current MQTT message
- MQTT::dup - gets or sets the duplicate flag of MQTT PUBLISH messages
- MQTT::enable - enables MQTT parsing on a connection
- MQTT::insert - inserts an MQTT message
- MQTT::keep_alive - gets or sets the keep_alive field of MQTT CONNECT message
- MQTT::length - gets the length of an MQTT message
- MQTT::message - returns the full content of the MQTT message
- MQTT::packet_id - gets or sets the packet-id of an MQTT message
- MQTT::password - gets or sets the password field of an MQTT CONNECT message
- MQTT::payload - manipulates the payload of an MQTT PUBLISH message
- MQTT::protocol_name - gets or sets the protocol-name of an MQTT CONNECT message
- MQTT::protocol_version - gets or sets the protocol revision level of an MQTT CONNECT message
- MQTT::qos - gets or sets the qos of MQTT PUBLISH messages
- MQTT::release - releases the data collected via MQTT::collect
- MQTT::replace - replaces an MQTT message
- MQTT::respond - transmits an MQTT message to sender
- MQTT::retain - gets or sets the retain flag of MQTT PUBLISH messages
- MQTT::return_code - gets or sets the return-code field of MQTT CONNACK messages
- MQTT::return_code_list - gets the return-code-list of MQTT SUBACK message
- MQTT::session_present - gets or sets the session_present flag of MQTT CONNACK message
- MQTT::topic - manipulates topic(s) of MQTT messages
- MQTT::type - gets the type of MQTT messages
- MQTT::username - gets or sets the username field of MQTT CONNECT messages
- MQTT::will - gets or sets the will-topic, will-message, will-qos, and will-retain fields of MQTT CONNECT messages
- MR::available_for_routing - gets/sets the available_for_routing mode for the current connection.
- MR::collect - collect the specified amount of MR message payload data.
- MR::connect_back_port - gets or sets connect_back_port for the current connection
- MR::connection_instance - returns the connection instance and the number of connections
- MR::connection_mode - returns the connection mode of the current connection
- MR::equivalent_transport - gets or sets the transport that is usable as an equivalent transport
- MR::flow_id - returns a unique identifier for the current connection
- MR::ignore_peer_port - sets or resets the ignore_peer_port mode of the current connection
- MR::instance - returns the name of the current mr_router instance
- MR::max_retries - returns the number of retries allows for this router instance
- MR::message - returns or sets details in the message routing table
- MR::payload - returns the data collected using the MR::collect command
- MR::peer - defines a peer to use for routing a message to
- MR::prime - establishes an outgoing connection to the specified host or hosts using the specified transport
- MR::protocol - returns ‘generic, ‘sip’ or ‘diameter’
- MR::release - releases the data collected via MR::collect iRule command.
- MR::restore - returns the stored variables to the current context tcl variable store
- MR::retry - sends the current message to the router for routing
- MR::return - returns the current message to the originating connection
- MR::store - stores a tcl variable with the mr_message object
- MR::stream - start egressing bytes previously collected and stored
- MR::transport - returns the name and type (virtual or config) of the transport used to configure the current connection
NAME (Deprecated)¶
- NAME::lookup - Performs DNS query for A or PTR record corresponding to a hostname or IP address
- NAME::response - Returns a list of records received in response to a DNS query
- NSH::chain - sets the chain for flow
- NSH::context - get or set context for NSH
- NSH::md1 - sets/gets the MD1 context for NSH
- NSH::mimic - Set mimic options for NSH.
- NSH::mocksf - set option to mock SF functionality for NSH
- NSH::path_id - gets/sets the path id for NSH
- NSH::service_index - gets/sets the service index for NSH
- NTLM::disable - Disables processing for NTLM
- NTLM::enable - Enables processing for NTLM
- ONECONNECT::detach - Detaches server-side OneConnect connections.
- ONECONNECT::label - Associate OneConnect keying information with connection.
- ONECONNECT::reuse - Controls server-side connection reuse
- PCP::reject - provides the ability to cause a PCP reqeust to fail based on processing in the iRule
- PCP::request - provides access to the data sent in a PCP request
- PCP::response - provides access to the data in a PCP response packet
- PEM::disable - disable PEM
- PEM::enable - enable PEM
- PEM::flow - retrieves specific statistics from the flow report
- PEM::policy - PEM policy initialization or retrieving of the name
- PEM::session - allows you to create or delete a PEM Session entry
- pem_dtos - Query the TAC DB for IMEI value
- PEM::subscriber - allows you to create or delete a PEM Subscriber Session entry
- urlcatquery - Query the URL for URL categorization
- POLICY::controls - iRule command which returns details about the policy controls for the virtual server the iRule is enabled on
- POLICY::names - iRule command which returns details about the policy names for the virtual server the iRule is enabled on.
- POLICY::rules - Returns the policy rules of the supplied policy that had actions executed.
- POLICY::targets - Returns or sets properties of the policy rule targets for the policies associated with the virtual server that the iRule is enabled on
- POP3::activation_mode - gets or sets the activation mode for POP3 STARTTLS
- POP3::disable - disable STARTTLS for POP3
- POP3::enable - enable STARTTLS for POP3
- PROFILE::access - Returns the value of an access profile setting.
- PROFILE::antifraud - Returns the value of an antifraud profile setting.
- PROFILE::auth - Returns the value of an authentication profile setting.
- PROFILE::avr - Returns the value of a avr profile setting
- PROFILE::clientssl - Returns the value of a Client SSL profile setting.
- PROFILE::diameter - Returns the current value of the specified setting in an assigned DIAMETER profile.
- PROFILE::exchange - Returns the current value of the specified setting in the assigned
- exchange profile
- PROFILE::exists - Determine if a profile is configured on a virtual server
- PROFILE::fasthttp - Returns the value of a Fast HTTP profile setting.
- PROFILE::fastL4 - Returns the value of a Fast L4 profile setting.
- PROFILE::ftp - Returns the value of an FTP profile setting.
- PROFILE::http - Returns the value of an HTTP profile setting.
- PROFILE::httpclass - Returns the value of an HTTP Class profile setting.
- PROFILE::list - Returns all the names of the profiles of the class asked for that are attached to this virtual server
- PROFILE::oneconnect - Returns the value of a Oneconnect profile setting.
- PROFILE::persist - Returns the value of a persistence profile setting.
- PROFILE::serverssl - Returns the value of a Server SSL profile setting.
- PROFILE::stream - Returns the value of a Stream profile setting.
- PROFILE::tcp - Returns the value of a TCP profile setting.
- PROFILE::tftp - Returns the value of an TFTP profile setting
- PROFILE::udp - Returns the value of a UDP profile setting.
` PROFILE::vdi - Returns the value of a VDI profile setting. - PROFILE::xml - Returns the value of an XML
profile setting.
- PROFILE::httpcompression - Returns the value of an HTTP compression profile setting.
- PROFILE::webacceleration - Returns the value of an web acceleration profile setting.
- PSC::aaa_reporting_interval - gets or sets AAA reporting interval
- PSC::attr - get the session lease time
- PSC::auth_user_name - get or set authentication user name
- PSC::calling_id - get or set calling id
- PSC::imeisv - get or set imeisv value
- PSC::imsi - get or set the imsi value
- PSC::ip_address - get/set/remove ip address(es)
- PSC::lease_time - get the session lease time ( (Note: the PSC::lease_time command currently not supported)
- PSC::policy - get/set/remove policies
- PSC::subscriber_id - get or set the subscriber id
- PSC::tower_id - get or set tower id
- PSC::user_name - get or set user name
- QOE::disable - disables the video QOE filter from processing any video or non-video traffic on a connection basis
- QOE::enable - enables the video QOE filter and allows processing video on a connection basis
- QOE::video - returns a set of video QOE attributes from teh current video connection
- radius_authenticate - creates and sends a RADIUS access request message and returns the result
- RADIUS::avp - Return or add/change/remove RADIUS av pairs
- RADIUS::code - Returns the RADIUS message code
- RADIUS::id - Returns the RADIUS message id
- RADIUS::rtdom - Overwrites the default RD ID in RADIUS scenario
- RESOLV::lookup - Performs a DNS query for A or PTR records corresponding to a hostname or IP address.
- REWRITE::disable - Changes the REWRITE plugin from full patching mode to passthrough mode.
- REWRITE::enable - Changes the REWRITE plugin from passthrough to full patching mode.
- REWRITE::payload - Queries for or manipulates REWRITE payload.
- REWRITE::post_process - Toggle post processing functionality
- ROUTE::age - The age of the route metrics in seconds.
- ROUTE::bandwidth - The average of the bandwidth estimates for TCP connections.
- ROUTE::clear - purges the cache on all CMPs for matching connections
- ROUTE::cwnd - returns in bytes the congestion window
- ROUTE::domain - Returns the current routing domain of the current connection.
- ROUTE::expiration - returns the expiration time in second
- ROUTE::mtu - returns in bytes the max transmission unit
- ROUTE::rtt - The average smoothed round-trip time for TCP connections.
- ROUTE::rttvar - The average variance in smoothed round-trip times for TCP connections.
- RTSP::collect - Collects the amount of data that you specify.
- RTSP::header - Manages headers in RTSP requests and responses.
- RTSP::method - Returns a method/command from the current RTSP request.
- RTSP::msg_source - Indicates whether the request or response originated from the client or the server.
- RTSP::payload - Queries for or replaces content information.
- RTSP::release - Releases the collected data.
- RTSP::respond - Sends an RTSP response to the client.
- RTSP::status - Returns the HTTP style status code from the current RTSP response.
- RTSP::uri - Returns the complete URI of the RTSP request.
- RTSP::version - Returns the version in the current RTSP request/response.
- SCTP::client_port - Returns the SCTP port/service number of the specified client.
- SCTP::collect - Collects the specified amount of content data.
- SCTP::local_port - Returns the local SCTP port/service number.
- SCTP::mss - Returns the on-wire Maximum Segment Size (MSS) for an SCTP connection.
- SCTP::payload - Returns or replaces SCTP data content.
- SCTP::ppi - Returns or sets the SCTP payload protocol indicator.
- SCTP::release - Resumes processing and flushes collected data.
- SCTP::remote_port - Returns the remote SCTP port/service number.
- SCTP::respond - Sends the specified data directly to the peer.
- SCTP::rto_initial - returns the initial value of SCTP retranmission timeout
- SCTP::rto_max - returns the maximum value of SCTP retranmission timeout
- SCTP::rto_min - returns the minimum value of SCTP retranmission timeout
- SCTP::sack_timeout - returns the SCTP’s delayed selective acknowledgement timeout
- SCTP::server_port - Returns the SCTP port/service number of the specified server.
- SDP::field - Returns the value in a given SDP field
- SDP::media - Get or set SDP media information
- SDP::session_id - Get the SDP session id
- close - Closes an existing sideband connection
- connect - Establishes a sideband connection
- connect info - Returns a Tcl list of the specified information
- recv - Receives data from a given sideband connection
- send - Sends data on an existing sideband connection
- SIP::call_id - Returns the value of the Call-ID header in a SIP request.
- SIP::discard - Discard the current SIP message
- SIP::from - Returns the value of the From header in a SIP request.
- SIP::header - Get or set SIP header information
- SIP::message - Returns content of the current message
- SIP::method - Returns the type of SIP request method.
- SIP::payload - Returns the accumulated SIP data content.
- SIP::persist - returns (or replaces) the persistence key being used for the current message
- SIP::record-route - gets SIP record-route header information
- SIP::respond - Terminate a SIP response. and respond with one of your creation
- SIP::response - Get or rewrite the SIP response.
- SIP::route - gets SIP route header information
- SIP::route_status - returns the routing status of the current message
- SIP::to - Returns the value of the To header in a SIP request.
- SIP::uri - Returns or sets the URI of the request.
- SIP::via - Get SIP via header information
- SMTPS::activation_mode - gets or sets the activation mode for SMTPS
- SMTPS::disable - disables the SMTPS profile
- SMTPS::enable - enables the SMTPS profile
- SOCKS::allowed - enables the user to allow/reject SOCKS requests.
- SOCKS::destination - enables the user to query and/or set parts of the requested connection
- SOCKS::version - returns the SOCKS version
- SSL::allow_dynamic_record_sizing - Returns the currently set value for allowing dynamic record sizing
- SSL::allow_nonssl - gets/sets state of Non-SSL connections.
- SSL::alpn - Sets or retrieves the ALPN string
- SSL::authenticate - Overrides the current setting for authentication frequency or for the maximum depth of certificate chain traversal.
- SSL::cert - Returns X509 SSL certificate data.
- SSL::cipher - Returns SSL cipher information.
- SSL::clientrandom - returns the ClientRandom value from the Client hello
- SSL::collect - Collect plaintext data after SSL offloading
- SSL::disable - Disables SSL processing.
- SSL::enable - Re-enables SSL processing.
- SSL::extensions - Returns or manipulates SSL extensions.
- SSL::forward_proxy - sets the SSL forward proxy bypass feature to bypass or intercept.
- SSL::handshake - Halts or resumes SSL activity.
- SSL::is_renegotiation_secure - Returns the current state of SSL Secure Renegotiation.
- SSL::maximum_record_size - set or get the maximum egress record size
- SSL::mode - Gets the enabled/disabled state of SSL
- SSL::modssl_sessionid_headers - Returns a list of fields for HTTP headers
- SSL::nextproto - gets or sets the Next Protocol Negotiation (NPN) string
- SSL::payload - Returns and manipulates plaintext data collected via SSL::collect
- SSL::profile - Switch between different SSL profiles
- SSL::release - Releases the collected plaintext data
- SSL::renegotiate - Controls renegotiation of an SSL connection.
- SSL::respond - Return data back to the origin via SSL
- SSL::secure_renegotiation - Controls the SSL Secure Renegotiation mode.
- SSL::session - Drops a session from the SSL session cache.
- SSL::sessionid - Gets the SSL session ID.
- SSL::sessionsecret - returns the current SSL handshake master secret
- SSL::sessionticket - returns the session ticket associated with the SSL flow
- SSL::sni - Returns a Server Name Indication name, and require SNI support
- SSL::tls13_secret - Return data about various TLS 1.3 secrets
- SSL::unclean_shutdown - Sets the value of the Unclean Shutdown setting.
- SSL::verify_result - Gets or sets the result code for peer certificate verification.
- STATS::get - Retrieves a setting value from a Statistics profile.
- STATS::incr - Increments the value of a Statistics profile setting.
- STATS::set - Sets the value of a Statistics profile setting.
- STATS::setmax - Ensures that the value of the specified Statistics profile setting (field) is at the least value.
- STATS::setmin - Ensures that the value of the specified Statistics profile setting (field) is at the most value.
- STREAM::disable - Disables the stream filter for a connection.
- STREAM::enable - Enables the stream filter for the life of the current TCP connection or until disabled.
- STREAM::encoding - Specifies non-default content encoding.
- STREAM::expression - Replaces the expression in a Stream profile with another expression.
- STREAM::match - Returns matching characters.
- STREAM::max_matchsize - Sets a maximum number of bytes that the system can buffer during partial matches.
- STREAM::replace - Changes a replacement string in the Stream profile.
- TCP::abc - enable or disable TCP appropriate byte counting
- TCP::analytics - enables or disables AVR TCP stat reporting
- TCP::autowin - Sets the send and receive buffer dynamically in accordance with measured connection parameters
- TCP::bandwidth - Returns a bandwidth estimate for the peer.
- TCP::client_port - Returns the remote TCP port/service number of the clientside TCP connection.
- TCP::close - Closes the TCP connection.
- TCP::collect - Collects the specified amount of content data.
- TCP::congestion - sets the TCP congestion control algorithm
- TCP::delayed_ack - will enable or disable TCP delayed acknowledgements
- TCP::dsack - enable or disable TCP duplicate selective acknowledgements
- TCP::earlyrxmit - enable or disable TCP early retransmit
- TCP::ecn - enable or disable TCP explicit congestion notification
- TCP::enhanced_loss_recovery - enable or disable TCP enhanced loss recovery
- TCP::idletime - sets the TCP idle timeout
- TCP::keepalive - Sets or gets the number of seconds before BIG-IP sends a keep-alive packet on a TCP connection with no traffic
- TCP::limxmit - enable or disable TCP limited transmit recovery
- TCP::local_port - Returns the local TCP port/service number of a TCP connection.
- TCP::lossfilter - sets the burst and rate levels in which TCP ignores loss
- TCP::lossfilterburst - gets the TCP loss ignore burst parameter
- TCP::lossfilterrate - gets the TCP Loss Ignore Rate Parameter
- TCP::mss - Returns the on-wire Maximum Segment Size (MSS) for a TCP connection.
- TCP::nagle - Enables or disables the Nagle algorithm on the current TCP connection.
- TCP::naglemode - Returns the Nagle mode of a TCP flow.
- TCP::naglestate - returns the nagle state
- TCP::notify - Causes the the USER_REQUEST or USER_RESPONSE event to be raised.
- TCP::offset - Returns the number of bytes currently held in memory via TCP::collect.
- TCP::option - Gets or sets the value of the specified option kind from the TCP header.
- TCP::pacing - enable or disable TCP rate pace
- TCP::payload - Returns or replaces TCP data content.
- TCP::proxybuffer - sets the TCP proxy buffer thresholds
- TCP::proxybufferhigh - gets the proxy buffer high threshold
- TCP::proxybufferlow - gets the proxy buffer low threshold
- TCP::push_flag - used to set/get the PUSH flag mode of a TCP connection
- TCP::rcv_scale - Returns the receive window scale advertised by the remote host
- TCP::rcv_size - The maximum receive window in bytes
- TCP::recvwnd - sets the TCP receive window
- TCP::release - Releases and flushes collected data. and resumes processing.
- TCP::remote_port - Returns the remote TCP port/service number of a TCP connection.
- TCP::respond - Sends the specified data directly to the peer.
- TCP::rexmt_thresh - gets or sets the retransmission threshold of a TCP connection
- TCP::rt_metrics_timeout - sets the metrics cache entry time to live (in seconds) for the current connection
- TCP::rto - Retransmit timer value in milliseconds
- TCP::rtt - Returns the smoothed round-trip time estimate for a TCP connection.
- TCP::rttvar - The measured RTT variance in units of “1/16 of a millisecond”.
- TCP::sendbuf - sets the TCP send buffer size
- TCP::server_port - Returns the remote TCP port/service number of the serverside TCP connection.
- TCP::setmss - sets the TCP max segment size
- TCP::snd_cwnd - returns the cwnd in bytes.
- TCP::snd_scale - Returns the receive window scale advertised by the local host.
- TCP::snd_ssthresh - The connection slow start threshold in bytes.
- TCP::snd_wnd - Returns the remote host’s advertised receive window
- TCP::unused_port - Returns an unused TCP port for the specified IP tuple.
- TMM::cmp_count - Provides the active number of TMM instances running.
- TMM::cmp_group - Returns the number (0-x) of the group of the CPU executing the rule. Typically a group refers to the blade number on a chassis system. and is always 0 on other platforms.
- TMM::cmp_primary_group - returns the CMP cluster primary
- TMM::cmp_unit - Returns the number (0-x) of the CPU executing the rule.
- UDP::client_port - Returns the UDP port/service number of a client system.
- UDP::debug_queue - used to enable/disable printing debug messages
- UDP::drop - Drops the current UDP packet without removing the flow from the connection table
- UDP::hold - holds back processing of input packets until UDP::release is called
- UDP::local_port - Returns the local UDP port/service number.
- UDP::max_buf_pkts - set/get the maximum buffer packets value of a UDP connection.
- UDP::max_rate - set/get the max tx rate of a UDP connection
- UDP::mss - Returns the on-wire Maximum Segment Size (MSS) for a UDP connection.
- UDP::payload - Returns the content or length of the current UDP payload.
- UDP::release - allows client-side ingress to flow following a call to UDP::hold
- UDP::remote_port - Returns the remote UDP port/service number.
- UDP::respond - Sends data directly to a peer.
- UDP::sendbuffer - set/get the maximum send buffer size of a UDP connection
- UDP::server_port - Returns the UDP port/service number of a server system.
- UDP::unused_port - Returns an unused UDP port for the specified IP tuple.
- URI::basename - Extracts the basename part of a given uri string.
- URI::compare - Compares two URI’s for equality.
- URI::decode - Returns a decoded version of a given URI.
- URI::encode - Returns an encoded version of a given URI.
- URI::host - Returns the host portion of a given URI.
- URI::path - Returns the path portion of the given URI.
- URI::port - Returns the host port from the given URI.
- URI::protocol - Returns the protocol of the given URI.
- URI::query - Returns the query string portion of the given URI or the value of a query string parameter.
- VDI::disable - disables the VDI plugin in the flow
- VDI::enable - enables the VDI plugin in the flow
- WAM::disable - Disables Web Accelerator plugin processing on the connection.
- WAM::enable - Disables Web Accelerator plugin processing on the connection
- WEBSSO::disable - Forwards a request without doing SSO processing on it.
- WEBSSO::enable - Causes APM to do the SSO processing on a request.
- WEBSSO::select - Use specified SSO configuration object to do SSO for the HTTP request
- WS::collect - Collects the Websocket frame payload
- WS::disconnect - The Websocket connection is disconnected by sending a close frame to both end-points when the current frame is done
- WS::enabled - used to determine whether the Websocket processing is enabled or disabled for a particular connection
- WS::frame - various websocket frame tasks
- WS::masking - masking options for websocket payload
- WS::message - Drop an entire Websocket message.
- WS::payload - websocket payload manipulation
- WS::release - Releases the data collected via WS::collect
- WS::request - websocket request header access
- WS::response - websocket response header access
- X509::cert_fields - Returns a list of X509 certificate fields to be added to HTTP headers for ModSSL behavior.
- X509::extensions - Returns the X509 extensions set on an X509 certificate.
- X509::hash - Returns the MD5 hash (fingerprint) of an X509 certificate.
- X509::issuer - Returns the issuer of an X509 certificate.
- X509::not_valid_after - Returns the not-valid-after date of an X509 certificate.
- X509::not_valid_before - Returns the not-valid-before date of an X509 certificate.
- X509::serial_number - Returns the serial number of an X509 certificate.
- X509::signature_algorithm - Returns the signature algorithm of an X509 certificate.
- X509::subject - Returns the subject of an X509 certificate.
- X509::subject_public_key - Returns the subject’s public key of an X509 certificate.
- X509::subject_public_key_RSA_bits - Returns the size of the subject’s public RSA key of an X509 certificate.
- X509::subject_public_key_type - Returns the subject’s public key type of an X509 certificate.
- X509::verify_cert_error_string - Returns an X509 certificate error string.
- X509::version - Returns the version number of an X509 certificate.
- X509::whole - Returns an X509 certificate in PEM format.
- XLAT::listen - creates a related ephemeral listener
- XLAT::listen_lifetime - sets/gets the listener lifetime
- XLAT::src_addr - returns the string representation of the source translation address
- XLAT::src_config - returns the source translation configuration as a list
- XLAT::src_endpoint_reservation - create, update, or get reserved entry values
- XLAT::src_nat_valid_range - returns a list of lists containing valid source-translation addresses and port-ranges
- XLAT::src_port - returns the source translation port
The BIG-IP API Reference documentation contains community-contributed content. F5 does not monitor or control community code contributions. We make no guarantees or warranties regarding the available code, and it may contain errors, defects, bugs, inaccuracies, or security vulnerabilities. Your access to and use of any code available in the BIG-IP API reference guides is solely at your own risk.